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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15824053 No.15824053 [Reply] [Original]

Remember this little autistic? He was solving complex integrals on live TV as an 8 year old. You all said the fate of child prodigies was to burn out, and he'd be a loser. Probably because you were projecting your own "I was a smart kid who burned out." Life experience. Well guess what? He's a quantum physics researcher, a multimillionaire, and he fucks. GET FUCKED JEALOUS ASS LOSERS BTFO BY AN AUTISTIC CHILD

>> No.15824055
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>> No.15824069

>loop quantum gravity

>> No.15824457
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your dating app is sending a notification

>> No.15824593
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What use is being a quantum physics researcher when strong AI is on the horizon? AI will soon either kill everyone or make human physics research obsolete, so researching physics is a complete waste of resources. AI alignment needs every last bit of autistic brain power it can get, so Jacob Barnett should be working for an organization like pic related instead of wasting his life studying physics.

>> No.15824629

Stephen Wolfram is given as an example in all of these child prodigy threads of the rare outlier who makes it as an adult. No one denies that child prodigies sometimes go on to do important things as adults, it's just that the vast majority of them flame out and do nothing.

>> No.15824711

>Stephen Wolfram
He's a good example but, at the same time, a bad example.

>> No.15824713

Seriously. He turned into a narcissistic crank.

>> No.15824725

Being called a genius since childhood and never facing failure (except being publically mogged by RiCHAD Feynman) tends to do that.

>> No.15824730

Is that really what happened? From my recollection many people in his field called him a crank and a midwit and he became successful only because he managed to scramble into computer science during the boom years and get a market share.

>> No.15824739

This is typical of geniuses who are ahead of their time. Its funny that /sci/ of all places fails to recognize this. They guy has a phd in physics and owns a multi million company that publishes software. If that's not accomplished, i don't know what is. That's the mark of genius, when pseud faggots fail to recognize your esoteric idea, you succeed in something else. Anyone who disagrees is a seething midwit.

>> No.15824749

That leaves aside the fact that his most well-known trait is claiming he invented things that he read in books or paid other people to make for him. He's much more of an Edison than a Tesla.

>> No.15824750

If Edison was a schizo who thought he lived in Conway's Game of Life.

>> No.15824780

Imagine wanting to fuck girls and not even wanting to be paid for it lol. Imagine putting women such a pedestal that you want to please and serve FOR FREE. Imagine that you are such cuck that you delude yourself you are alpha by living for women.


>> No.15825074
File: 412 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231027-085637545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my liquor delivery app
>Another AI hype doomer
Imagine thinking that's what the thread was about

>> No.15825224

what a waste, like that "dream in code" kid who went into "AI".
Wolfram got into automata, probably because it was the hype at that time. He even wrote some shit called a new kind of science. When automata was realised as nothing more than a recreational math, his work was doomed. He has a company and allat, but academically he's a failure.

>> No.15825263

>That's my liquor delivery app
Dude, are you ok?

>> No.15825271

Can you even solve complex integrals without a calculator? It feels like you have to memorize lots of tables. Logarithm tables, sine/cosine tables, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.15825275

me when i'm definitely not upset that i'm an ugly virgin

>> No.15825285

>Memorizing tables for integrals
Jesus Christ dude. At least memorize the theorems or the common proof techniques. You're literally engineer pilled

>> No.15825356

Witten can also be said to be a failure because no one understands what he does. Its funny how midwits measure success. Nobody however is smart enough to challenge him which is why physics has stagnated for so long.

>> No.15825382

>Nobody however is smart enough to challenge him which is why physics has stagnated for so long.
He is getting unironically mogged by my waifu Sabine

>> No.15825387

Solving an integral isnt the same as simplifying the answer to a single numerical value

>> No.15825742
File: 266 KB, 360x360, sway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting moving of the goal posts from child prodigies become burn out failures to having a very successful company is a failure if it doesn't come bundled with an academic achievement.

>> No.15825762

This, all fucking mathematical software and libraries is dogshit but his. If it’s so easy, go program high precision efficient convergent series libraries than retards

>> No.15825784

Tech illiteracy that profound should be criminal.

>> No.15825787

That's nice for him but you're still a loser.

>> No.15825799

>That's my liquor delivery app
Imagine being so chronically online you can't even walk away to buy the booze that enables the numbness you need to chronically be online.

>> No.15825823

>Implying the local roach infested liquor store carries my top shelf scotch
Enjoy your swill

>> No.15825826

If you're buying it on an app it's not top shelf.

>> No.15825835
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>> No.15825839

You're not making a good case for yourself. Glenlivet is, literally, reddit-tier scotch recommended by /r/scotch. It isn't rare or particularly noteworthy.

>> No.15825844
File: 344 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231027-182725993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15825849

is he a manlett? I hate manletts

>> No.15825853

Who is he fucking?

>> No.15825861


His autism physics gf. Is that not the dream (not my dream but probably most of sci)?

>> No.15825869

lol even

>> No.15825876

I sincerely hope you're doing this on purpose as a joke.

>> No.15825877

>Glenivet is reddit!
>Hating on j blue
I thought you were connoisseurs

>> No.15825883

You're desperately trying to convince us that pedestrian babby's first decent scotch is a top of the line product. You can buy Blue Label at Costco, it's a brand that's sold to plebs who want to pretend to be someone.

>> No.15825885

The discussion was about walking to the local liquor store, not Costco

>> No.15825890

Unless you live in the ghetto you could definitely buy both at your local liquor store.

>> No.15825909

...like most jews.

>> No.15825910

Why go to 1 liquor store when I could order from 5?

>> No.15825919
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Didn't ask and don't care, didn't even know this person existed

>> No.15825933

Newfag and possibly underaged

>> No.15825937
File: 375 KB, 505x504, 1651932693249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about random plebs

>> No.15825942

Lol at you doubling down on all this.

Like, I haven't tried the 18yo Glenlivet, which I've heard is better than their standard vanilla 12, but you should at least know that these are considered overpriced pleb brands by serious scotch drinkers.

Do 'large' specialist liquor chains not exist where you live?

>> No.15825951

The local bevmo is not walking distance.

>> No.15826016


Seriously though, how did you get into the habit of actually drinking what you do? Like, it's absolutely insane what you'd be paying for this stuff, given you could order any kind of exotic spirit if you can actually afford these. Like, I have to know if you at least tried the most 'basic' non-meme level stuff like Glenfiddich?

>> No.15826069

FINE. IM A FUCKIN ABSONTHE MAN, OK. I just said scotch cus I thought it'd be more relatable.

>> No.15826293

Yeah because those child prodigies were good in academic stuffs but they changed their goalposts. On the contrary if he was good at say maths and ended up solving complex mathematical problem in his 20s/30s that'd be a success. Btw I claimed wolfram was academic failure, not failure at life.

>> No.15826299

>You all said the fate of child prodigies was to burn out, and he'd be a loser.

No one said that. (you) maybe.

>> No.15826325

25 years old is a normal age to work as a physicist in some institute, i still dont see what the big deal. Physics is dead and no one is discovering anything