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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 250x248, Female_Engineer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1579390 No.1579390 [Reply] [Original]

physics majors: Ask an EE anything
CS majors: Ask your future boss anything
Math majors: Ask someone who's seen the light of the sun anything
Bio majors: Ask a smart person anything
EE majors: Ask a girl anything

Anyone else: GTFO out of /sci/

>> No.1579446
File: 26 KB, 400x396, AndrewSchlafly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Math majors: Ask someone who's seen the light of the sun anything

...Do you have a nice tan? Also, geuss who else did EE. (Pic related.)

>> No.1579455

Refer to statment 4 for a counter point.

>> No.1579470

I still require a pic of you with timestamp.

>> No.1579473

ME major here. where do you go to school?

>> No.1579477

Western Nevada College / University Nevada, Reno

>> No.1579483
File: 1.23 MB, 1078x814, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bio majors: Ask a smart person anything
I can circuit diagram, too.

>> No.1579493

EE major here.

Are you fat and/or ugly just like all the female EEs in my class?

>> No.1579498

>Ask a smart person anything
>Western Nevada College / University Nevada, Reno


pick one

>> No.1579499

Slightly chubby?

150 lbs

>> No.1579507

Do you use the metric system?

>> No.1579519

>electrical engineer

>> No.1579538


how tall are you? 150 is big for a woman if she doesn't workout and have muscle mass......which i doubt and engineer does much of.

>> No.1579549


I normally don't have much to do over the summer except wait for the next semester to start.

>> No.1579558

>chance to converse with smart femtripfag
>questions about body 100% inevitable

>> No.1579562


Why didn't you take Mathematics and EE instead?

>> No.1579566
File: 20 KB, 199x176, 1272392740689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ I am disappoint, I thought you people knew personality and the mind was the only thing that matters about a girl.

>> No.1579568

>chance to converse with smart femtripfag

hahaha that's actually the most pathetic thing i've read on 4chan in a looong time. and i even used to go on /r9k/ to troll sometimes

>> No.1579571

I'm actually planning to minor in math

>> No.1579570 [DELETED] 

I have a masters in physics, masters in EE, masters in pure mathematics, masters in applied mathematics, masters in CS, masters in MechE, and masters in chemistry.

Ask the new Nikola Tesla anything.

>> No.1579577 [DELETED] 

Hey OP, how does it feel that you still cannot use as much logic and reason, THAT MEN DO!

>> No.1579579

Maaww, that's so sweet.

And probably not true at all either.

>> No.1579586

How's the male to female ratio in your EE class?

>> No.1579591


>> No.1579593

>implying that he's willing to fall for a fat, ugly chick as long as she has a decent mind

>> No.1579596

hey baby i'll be takin' my first EE classes in fall. done with math and physics, how hard is this shit compared to lets say....electromagnetism in 2nd semester physics? i feel really unprepared

>> No.1579603


you really should lose some weight. you're slightly overweight on the bmi calc. shoot for less than 125 lbs at that height.

eh, maybe you carry you weight well.

>> No.1579606

I'm not fat. I'm "Marginally overweight"
(halls.md. v2)

>> No.1579609


OP how many years are you into your degree?

How much time do you spend studying and doing assignments?

How good are your grades?

>> No.1579611

you're not a (blank) just because you study (blank)

publish some papers in the field or make your income from it, then you can consider yourself a true (blank)

also, you go to a shit tier uni and you're making quips about being a CS student's boss someday? bitch please

>> No.1579616

>physics majors: Ask an EE anything

Why are you doing such a mundane job such as EE instead of discovering the secrets of the universe?

>> No.1579620


Note the coolface.


Well most of the smart nerdy women I know are beautiful so I still win.

The downside is that I know them from the Internet ;_;

All these Internet relationships man... I'm probably going to end up with the Eliza syndrome.

>> No.1579624

Med student. Mathematicians, natural scientists, engineers: Ask somebody whose job is somewhat similar to yours except people pay you money to do it and neurotypical people care about it anything.
loljk I don't really belong here and just came to ask about lasers, I'll just swim out against the loneliness gradient

>> No.1579618 [DELETED] 

Oregon State University > Western Nevada College / University Nevada, Reno

MIT > Western Nevada College / University Nevada, Reno

MIT and OSU, are master race engineering colleges.

>> No.1579630

2 years
2 hours-ish a day

>> No.1579625 [DELETED] 

>myface when it is trollface, not coolface
>myface when you are a huge newfag

>> No.1579633


>trying to troll a troll



>> No.1579639

What college should i go to?

