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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1580325 No.1580325 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Things about science (or people's perception of science) that makes you depressed

For me, it's when people think it's antonym for, or has anything to do with, religion.

>> No.1580338

If thats depressing to you how can you post on /sci/ and not kill yourself?

>> No.1580342

Because I'm using "depressed" in a loose context.

>> No.1580343

Not a religiousfag at all but I hate when people full heartedly believe that evolution mutations are random and what we see to day are the ones that survived/thrived.

>> No.1580351

When people think psychology or any social sciences are, well, science.

I can no longer feel anything for them.

>> No.1580353

trolling is an science

>> No.1580369

If its not random that what is directing it?

>> No.1580382
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"Yeah, but YOU have faith in science!"

>> No.1580384

I think its funny how religious people call science contradicting the Bible like astronomy, genetics, geology, and tectonic plates as the 'Darwinist' or the 'Evolutionist' view. Highlights their ignorance rather well.

>> No.1580391

I usually answer that with "Why yes. I do have faith in science, just not YOUR kind of faith."

>> No.1580406


I dunno, thats why we have science to find out. I can't believe that fish just sprouted legs randomly. Its too convenient... not just fish but whales. Random species of fish sprouting random legs? Where are all the fish today with legs? surly they could survive in water without fins, I mean if a whale can move up on land and be totally defenseless.

>> No.1580415

Oh, you're a troll. I see...

>> No.1580414
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>> No.1580426

>I can't believe that fish just sprouted legs randomly. Its too convenient...
If there's one true thing about this universe and existence as a whole, it's that everything happens in patterns.

Also read up on "20/20 bias," I guarantee you find this all "too convenient."

>> No.1580432

I tried, failed, realized how scary and painful that attempt to suicide was, don't want to do it again.

>> No.1580436

>where are all the fish today with legs



>> No.1580450


Oh jee look a fish that walks, how random of it to have legs in the front. Thats still a fin fucktard

>> No.1580461

When people believe that the Big Bang means something came out of nothing.


>> No.1580467
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>> No.1580473
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>> No.1580474

Also "God particle", "LHC will create a black hole that will destroy the earth" "Einstein says everything is relative"

>> No.1580476

I think it's depressing how science shows us time and time again that we're really nothing special.
Astronomically we're on this tiny rock in the middle of nowhere, around a star that's average at best. Also recently thousands of earth-like planets have been found.
In the small scale, we're nothing special either. Living and non-living matter looks exactly the same on the molecular level.
Every atom that forms our bodies existed way before we were born, and will continue to exist after. We're just a disposition of this matter at a certain point in time.

>> No.1580478
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>> No.1580480
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>> No.1580483
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>> No.1580486


These sum up all the problems with modern science.

>> No.1580492

All those things show you how you *are* special -- just not in the way like mom and dad telling you you're special.

>> No.1580498

When people, like the idiot I'm quoting, think that nothingness can literally exist.

>> No.1580502

Uhm, what? Where do I say that?

>> No.1580607
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>> No.1580635

probably a common complaint but, people who think evolution means we came from chimps

>> No.1580667

> when people think it's antonym for, or has anything to do with, religion.

WTF Kinda retards are you hanging out with?

>> No.1580677

When people use quantum mechanics to "prove" magic.

I don't know what's worse; blatantly rejecting science, (evolution) or co-opting it to fit your spiritual goals. (Quantum Mechanics, confusing relativity with relativism)

>> No.1580679


>> No.1580705



You're not fooling anyone, buddy.

>> No.1580716

when i found out that a nuclear reactor is really just a steam plant

>> No.1580730

I hate hearing parrelel universes discribed as 'everythings exactly the same except you have 3 arms' or any explaination like that. Ok, so if they were to exist there could very well be such a place, but its misleading to only mention that 1 similar world and not explain that it is a result of an infinite amount of possibilities.

>> No.1580739

People think that evolution means one day humans straight up evolved directly from a chimpanzee or something.

>> No.1580799

People calling evolution "Darwinism" as if it is some sort of cult.

>> No.1580899

I kinda hate it when people think that an atom is just protons and neutrons in a ball, with electrons floating in nice little circular patterns around it...and everything else said