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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15806614 No.15806614 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck is it Schizophrenia and intelligence are negatively correlated? I would think it would be just the opposite (schizos are usually into all kinds of crazy and convoluted esoteric theories)

>> No.15806618

>(schizos are usually into all kinds of crazy and convoluted esoteric theories)
Yeah but I don't know why would you think having a fervent belief in a bunch of retarded gibberish would correlate with being smart. Have you seen the kinds of "esoteric theories" schizophrenics work up in their heads?

>> No.15806620

Yes and they can involve things like Hegel, the hard problem of solipsism, gnosticism and various other dense bullshit.

>> No.15806624

They score bad On IQ test for 2 reasons, I will give them you.

first testing IQ when they are psychotic, and seeing and hearing or being caught up in delusion. will make you subpar at scoring well on such a test.

second after getting tortured for 1-2months
alongside the usage of major tranquillizers"antipsycotic"your unable to perform on such a test. Every single higher brain function have been turned off.

if you can test a schizo that have not been tortured is not psycotic, and have not suffered brain-damaged from the usage from Tranquilizers

there IQ would most likely be the same as the
rest of the population.

As of today I have seen not a single study on this. because researchers
are fucking idiots

>> No.15806626

The sane schizos are schizoids and schizotypals and bipolars. They usually have the genius creativity that comes with schizophrenia and are also sane enough to function normally in society. Someone like perelman might actually have schizoid pd because of how averse he is to social interaction. Newton might also have had it. Its a midpoint in the schizophrenic spectrum.

>> No.15806628

Probably what I have desu. Never have hallucinated anything except for perhaps extreme moods (like the world being literal hell)

>> No.15806630

>They include big words therefore they are intelligent
lol, is this the philosophyfags' standard?

>> No.15806632

those people aren't schizophrenic you fucking idiot. They are just so much smarter than the morons here that the idiots here call them schizos, which in reality means "you are too much more intelligent than me that I can't understand what you are saying" jfc do you 'ot understand the difference between a stale même idiots use on an anime forum and real life? touch grass you little faggot

>> No.15806633

Caught a live schizophrenic here, continue taking your meds and listen to the doctors. The cause for your reduced IQ(as evident with your idiosyncratic language use of incoherent capitalization and random line breaks) is psychosis, not antipsychotics. Your brain gets fried from being overloaded with stimuli in the same way a chemically induced psychosis would from meth or cocaine, keep taking your meds.

>> No.15806634

No, I'm speaking firsthand here

>> No.15806635

Hylic detected

>> No.15806638

Why do you think the topic makes any difference? Retarded gibberish is still retarded gibberish no matter what content it's babbling about

>> No.15806654

It implies a level of sophistication, my dumb friend.

>> No.15806732

A schizo that can have a conversation is a very rare one

Schizos score low on IQ tests because very often these people cannot even tie their own shoes

>> No.15806813

That's seems a bit odd now doesn't it?

It would take less than 5 days to induce schizophrenia in you, yet you would still be able to tie your shoe laces.However if exposed to moderate to high dosages of 2nd gen tranquilizers, you would end up severely impaired.

makes one wonder.

>> No.15806829
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Ahh the infamous chemical imbalance theory now is it? Its not really a theory you see, it have never actually been proven believe it or not. I have might have a low IQ, but not lower than you.

>> No.15806879

namedropping some deep sounding words does not imply you're "sophisticated" man

>> No.15806909

Stress caused by schizophrenia causes bad overall health and low test results.

>> No.15807478


>> No.15807561

I have experienced numerous episodes of psychosis. It's more than just convoluted theories. Psychological torture is a better description. It breaks you down mentally. The experience is a failure of homeostasis that leaves you with the cognitive ability of a stressed out paranoid child. Cognitive deficits are part of how schizophrenia is diagnosed, so if someone were intelligent, they would be more likely diagnosed bipolar type one.

>> No.15807575

Schizophrenia will literally destroy your brain. Most of them experience white matter loss and mental declines.

>> No.15807588
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Fuck off, Grimshaw.

And by intelligent this poster means a slave. If we're talking about thinking, someone with schizophrenia probably does it better.


Never reply to this. You ought not midwit brain capable of midwit thoughts.

>> No.15807592

1. How is a cognitive deficit diagnosed

2. It's never really diagnosed

3. What is intelligence? IQ? You must be joking.

4. So what this poster means is a person with schizophrenia doesn't work or learn like a slave minded goy like said poster would hope it would

>> No.15807600
File: 70 KB, 620x675, turbogenius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define intelligence. How do grade thinking? What do you mean 'schizophrenia'? Nice job using slaveminded words buddo.

>> No.15807606

True gellekshon cognitiors no the rat minders are behind everything.

>> No.15807607
File: 42 KB, 600x540, 126115477157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define you

>> No.15807611

Y - yellow
o - owners
u - undermine

designation of the chink dystopia ruler fantasy in which we undermined by hatred

>> No.15807620

What exact cognitive deficit does a person with schizophrenia have?

Inability to learn? If so, inability to learn via which method? Because I'm pretty sure we learn things every day just through experience. If he doesn't accept goyducation from academia for example, that's fine. It's full of crap anyway.

So if we separate all academic influence from society with a eusocial human nature and civilization, what cognitive deficit is that person left with - you make it out to seem like this person does things like rejects trees exist.

In my opinion, you're more retarded and need currently unknown help.

>> No.15807625
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That is straight up wrong, in large parts at least.
You see most if not almost all of the damages comes from "Tranquilizers"

Here is an actual list of what these drugs do

- Atrophy of grey matter and white matter
- Atrophy of the brain as a whole
- Heavy atrophy towards the frontal lobe
- Lose of speech
- Lose of cognitive function almost all of them get affected
- Disorganized speech (paradoxical no?)
- Morphing of brain structure, neuro-transmitters and receivers

However psychosis that does not go away on its own, will at some point become neurotoxic. But will never have anything close to the damaging effect
tranquilizers do

>> No.15807629

Schizophrenia is bad bonding with maleficent (opposite to beneficent) life. It's not a genetic disorder directly, but indirectly some genetic builds react unkindly to evil. People do not just submit and be evil, even physically. If the intelligence you promote isn't good or is totally evil, some will naturally repent.

>> No.15807640
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Proof. When something makes no sense, you automatically can't give it a true response. If, per chance, society was not ordered intellectually or maturely, some may think 'fuck it, I'm not taking part or I'm going to be against it'.

So with all that taken in, your insult of the credibility of schizophrenic people is meaningless and evil, and won't be taken serious.

>> No.15807647
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He is a good thinker. He is stuck in a poor quality society. Yes he needs support. He is not capable of working well with society, that's in the hands of the societ-ors and those under them faithfully. There is no middle ground. You either help him or you don't. Insulting him on the side of helping him is further agony for him so I wouldn't bother.

>> No.15807648

I am telling you from experience psychosis is stupid as fuck compared to my normal state. Obviously it's value based so there's a strong subjective component to it. A simple question to understand your values might be, do you think the homeless guy who hasn't bathed in months screaming at nothing at 2am outside mcdonalds is living a better life than the average citizen?