And what makes UNR shit teir? >_>;

>> No.1579638 [DELETED] 

>whore thinks grades and college are better than self-teaching


>> No.1579643

a good one
it's shit

>> No.1579649 [DELETED] 

Oregon State University.

It is one step below MIT.

>> No.1579651




Retard. I'm mostly an autodidact but I still attend a university because it still facilitates the job in so many areas. I just preface to understand things my way when it comes to complicated stuff.

>> No.1579654


I've heard people call it coolface, others trollface, I just don't know anymore. I checked ED and it was coolface one day and trollface the other, so I just alternate between the two names.

>> No.1579655 [DELETED] 

Self-teaching fag here.

I only went to uni to get a degree, since most people won't hire you without one.

I learned more by self-teaching.

>> No.1579656


Fat female attention whore with a misplaced sense of self importance, who attends a shit university and browses 4chan in their spare time

300k starting

apply within

>> No.1579658 [DELETED] 

The original was trollface.

some guy on deviantart made it.

>> No.1579660


It's originally called coolface, /b/tards dubbed it trollface.

>> No.1579664

*Goes to the interview without any clothes on and a dildo taped to her resumé*

>> No.1579665


>The original was trollface.
>It's originally called coolface

Well, fuck people. Get it together.

>> No.1579666

It comes from a comic where a troll has that face. The original author called it coolface but people mostly call it trollface.

>> No.1579667


And? Do you think you are in any way superior just because you learn shit your own way? Mind you, most people can too.

>> No.1579671

*mans the harpoons*

>> No.1579680

People, people. How about we just call it grinface.


>> No.1579684

I can't believe you faggots are actually responding to this thread.

And here I thought /sci/ was unlike /b/, not giving attentionwhores attention.

Damn. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.1579686

OP, how does it make you feel that there are twice as many males in the genius/gifted range than females?

Genetic abnormalities can cause retardation and intelligence. Females are not as prone to these said oddities.

>> No.1579687

seriously though, where are you all going to find out if UNR is shit tier?

>> No.1579688



FUCKING QUIT IT!!!!@%$&^#$&%^

>> No.1579693


You must be a newfag.

>/sci/ was unlike /b/

Actually these days with all the jealous female fatfucks on /b/ camwhore are getting chased of lol.

>> No.1579694

Why don't you step on a treadmill 1 hour every day if you know you're fat?

>> No.1579701


nah, we should just call it human-version-of-rape-rodent-face

>> No.1579715

none of the above, and i shall not leave /sci/ attention whore.

>> No.1579716 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 462x460, 1280835766585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still in school
>ask an EE anything
>implying you are an EE despite having not completed your studies yet

>> No.1579723
File: 35 KB, 462x460, 1280835766585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still in school
>ask an EE anything
>implying you are an EE despite having not completed your studies yet

>> No.1579730

Is UNR even hard?

Post some of your homework or problems or the books you use.

>> No.1579734

Op, I'm curious.

Did you do vector calculus yet?

>> No.1579748

Physics for scientists and engineers with modern physics, Serway/jewett

Digital Design, M. Morris Mano, Micheal D. Ciletti

>> No.1579753

I finished my math/physics requirements early. Going back and doing all the lame core classes before I start engineering.

>> No.1579762 [DELETED] 

So when you go to get a degree in EE, they teach you all the math/physics in beginning, before going to the actual EE?

>> No.1579773

Also I don't think you can call yourself an EE major until you start doing the EE labs.

>> No.1579782


>Digital Design, M. Morris Mano, Micheal D. Ciletti

And you will be my boss ha?

I used that book in freaking HS and most of the shit covered there was taught to us in middle school.

You have a long way to go. Do you even know how to program yet. Most engineers need that. Make sure you learn that soon.

>> No.1579784

protip not every company hiring cs people needed ees, and many of them would rather have a cs grad with a business minor or double major.

>> No.1579785

Did you take Physics 182 last spring?

>> No.1579789

Woah. Yea. >_>;

>> No.1579792

What's up /sci/? gay engineer jokes not working today?

>> No.1579797 [DELETED] 

answer my question

>> No.1579801


Today it's fat cow jokes.

Didn't you get the memo?

>> No.1579804


>> No.1579805

say please faggot

>> No.1579806

I lol'd

>> No.1579812

For UCSD, a US school yes

>> No.1579816

What's up OP. Environmental Engineer here at UNR.

>> No.1579820

It was an intro class. Not much crap came from the book except occasional homework problems. Most of the work was from power points and electronic assignments.

>> No.1579818 [DELETED] 

>the game
>the game
>the game
>the game

>> No.1579823

Wee, let's be friends!

>> No.1579825


>Environmental Engineer

Hippy what?

