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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15789969 No.15789969 [Reply] [Original]

For students, surgeons, doctors and nurses - barebones MED TRIAGE edition signpost on the emergency tent. Feel free to make another when you arrive

>> No.15790010

First post goes to Optometry :)

>> No.15790017 [DELETED] 

Mass reply post (filter this post and the replies to it)

>> No.15790040
File: 47 KB, 560x560, chrome_image_5 Oct 2023 19_22_29 BST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's HORSE: e.coli
Escher ich ia coli (colon)
A baterium of the colon!!

>> No.15790130 [DELETED] 


>>15717312 p. 1 (and to get to 300)

>> No.15790173 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790198

>the operating theatre is now just overwhelmed with women mainly gossiping (oooh did you hear that x nursoid is dating that autist doctor who no one likes???) and taylor swift music
fuck bros I just want to talk to someone about autistic phillosophy, arts or even fucking finance during surgery rather than listening to gossip or talking about food or travel.

>> No.15790256 [DELETED] 


>>15717312 # p. 1

>> No.15790301 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790349 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790385 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790425 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790439

should have picked radiology like me, chud

>> No.15790453

The shirt I wore when I had a fever in bed smells like vinegar
VGH illud est enemic acidosis quod est

>> No.15790485 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790496 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790509 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790587 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790616 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790634

Had to admit to my physiology teacher that I only studied 2 hours before an exam. I still did well on the exam, but her having a higher standard for me and basically calling me out on my laziness has me in a funk. She made me promise I'd crush the second exam case studies.

>> No.15790682 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790711 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790747 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790774 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790798 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790800

>go to dentist 2 weeks ago
>get a filling redone
>it’s a deep filling
>pulpitis nonstop ever since
>trying to manage inflammation in the hopes it goes away with ibuprofen
>it’s not getting better
>go to back to dentist yesterday
>doesn’t do percussion test, doesn’t test cold on the tooth, only surrounding teeth
>takes X-rays, sees no infection but recommends I see endodologist soon
>suddenly today I have no cold sensitivity and now how intense percussion sensitivity
>know I 100% have pulp necrosis despite being in a dentist chair yesterday

Bros I need a new dentist

>> No.15790803


>> No.15790808

You will never be as cool as medevac pilot gigachads

>> No.15790839 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790842

I have an appt with the endodontist in the morning

>> No.15790848

Also, can an inflamed pulp even go full necrosis in two weeks? Surely it already had to have been fucked by the time I got the filling done two weeks ago

>> No.15790896 [DELETED] 



>> No.15790910 [DELETED] 



>> No.15791348

What molecule is this? I recognize the opiate but its neither morphine, nor codeine, nor oxy...

>> No.15791539
File: 228 KB, 400x400, sJqZUwIh_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Thebaine I'm pretty sure, from the rotation of the O
But with iron
Also opioid* >.<

>> No.15791574


>> No.15791630
File: 66 KB, 720x1022, Screenshot_20231006-170928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Notice the left clockwise rotation putting it below, which takes away the recreational effect of opioids, I think or what was said before) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dextromethorphan

>> No.15791632
File: 63 KB, 720x374, Screenshot_20231006-053321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both OCH3 and it seems like the mixtures were just for doing what the enzymes do to it in the body - 3A4 cleaving the C and attached H (nor- soon) - and 2D6 for OCH reactions

>> No.15791652 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791672

I mean below (and (dextrorotatory) right rotated)

>> No.15791692
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I found this cool way to do ( )
Has a dream about the rings

>> No.15791718 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791732 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791737 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791741
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Today's ZEBRA

>> No.15791756 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791757 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791778 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791795 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791797 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791812 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791815

Don't forget to report spam

>> No.15791820 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791824

Sorry but this is the best way to do it. Nobody gives a shit about my posts and you can filter all of the replies to that one so that spam isn't an issue

>> No.15791830 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791833 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791834 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791837 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791844


>> No.15791845


>> No.15791847
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LimpBizkit in the Operating Theatre shitposting

>> No.15791850
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>> No.15791851 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791852 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791855 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791857

Dude can't you just kill yourself already? C'mon.

