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15822033 No.15822033 [Reply] [Original]

Scientists say that the Earth is not actually a sphere, but an oblate spheroid. Due to Earth's rotation, its mass is forced to "bulge" along the equator.
Isn't the Sun more massive than the Earth?
Isn't is rotating at a faster rate?
Why then, does it not "bulge" at its equator into an oblate spheroid like the Earth is said to do?

>> No.15822059

>notices Earth's bulge

>> No.15822086

>In a strange twist of solar physics, the shape of our sun is rounder than previously thought, yet at the same time, it is also flatter — or squashed — more often, making the star wider at the middle than at its poles, scientists say.

>> No.15822295

earth aint even round...its covered with bumps....and the "surface" of the sun is loosely defined

>> No.15822320

yes, earth is an extremely oblate spheroid, to tge poibt where it lookd like a flat disk
because earth is fLat

>> No.15822492

The sun would surely not be a perfect sphere, even averaging out fluctuations, for the reasons you pointed out and other ones. Whether it's more or less spherical than the earth depends on many factors and would be a complicated calculation.

>> No.15822565

>Why then, does it not "bulge" at its equator into an oblate spheroid like the Earth is said to do?
Good point. As an rotational gasball it would be immediately convert to a disc because the poles are nearer to the center of gravitation and therefore pulled with more fore to center. Mass distribution is shifted centerwards what gains more pull to the poles which results in more pull aso. So there must be a force that inflate the gasball constantly what result in sperical shape. True with Jupiter and Saturn also. Things are not what they seem.

>> No.15822572

>ackchually the sun IS an oblate spheroid
looks circular to me, you disingenuous moron
the sun still looks like a circle in the sky, not an ellipse or an oval

>> No.15822576

uhm.. sweaty.. there is no such thing as a perfect sphere. the sun WANTS to be a perfect sphere (why it wants that, god only knows) but as it is, it spews perfectly imperfect ejections, totally ruining the harmony of the supposedly supposed “perfect” sphere.

>> No.15822601
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Yes yes, very clever my good faggot

>> No.15822627

If you decreased the size of the Earth to that of a billiard ball, the Earth would be smoother than said ball.

>> No.15822644
File: 44 KB, 640x631, 1539733862435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see someone's been listening to Joe Rogan's conversation with oblate spheroid man. I kneel.

>> No.15822646

What I said is true despite it's adoption by pop-sci entertainers.

>> No.15822674
File: 231 KB, 921x691, apparent spheroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I fixed it so you can understand.

My conclusion is that either the Earth is not actually an oblate spheroid and they're lying to us for some reason...

or the Sun's elements are not affected in the same way as Earth's. Somehow the sun and other gas giants, can be contained within a sphere, while planets like Earth can't, but Why?

And why were we never taught of any other planets being oblate spheroids, but only recently have they started declaring that the Earth is one

>> No.15823167

all rotating masses in hydrostatic equilibrium are oblate spheroids according to classical mechanics. observations in our solar system confirm this. i don't see the problem here

>> No.15823447
File: 112 KB, 1200x720, solar-flare.en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Observe this. Does it look oblate to you?

>> No.15823473

certainly not but that doesn't rule out a more subtle deviation from a perfect sphere. apparently some smart folks at nasa looked a bit better and they found it not to be perfectly spherical: https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa%2egov/planetary/factsheet/sunfact.html

they pinned the sun's ellipticity at 0.00005. if this is true then your picture lacks this evidence because its a handful of orders of magnitude too small.

hope this helps

>> No.15823492

This. Both are *technically* oblate spheroids, not so much that you could perceive it with the naked eye at any given distance.

Like a lot of folks on this board, you just want to believe everything you've ever learned is false so you can live in some alternate world while also living smugly secure in your "superior knowledge" of the "reality" you've created.

>> No.15823502

> not so much that you could perceive it with the naked eye
Ok so they are both oblate spheroids but would the Earth appear more so to the naked eye? Whatever causes the "oblateness" affects the Earth more than the sun, right?
>you just want to believe everything you've ever learned is false so you can live in some alternate world
not really, it's just an observation I made that I thought I would ask about. I can see why you would think this, though, especially with the whole "they are lying to us" schtick

>> No.15823522
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>> No.15823584

a star doesn't work like a point source of gravity in this case fa.m

>> No.15823588

>Ok so they are both oblate spheroids but would the Earth appear more so to the naked eye? Whatever causes the "oblateness" affects the Earth more than the sun, right?
The sun takes about a month to rotate once, whereas the earth takes a day.

>> No.15823613

yeah but the sun is also more than 30 times bigger than the earth

>> No.15823833

there are only a handful of visibly oblate large objects in the solar system
Jupiter and Telesto (a moon of Saturn) are your two best bets

you can even see Jupiter's with serious hobbyist telescopes

>> No.15823844

thanks fren

>> No.15824046

You are a retard. Do you understand the scale of Earth and the highest mountains? Earth literally has spikes coming out of it; it wouldn't be smooth at all.

>> No.15824048

even the biggest spike is still pretty small in the total scale

>> No.15824073

Earths diameter is ~12750 km. The tallest mountain, Everest, is ~8 km. 8/12750 = 0.000627....
It helps a lot to use quantitative measurements instead of running your mouth

>> No.15824085

Sun has a lot stronger gravity and a lot less angular velocity so it only makes sense that its oblateness would be much less.

>> No.15825465
File: 179 KB, 1920x1080, GSFC_20171208_Archive_e001016~large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look oblate to you? Why do you accept that it is, but not the Sun?