>> No.1579834


alright come to the bottom of palmer engineering alone dont tell anyone where you are going we will be very good friends

>> No.1579840
File: 1.18 MB, 192x256, sagant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will only seat customers in numbers that completely fill an orbital shell.

>> No.1579843

Okay! And the forecast said it'd be hot tonight, so I'll make sure to wear something thin!


>> No.1579846


im all for raping this gay earth if people stay healthy

>> No.1579849


>> No.1579861


>> No.1579875

OP should just scout out the smartest, aggressive guy, marry him, drop out of EE, study to be a nurse.

It's a backup plan, you know?
Everyone wins.

>> No.1579887

So what, are you like, a lesbian or something?

>> No.1579892

OP, how does it feel knowing you probably will not be taken seriously at work?

>> No.1579900
File: 133 KB, 354x363, feels-good-man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1579908


I was afraid our intern would feel bad because we have to redo every circuits she does.

Awesome! :D

>> No.1579917

haha, oh wow.

I promise I'm not retarded.

>> No.1579920

You are a woman.

Plus you're in 2nd year. Trust me, I wouldn't let you close to designing circuits without redoing them completely.

>> No.1579934

does it help that i got the highest scores on my midterms in my digital design int. class and never had to rewire anything in the labs? As well as the fact that I currently am doing basic circuit work for $$? As well as the fact that I interned for nasa last year? As well as the fact that I tutor circuits/math/physics for the college?

>> No.1579938

UNR is the shit because generally the C range is 60% - 79% you'd have to try really hard to walk out of there without an Engineering degree.

>> No.1579952
File: 30 KB, 392x300, troll_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you one of those self righteous "empowered" women who constantly have sex with different men? I bet you love cock, don't you? Oh yes. Give me a realistic measurement of how much liquid manhood has been inside of you. How often do you giggle when cum is in your mouth? What?! You can't accuse me of sexual harassment can you? Oh no! What will you do now?!

>> No.1579955

Not really because you have no idea how to design a PCB, you don't know shit about high speed digital filters, you probably don't even know what a programmable array circuit is and you're a woman.

Congrats, you can wire a basic RC filter without needing to rewire. Just like any engineer.

>> No.1579960


>> No.1579968


Anything else: Whatever

>> No.1579969

How many times have you sucked your prof's cock?

>> No.1579975

The better is how many times could I stop on my own!

>> No.1579984

By the way OP when did you take your Intro to Engineering class?

>> No.1579991

I wouldn't outright proclaim that you're an idiot, OP, if I didn't know anything about you but I know that you're attention whoring on 4chan with this thread and that trip. So yeah, you're an idiot.

>> No.1580013

>CS majors: Ask your future boss anything

This is what EE faggtos actually believe.

>> No.1580024

You mean random girls.

We don't let CS majors touch the code in our uCs.

>> No.1580033

>Ask a smart person anything
>Ask a girl anything


>> No.1580064

>Self proclaimed EE
>Not even through core classes

>> No.1580069
File: 37 KB, 604x301, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third-year EE+Math minor here. Ask me how awesome I am.

>> No.1580070

FACT: Trolls feed on self-proclaimed femanons.

>> No.1580075


But how can two characteristics that provide one with the maximum possible level of faggorty exists simultaneously in the same person...

My god...

>> No.1580141
File: 36 KB, 604x421, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As well as the fact that I tutor circuits/math/physics for the college?
I also tutor these types of classes for my college. I think I'm up to 13 or 14 different courses now.
If OP is not a troll, I approve.

>> No.1580157

EE major/ math minor just graduated in may

>> No.1580192

wtf is Eliza syndrome?

>> No.1580566

after working plenty of years with plenty of certified, letterized, sheepskinned experts, the one true thing i know is this...

if you check your assumptions, then check them again, then ask your internal customer, you will begin to learn.

>> No.1581124

>design a PCB
I was designing them since high school
>what a programmable array circuit is
I've never had to use a PAL, but I know what they are, and I've had to design a few circuits with them for classes.
>don't know shit about high speed digital filters
Got me there.
and there.

I would say it's the "motion of the ocean," but, i'm pissed tonight. Size matters, but it's not everything. Enjoy your small penis.

Also, shameful raged self-bump.

>> No.1581135

>Bio majors: Ask a smart person anything
Well fuck you then.

>> No.1581145
File: 20 KB, 360x480, 5-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were more (white)girls in engineering and mathematics.

The few that actually exist are usually chinks or east indians.

Wait, are you a chink?

>> No.1581148


>> No.1581152

What's wrong with asian girls? Or are you /sci/'s resident Nazi. I can never keep my tripshits straight.