>> No.15791862

Prove it.

>> No.15791870 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791877

>autist doctor who no one likes
I feel fucking attacked.

>> No.15791882

If I get banned >>15789969
When there is someone in medicine here, they should make the threads, and make sure it doesn't fall off page 10 again. Do that with your medical friends or something. Bring more doctors

>> No.15791885 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791888 [DELETED] 

Another post put towards getting there

>> No.15791892 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791894 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791897 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791907 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791913 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791917 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791924 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791930


>> No.15791932 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791956

Your responsibility now. If you let the thread die I will come to your house and burn it down

>> No.15792942


>> No.15793253

so, how retarded is it to only take 1 amoxillicin pill and then stop?
i convinced a doc to give me an amoxicillin Rx because i knew i had a dead root in a tooth, and my scheduled root canal was a week out

i took one amox pill but then my root canal date got moved up. i did the root canal (pulp was dead/necrotic), i told my endo the situation, and he told me to stop taking the antibiotics. he doubts the bone got infected but the exact same thing happened to another tooth for another root canal and i ended up with a bone cyst

>> No.15793478

Can someone post a map of nerves on the skin of the belly? I have to give myself heparin jabs and I’m looking for a place where it hurts the least.

>> No.15793591

/Med/ is a naturally slow thread you fucking twat. Coming in here and flooding the thread does nothing but annoy everyone.
Dx: You're an insufferable little faggot
Px: Suicide

>> No.15793623

So slow it reaches page 12

>> No.15793631

Also you little sperg fuck GET OFF.MY DICK FAGGOT
DO YOU SEE THE MESSAGE NOW THST ITS ALL IN CAPS whatever reason you for for seething at me since the start of September just drop it
Annoying spastic runt all round. Absolutely seething little dickhead stuck to my leg trying to hump it

>> No.15793676

Any psychiatry residents here? This anon needs emergency help.

>> No.15793744

I need psychiatric help for acting like you?

>> No.15793767

Think on the bright side. She gives a shit about how you do, so if you don't do as well as she wants, of course she's gonna think you didn't put in any effort.

>> No.15794148 [DELETED] 

I had itching on the hair next to the my penis for a week and then I decided to have a look and it was a red patch about 1 inches wide and it looked like the hair follicles were swollen so I ignored it
A few days later now I've noticed that it's blistering, I can pop the blisters and the blisters form scabs
Does this sound like herpes? I had sexual contact 3 years ago but no sex
I also have really bad problems with warts on my skin and currently have a large plantar wart

>> No.15794173

When I was a teenager I would have a shower, walk out with my towel around me and sit on my computer
My groin would be moist for an hour
Eventually I developed a condition where a certain region under my scrotum would become extremely itchy and form lumps and it was especially bad after showering, at night I'd often not be able to sleep because of how itchy it was, I'd just be itching until it was bloody
I discovered that using baby powder down there after showering would stop the itching
This came and went for a few years and I haven't had it for 6 years now
What was this likely?
I am worried it's come back

>> No.15794683

Lmao tard, use the towel to dry your body.

>> No.15794869

Go away

>> No.15794888

Literally Google "how does constant exposure to moisture affect the skin" you stupid ass faggot. God fucking damn fuck you.

>> No.15794894

Give the medical term right now

>> No.15794897

Yes Google your own symptoms instead of leaving the problem that's fixed and acting if it comes back probably hopefully by going to the doctors

>> No.15794937

Go away

>> No.15794960

Go away

>> No.15795210
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I have a hemorrhoid sticking all the way out of my asshole, I can’t even push it back in. Not asking for advice, just proud of my achievement

>> No.15795212

Jock Itch.

>> No.15795342
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>starting a new rotation tomorrow
>they still haven't sent us any information about where the fuck to go
>it's obgyn

>> No.15795429

>>it's obgyn
Is OBGYN really that bad?

>> No.15795433

At my school it has a very bad reputation. The attendings love to shit on students and force them to do long hours, and they're even worse to the interns. Poor bastards.

