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15818947 No.15818947 [Reply] [Original]

>look at these chonker's chubby little extra legs
>walking gut with fat stubs for feet
>totally evolved those fat stubs from crabs
>this news article has been fact checked
>peer reviewed reporting
>yep this paper is totally on how crab legs make up these chonkster's legs
>actual article (https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.add9389))
>DESeq2 and probe work comparing prolegs to other structures (within insects)
>these are new structures most similar to larval horns, prd (brine shrimp mouth/limb growing hox genes) dont show up at all
>"In conclusion, our data support the hypothesis that lepidopteran prolegs are likely novel traits"
>the limbs' activation might be derived by segment GRNs related to insect/brine shrimp's common ancestor, by re-adapting horn/mouth morphology into the abdominal segments
the paper is on how related the prolegs are to mandibles, little/nothing to do with whatever Hox GRN is controlling it's placement.

>> No.15818997

If insects evolved from crustaceans, then why wouldn’t this be the case?

>> No.15819043
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What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15819063 [DELETED] 

its like i'm really on reddit

>> No.15819073
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the problem is the development of prolegs, they dont match up with normal arthropod legs outside very basic uniramous structures that trilobites had for antennae.
4 extra pairs of legs require *some* code from other derived appendages, and saying they're copied from the crab is retarded.
Arthropod segments are basic, and those derived hox genes being (re)used for placement, as a paralog in insect larvae, isn't shaking any trees. They didn't evolve from crustaceans, there's no evidence claimed of that in the paper, the paper is literally titled "prolegs are novel traits," they where looking to see what Hox genes (and therefore what structures they derive from) develop prolegs.

autists can fuck off, plebbit thinks shit that crawled out of the silurian from brine shrimp could grow crab legs, any homologous structure placement that isn't biramous can change the evolutionary history of insects.