>> No.1581154

OP what did you get on your SAT?

>> No.1581166

op are you a DUM/B/ FAGGOT?

>> No.1581169

Don't remember and collegeboard is down for maintenance.
The highest of my scores was math. I think I did 610? I don't have a clue what the other scores were. If collegeboard lets me get to them soon i'll post them.

>> No.1581172

Maybe. That's subjective

>> No.1581177
File: 186 KB, 644x699, 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I am doing EE too.

What made you decide to choose EE?

Also what changes would need to be made to get more (white)girls interested in engineering and mathematics?


There are multiple "Nazis" here but I'm the only one which uses a trip and lately I have been busy.

>> No.1581181
File: 209 KB, 406x480, 1280004988911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Straight female

>> No.1581183

Jennie, he's asking you whether or not you're a /b/tard.

>> No.1581185

>what changes would need to be made to get more (white)girls interested in engineering and mathematics?

perhaps a eugenics program to breed white chicks that arent stupid whores.

>> No.1581186

Molecular biology major/chemistry minor. Last semester I made a sugar beet that produces bioplastic in its amyloplasts using genes from Ralstonia eutropa. Since the genes for the plastic a (polyhydroxylbutanoate) is natrually toxic to starch storing plants since it steals too much acetyl-coA for PHB production, I had to design a tissue specific inducible promoter that was not leaky; which I did, and I doubt very many people out there could have. The only thing I know about electrical engineering is that my fat cousin does it, and he is a fucking moron that doesn't believe in evolution. So fuck off op.

>> No.1581188


I don't believe that's you. Write /sci/ on hand with timestamp.

Don't give me that "I don't have a camera" bs, all girls have cameras (usually more than 1).

>> No.1581193

incompetent anon is incompetent

>> No.1581198

I saw something that looked cool to me when i was 13 or 14 and wanted to know how it worked. When i found out, I was amazed. Picking up on this, my father bought an "Electronics Learning Lab" for me from radio shack.
At the time I also wanted to be an astronaut (go figure?), and I read in a lot of places that being an engineer was a good way to do that.

To get more women into Phys/math/engr, you need to start posting half naked men in physics labs and make non essential lab equipment from chocolate.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Body_art.jpg <3 <3)
But you could also encourage women to get into math and physical crafts at an early age. Make science toys out of dolls? I don't know. I think it would be cool if i got a barbie doll that came with a barbie-science-kit when I was younger.

>> No.1581199

holy shit, what?

you made a sugar beet which makes plastic?

>> No.1581201

Physics graduate student here asking a question:

how does it feel to be lesser?
an engineer can do engineering
a physicist can still do engineering, if he feels like it.

>> No.1581204

>if he feels like it.

and I could win an olympic medal... if i felt like it.

>> No.1581207

>look at thread
>no pic of OP

Post pic, OP.

>> No.1581209

While physicists would know the mechanism for just about any engineering application, there are intricate details in many fields which would drive physicists nuts.

>a physicist can still do really basic engineering

>> No.1581210

Hey OP, I love you :3
lets talk nerdy to each other :3

>> No.1581211
File: 56 KB, 504x521, 20100807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it would be cool if i got a barbie doll that came with a barbie-science-kit when I was younger.

>> No.1581213

I accidentally in my mouth a little.

>> No.1581214

What induces the promoter btw?

>> No.1581222

Jennie, do you know of a device that will tell me the energy consumption of a power supply? Something that just numerically calculates <span class="math">\int iv dt[/spoiler] and spits out a number.

>> No.1581225

If I told you it was IGPT analog would you believe me?

>> No.1581227
File: 173 KB, 640x533, 1267079039347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS majors: Ask your future boss anything
so you plan to work in the computer forensics division of your local police department too?

>> No.1581229

You can buy a watt counter at Radioshack or something.
You could also measure the total consumption of your household, shut off your computer, then measure it again.
Or, you could get really involved and use a uC or RTL design to record data and do the math on the fly and then output the values to a display.

I used the second method last week and found that in idle, my computer uses about 300 watts.

>> No.1581235
File: 28 KB, 298x236, art10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It sounds like you already had somewhat of a interest(curiosity) and your parents support allowed you to pursue it further.

All parents should obviously do this but also a cultural shift may help. To create an environment that encourages female interest in these fields.

One day I would like to marry a (white)girl who has or is pursuing a degree in one of these areas. It would be so much fun.

You presence is appreciated, I'm sure you will make a fine engineer.

>> No.1581237

>>a physicist can do numerical integration just as well as an engineer


>> No.1581239


>> No.1581244

Monte Carlo in engineering? Ehrm

>> No.1581249

>implying that engineering is just numerical integration

Today, a physics major had to ask me what an opamp is/does.