>> No.15807652

No. I don't think he is. But it's not his fault or a fault of his system directly, it's more the way society has negatively impacted him either from birth or somewhere down the line.

>> No.15807654

What do you guys think of schizoaffective-bipolar type?

>> No.15807664

It's not a matter of blame. It's just reality. It is his system now, regardless of how it got there. There's nothing special or inherently positive about life. Some people are born for suffering.

>> No.15807670
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This was retarded. Consider this my last response to you.

>> No.15807687
File: 55 KB, 500x147, 1685452179482627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys faggot. Stop making stupid posts.

>> No.15807697

>Some people are born for suffering.
What is wrong with you?

>> No.15807709

I don't know.

>> No.15808226
File: 217 KB, 494x450, 1696517422530757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lose of speech
>Lose of cognitive function almost all of them get affected
Do not redeem

>> No.15808268
File: 349 KB, 640x640, 1695432624382143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't think there is a reason I emphasizes
lose of speech? pe pi po lo


>> No.15808310

schizos are shit at abstract thinking among other things, and in turn problem solving. it's baked in with the disease. the supposed genius schizos are schizo-lites.

this talk is pretty good https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nEnklxGAmak

>> No.15808312

Translation: derp, I'm retarded

>> No.15808313

>schizos are usually into all kinds of crazy and convoluted esoteric theories
So why would you expect a positive correlation with intelligence? Just because it's convoluted doesn't mean you need to be intelligent. Schizo conspiracy theories are often self-contradicting. If the people were intelligent, they would notice and ditch the theory.

>> No.15808314

t. governmental slave with crackademic dumbification, unnoticed

>> No.15808317
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>> No.15808320

t. triggered, low-IQ schizos

If I was part of an evil, all-mighty government, why wouldn't I just kill you and make it look like an accident, heart attack or Covid?

>> No.15808322

more useful to experiment on schizos, and use
them as research cattle.

>> No.15808328

Probably because IQ tests determine how capable you are at finding logically correct patterns while schizophrenics tends to develop elaborate and bizarre correlations that dissolve under proper scrutiny.
I say this as a schizophrenic, like that matters at all.

>> No.15808360

Solipsism and gnosticism is for low IQ retards.

>> No.15808376

Pure schizophrenics are low IQ but the schizoaffective types specifically bipolar seem to be higher intelligence than normal.

Because the smartest person I know is schizoaffective bipolar. (I know alot of fucking people)

>> No.15808418

How come no one has abducted you to do research on you then?

>> No.15808438

What do you believe, some fedora shit?

>> No.15808442

I am just an agnostic that heavily leans atheist. From all the scientific evidence I have seen, it seems no one is actually control of the universe and it will eventually die of heat death where nothing will exist again.
Thats contrary to gnosticism, and solipsism is so stupid its not even worth debating.

>> No.15808449

Why is solipsism stupid? Impractical sure, but you experience a solipsistic reality every time you go to sleep (probably)

>> No.15808460

Because solipsism heavily implies mind before matter and there is no coherent theory how that even works. There is no explanation for why other beings exist that arent real. I could bring up so many unexplained things in solipsism, where it logically just fails occam's razor and other theories should take its place.

It also doesnt help that from observation, people going through solipsism phases seem to be narcistic personality disorders or experiencing psychosis.

>> No.15808476
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Ahh the short reply, going directly for the throat. Not even engaging in the conversation, instead resorting
to personal attacks. Cute and childish.I was weighting if I should give a proper reply, but I think I will
refrain. Your are in possession of a childlike mentality.

>> No.15808492

Why should matter necessarily precede mind? If anything that is MORE steps.

>> No.15808533

??? It doesnt at all what, There is some flaw in your logic if you think it does. Mind or matter first is 50/50 before logical extrapolation eliminates mind first.

>> No.15808535

I'm basically schizo
get voices whenever I use drugs
I score 120 on IQ tests
not to say being schizo makes you smart, while psychotic I believed the dumbest fucking shit

>> No.15808541

>Why does [poorly understood feature of human psychology] negatively correlate with [poorly understood feature of human psychology]?
Beats me.
Intelligence is one thing, but to say anything with authority about psychotic illness reveals your total ignorance of the subject. I imagine you're either overinterpreting a study, or you've read something written for the sole purpose of being sensationalist.
Someone currently experiencing psychosis is not going to do well on any test, obviously. Their answers are going to be based on dopaminergic pathways hijacking/working around the prefrontal cortex. A person with schizophrenia isn't always psychotic, but the nature of abberant salience means they might see a question where one of the answers is "3" and they'll see the number "3", and they'll get some burst of dopamine, and they'll interpret the associated feeling as being divine, and then they'll start thinking about the holy trinity or some such garbage.
But here's the thing: psychosis is more often transient than it is permanent, and it's cause can be due to a whole bunch of different things, lack of sleep, drugs, withdrawing from drugs. Just think about the fact that most GPs will readily prescribe antipsychotics whether people actually need them or not. The prevalence of such a practice alone massively skews research, especially when you consider half of all questionnaires will only ask "are you CURRENTLY taking medication" and the other half will provide some incentive to lie about drug use.

>> No.15808573

>argumentum ad comment length
That's a new one.

>> No.15808592

Schizopills harm short - term memory. Some even harm brain long time after they are not used.

>> No.15808615
File: 28 KB, 480x349, be7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest derp ever recorded. You are a retard my friend. It's so stupid what you just posted my eye broke. I can't even see anymore. I went blind because of you

>> No.15808637

And so, anti-psychotics lower intellect by blocking dopamine pathways?

>> No.15808650

I think the best way to deal with all of the schizos on this board is to convince them that they're all being gangstalked and get them to kill themselves to escape it.

>> No.15808669

He's right though so you're just a midwit

>> No.15808682
File: 33 KB, 1467x747, Queitpaine this is all known transmittors that are affected,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes , they are tranquilizers. not a little bit.
like legit some of the strongest shit there is.
every single brain function gets turn off.

They block the receptors, the block the
transmitters, and cause atrophy in the brain.

>> No.15808685

Delete this. You aren't supposed to post our plans publicly. Pray that our boss didn't see this or they are going to electrocute you with silver wires between your teeth.

>> No.15808686
File: 26 KB, 1274x632, olanzapine, all known blockade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is one for Olanzapine
they use this shit in old folks home.
there spines and neck starts to contour into all
fucked up position

>> No.15808690

doesn't matter if you want schizo's dead.
Psychiatry will not be stopped you will feel the full force of the tranquilizers yourself, in due time.

>> No.15808803

Hope you have eyes on the back of your head.
No, I'm pretty sure they're gangstalking me too. Everywhere I don't look, I know someone is looking at me. Must be why I keep waking up at night.

>> No.15808833

The smart schizos avoid getting diagnosed.

>> No.15808847

They can retain a lot of information, but they are unable to systematize it in a coherent and logical way.

