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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15797439 No.15797439 [Reply] [Original]

I see people refuse to go down a career path or major in a certain subject because it takes too much math.

I see people decide to major in one thing over the other because it takes less math.

Math always seems to be the subject everyone wants to "do it now and get it out of the way".

People seem to brag about how their major need any math.

I hardly ever see someone dread any exam more than a math exam.

Why is this, I don't see any other subject get treated like this, why do so many people hate math?

>> No.15797441

Math was debunked by 16th century logic, you will never get anywhere relying on an explosive system where the origin number is its own opposite number.

>> No.15797448

It requires thinking.
People hate to think.
Explains the state of the world.

>> No.15797449

No, its the opposite, it requires memorizing a bunch of arbitrary symbols that have nothing do to with your lived experience rather than thinking and reflecting.

>> No.15797450

Ealry mathematics education, especially in countries like America, consists of mindless symbolic manipulation and solving Sudoku tier puzzles. A computer already provides a much faster and less error prone way of doing this. Consequently many are turned off and never grok what mathematics is actually about. A notable exception being the ego-tripping autists who get off on being a human calculator.

>> No.15797451


>> No.15797469

Mathematician's Lament
read it

>> No.15797542

If it's not formal then it's not thinking.
It's emotional woman-like bullshit.
Yes, you philosophy major was a waste of time and money.

>> No.15797544

>gee why do few people excel at something difficult
>gee i wonder why people hate doing something they consider difficult, it is such an intractable mystery for my zoomie brain

>> No.15797545

All formal systems require a foundational paradox that simply makes that system a logical explosion, you are more self-contradicting than any of the emotional bullshit you are crying about.

>> No.15797550

What do you even mean by formal system if you don't count types of philosophy, formal system of what?

>> No.15797588

Because of symbols.

>> No.15797595

This is not true at all.
The 'arbitrary symbols' directly correspond to generalizations of things in your lived experience/the real world.
Only someone who doesn't know any math would say what you're saying.

>> No.15797598

This is wrong though, explosion only happens if you allow contradiction

>> No.15797602

it's hard to find basic, common sense explanations for most math concepts. The reason most people learn to hate it is because they were not explained the concepts in a straightforward way.

in schools they obfuscate and use overly rigorous and formal descriptions without ever developing geometric intuition. they teach students to just memorize formulas without ever showing them how those formulas were derived or how they relate to a greater structure. Even worse, a lot of times they never show real applications of what students are learning, so they don't find it engaging or interesting. The contrived examples about a catapult or a ladder leaning against a wall just don't capture the imagination.

The end result is that for many students, math is seen as some torturous exercise in memorizing arbitrary rules of symbolic manipulation with no motivation.

Another huge reason is that in public schools, they have to explain to a large group of students. Some people may already understand certain parts, others may have missed one step or not caught up yet. The result is some students bored from how slow it moves, and others who got lost at step 3, but now the teacher is on step 5 and they have no idea what's going on anymore, and they check out.

This gets compounded across several years, and so people learn to associate maths classes as boring or confusing. In either case, they end u resenting it.

>> No.15797606

Personally, i think math should be taught by starting from some process of design, something more concrete. Then showing how certain questions naturally lead us to equations, why we need to solve them, why different problems lead to different classes of equations, etc. Basically actually show the exploration aspect of math, starting from an interesting and grounded example and then working from there to more abstract, general principles. Currently schools dont do that, so its no wonder people hate math. It's only those who stick with it who get to see the rewards far down the line.

Great example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4wFd3iARWA

I guarantee if schools taught math more like this video, students would be far more engaged and interested. Same with stuff like 3blue1brown.

Sadly people good at math exposition are exceptionally rare and I doubt most are going to be interested in teaching middle school or whatever

>> No.15797607

Seems weird to me that math is not more attached to the other subjects. You could just learn math alongside physics.

>> No.15797615

>Sadly people good at math exposition are exceptionally rare and I doubt most are going to be interested in teaching middle school or whatever
just like people good at drama exposition or people good at sport, etc. This is not unique to math. This seems like a problem because we are on /sci/. Teaching using 'better' methods is not going to change anything because the problem has never been about teaching but about the few number of people who are ever good at anything. I see countless of these 'math is not liked' threads on sci and i wonder whether the retards making them have really sat down to think about what they are asking? Its almost like asking why there are many poor people and few rich people.

>> No.15797639

As an aimless unemployed 25 year-old this is what I need in my life, an awkward big boobaed teen qt 3.14 with braces

>> No.15797653

>bro just start from the grounded examples!
>bro just teach people the applications!
i don't think you'd make any progress
when i was younger i was interested exclusively in the real grounded world and didn't see any reason to learn abstract math just because it's le good for applications
it's funny that now, when i read a math book, i hate examples with applications, physics and other topics that are almost unrelated to my current area of interest

>> No.15797661

This is the same reason leftoids think they can close the wage gap because institutions are not doing 'enough' to 'encourage' women to apply for competitive jobs. Who the fuck came up with such retarded logic? Billions of money is being spent on this retarded assumption that if you try hard enough you can be as productive as a genius. Someone is definitely benefiting from this propaganda.