>> No.15795444

>The attendings love to shit on students
That's so fucking lame. Why do people do this?

>> No.15795484

its universally bad in america
the females are toxic to the females and the males just get told to stay out of the exam room
long hours on L&D

obgyn is a surgical specialty with all the malpractice and none of the prestige. i don't even understand why men go into it

>> No.15795514

Testicular empyema

I would bet you’re impotent now.

>> No.15795605
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>> No.15795611
File: 139 KB, 768x1024, impacted bowel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neurodegenerative disease
—heat intolerance

-TRULANCE(laxative used since 2019)
-miralax(polyethylene glycol 3350)

I have been suffering from a neurodegenerative disease for 9 years and first had a fecal impaction back in 2019 after being diagnosed with dysautonomia.

I remember having the same problems with nausea, abdominal pain, gas, yellow liquid, inability to eat anything.

The doctors at cedars Sinai refused to admit me and claimed my X-ray just showed lots of gas

The problem is that my health has deteriorated a lot since 2019 and i have become bedridden so it’s extremely difficult to visit doctors in their offices and wait for tests.

I might try readmitting myself into tge ER. Second time in the hopes of being admitted to evaluate and treat my fecal impaction.

Im aware that X-ray scans barely show anything and I really need a CT or MRI to check my fecal impaction.

I was in the most pain I’ve ever been in my life

My blood isn’t normal and my muscles, head and heart hurt all the time.

I don’t understand how it is that I was kicked out of the ER and told there’s nothing wrong with me.

I think I should have been admitted.


Blood tests:

>> No.15795623

Why do boomers say blood "cloth"?! It drives me mad.

>> No.15795651

on FB says you are from Israel. disgusting

>> No.15795669
File: 76 KB, 900x675, Pilar_cysts_5_fee391183f15cb4d62773032fe0be92d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pilar cysts, pic related on my head. One has become lightly infected, but slowly getting better. I've been ignoring it. It's as big as in the pic.

Should I see a doctor or what anons?

>> No.15795686
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Fuck it, I'm going, can't risk the brain infection.

>I hate visiting the doctor's office
I hate visiting the doctor's office
>I hate visiting thr doctor's office

I do not like it bros.

>> No.15795766

yeah you should see the doctor, there are about 8 common reasons you could have a bump like that, some go away on their own, and some can even end up dangerous, it’s worth at least getting an opinion. I had a pilomatricoma, having it removed was the best thing I ever did I fuck women so much easier without a giant rock hard gooseegg on my forehead

>> No.15795916

I'm taking the CASPER on Thursday. What kind of fucking answers are they looking for? I've been an ER Tech at a ghetto hospital for a year now and I'm pretty sure I'm jaded as fuck and have developed the "wrong kind of professionalism". I'm sorry but when it's 3am and a schizo black man is annoying you for the 8th time on when he's gonna be seen, you just need to tell him to sit his smelly ass down and escalate it to the point where he fears you.

>> No.15795919
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>> No.15795923

you have been very bad and now you are growing devils horns.

>> No.15795988

>all the ER doctors are wrong!
Yeah no buddy. If you're that concerned with their lack of expertise you should be seeing a specialist and not wasting their time. The ER is for EMERGENCIES, and if you're not AOx0, apneic, spetic or for any other reason on the verge of fucking death STAY HOME AND MAKE A FUCKING APPOINTMENT.

>> No.15796351

Go away

>> No.15796444
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>> No.15796506

I got 1st quartile on CASPER and I'm still getting invites/getting accepted. Don't worry about it. It's a meme.

>> No.15796526

>that autist doctor who no one likes?
Well, fuck you too.

>> No.15796648

If i lie about being gay on my med application do you think theyll figure out or something? I need some of those bonus points too ok

>> No.15796666

They’re going to fuck you in the ass to make sure

No, they won’t do anything, just say your bisexual because your dad touched you or something and enjoy the free bonus points it gets you, if you don’t abuse the system someone else will and you might not get accepted then

>> No.15796673

Well, suck my cock if it’s true.

