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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 147 KB, 1163x929, F8rZIDjXAAAS0t6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15812018 No.15812018 [Reply] [Original]

Can this be safely ignored?

>> No.15812019

Can what safely be ignored? There's nothing unusual about that graph.

>> No.15812022

bad chart doesnt line up with the lines

>> No.15812026

yes. graphs like that need to have data over 100,000 years and the average ice age cycle.

coming to decisions about the earths climate over a 50 year period is seven levels of fucktarded.

>> No.15812027

For whatever reason they chose to start the graph at the trough of the last cold cycle too. Quite bizarre.

>> No.15812029

bitch youre a psued there is so much more wrong with this graph than just your schizo grand design ideas, its just supposed to be a measurement of ice, you dont have to project onto it

>> No.15812035

its a measurement over 50 years of an area of ice that has a 100,000 year cycle.

do people pat you on the head and call you "special"?

>> No.15812048

Yes if you ride the wave.

>> No.15812056

These people are ignoring it:
However, you'll risk getting called an ignorant retard.

>> No.15812061

Why would that be a risk?

>> No.15812071
File: 23 KB, 406x395, check the date.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like this is only relevant when compared with time scales that modern climate 'science' cannot begin to fathom. If the Little Ice Age occurred 100 years later, we'd be bombarded with studies and papers that claim that soot from cars and factories are blocking the Sun's rays and creating a layer of dust that was cooling the planet. Why? Well, the planet is obviously cooling. Polar ice growth is up, each winter is statistically colder, and various climate disasters like rivers freezing over keep happening. Obviously anyone saying otherwise is a 'denier'. But, as we saw with the Little Ice Age, brief swings in climate - no matter how extreme or quickly - can come and go and leave little record of their occurrence. I mean, just look at the madness over the 'Coming Ice Age' that DID happen during the 70's and how the mass media will kneejerk deny anyone ever said that.

>> No.15812081

Can any cunning linguists tell me why the sentence is "Can this be safely ignored?" rather than "Can this safely be ignored?"?

>> No.15812086

This year graph: adjusted parameters to the climate agenda

>> No.15812087

Maybe you don't want to be an ignorant retard? I don't know.

>> No.15812090

No. we simply must sacrifice every quality of life experienced by the lower and middle classes in western countries.
only a government bureaucracy can save us

>> No.15812093

yes. because we are going into an interglacial period which happens naturally. the only bad thing is the speed, but that might not matter, what difference does the speed you reach one make? I'm not really sure. It will end eventually and be back to an ice age probably. By that time, we'll have emissions under control no doubt so everything could be back to the normal cycle of the earth (which isn't always good since there can be extinction events) but it's fine, if we live that long.

>> No.15812106

"Be" is a verb indicating existence or presence, and thus shouldn't be the one which the adjective 'safely' is operating under. It would technically be implying that something is "safely in a state of being", which of course is not the intention of the speaker. The thing you are doing is 'ignoring', and you are doing it 'safely'.
But this is a pure technicality and either rendition is comprehensible, and neither are 'more correct'.

>> No.15812108

Jesus fucking Christ. I never cease to be amazed at just how retarded the average /sci/ poster is.

>> No.15812109

Adverb, excuse me.

>> No.15812115

What cold cycle?

>> No.15812117

NTA, but there was a cold period during the 1970's, and another during the 1940's.

>> No.15812124

This. You can't come to a decision until it is too late. To do otherwise would be dumb

>> No.15812125
File: 129 KB, 1000x750, 20200324_Global_average_temperature_-_NASA-GISS_HadCrut_NOAA_Japan_BerkeleyE.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look cyclical to me. Is there a mathematical model that could show what is hidden to the eye? I didn't create a Fourier transform, but maybe you have that ready?

>> No.15812151

and what if all you want to do is a 50 year macro study? quality of data is important regardless of timelines

learn what it means to science before posting again

>> No.15812191

NTA but the correlation between a 4channel accusation of being an ignorant retard and the fact of being an ignorant retard is no more than chance.

>> No.15812268
File: 313 KB, 1100x700, seaice_extent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15812466
File: 42 KB, 928x578, antarctic-sea-ice 1978-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15812598

>and what if all you want to do is a 50 year macro study? quality of data is important regardless of timelines
That's perfectly fine to do in a vacuum, but you can't claim something is a horrible global catastrophe based on your results.