>> No.15797667

Because it's hard to fake. With any other subject, even theoretical physics, it is at least to some extent possible to just memorise shit or write bullshit that beats around the push and still appear that you know something about the subject. But with math, there is no way of faking it. You either understand it or you don't. There is no writing long essays so convoluted that it is impossible to figure out whether it is right or wrong, there is nothing to memorise because there are infinitely many possibly questions to be asked all requiring different ways of thinking.

>> No.15797724

It's all cope Notice that zero (0) of the grievances brought against math are unique to the subject:
> It's irrelevant / not useful.
Smart people don't say this. And it's not as if knowing every major battle from the civil war and the plot of A Tale of Two Cities is any more helpful for the burger-flipping retards that do.
> Rote memorization
You don't hate the memorization, you hate that it isn't working. Math IS often the only subject with a continuity of content between it's classes (Algebra II requires Algebra I but Chem doesn't require Bio, etc.). But if you're trying to brute force memorize math, you're probably doing the same thing in all your other classes and have a similarly poor understanding that just hasn't been exposed.

>> No.15797737

cause you rarely learn what you can use it for, besides basic arithmetic in every day life.

its mostly theory and never use it in practical settings.

ergo making it not fun, this is the same for any subject?

+ you can rarely use pre-existing knowledge to facilitate learning math, at least not in typical
school settings. alongside having to learn "moon-runes" it might be off putting to most people as you advance through math courses

math is very useful, but hate school.

This is my take. does not mean I am right in anyway.

>> No.15797742

>it's not as if knowing every major battle from the civil war and the plot of A Tale of Two Cities is any more helpful
True, and many people do indeed complain about rote memorization for these classes, especially history. The difference is that for most people, they find it easier to contextualize and conceptualize the plot of a book due to natural language being used, likewise with history it requires a bit more effort, but still comes more naturally than mathematics (for most people). It's easy to think "The battle of bull run was the first major battle, and x y z events occurred during it" simply because it's a much more organic line of thinking. "Cause -> Effect / Event -> Next sequential event"

For something like a Tale of Two Cities it's even easier for most people, as they can easily visualize and follow along with the story, leading to an easier time memorizing and internalizing it.

By contrast something like quadratic formula, the standard form equation of a parabola, and parsing that for the vertex, trigonometric double angle identities, or the limit of a function is a lot more difficult for most people, it's harder to remember in detail due to it's lack of immediate similarity to anything they encounter or deal with in day to day life. You have to understand that most people do not conceptualize the world around them in the form of cartesian coordinate system, it takes effort and practice and comes less naturally compared to history, or literature.

You'd understand even more why people have a hard time if you realized these equations were often taught to them with 0 context or motivation. I know for a fact when I was in school (southern state in USA), they just wrote the equation on the board and told us "memorize this". No diagrams, no geometric interpretation. Just dry symbols and "this is the rules you use to manipulate to get to the answer".

>> No.15797789

This isn't really a criticism because those people who are interested in math will find ways of understanding it better. Just like with any other subject. The economy is built in a way that filters those who have less interest at any given time of evaluation. This isn't a problem of teaching, its just how human competition works. There's always going to be difficult areas of a subject that few people understand and that no amount of teaching is going to change anything. I mean how many people even understand grigori's proof to the poincare conjecture even though his scandal made it famous?

>> No.15797830


>> No.15797968

Its not taught very well.

>> No.15798164

Because people don't like puzzles, and that's what solving an equation is.

>> No.15798181

I liked math, way easier than every other subject
shit like history and biology or chemistry required way more memorization which I hated

>> No.15798187

finna procreate

>> No.15798219

That is not Math you stupid moron, that is the sorry ass shit the US calls "education" system.

>> No.15798222

People remember math from school going from simple processes to long logic chains that get confusing. I call it the apple application. Add an apple, take an apple. Number of apples per basket, apples per basket. Explain the function of a set of apples. Trig follows the same issue where you can't sin cos in your head so you get worried.

>> No.15798226
File: 89 KB, 880x495, vonn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get it or you don't. Most don't.

>> No.15798227

I was a high ability learner way ahead of my class as a kid then in 4th grade they took me and the other smart white kid and an indian girl and had us to origami all year while the other kids caught up
in 5th grade we just watched videos that required calculus to solve but nobody even checked our work as long as we just watched the videos away from all the other kids
Then we took placement tests for middle school math and I placed in the middle group when (rather than advanced).
So, I blame the system. This is true btw

>> No.15798232

I don't know but it probably has something to do with everyone on this site being attracted to your gif of an inbred hick who clearly has fetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.15798341
File: 120 KB, 1280x960, 6101e9496ec2f847d97b9c59d6298b95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inbred hick who clearly has fetal alcohol syndrome
You do know what puberty is right?
Teens have an awkward phase where hormones are changing their bodies and they look kind of wonky because their facial development hasn't finished yet.
She's still cute and those milkers are divine

>> No.15798343

Okay pedophile

>> No.15798350

Pedophile means being attracted to pre-pubertal children
You'd think the science board of all places would be smarter than this

>> No.15798366

i know it's true because something similar happened to me. they told me i could skip grade 4 but instead of skipping in they put me and a couple other kids into a 'special' class which was more or a less a glorified book club consisting of make work reading material. i continued to do well until highschool, but by grade 10 i was so bored of school i nearly dropped out and was barely passing my classes. i would become a raging alcoholic and chronic underachiever until finally i had the last straw with being an abject failure in life so i quit drinking and im attending precalculus now, getting ready to take calculus next year.

