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15807564 No.15807564 [Reply] [Original]

Uhhh chat? Is this real?

>> No.15807583

Too real

>> No.15807585

Yes. The billionaire shills will tell you that multiculturalism is the cause but multiculturalism is a symptom. The cause is the proportion of the human race's wealth that is locked up in rich people's bank accounts has gone from 29% to 86% since 1970

>> No.15807598
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Meh, a solution will present itself. Most probably a massive blood bath where all woke billionaires will be dismembered, flayed and burned alive. Is going to be nice if you weapons and enough ammo, otherwise you are fucked.

>> No.15807618

What wealth? Numbers in the database? Sheets of paper? Vaults with shiny pieces of metal? Through what unholy ritual do you believe unlocking any of these will usher into existence production lines, farmlands, houses and infrastructure?
There is no "wealth" locked. Money are simply rights to redistribute resources, they aren't resources themselves. You can say the rich are mismanaging it, that they are investing in the wrong things, that they shouldn't just lend it to US govt through bonds and blindlessy to every large company through stocks, because they think it's "safe", but it's stupid to claim they are "hoarding" it.

>> No.15807624

>Everything will just keep geting worse and worse until Third World conditions are the norm. And when that happens the media and academia will tell us Europe always looked that way.

People who think this is GOING to happen are already blind to it, like fish who don't know what water is because they've never known different. It has been happening for decades already.

>> No.15807626

>>Meh, a solution will present itself.
That didn't happen in Brazil, South Africa, London, or Paris. From what do you derive your faith in certain eventual victory?

>> No.15807701
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Blame atheism. These faggots think the Universe is retarded and saying otherwise "is not science!". They persecute anything that is not degenerate and set to fail, they are not agnostics like they pretend to be. They treat others like shit, your fellow Americans that you are trying to protect included. The reason all these random immigrants are welcomed is you hate each other so much that you would rather bring something foreign to spice things up. Americans suppress their desire to learn and develop for fake prestige and unearned wealth. You even bully smart and beautiful people lol if someone is beautiful they are expected to act retarded, and if they are smart they are disrespected for no reason other than monkey dominance. You need belief in God to produce science lol otherwise you don't, so atheists need to be persecuted relentlessly or they start doing it to you in their usual liar style. Let them be just a powerless minority

>> No.15807962

Easy, in most media, the good always ends up prevailing over evil.
Except that irl, its often the opposite

>> No.15807973

most of the "atheists" around today are a product of years of abrahamic esspecially christcucked selective pressure domestication. this is why woketardation exists, westrooners are unable to live without something to worship so they traded the dead hobo on a stick for a dead junkie on pavement.

>> No.15807983

go back to the /pol/ish camp you came from, this is not a science topic

>> No.15807986

OP could at least had the common sense to post it on /his/, but allas this is too much to ask from stormfaggots

>> No.15808113


yes science means destruction without consequence and unquestionable control of everything, this is definitely not science.

>> No.15808141

oh wow look it is another thread about something I have been saying here for a decade the mouth breathers called me schizo for talking about. this is like an every week occurence. It sucks being so smart and so ahead of the curve that you have to wait a decade for the psueds to even be able to have conversation with you about mundane topics. remember this the next time you male a thread about wanting to increase your iq

>> No.15808195

don't post off-topic threads is just a suggestion on /sci/ any more, not a rule

>> No.15808631

stormfags own 4chan now troon, cope

>> No.15808651

2 thirds of wealth is buildings and land and about 1/6th is electric power stations and transmission networks. Most of the rest is planes, boats and assorted industrial equipment.
That is the wealth. In the US alone its around 80 trillion dollars. Not in cash but as assets worth cash
Bank accounts and finance in general are just a management system of that wealth.

>> No.15808656


I took a cross country trip and every gas station I stopped at was busted as fuck with rusty broken pumps and minorities just lingering in the corners. I got mad for picking a ghetto place to stop at every time then I realized this is actually the norm and we just live in a 3rd world country.

