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15827595 No.15827595 [Reply] [Original]

Does infinity exist?

>> No.15827650

what do you mean by "exist"?

>> No.15827652

oh wow duuuuude thats like soooo totally deep and stuff, maaaaannnnn, how did you think that up!?!?!? your sooo smart!!!! omg your totally blowing my mind and stuff, maaaaaaannnnnn, your like a philosopher and stuff or something, totally, maaaaaannnnn

>> No.15827655

well numbers are infinite and universe might be as well.
if numbers and universe exist so infinity does as well i guess

>> No.15827672


>> No.15827673


>> No.15827694

Yes, is as simple as a loop that repeats forever, so it can never reach the end. Is simple as that.

>> No.15827697

in the game of math?, yeah

>> No.15827698
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>> No.15827840
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>> No.15827847


>> No.15827849

>well numbers are infinite
source? proof?

>> No.15827877 [DELETED] 

>What hasn’t been said.

>> No.15827888
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if you try to split matter into infinite parts, you may "do it" or at least try but it might be irrelevant,

because after a point you'll get massive quantum tunneling and similar effects making it useless.

>> No.15828043

No, but a lot of cope artist will try to convince you of their faith.

>> No.15828481

yes, Achilles catches the tortoise all the time.

>> No.15829769

Not if you expand the target of your technique.

>> No.15829815

No it doesn't. planck length is evidence that real numbers are in fact, not real at all. Any number is just a natural number times the planck length. Same goes with planck mass and energy. It should not surprise you, it works like this with charge to. The idea realm is a schizo fantasy.
>but muh pi and e and shit used in physics too
DUH you can't get an infinitely smooth anything when it's just piecewice discontinuous points or lengths

>> No.15829821

outside of fantasy? probably not no

the theory that space is infinite or that it could be is different but until we can confirm that, all those that think space is infinite are just like those that believe in religion

>> No.15829822

yes. the universe is flat so it extends an infinite distance.

>> No.15830106

Yes, infinities exists, but that doesn't mean there's everything in it.