>> No.15808848

What can I do to fight with it? Like I'm forced to take this pills, but I want to live.

>> No.15808904


Wrong. It's more they can systematize it in a reasonable way given the circumstances. Otherwise your diagnosis falls apart and just is a plain old insult.

You are more retarded than a schizo. There is no help for you and others like you. Kys.

>> No.15808910

You join in with everybody else and derp silly.


Derp derp derp derp I'm stupid. Hey. Let's insult schizos even though we're worse. Let's say they can't be logical and coherent which makes no true sense and is just an insult. Lol. Derp derp derp derp I'm a full on spastic.

>> No.15808911
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1. Are you in an institution? If you are, just stop doing whatever, sit or lay in your bed, speak less and less, say you feel bad from the medication, make them lower it to the utmost lowest that is possible. Only when the dosage is like 100-200mg Quitapine(seruqel) or 5mg Olanzapine(Zyprexia), can you start pretending you feel better. This people think your insane anyway, they cant tell your lying to save there life.
you can say and lie about anything. They wont know, they just want you sedated.
As long as them themself feels safe and no longer perceive you as a threat,
are they finaly content with letting you go.

2. if your forced to take the medication by law, but not in an institution then start tapering the fuck off them now. If your on multiple of them. I would need further info. as some of them are really fucking henius. You might need to restart treatment, sometimes during
tapering of when your gotten of them. This is caused by a mechanism called "dopamine induced super-sensitivity, but fear not you will get off them. Now comes the hard part.

3. Withdrawal. you seen those scary news about mass-murdering schizos, well that's largely caused by withdrawal. you will feel Suicidal ideation you have
never felt before, you will feel homicidal ideation you have never felt before.
4. NO DRUGS, NO ALCOHOL, no nothing never ever. during tapering, or when getting of them, you will risk running into a even worse psychosis that will and might leave you
permanent schizo for the rest of your life. it can take anywhere from 3-30 months,
sometimes even longer before you feel normal, again.


>> No.15808912

>butthurt low IQ spamming schizo
Didn't even read your post lol

>> No.15808914


>> No.15808916

Awhhh. Perhaps you right. Schizos retarded.

>> No.15808944

I can't refuse pills, I'm given two injections monthly, 800 solian daily, two zyprexas and citalex.

They gave me medicine with food.

Thank you for advice, but I already sleep until the launch and best I can do is sleep again at 9pm... I literally sometimes sleep even more, nobody gives a shit.

When I talked to doctor, they said I'm not sedated and my psychomotorics are normal, but I cannot draw like I used to before, now I can't move pen fast and coordinated.

>> No.15809082

That's why the lowest dose possible should be administered. If the brain is overactive, antagonistic effects are appropriate. But it shouldn't automatically be done at a standardized dose. They should gradually increase and stop when symptoms have been resolved. For some people, this is much lower than standard dosages. Also, there is variation among antipsychotics and individual tolerance. Milder antipsychotics like Aripiprazole and Quetiapine should be tried before ones like Risperidone and Olanzapine.

>> No.15809110

>ChatGPT, write the worst advice imaginable

Seriously, "take your meds" is a meme, but you should consider if you shouldn't be taking yours.

Yes, in the US, there are some dodgy long-term medications which aren't done in Europe because they don't have a better outcome than no medication at all, but you sound like a genuine psychopath. Your advice could literally kill people. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.15809123

go and read, then come back. No medication better long term outcome read Chicago, study, India study Asia studies

actually 20 year long studies, now go fuck of
and go back to snipping glue you dipshit
nigger Jew

>> No.15809124

>solian daily, two zyprexas and citalex.
Inb4 someone digs through a database of brand names and finds out that there's only a single country where this specific set of names is available.

>> No.15809128

I already said that the US have some crappy standards of care. I don't care about Pajeets.
Do you know what is probably the only worse treatment than the American one? Listening to literal schizophrenics on 4chan. You don't know anything about that guy. You have no medical training w whatsoever. If he is on two antipsychotics, he might be in an acute psychotic episode and then your studies (if they are the ones I saw) don't even apply. You didn't ask first, you directly gave advice which makes it shitty advice by default.

>> No.15809130

There is no correlation with dopamine,serotonin
histamine,alpha etc receptors.

Do you understand why the psychosis goes away?

they go away because they are no longer interesting in there delusions, the patient feel such apathy that nothing is interesting,ergo 50% of the time the psychosis goes away. 25% is mixed, and the remaining 25% not responding

So here is the kicker, if patient loses interest
in there delusions and hallucination the problem
seems to go away, do you think such an
experiment have ever been conducted?

DING DING DING it has, and it fucking worked.

>> No.15809142

Every developed nation has the absolute worst
even fucking treatment.
Africa have superior outcome compared to developed nations.

Ohh and your right, I was sure I wrote about
taking multiple types of this drug. guess it
didn't make the final cut, my bad. Your absolutely right about that part. My bad mate.

>> No.15809144

How the FUCK are there this many schizos on /sci/? I count at least 4 in this thread alone.

>> No.15809150
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Yourself included?

>> No.15809154

Combination of 2016 and the containment board no longer containing them.

>> No.15809163

The doctors said you where not sedated. LOL,
The drug is literally a sedative.
So your taking two different types of anti-psychotic, and one anti depressant.

Jesus, I am sorry to hear fren. Just wait it out and sleep, nothing you can do in your current situation =/.

>> No.15809167

This is just straight up wrong. People taking antipsychotics don't just lose interest in their delusions. They reject them as an incorrect interpretation of reality.

>> No.15809171

>The drug is literally a sedative.
Which drug of the three?

>> No.15809179

Solian and zyprexia are both sedatives/tranquilizers

citalex anti depressant SSRI => emotional blunting, but anti psychotic have that effect as well.

>> No.15809193

>Amisulpride is an antiemetic and antipsychotic medication used at lower doses intravenously to prevent and treat postoperative nausea and vomiting; and at higher doses by mouth to treat schizophrenia and acute psychotic episodes.
Not a sedative.
>Olanzapine (sold under the trade name Zyprexa among others) is an atypical antipsychotic primarily used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Not a sedative.
>citalex anti depressant SSRI
> => emotional blunting
Moving goalposts, so I'm not even going to dignify this with a further response.

>> No.15809199

I understand, funny how it have never been proven to have a clinical proven therapeutic effect then. You know very little about these drug,
its clearly coming to light when you speak about them in the way you
do. But hey the majority is always right. FYI this isn't my opinion I have read 1000+ of studies on this shit, read through countless
experiments. The probability of you knowing more about these drugs
than me is highly unlikely

>> No.15809205
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your a fucking idiot mate,

>> No.15809210

They rebranded them back in the 1970s,
you can go figure out the rest yourself, right?

>> No.15809215
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>> No.15809218

>read 1000+ of studies
>read through countless experiments
but have you ever interacted with a human being outside 4chan, or do you just cherry-pick data to support your obsession? These drugs have an extremely obvious beneficial effect. The vast majority of people take them voluntarily.