>> No.15808666

>we were on our way towards a future like the Jetsons
this is what Americans actually believe

>> No.15808672
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It technically already happened. You're not allowed to mention how good the 1933-41 period was for Germany, and why, without getting blacklisted from society.

>> No.15808674
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uh who could blame them

>> No.15808676

Ill also add that "the rich" only consume 10% of the GDP produced in the US. They have an additional 15% which is invested in construction and power plants.
About 25% is taken by thre government and all of that cash is just used for common services like army and schools, the rest is given to the population as social security and Medicaid.
The rest, about 50% of GDP is salaries.
300 million regulars have a lot more income than the top 1000 richest billionaires. However the billionaires technically own more wealth. They rent it to you, or you work in their buildings or ride in their planes and buy power from their power plants. From the yearly production they only take 10% net.

>> No.15808696

Nope, Total collapse will happen.
Reason being First world natives will become minority and probably go extinct.
The thing is "Third world norms" themselves are actually slight development over actual Third world conditions, this development happened during colonialism.
As the west retreats, everything is falling apart, and I am saying this as a Turd Worlder myself.
In 50-60 years, both North America and Europe will become Third World, after that total collapse will happen because the free Gibs will stop
The African population is propped by Western aid (food and medicine), in just last 2-3 years look at the state of Afghanistan, Pakistan and South Africa, in these countries people have been priced out of food and medicine, infrastructure has completely collapsed.
Famine will wipe out a lot of African and South Asian population.
In the First World itself, society has irredeemably collapsed, this is visible even in the economy.
European Economy has been stagnant since 2007-08 GFC, almost 15 years of no growth.
US economy which was built upon post 2007-08 0% interest money printing is suffering from inflation, high rates and debt crisis.
Both North America and Europe are importing people that will not be able to replace their outgoing high skilled boomer/genX labour force, specially true in US and Germany.
As the first world demand declines, the third world economies which are built around servicing the first world, will collapse, this already happened in Pakistan and Bangladesh btw.
No one has any solution for any of these problems.

>> No.15808701

I can partially refute this argument

>> No.15808706

You can't but yeah you can try
I have studied the numbers.

>> No.15808717

Several points. One, not all third worlders are abbos or somalis. The average third worlder is capable of work and reason. Indoeuropeans and asians are competent. I include here hispanics since their indio genetic base is essentially asian.
I have ready other arguments too

>> No.15808740

This isn't an argument, this is just wishful thinking.
I have actually read statistics regarding this issue.
Take Europe for example, majority of the immigrants that Europe takes cones from Africa and West Asia, vast majority of them are barely literate and obviously low IQ.
In Germany they tried to teach them the language and get them employed, a whole programme was initiated with billions in government funding, it massively failed, the immigrants were mostly Syrians and Afghans I think, most of them didn't graduate and failed to get employment.
Most immigrants that entered Europe in 2016 are still unemployed and live on Gibs, many have turned to petty crime such as drug peddling.
The Economies of North America and Europe are HighTech and advanced they need graduates, while US does attract many qualified asian immigrants from India and China, Europe barely gets them.
Europe is doomed anyway because apart from migration issues, geopolitical situation has already destroyed the german economy beyond repair, their industry has moved abroad already.
As for US the vast majority of immigrants aren't from India or china, majority of them are from South America, and the thing both socially and economically US is declining, and the current economic and geopolitical situation is pushing away qualified immigrants.
US doesn't have any merit based immigration system, many US cities have become so unsafe that students from china don't want to go there anymore.

>> No.15808745

In US the natives themselves aren't going to college anymore, the public school system has collapsed.
Less than 3% of US grads study STEM.

>> No.15808791


>> No.15808818

Grim...is there anyway to stop this?

>> No.15808821

Source for this? Arent most young people going to college nowadays?

>> No.15808845
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Therefore 97% waste time and money, even going into debt just to "learn" crap. Society is completely kiked.