>> No.15796688

The PR nightmare of forcing someone to prove they’re gay is already enough for them to automatically believe you unless you go in public and start saying you want gays to be killed or something. You’re using this shitty site so you probably are gay anyways

>> No.15796704

I went anon, it's been checked out. I'm a tard that looks away and hope things resolve themselves.

Did the same to peripheral neuropathy for example.

>> No.15796708

And thanks. I have 15 of them on my scalp beneath hair. Benign, but fucked. Some are as big as an eye.

Idk if removing will increase chances of sex, but if the Norwood reaper comes for me, it's over.

>> No.15796726

I recently had to read an odd triage note
>18 year old male with known seizure disorder brought in to ED by police after family called 911 for erratic behaviour, including removing all his clothes in public, auditory hallucinations of animals and of commands to harm self
>ED resident suspects illicit drug use and sends him to the psych-ER side with occasional check-ins by staff while he sobers up
Check ins were too spread out and the kid went wild in the ED. Nurse notes literally read
>pt found in ED bathroom covered in soap, naked, and explains to writer that he has to wash himself 8 times before he is able to speak to the doctor or he will be covered with bees, coerced out of BR by another nurse with food
>patient had code white called after he grabbed the resident on-call's scrubs, would not unhand him, and proceeded to yell at resident telling him to sing, spitting and swinging at staff who attempted to help resident
He was sedated and send to MRI. New left frontal lobe mass and encephalitis found.

>> No.15796822

I wake up to piss 3-5 times a night and then fall back to sleep almost immediately
Each time this happens I have a dream and I remember it
Is this why I feel sleepy all the time and can nap whenever? What does remembering my dream have to say about the deepness of the sleep I achieve?

>> No.15796831

Need some general articles about radiology, any rec?

>> No.15796837

Frontal and temporal injuries have to be ruled out before sending patients to the loonhouse, specially if the onset is acute.

>> No.15796852

Go away from my ER and don't come back unless you're on a gurney and knocking on death's door. And no, you cannot have a sandwich or a blanket.

>> No.15796904

Bitch, I'm a frequent flyer! I'm going to show up on Christmas!

>> No.15796927

Fuck you man, I'm in 11/10 pain here. Regular meds won't work though, I need the one that starts with D.

>> No.15796929

D-dilaudid. I think that's what it's called...
I want a turkey sandwich while you're at it!

>> No.15796949

Of course. The resident who saw him in the ED was an R1 who didn't want him in the active medicine side of the ED and thought the psych side would be able to control him better. Too bad it took 2 code whites for the R1 to link his seizure disorder and rapid worsening in his behaviour to ask for that MRI.

>> No.15797030

I am interested in psychiatry, but in a biological sense. Like, how to better treat depression or schizophrenia by targeting the biological cause of these maladies. As far as I know, this isn't how psychiatry functions to this day, which is unfortunate for me.

>> No.15797223

self-hating gays exist so even your example cannot disprove gayness.

>> No.15797242

Any haemato bro here ?

>> No.15797340


>> No.15797354

whats the best way to deal with gastritis or heartburn produced by ingesting LSD?

>> No.15797355

stop taking LSD

>> No.15797479

keep taking lsd

>> No.15798169

whats "ppis"?

>> No.15798249
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Today's HORSE: (SAD) Social anxiety disorder

>> No.15798483

I saw one of these in my R2! Late 20s woman saw her family physician for new headaches, dizziness, episodes of diaphoresis, feeling like her heart was pumping too fast. Triage nurse found her BP to be 168/101, multiple PVCs on ECG, heart rate ranged between 110 and 124. Her family physician initially thought iron deficiency or even possibly focal seizures, but then the urine catecholamine test positive and it all came together.

>> No.15798529

Anyone know what the fatal mnemonic is?

>> No.15798555
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are reading glasses really inevitable?
i don't want my body to decay.

>> No.15798577

Is it normal for medicine to take 3-4 hours to dissolve buccally but maybe 30 minutes sublingually?