>> No.15809221
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>> No.15809248

let me start with linking you this video first I guess. Since reading studies, might be a bit
to hard for you, now you can lean back and watch.


>> No.15809272

What retarded lingo is that?
>Sedative can mean sedative, but it can als mean tranquilizer which can also mean antipsychotic
Do you realise how retarded you sound right now? Without your meds probably not.
>Let me start with...
*opens video*
>Psychiatric drugs are incredibly destructive and neurotoxic
Literal schizobabble

>> No.15809282


AHAHAHA are you psycotic perhaps? or just low IQ?

>> No.15809288
File: 114 KB, 1600x900, 1697319767139097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all major sedative/tranquilizers agents have some minor hypnotic effect.

all major hypnotics agent have some minor sedative/tranquilizing effect.

does that clear up the problem, or are you
still a monkey?

>> No.15809350

>all major hypnotics
Those goalposts really keep moving.

>> No.15809536
File: 83 KB, 850x400, super villian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. there's a pic-related madness mirrors genius.. or touch of madness is a thing..., or only difference between genius and madness is the result/success of said gentleman just believe me bro memes (see oscar pistolious or pic related quote)
idiots who get frustrated and are on tons of psych meds from some combination of general-idiocy/frustrations they expressed to their doctor/ mental-health 'episodes' especially those that incur law enforcement action or jailing/ etc.. etc...
ALL get thrown into the bucket of 'schizophrenia'
Genuis fucks who have 3 coffees (or name several stimulants or any popular psychoactive including MJ, etc... etc...
And OR those who just get a little too intense or have some stress or anxiety - and then behave/think in some of the schizophrenic symptom lists that were made up by the psychiatric industry = those sometimes make their way into the schizo-bucket as well.
There just isn't a ton of geniuses competing for the world champion schizo title, and there aren't even as many intelliigent people (especially those who can behave themselves and don't volunteer non-problematic info to the psych industry to compete with the MASSES OF IDIOTS & BROKEN humans who greedily bask in the diagnosis while sleep-eating Halloween candy on a 3AM Quetiapine munchy episode.

>> No.15809543

>a person with full blown schizophrenia isn’t good at taking tests as a normie
>therefore they are not smart
No. The schizophrenia is what is making them score badly on the test. It doesn’t mean they weren’t highly intelligent before the illness set in. That Indian chick who stabbed that woman in Canada because the voice in her head she called the master told her to worked in high level finance before she stopped taking her meds.

>> No.15809560
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I will give it one last time, since you don't seem very sharp, and that's okay, as long as your willing to learn. Although so far it don't seem to work. I should probably stop poking fun at you, I might be
in the wrong here, but I digress.

They don't use major hypnotic, with minor tranquilizing effect effect.

They use major sedatives/tranquilizers, with minor hypnotic effect.

Why you ask, well such is life of molecular chemistry


also here are some links from drug database's

>> No.15809608

Someone who has esoteric beliefs but isn't (outwardly) insane and good enough at pretending to be normal isn't diagnosed. My armchair pet theory is that schizophrenia is the result of a certain pattern of thinking that the individual is too stupid to actually be able to maintain.

>> No.15809623

Normalfags have this idea that "smarter = more correct", but if that were the case, smart people would never disagree. I believe most mental illness is rooted in emotional illness.

So when you have a smart person with deep emotional traumas that they avoid facing, they develop intricate rationalizations for their complexes, and if they isolate themselves they don't have feedback to tell them they're wrong and they can go extremely deep into fear and denial.

I suspect hardcore schizophrenia is when a smart person, armed with these rationalizations and complexes faces some type of neurological decline. The schema of their delusions and subsequent emotional content of those beliefs still exist, but they lose the ability to tether them to reality.

I also suspect the more extreme variants of autism are the result of a mentally handicapped person experiencing deep trauma during their developmental years, but I'm less convinced of this.

>> No.15809960

Schizos have lower IQs before their first psychotic episode and diagnosis. Cope and seethe.
The cause for reduced IQ and psychosis alike is having fucked up nerve cells.

>> No.15809962

>As of today I have seen not a single study on this. because researchers
are fucking idiots
>Conclusions: Years before the onset of psychotic symptoms, individuals with schizophrenia, as a group, demonstrate mean IQ scores approximately one-half of a standard deviation [7.5 IQ] below that of healthy comparison subjects.
5 seconds on Google Scholar

>> No.15809964

John nash was a genius who was also a schizo so you better read up on your limited knowledge zoomer retard. Go watch 'a beautiful mind' too because it seems like you are the only one here who has no clue what they are talking about.

>> No.15809972

Smarter is more correct. There's no way to reliably distinguish btn the two. A smart person is on average more correct than a less smart person if we tallied all their conclusions against each other. At this point, you are just playing retarded language and semantic games while chasing your own tail.

>> No.15809976

>A schizo was smart therefore schizos are smart

>> No.15809988

You said schizos have low iq. I gave you a counterexample. You should be more careful with your wording if you want to be taken seriously zoomer retard. Didn't they teach you this in grammar school last week before you left school?

>> No.15810016

I'll bite even through you're a drooling moron. Ashkenazi jews have an average of around 110, schizophrenics are 7.5 points lower, so 102.5. Perfectly sufficiently to have a genius from time to time.

IIRC schizophrenics with paranoia and hallucinations are less dumb than other subtypes

>> No.15810074

Schizos don't necessarily have low IQ, but it should be obvious that during psychotic episodes they don't make sense at all. It's not an IQ problem but it's a problem with their illness. Most mental illnesses mean that things aren't rational, but schizophrenia is the queen of counter reality. I used to be close with someone who deteriorated. She messaged me on stream if I listened to the radio because they keep sending her subliminal messages. I surely must've hurt them and it's so weird! Why were they picking on her? Why are they so mean? It was fucking exhausting.

>> No.15810081

>They use major sedatives/tranquilizers, with minor hypnotic effect.
No, they use antipsychotics, which only some retards refer to as tranquilizers. That's like "some people refer to dissociative personality disorder as schizophrenia, therefore schizophrenics have multiple personalities". That doesn't help us here.

Yes, it is an antipsychotic that also has a sedating effect. It is not one of the antipsychotic drugs that this other anon was taking.

I'm sure that there are schizophrenics who also have dissociative disorder. That doesn't mean that everyone has it.

>> No.15810092

Leave me your email I will contact you, for adress and location then ship you a packet of

You can try them out then report back your findings. You will be knocked to the fucking ground mate. You have no idea what your talking about

>> No.15810126

That hasn't been the case in my observation. Smart people can believe some REALLY stupid things. Maybe they have a better understanding of X or Y topic, but their knowledge is usually specialized and narrower than they'd admit.

Have you really never met an extremely smart person who's hopelessly naive about something outside of their expertise?

>> No.15810132


>> No.15810140

> a packet of quetiapine
But that's not what that other anon takes. Why do you keep bringing up a different drug? He's taking three different drugs and asks if he's being sedated. I don't give a shit if other drugs have a sedative effect. In fact, I know that other drugs have a sedative effect, but that's simply not what we're talking about here.

