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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15827009 No.15827009 [Reply] [Original]

/ourgirl/ is still struggling with long covid. I hope she got the updated booster. It would be terrible if she caught covid again.

>> No.15827028

>Posting pictures of someone on twitter without their consent.

>> No.15827036

>posting images on the internet and thinking you have any real choice where they end up

>> No.15827052


After my first covid infection, I had lingering symptoms, but after my second infection, the lingering symptoms are gone. So maybe a second covid infection is just what the doctor ordered

>> No.15827060
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>> No.15827099

A covid booster? They could as well put six niggers there to fuck her day and night, if she dies she dies.

>> No.15827104
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>> No.15827107

who tf is she

>> No.15827146
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>long covid
Call it what it is, ME/CFS. Because of this she will never get better. She will live like this until she dies decades from now. Fun disease huh? There is no cure and there never will be.

There is no worse quality of life than with severe ME/CFS. Even ALS is much better.

>> No.15827148

check the symptoms of neurasthenia

>> No.15827164

CFS will be treatable within 10 years and curable within 30 or so
t. someone who would know

>> No.15827255

She looks too rosy for being on her deathbed

>> No.15827257
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> curable

>> No.15827259

She's earning over $10,000/month on Patreon posting these.

>> No.15827263

>groomed with makeup on

>> No.15827288
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I can cure her massaging her vagina with my penis, my semen has magical powers.
This is science because is falsifiable.

>> No.15827305

Long Covid is real. The science proves it.

>> No.15827319

Sciencebros, how could this be possible? She was fully boosted.

>> No.15827337

it's curable now, just ditch the bitch in the desert somewhere with a tent, food, water, etc then pic her up in 2 weeks time.

>> No.15827357

I salute Dianna. Truly a neet role model for us all. Woe is me, she cries from her pillow, please give me more money and love. She is a little bit too successful, in fact. She is making the rest of us look bad.
I demand she do onlyfans to survive.

>> No.15827359

>two more weeks
We are at a point in history when some doctors are considering that ME/CFS might be a physical condition. Most doctors still don't know about it or think it's pyschosomatic. The optimistic angle is that ME/CFS could be relatively easy to treat by acting on some metabolic switch somewhere, but this will require time and funding.

>> No.15827493

>Candida albicans destroying the gut biome
>Lingering spikes (the vaxx may unironically help there, or a second infection with a similar strand)
>Insufficient Cortisol in the blood
>possible reactivated former infection, especially Epstein-Barr, HHV, Lyme disease
>cytokine underfunction
>Vagus nerve infection
Could also be lingering viruses in the gut bacteria that constantly cause reinfection.
There are mediations for all of these. In many cases, they could help.

>> No.15827580

>Even ALS is much better.
No. There is no disease worse than ALS.

>> No.15827649

safe and effective

>> No.15827821

>No. There is no disease worse than ALS.
I'd say that very severe ME/CFS is roughly on par with ALS symptoms wise since a feeding tube is necessary for survival and it is potentially fatal. The relatively milder stages are bad, but not as bad as ASL. The thing with ME/CFS is that it is one of the worst illnesses that does not kill you (directly). Even mild ME/CFS is bad enough that it's very hard to maintain part time employment. ME/CFS is very disabling because it hits you physically (lack of energy, pain, flu-like symptoms) and cognitively (brain fog, hypersensitivity to stimuli). Most ilnesses cripple the body but leave mental faculties intact or vice versa. With ME/CFS you are hit by a double whammy that renders you effectively useless and a burden for the people around you. There is also a lot of stigma attached to it since it is still considered psychosomatic by most doctors.

>> No.15827870

long covid is real and serious

>> No.15828630
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