>> No.1581252

Damn, OP doesn't love me bac :C

>> No.1581253 [DELETED] 


I don't think he was implying that.

>> No.1581255
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1581259

>Implying physicists like to use Monte Carlo integration

>> No.1581269
File: 107 KB, 500x659, IMG_1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just took this pic of OP when she met me on campus a few mins ago

>> No.1581271

I don't think you've seen what numerics in physics look like

>> No.1581277

I have and I've never seen much Monte Carlo going on.

>> No.1581282

We've got at least one group that uses it heavily.

>> No.1581287

Don't I look sexy?

>> No.1581289

What for?

>flood detected, post discard
Why does this shit even still exist now we have the Captcha?

>> No.1581292

Many-body physics.

>> No.1581296



I still find Monte Carlo methods the least beautiful way of looking for solutions.

>> No.1581301

You're definitely looking your best.

>> No.1581302


>While physicists would know the mechanism for just about any engineering application, there are intricate details in many fields which would drive physicists nuts.

Maybe you haven't met a lot of people in physics, but speaking from experience the people in physics tend to have minds geared toward that kind of thing. It's why they're bothering to major in the field. And yes, an "untrained" physicist can do basic engineering, but with degree in hand, or some time in grad school, someone in physics could equal an engineering degree with several months, or at most a year, of independent study. The base physics gives you to stand on means you could do this for just about anything with "engineering" tacked onto the end of it.

Once you're done with you schooling for EE, you're not going to have THAT many options open to you. With phyics, I could literally pick from things as widely separated as air/spacecraft design and superconductor research, or nuclear power and signal processing, or mechanical design and fundamental particle physics, or oil drilling and solar energy. Even from just those few things I listed, which are a much too narrow selection of the real options out there, how many of those could you look forward to having the CHOICE of picking from? Certainly less than half, and more like a quarter.

Especially at this point, where you and I (a 4th year physics major, math/nano-science double minor) truly know NOTHING about our respective fields compared to anyone who could legitimately call themselves a capital P Physicist or a capital E (Electrical) Engineer, I wonder why anyone would limit themselves and their future options by taking an undergraduate ___ engineering degree. I've spoken with MANY professors, and I have reliably heard from them that the people they know who started into engineering in grad school with a background in physics not only had a much easier time than their peers, but also ended up being some of the best.

>> No.1581306

Captcha doesn't stop flooding. You can open many windows/tabs, fill in all the captchas, and submit them all at once.

>> No.1581310

It's the whole chair (2 more profs) actually, by looking at their website.
On the "Monte Carlo is fugly" statement: You're probably right. I have no clue how they can like doing that stuff. I mean it's a funny thought to just shoot at a function and see whether you've hit, but that's about it. ;)

>> No.1581313

>tl;dr: physicists can learn the intricacies and have probably been at least introduced to them. But they have more choice as to which engineering fields they dabble in.

k. Have fun being a intellectual nomad. I prefer specialization and I don't have any regrets about my choice to be an engineer (except that it doesn't feel particularly feminine, but whatev.)

>> No.1581322

Just got an email, hihi. Rough translation:

Dear colleagues,
Yesterday someone let air into the Helium return line. Thus, the machine has to be cleaned and there's no LHe until 12.

No Helium basically means no nothing here, I'm sure even the pen and paper theorists need massive amounts of LHe. ;)

>> No.1581342
File: 8 KB, 251x250, 390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your face when OP is a fat balding middle aged guy

>> No.1581351

Hahah, yeah right. Try getting a physicist through digital communications or DSP etc. etc. etc. The only people I know who went physics -> EE were the physical electronics guys, and that's not really much of a stretch to go from theory of stuff like carbon nanotubes to...y'know, applications of nanotubes.

But the system level engineering? Bool-shit.

>> No.1581352

My deepest darkest secret! How did you find out!? D: D: D:

>> No.1581383

inb4 white knights

>> No.1581405

>I'm sure even the pen and paper theorists need massive amounts of LHe. ;)

To cool their Fermi-based computers no doubt?

>> No.1581424

Jennie, why did you start that stupid vampire thread??
>also, why do you keep bumping it?

>> No.1581432

I too demand an explanation for this. WTF? It's been here since last night.

>> No.1581448

What vampire thread?

>> No.1581453

I thought you couldn't delete it because your password had changed, but since you did it means you didn't know how to delete things. newfag detected.

>> No.1581473

Dunno. Maybe they use superconductive pencils so writing is easier.

>> No.1581485

Jennie still doesn't love me back
Baw :'(