>> No.15810142

The professor who supervised my master thesis is super smart. He estimated the outcome of my one-year project that took a year in like an hour by writing a small C program. He also believes in homeopathy and healing stones.

>> No.15810144

D2 blockade lead to sedation, do you not understand?

Fine want packet of Zyprexa, I will get it for you, if you think they are different in how they work.

Zyprexa by far the worst one.

you say they are not sedative that they are not tranquilizers, instead of
arguing I am offering you the choice of deciding for yourself.
Why not take a leap of faith, and trust your gut?

I cant wait

>> No.15810148

>In summary, antipsychotic drugs should not be deducted to merely ‘sedatives’ and they are the only effective monotherapy for schizophrenia
Your link is supporting what I'm saying.

>> No.15810154

Drowsiness is a side effect that affects a certain percentage of patients. There's a difference between "I'm unhappy with this adverse effect" and "they're feeding me [completely different substance]". I used to have antidepressants that made me sleepy as a side effect (forgot the name, but IIRC, it had a similar effect to melatonin, maybe you know it). I wasn't being sedated. Also, that same drug inhibited my libido. I wasn't being cockblocked by my doctor. I discussed the latter side effect and decided I want to switch to a different medication that doesn't have this effect. Can you imagine the doctor's reaction if I had waltzed into her office like "why are you making my dick limp"?
People can't look inside your brain. My dick problems were unknown to her. And they were certainly unintended. If the other anon feels effects that are not the main effects of the drugs he's taking, he should communicate how he's feeling. If they wanted to sedate him, they would use a sedative, not meds that can have drowsiness as a side effect.

>> No.15810161

what other anon?
I read the OP comment, thought of responses, and then a few semi-interesting responses...
If you guys got side tracked on medical advice to some other anon with schizo meds in the replies, then YOU are also correct.
and yes, argument mate is correct in a general sense that schizos are heavily prescribed to be medicated, very often in the general sense with quetiapine(sp?) as one of the basic general starting 'treatments'...
Mate, the actual answer is this = Schizo diagnosis (at least in the US) is generally reserved for idiots with behavioral problems. The drug complex manufactures a culture of patients to pump drugs to, and in the case of the antipsychotics and other similar medications the culture is that of the label "schizo". The behaviors of a schizo diagnosis are shown in some media like movies, television, etc...
The massive amount of idiots with behavioral problems greatly overshadows the separate category of intelligent people on the spectrum. A surprisingly significant amount of people in poverty with substance abuse issues... People who have been incarcerated, people who are victimized... dark stuff etc... etc... are then diagnosed as schizo.
an IQ-Test before or after being medicated-out on these folk is going to produce low scores... It's that simple.
Some random middle class highly intelligent gentleman may 'flex' stuff with sometimes things that may match a few of the MANY 'symptoms' behaviors etc... listed on their diagnosis and criteria... Say dude is a bit eccentric and he eats edibles baked from extracted marijuana...
Now he's on his podcast and maybe he sounds a little CONVOLUTED and esoteric and he's DELUSIONAL in his narcissistic eccentric way that a product he's hyping or the video itself is going to go viral...
-I mean dude can pump out a 120 IQ on a real in-person IQ session while slightly hungover and a breakfast that consisted of good bagles, coffee and weed..
iq schizo meme truth but rare vs. drug Co.

>> No.15810171

>I wasn't being cockblocked by my doctor.
you actually kinda were
like passive aggressive cock blocking... he wasn't stealing your girlfriend with evil intentions, he just prescribed a drug knowing(assuming he has insight and understanding of the medications far beyond the sales pitch)
knowing full well that it shuts down most people's libido.
He did not value your libido..
2 possible: 1. he either felt you were so badly depressed and a match for the medication to save your life or your awful depression, etc... and placed that higher than probably crushing your libido,
or 2.) he flat out didn't care about your libido.
You did the right process and it sounds like he made suggestions that fit your needs, so that's good.
It's rough out here. medications as necessities only and have to research on your own into what the internet people echo about your medication if possible.

>> No.15810182

>you guys got side tracked on medical advice to some other anon with schizo meds in the replies
Just follow the reply chain up and you'll find >>15808944:
>I'm given two injections monthly, 800 solian daily, two zyprexas and citalex. [...] When I talked to doctor, they said I'm not sedated
And later some retards who think that solian and zyprexa are sedatives.

I honestly feel a bit bad for that anon if he experiences side effects, but the last thing he needs is free-spinning schizos bombarding him with nonsense.

>> No.15810186

wow that's rough. I feel bad for dude as well.

>> No.15810187

It was a she and it wasn't (passive) aggressive at all. She actually felt sorry and was extremely supportive of my decision to stop taking it.
>esearch on your own into what the internet people echo about your medication
Honestly, that sounds like the worst idea imaginable. Ever heard of the nocebo effect? Especially such vague symptoms like "I feel a bit tired" or "I don't know man, my drawing was somehow better before" are quite easy to convince yourself of. Yes, maybe what you're experiencing is actually real and a clinically proven side effect. But rather than go down schizo (meant pejoratively) rabbit holes, talk to your doctor. You're not in Guantanamo, you're in medical treatment. They want you to get better and they want to have a trustful relationship.

>> No.15810217
File: 11 KB, 912x235, SEDATIOn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do cause sedation, do you even understand what sedation is? You obviously don't, as of now only explanation for your insane attitude must be "Dunning Kruger"

I need to get to work, hope thread isnt 404'd by then


>> No.15810296

Academics are disproportionately mentally ill.

>> No.15810578

Like i said, smarter people are more correct on average than less smart people. Just because someone believes something which most of the time turns out that there's no way to prove, such as being religious, doesn't mean they are less correct. I'd be willing to guess that what you thinks smart people are dumb on can't be prove and is usally a matter of opinion rather than fact. Politics and religion mostly whiich are usually a function of culture and upbringing.

>> No.15810616

Believing in esoteric theories doesn't automatically make you smarter, intelligence doesn't come from your beliefs or conclusions it comes from the process you took to arrive there. Schizophrenics often jump to conclusions far too quickly or arrive at them from flawed means

>> No.15810932

Kurt Gödel obviously had schizophrenia. He died of starvation because the only person he trusted not to poison his food was his wife.

>> No.15810936

>pic related quote
The quote says the opposite.

>> No.15810938
File: 80 KB, 850x400, quote-a-scientific-truth-does-not-triumph-by-convincing-its-opponents-and-making-them-see-max-planck-23-29-19-3234714255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like i said, smarter people are more correct on average than less smart people.
And like I said, that's not true in my experience. What are you basing this off of? And my observation isn't limited to politics and religion, smart people are often committed institutionalists, look how many high IQ people bought into the china virus hysteria and defended the pharmaceutical industry despite its terrible track record of fraud and manipulation.

You're mistaken in believing there's a clear category of knowledge called "facts" that can be objectively determined. Different people, however smart, can have wildly different ideas about what facts and ideas are credible or discredited.