>> No.15798372

You'd think a board based around science would be filled with more than just racists and pedophiles, but not on 4chan apparently.

>> No.15798373

can't you see the massive boobs?

>> No.15798374

Wow, I was really good at math and got to skip 7th grade math and go straight to algebra and then I became an engineer, so I have no idea what you're talking about. It looks like you're just the unfortunate side effect of a shitty system that was run by a bunch of republicans who wanted you to stay stupid and ignorant of who to blame. Nice!

>> No.15798380

I see the toothless grin, the inbred facial features, and the tell tale signs of fetal alcohol poisoning, but I guess a developmentally stunted adults is just as good as a teenager in your eyes.

>> No.15798381

it's my own fault, i got into the drugs and alcohol. my friend who was in the special class is no an aerospace engineer, while i am a lowly technician. not anymore though we're giving it one last shot and doing it right this time. math is actually fun once you get the hang of it and stop with the negative self talk such as 'this is pointless' etc. quite simply math is hated by those who get filtered by it, much like incels hate women. i suspect a lot of these men are like me, they could do it if they just tried a bit harder and freed themselves from distractions.

>> No.15798387

it isn't

>> No.15798389

She has braces retard, no child has breasts that massive

>> No.15798396

No shit, dumb fuck. You're the one attracted to her "gawky teengage face" or whatever the fuck you said. You're attracted to inbred adults with fetal aclohol syndrome that you think look like they're 14 because of their facial deformities.

>> No.15798405

First you accuse me of being a pedophile, now you backpedal and say I'm attracted to her "inbred features"
You're clearly a troll trying to stir up shit
For the record, straight, red-blooded males find her attractive, as proven by this thread
She's a unique combination of dorkishly adorable and hot that I need in my life

>> No.15798408

There's something called attainability in the law of attraction. You're attracted more to what you believe you could reasonably attain, and for you, that's going to be an inbred hick with fetal alcohol syndrome who has the cognitive development of a 12 year old. I guess if you're reasonably smart enough, you could lure a teenager with special needs into your van by offering her candy, you red hot blooded man you

>> No.15798429
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>he pivots back to pedo hysteria
This guy is a riot

>> No.15798432

You need to calm down, don't hurt anyone

>> No.15798451
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Funny dude
Too bad you can't see the charm in teenage qts
Young, sweet, innocent and energetic, that's what I need in my life

>> No.15798452

This anon is unironically correct

>> No.15798455

You're a harmless pedophile

>> No.15798466
File: 175 KB, 1390x1322, A5B8AFB1-D532-47A6-A8EE-786F348633E1.jpeg.e8f55bf5ac8d4da32776e62dc5aee6eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have an odd fixation with that word, that's enough Internet for you lad

>> No.15798467
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Hi me its you

>> No.15798476

The hard truth is that the majority of people are complete brainlets, and math is the scourge of brainlets.

>> No.15798486

You got me, I want to have sex with you, you greasy, unkempt, mentally stunted midget.

>> No.15798547
File: 160 KB, 850x959, sample_9bbf15e29645221838360e636caea80b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your admission of defeat

>> No.15798550

Your idea of safe sex is putting a condom on your hand.

>> No.15798551

>Why is math such a hated subject?
innumeracy probably contributes a lot

>> No.15798609

I absolute hate media like this where her belly button is clearly exposed but you never see it.
What an idiot. She had 1 job and she fucked it up.

>> No.15798610

I heard you prefer them attached still

>> No.15798774

I take it that you haven't taken advanced calculus.

>> No.15798810

Yes and Russel's Paradox proves you can't have a formal system without foundational contradiction which is why set theory begins with the empty set and arithmetic has 0 as the additive identity.

>> No.15798814

When have you ever physically encountered a square root, a factorial, a natural logarithm, or a cohavercosine?

>> No.15798894

Because you post big breasted females to draw attention to your pointless thread

>> No.15798909
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I had math both as an engineer and a maths major and the engineering ones were hell even for the same course.
the engineering calculus 1 course had 0 foundations, it's just solve this and compute that. the final was just fuck you integrals, fuck you differential equations, fuck you limits, etc.
The math calculus 1 course was the exact opposite. lectures were pretty much just proving theorems, showing what follows from theorems and how those results can be used. the final had way more proofs and "show that" questions and only 1 or 2 tedious ones.

>> No.15798965

I didn't read your post just give me source for this titcow