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File: 354 KB, 1496x1215, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15814466 No.15814466 [Reply] [Original]

Earth is currently as cold or colder than it ever has been in the past.

CO2 concentrations and temperature were uncorrelated over the past 600 million years.
For hundreds of millions of years, temperatures were low when CO2 levels were high, and temperatures were high when CO2 levels were low.
When CO2 was record high of about 7,000 ppm, temperatures were at a record low.
Temperatures were the highest they have ever been about 60 million years ago, but CO2 levels were low.
Temperatures have been higher than today over most of the past 600 million years, and life flourished.
CO2 levels have been relatively low for the last 300 million years, and have been sharply declining for the last 180 million years from 2,800 ppm today’s low 420ppm.

>> No.15814469

great, now zoom in to the part where it goes from 1000ppm to 5000ppm and tell me what else happened then

>> No.15814472

Biodiversity suddenly increased to a level unseen before that time.

>> No.15814476

Too bad everything on Earth has adapted to this climate and suddenly changing it would cause a mass extinction.

>Mass extinctions are good because of the Precambrian explosion

>> No.15814479

Cambrian explosion* It's called that for a reason, anon.

>> No.15814493

Yeah, because all but a handful of species died and removed all selection pressure from the survivors.

>Mass extinctions are good because of the Precambrian explosion

>> No.15814502

Are you just going to repeat more nonsense to justify making a reading comprehension mistake? Face it, life thrives in high CO2 periods. I know you hate nature but us environmentalists are thrilled with the idea of biodiversity.

>> No.15814509

Are you just going to repeat more nonsense to justify making a reading comprehension mistake? Face it, most life dies when CO2 changes drastically. I know you hate nature but us environmentalists are thrilled with the idea of biodiversity and would like to keep some around.

>> No.15814510

Mirroring is one of the signs of schizophrenic psychosis.

>> No.15814511

So is wanting to cause mass extinctions.

>> No.15814694
File: 76 KB, 1280x500, life by mass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Temperatures have been higher than today over most of the past 600 million years, and life flourished.
Thats why rising CO levels are good. When picrel 450gt of plants grows so will the total mass of the rest of the life forms.

>> No.15814758


>> No.15814762
File: 213 KB, 850x850, watc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True and real.

>> No.15814765
File: 200 KB, 822x758, MacBlog_extinct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not what we've seen historically and it's not what we're seeing now.

>> No.15814909 [DELETED] 

The reduction in the worldwide number of pirates has caused a tremendous decline in biodiversity. We need to bring back pirates.

>> No.15814921

There is no reason to believe the resolution or accuracy of anything claimed greater than 100 million years ago.

>> No.15815610 [DELETED] 

why 100m? just arbitrarily selected or is there a reason for that number?

>> No.15815636

Arbitrary. There's no reason to believe the resolution or accuracy of any measurement taken before the 19th century, since it's estimated from unreliable sources. Nobody was actually there to measure it, and the most common proxies (trees) have 0 relation to modern measurements which eliminates them as a valid proxy.

>> No.15815645

>Too bad everything on Earth has adapted to this climate and suddenly changing it would cause a mass extinction.
The mass extinction started 100,000 years ago, you twit.

>> No.15815648

>starting with 1500's
Funny how this ignores everything humans rendered extinct in prehistory.

>> No.15815895

Learn to read a fucking chart dumb fuck. The data does not show any instance in which CO2 went from 1000 ppm to 5000 ppm. You're such a fucking braindead retard that you saw the temperature line and thought with your woman brain that "RED LINE DO THING MAKE POST 4CHAN NOW WHAT! GOTCHA!"

Fucking idiot, hurry up and die.

>> No.15815898

What a fucking idiot. You are why women shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>> No.15815922

It is based on deviation of standard masses, though it is an optimistic number assuming the drift is the worst it gets. Reality being what it is, drift will vary depending on composition and circumstance and the treatment of the standard masses is closer to a best case scenario.
A lot of analysis is based off assumptions of mass, but unfortunately, they are divining the cosmos from noise. I am looking forward to this problem being resolved in our lifetime though.

>> No.15816613

We have killed off more significantly species recently than we killed before the 1500's

>> No.15816615

Silence, subhuman.

>> No.15817253


>> No.15817354

I heard that the latest research shows that CO2 increases lag behind ttemperature rises, so the supposed causality is totally reversed.

>> No.15817389

God I wish that were true

>> No.15817405

Correct. I wouldn't say it's the latest research though. Those results have been coming out since the historical climate field began under atmospheric physicists and geologists in the 1970s.

>> No.15817886

how come everything on the planet wasn't killed by the runaway greenhouse effect 20 million years ago when co2 levels were much higher than they are today?

>> No.15818857

Because CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas

>> No.15819150

Correct. This is proven by the fact that localized increases in water vapor are the only notable atmospheric influence on nighttime heat retention.