The very arguments you're making are the types of biases that cloud smart people's thinking, if you're a smart person, you're proving my point.

>> No.15810966

scho and intel are both made up make-believe
you can just make up your own system and then use that
how do you measure schizo??
how to measure intel??
who can do it?!?!

>> No.15811060

We know mind exists. We actually cannot prove the independent existence of matter.

>> No.15811218

oh you're so mad little jewish boy that your science is a scam

>> No.15811219

that comes from long-term antipsychotics usage
and being locked up in mad house for long time
any sane person would have white matter loss from the above, correlation doesn't equal causation

>> No.15811227

youre being lobotomized

>> No.15811292

chemical imbalance theory you're thinking of applies to depression. that anon's point was not that you are depressed, but psychotic, and your psychosis is induced by over-saturation of chemicals produced by over-stimulation or narcotics. these are not the same thing, and if you can't see the difference then yeah, you are low fucking iq.

of course you can sit there and deny that stimulation causes the brain to secrete chemicals. probably you will. and you'll continue to conflate these things because you're not smart enough to differentiate the two.

>> No.15811422

okay let me play ball, a bit. First of its somewhat correct that you can introduce chemicals into the brain that will interact with neurotransmitters and receivers.
For all intend and purposes lets says its dopamine we are talking about here.

lets call accelerate =>Amphetamine
lets call decelerate =>Tranquilizers

both can cause psychosis, now what?

>> No.15811434

>both can cause psychosis, now what?
Can they? Show me some reports of "tranquilizer psychosis"

>> No.15811492

Do you have a research account, some of them are ofc locked behind paywall =/.I don't feel comfortable to give you mine. But I can link a some that are open access .

I can explain somewhat how this came to be. So they wanted to find
at risk individuals before they got sick right, early prevention strategy or some shit. But they have like a 50-80% false positive(don't quote me on this)

so they found these kids put them on tranquilizers(anti-psycotic) and the kids get sick. The kids that did not getting put on tranquilizers(anti-psycothic) seems okay. There was one small group that always seemed to get sick, regardless =/

This is the same when you see depressed people, been given anti-psychotic for depression, then becoming psychotic and killing themself. Same with patients
given anti psychotic, then becoming even more psychotic(might be other factors at work here tho).

This has also happened in old folks home.


I can post some more link, and/or link you some articles having many more, I have most studies as PDF format these days.

>> No.15811493

Supps I have taken to recover from psychosis:
lithium orotate
omega-3 high dosage
semax (careful with this one, raises dopamine)
Lion's mane
Vit C 1000mg+
vit d3
& Vigorous exercise

it's been about two months and I've already regained most of my prior functionality. Don't get any brain tingles, there are no symptoms, far as I can tell am basically fine...

>> No.15811512

>- Morphing of brain structure, neuro-transmitters and receivers
This ngl i think if I went schizo I'd just either try to live with the madness or sui. Like I wouldn't be willing to take pills long term that make you retarded and fat.Like when i was in anorexia treatment they gave me antispychotics because I was crying about wanting to go home absolute garbage pills 0/10

>> No.15811513

One theory I've read that seems good on this is that people with higher intelligence are more able to develop insight into the fact that their delusions and hallucinations are not real.

Another is the fact that the symptom of disorganize thoughts would make you perform worse on tests in general including IQ tests regardless of your intelligence.

3rd any data taken after antipsychotics are administered is bad data because anti psychotics cause literal brain damage and should be illegal. They probably only work by retarding the brain to the point that it can't create schizo symptoms at the cost of your intelligence

>> No.15811521

oh and forgot to write why the first point matters. Being better at self managing schizophrenia symptoms means you are less likely to need help and get diagnosed.

>> No.15811588
File: 138 KB, 1024x1024, 1697586458725701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The the drugs are no joke, that's for sure
I agree with you a lot, you seem sensible.

One anon proposed teaching schizos probability theory, just simple stuff, might be worth a shot. Also seems to work, that they have someone to speak to regularly, like a friend or someone they can bounce there schizo stuff of off, seems to be able to somewhat control it that way. Isolation is part of the
problem as well.

Teaching them self-management, and only seeking help
when needed would be huge, a large % would most likely be
able to participate in society if not made invalided by the medication.

you should read up about the "Salvation experiment"



>> No.15811597

sorry linked a polish one




There are many more, showing you don't
need drugs at all, except for a few fringe cases.
The outlier in the outlier if you will

The truth is stranger than fiction, that's my
conclusion as of today, might change with time.

>> No.15811603
File: 354 KB, 752x711, ebf47552db30a786ac81d4178a4e590a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You answered your own thread.
Schizophrenia, although allowing some pretty outlandish thinking and potential for problem solving, is usually bogged down by the constant strain or pressure of it's negative symptoms.

However, there has been some insight showing that those with extremely high level IQ actually see things in the same way schizophrenics do. For example the "Rotating Mask" or "Dancing Lady" optical illusion. Schizophrenics do not see the rotating mask nor the dancing lady as their brains interpret information differently. From what I read, people with extremely high IQ can not only interpret the illusion as normal, but can essentially 'switch' their interpretation to take things at an absolute surface value as such they can see and interpret the illusions without any distraction.

The "flatness" of the schizophrenic mind being unable to see the illusion is also present when a schizophrenic attempts art. Everything created has a sense of "flatness" to it, lacking a mental comprehension of the contour or how it fits with one another.

Picrel is art created by diagnosed schizophrenic artist Bryan Charnley. You can see traces of this "flatness" that I mentioned previously. The nails do not appear three dimensional at all, there doesn't seem to be 'depth' between the protruding points and the intersecting points.

>> No.15811658

>t. NPC
Enjoy hell!

>> No.15811719 [DELETED] 

And what is valuable about your experience. Are you a psychiatrist that is able to evaluate whether someone is both smart and also an expert in whatever you deem them not smart in? You expect anyone to take your anecdotal evidence as fact. Can you even pinpoint the exact bias you think i'm making or did you just splurt that out to intimidate me into not responding? And i am basing my argument on the definition. Anyone who scores an iq test higher than average is taking a test that evaluates the ability to come to more correct conclusions about factual statements than the average iq scorer. This is a definition that you can't refute unless you don't believe in the ability of an iq test to evaluate such criteria.

>> No.15811722 [DELETED] 

And what is valuable about your experience. Are you a psychiatrist that is able to evaluate whether someone is both smart and also an expert in whatever you deem them not smart in? You expect anyone to take your anecdotal evidence as fact. Can you even pinpoint the exact bias you think i'm making or did you just splurt that out to intimidate me into not responding? And i am basing my argument on the definition. Anyone who scores an iq test higher than average has taking a test that evaluates the ability to come to more correct conclusions about factual statements than the average iq scorer. This is a definition that you can't refute unless you don't believe in the ability of an iq test to evaluate such criteria.

