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15806735 No.15806735 [Reply] [Original]

do i need good grades for a phd? im studying physics and while im good at physics, im barely getting by in calculus, algebra...
my father said that if i manage to get my diploma he would fund my phd (hopefully in another country). if i want a phd here, it's all about grades, but that's because it's free (ex socialist system, my uni is also free). i know that if i get into a program, it would be a long and tedious process, but i want to be a doctor man. considering my generation will likely live 100+ years, spending a few years to max out my title seems like a good idea

>> No.15806745

you probably should be getting at least somewhat good grades, if your smart enough to be great at physics you should be smart enough to get decent grades with some work and discipline
I was/am in same situation as you, good at a thing but unenthusiastic student, getting good grades keeps you from getting filtered out of things you would do fine in, and it gets easier once you get better habits

>> No.15806747

not science or math, you just want to talk about yourself

>> No.15806748

PhD is useless pursuit.
Academia is obsolete in 2023
Get a real job

>> No.15807074

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself in social media

>> No.15807278

your phd is useless joke if your father pays for it. Also many places want good grades and MSc. Phd is is a job you should get paid.

>> No.15807281

A PhD requires impressing one or more faculty with your intelligence and work ethic as an undergraduate. Get an undergraduate degree and go into work.
Look up the best job satisfaction and monetary earning careers for somebody with a mediocre GPA STEM degree and aim for them.

>> No.15807295

> im barely getting by in calculus, algebra...
If you are having trouble with these you are not cut out for physics.

>my father said that if i manage to get my diploma he would fund my phd
Getting a phd in physics is a paid job, since you are expected to assist teaching classes and research. Your father wouldn't have to pay anything.