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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15809510 No.15809510 [Reply] [Original]

Do scientists think they are above the laws they study?

>> No.15809549

I don't understand the argument. My brain could still be deterministically good at determining the truth. Whether or not I have free will has no bearing on my ability to make good conclusions. I could have free will and still be a bad scientist.

>> No.15809640

consider the fact that what you perceive as reality is in all likelihood nothing more than the end result of a hierarchical generate model that attempts to predict and explain away sensory information. if that's so, then how can you be confident about the nature of anything? the internal variables in that model are necessarily different from whatever the true reality is, so where is the truth?

>> No.15809901

Falsifiability is a vague slogan to crudely explain science to those who don't intend on really understanding it. Falsifiability, the reliance on experiment, also excludes all mathematics, which is pretty important to science. In pure math truth is a property which refers to propositions. True statements are ones you can prove, and mathematical proof makes up a very large portion of how things are figured out in the hard sciences. By that definition, something can be true and not even refer to external reality. Sensory information is a bonus which aids in discovering the truth.

>> No.15809910

The existence of e.g. mathematical objects or logical objects is probably not acknowledged by this guy though. Or even worse, he could hold them to be illusory.

Obviously that is an incoherent position that can't be logically affirmed but that doesn't change its truth value

>> No.15809952

>The laws they study
You mean the laws they make up, right?

>> No.15809956

>i am smarter than scientists
you are not

>> No.15811244

>scientists are smart
no they aren't, thats just a media meme you've been brainwashed with.
if scientists were genuinely of unusually high intelligence then they'd have put themselves in charge of everything and would have long since fixed all the problems they're constantly complaining about.

>> No.15811249
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I don't believe in superdeterminism, but this is a moronic argument. Falsification is a mandate for theories because science requires EXPERIMENTS and testable theories, and it isn't like there is some higher power behind the determinism changing the results. If A leads to B every time, then it sounds like "A leads to B" is a fine theory - determined or not.

But I guess this is just another sign that Science with a capital S has become the dominant religion, and I guess that makes "falsification" and "determinism" parts of its theology.

>> No.15811768
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low iq people lack self awareness and zeilinger is jewish so he is low iq for sure

>> No.15812011

>it isn't like there is some higher power behind the determinism changing the results
lol superdeterminists are just Calvinists who keep hush about God.

>> No.15812023

Explains why so many of its true believers are German.