>> No.15811730 [DELETED] 

And what is valuable about your experience. Are you a psychiatrist that is able to evaluate whether someone is both smart and also an expert in whatever you deem them not smart in? You expect anyone to take your anecdotal evidence as fact. Can you even pinpoint the exact bias you think i'm making or did you just splurt that out to intimidate me into not responding? And i am basing my argument on the definition. Anyone who scores an iq test higher than average is taken a test that evaluates the ability to come to more correct conclusions about factual statements than the average iq scorer. This is a definition that you can't refute unless you don't believe in the ability of an iq test to evaluate such criteria in which case there's no point in arguing with you.

>> No.15811732

And what is valuable about your experience. Are you a psychiatrist that is able to evaluate whether someone is both smart and also an expert in whatever you deem them not smart in? You expect anyone to take your anecdotal evidence as fact. Can you even pinpoint the exact bias you think i'm making or did you just splurt that out to intimidate me into not responding? And i am basing my argument on the definition. Anyone who scores an iq test higher than average has taken a test that evaluates the ability to come to more correct conclusions about factual statements than the average iq scorer. This is a definition that you can't refute unless you don't believe in the ability of an iq test to evaluate such criteria in which case there's no point in arguing with you.

>> No.15811898

Yes, unfortunately, and I know that and being here is doom.

>> No.15811899

Why can't you leave?

>> No.15811911
File: 197 KB, 566x426, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you man, I am happy to hear.Nice supplement list, I have seen some studies in supplement/nutrition vs placebo against psychosis.Its pretty set in stone nutrition have huge impact

>> No.15811917

>meds bad
>supps good
Do schizos really?

>> No.15811923
File: 60 KB, 703x476, 1697415983545337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only medication worse than tranquilizers(AP) is chemo therapy, let that sink in.

>> No.15811931

level of flat earth belief and intelligence are inversely correlated

>> No.15811935

So why gobble up supplements then?

>> No.15811952

>How the fuck is it Schizophrenia and intelligence are negatively correlated?
Because schizophrenia leads to hypermeaning, schizos construct meaning where no meaning is

>> No.15811976

I've been to court, and they denied by law, my right about representing self in front of institution, my right to property. I can't sign agreement and manipulate with my own money. Otherwise I would be living on my own, and I have enough money to do that but I can't because of law.

Fucking 3rd world country. Is it against human rights?

>> No.15812012

Yes it is against human rights. But psychiatry are
bound by no rules and can enforce there power
without any repercussion. They are legit most insane group, in human history, Jew's had it fucking easy.

>> No.15812014

Any recommendations of actions I can take?

>> No.15812015

Why did you commit a crime?

>> No.15812028

Nope sadly. Here in Norway you can appeal to
something called the Stategovernance
this group is disconnected from psyciatry,
They are still doctors, but are on the side of
the patient. So people usually get away

>> No.15812045

No, I didn't commit a crime. It was different kind of court. Here you can be ripped of rights without committing a crime.

>> No.15812053

>Is it against human rights?
Depends. What reason did they give? If you're legit retarded (like IQ 50) they can do it, but also if your illness means you're a threat to yourself or others.
>But psychiatry are bound by no rules and can enforce there power without any repercussion.
That's not true at all.
Impossible to say without knowing more about your case and where you are. There are typically patients' rights organisations, but without knowing where you are and without knowing about your conditions we cannot say if you have a good case or not.

>> No.15812072

wow. just wow. You sure seem informed.

They can take peoples right away, based on assumptions. It have already been used as a political tool numerous times in the US. you don't think its erri that a group can take random
people drug them down on something similar to a synthetic
neurotoxin, and throw away the key?

You should probably read up on that. Seeing your so informed
and all that. Perhaps you want some reading materials,
or are you able to find such information yourself?

>> No.15812074

Yeah I can definitely see why they institutionalized you.

>> No.15812076

great you want that reading material then I assume?

>> No.15812078

I'm sort of informed about Germany and Switzerland. In Switzerland it's a bit easier to keep people against their will or use forced medication. Like I said, without knowing that other anon's circumstances, it's impossible to give any advice.

>> No.15812082

You are talking to two different anons.

>> No.15812091
File: 48 KB, 489x472, 1695942639228205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norway is bats shit insane. Norway have been notoriously known as some as the absolute most diabolic shit related to psychiatry like ever.
Yeah it varies from country to country, your completely right. I have focused primarily on the US and my own home country. I might have overstepped, my bad fren.

>> No.15812092

I know, one is a troll other is friendly, nothing
more to it.

>> No.15812097

Can you post some links according to Norway? I legit need help.

>> No.15812105

On what grounds did they strip you off your rights?

>> No.15812118

I've spend too much money on computers and bitcoin (Bought BNB at 7 dollars).

>> No.15812134
File: 59 KB, 1024x982, 1697402690735166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume your Norwegian then. So I am writing it as I would if i would advice any other schizos here
in Norway.

General info

Submitting complain info

Click on appropriate location, and call. Do not appeal to the control-commison, corruptions runs deep

You can also complain to the psychiatrist and for the complain to be directed
to "Statsforvalteren" but do not, and I repeat do not complain to
"Kontroll Kommisjonen", this will just make everything worse.
As soon as you have complained all treatment must be stopped! They are not allowed to treat you before your complain have been resolved. This can takes days sometimes up to a month.

You will also get access to a lawyer, the state is forced to give you one, there are specific group that takes such cases, they are usually okay. Lawyer have next to no influence anyway.

If you have family, as many have, they will be contacted, and they will be asked all manner of
question related to you, make sure you have your stories straight, if your family hate you for
some reason it might provide further hardships.

If your have any behavior problems like eye contact and the like, or don't like
eye contact, you need to man the fuck up, or your dead in the water.
Don't raise your voice, don't get angry don't get agitated, if you can do that your
good. The meeting is just you your laywer and the "Statsforvalter" no one else.

Just push all your hatred to the fucking depth of your mind and sit your ass on-top of it.
Don't talk about anything in this thread, these people don't know anything about this drug besides
that they are called anti-psychotic, if you say they are neurotoxic, or cause brain damage, or
anything, like this they will continue the forced treatment.

best of luck fren.

>> No.15812146

We probably don't disagree entirely then, I'd agree that smarter populations can have a more accurate picture of the world in the aggregate, but you're naive to pretend that you can use IQ as a measure of the ability to discern "facts".

I'm not a relativist, but there are cultural and personal biases that cloud even smart people's judgment. You completely ignored my examples and don't seem to know how to be objective, so you can believe what you want to believe. I'll continue believing you illustrate my point.

>> No.15812150

What's BNB? I doubt that buying some stocks or cryptocurrency at a particular price is enough to strip someone off their rights. How would anyone even find out about this?

>> No.15812155

Probably a social guardian connected to the social services. They see high spending they say he is manic, or psychotic or some shit. That's literally
all it takes, some subjective opinion and into the cock-o-nest you go.

I really need to get going, will check back later.

>> No.15812160

I must had declared my spending in front of judge.

I live in Slovakia, it's socialistic country from eastern block.

It literally works that way you aren't even judged on anything but psychiatrist's report to judge, and that was far fetched bullshit. Literally psychiatrist lied in their description of my mental state.

>> No.15812161

I talked about crypto assets, she noted "cryptographical sets".

>> No.15812162

I assume it's because stupidity is a consequence of high mutational load and schizophrenia tends to kick in when you have a lot of mutations to specific genes. Result: a high co-incidence of people being both stupid and schizophrenic, or schizoaffective, or schizotypal.

The supposed genius schizos are autistic. High-functioning autism combined with antisocial traits has a lot of "symptom overlap" with various types of the schiz. They act the same way sometimes, but for entirely different underlying reasons.

This is why you consistently see arguments about whether Newton was an autist or a schizo. He was an autist, but on the surface that frequently looks like a schizophrenic having a very bad day.

>> No.15812240

I never had to justify anything in front of a judge. I feel like there are 17 layers to this story you are omitting.
That's actually a bit funny
>all it takes, some subjective opinion and into the cock-o-nest you go.
That, and being in a position where you have a guardian. Most people don't.

>> No.15812311

It's only that judge is not judging... It's doctor. And judge completely and blindly accepts doctor's uninformed decision.

>> No.15812505

That's because a vast vast majority of flerfs are just redneck fundamentalist yokels and not schizo at all.

>> No.15812510

Because believing bullshit is very easy. See the Dunning-Kruger effect and the extreme confidence expressed in beliefs held at 90 or so IQ.

>> No.15812606

Most of them are left-wing hippie yoga people if their gurus are to be believed. Their most popular content creator Eric Dubay is a Hindu convert who hates Christianity and attacks Christians at every opportunity.

>> No.15812777

>How the fuck is it Schizophrenia and intelligence are negatively correlated?
there are a lot of very dumb schizos
for every st. terry there's at least a few dozen homeless crackheads shitting on street corners.

>> No.15812951

anyone know who the person in the OP's image

>> No.15813250 [DELETED] 

Yeah because you are an expert in evaluating intelligence and all supposed areas where they might be wrong. Meanwhile, i've given you my basis while you have yet to provide yours. All you do is go on about biases and personal experiences as if those give any objectivity as you continually accuse me of being against. You have no refutation against any of my arguments. You have to do better than anecdotes and worthless personal experiences.

>> No.15813256

Internet meme "schizo" and psychiatric diagnostic schizophrenia are at most tangentially related

>> No.15813260

Yeah because you are an expert at evaluating intelligence and all supposed areas where smart people might be 'wrong'. Meanwhile, i've given you my basis while you have yet to provide yours. All you do is go on about biases and personal experiences as if those give any objectivity as you continually accuse me of being against. You have no refutation against any of my arguments. You have to do better than ad hominems and worthless personal experiences.

>> No.15813876

Dubay is controlled opposition like all Flerf talking heads as the movement exists to discredit conspiracy theories in general.

>> No.15814038

i suffered from a pychosis episode, went to bed stressed out during exam month, prefrontal cortex or something misfired, tried to easse myself down, knew it will be bad, bad experience overall

also happened while i trained my chest muscles, went total WHAT THE FUCK, felt totatlly horrible, then in the train, and the feeling cannot be described

Tldr: i feel shit and i cant cope with it, until the day i die

>> No.15814039

If he was a paid agent for the government he wouldn't be living like a hobo in Thailand. He's just a normal hippie liberal retard.

>> No.15814225

Do you not know how little the janitors are paid?

>> No.15815305

Intelligence is measured by taking timed pattern recognition tests based on others' *opinions* of what the patterns are.
A schizo could spend too much time looking for additional patterns AND find patterns that the test designers didn't even know were there.
Modern intelligence tests are about alignment to test maker ideals more than anything. There is no good means for measuring intelligence.

>> No.15815314

what a thread, schizos should be euthanized

>> No.15815379

The majority of mentally ill are retarded.
But that's mostly because once you get down to about the low to mid 80s in IQ, people are physiologically incapable of empathy (i.e. they simply don't have the raw brainpower for it), meaning that retards are just natural sociopaths.

>> No.15816086

The schizo's pattern recogniion ability is not consistent, yes he could find patterns all day long, but they don't follow any logic. The differencce btn geniuses and schizos is that geniuses are consistent, schizos can't even explain what their patterns mean, meanwhile a truly intelligence person will be able to break down complex material to simpler material consistently. They have a very high signal to noise ratio while schizos have it very low. Normies on the other hand filter too much signal and don't even know what patterns are half the time unless their social circle okays it in which case they can start accepting certain patterns as useful signals.

>> No.15816087

Menza and other IQ tests don't test pattern recognition and half the answers to the harder questions are wrong. There are people dumber than schizos, they're called academics.

>> No.15816093
File: 613 KB, 1980x1320, 16876961521852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But don't trust me. Trust the tons of people clogging up reddit or 4chan with moderator fortified insulting behaviour, truists and darkists or even the team at Hubble who don't know how to scope stars in space properly. Pic related. It's the same blue star repeated.

>> No.15816104

They'll seek to ban me for what I said.

But not this
>The schizo's pattern recogniion ability is not consistent

Which is truism and terrorism.

It's a big academic con. Half these people are too stupid to know they're evil.

>> No.15816108

All of those stars are too small to resolve as more than one pixel. What you're seeing is the diffraction pattern. If you had more colors to work with you would see the differing spectra

>> No.15816109
File: 208 KB, 909x909, 1697446121029277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example. You think mathematically. You don't do math - at all. Writing sums on paper is stupidity that's thought to teach math. Most math graduates or PhDs are truly mentally chained retards.


>> No.15816113

>It's the same blue star repeated.
See, that's what we mean when we say that schizo pattern finding is useless.

>> No.15816126


>> No.15816133

What do you do all day? Are you employed or just collecting neetbucks in your mom's basement? You are always here making retarded posts all day?

>> No.15816134

Lol you are so fucking retarded. I don't even understand your 'look I'm a retard' pun you keep repeating.

>> No.15816136


>> No.15816138

Because I love you too much. I love the retarded. Yo... Stay away from my baby ok?

>> No.15816141

I'm sorry. I am retarded. I have schizophrenia.

>> No.15816144

how old are you?

>> No.15816145

*dresses up as a bit of poo*

I'm sorry ok?

What more can I do?

>> No.15816148

I'm one.

>> No.15816432

Most actual schizos aren't heckin wholesome chungus tormented geniuses like Terry Davis and are actually violently retarded bums who got their brain fried by the illness.
What people call "schizo" is actually just run of the mill eccentricity and cluster A personality "disorders".

>> No.15816723

maybe you are speaking about paranoia

Schizophrenics is just a cognitive dissonance on another level.

We are all schizo, the only difference between normal people and ill ones is that ill people take it seriously.

>> No.15817164

I think the problem with answering the question in the OP is that the manifestation of mental illness is too dependant on the individual to actually generalize the impact of the illness on the intelligence of the ill. ie You have one who's a schizotypal who's illness causes increased pattern recognition which could carry over to other intellectual pursuits, and another who's delusions are so strong they intrude on the person's ability to function let alone rationalize