>> No.15798578

you kind of grind the pill with your tongue muscles, in my experience. it just falls apart faster since there's a mechanical component to it

>> No.15798745

yes. go buy glasses from an optometrist :)

>> No.15798786

Outside of medical emergencies and NICUs OBGYN is very low stress with a slower pace and lots of off-time. You also don't have to regularly deal with general pop retards and old people with a dead sea scroll tier of problems you've only heard of in textbooks.

>> No.15798821

i don't sneeze from bright light, as in if i go outside and it's bright it doesn't make me sneeze. i don't think that's ever happened. but, if i feel a sneeze coming on and i can't get it to fire, if i stare at a light bulb it usually helps push me over the edge.
what's up with that? is it the same thing?

>> No.15798872

Oh my god, that fucker optometrist still follows this general.

>> No.15798892

Jesus, uninformed aren't we. No usage of tranquilizers yields better short and superior long term outcome.

how can it be called an illness when I can induce schizophrenia in you without the use of drugs?

its more likely its a defense mechanism or coping mechanism than anything else.it's easer to triggering in certain people than others.

the DSM-5 simply classify psychosis into some "supposed illness" Psychiatry is veiled in deceit and lies, little hober gobler.

>> No.15798929


>> No.15799025
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>half his videos are about pooping

>> No.15799054

How had I not noticed not all boards have a rule against flamewars?

>> No.15799239
File: 96 KB, 800x534, 190806jv_mayorvisits-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be CNA
>looking for better paying job
>application spam indeed postings
>get interview for $20/hr
>it's for child care
>I've always wanted to do pediatrics at St Jude's or a similar place so this seems like a good step
>no experience with kids
>interview happens from a staffing agency
>it's for a children's shelter
>look up shelter
>workers demanding backup, the shelter is a dumping ground for kids wirh delinquency/severe mental health issues, pimps outside waiting for teenage girls, constant employee write-ups in an understaffed facility due to things far outside their control
>staff complaints and protests include getting abused by the kids, black eyes, pulled hair, false allegations, scratches, kicked shins/pelvises, etc.

It's a transitional shelter before kids get shipped to foster care, but the vast majority of these kids are heavily abused and neglected, even in the shelter. It has a capacity limit but legally cannot turn away children, so it sits understaffed and overpopulated. I want so bad to get out of geriatric care, but I think this is way outside my realm. Just wanted some outside thoughts on this. It's through the state department of family services.

Oh yeah, and there is not ONE SINGLE MENTION, from Google, their website or elsewhere, of this facility having CNAs. Apparently nurses do rounds and make visits so I might be assisting them in health checks, but I'm not sure because there's zero info anywhere.

Should I run from this job?

>> No.15799242

>false allegations

>> No.15799573
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, _4f727017-4a5a-47d8-b1b9-14ae64f685c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My patient wolfed out during a check-up. Any advice? (Should I send him to veterinarian?)

>> No.15799726

any gasbros tried retrieval? what's it like

>> No.15799759


>> No.15799773

There is no better job. You get scratched, kicked, and abused by patients after wiping their asses and bathing them. Your cherry on top is that you're paid on par with a cashier at ALDI, but will be overscheduled because of chronic understaffing. Just look into different work.

>> No.15799863

>No son of mine is gonna go to Medical school to become some stink chasing gas ghoul

>> No.15799883

>peds release date was 10/10
>only 9 IV invites so far
>8 of them were safety programs I didn't want to go to
This one interview is going to be so goddam stressful. I hope I get a few more

>> No.15799982
File: 46 KB, 560x560, chrome_image_11 Oct 2023 23_16_46 BST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's HORSE: Levodopa / L-DOPA

>> No.15799994

How the fuck am I supposed to do a resident zoom meet and greet social without them immediately realizing I'm horribly autistic

>> No.15800026

>the worst of peds
Good luck.

>> No.15800076

You're probably able to remember the dreams for the same reason the WILD technique works for lucid dreaming. No idea why you piss so fucking much though

>> No.15800277

what do you guys do for fun? i read romcom manga and play tf2 :).

>> No.15800367

I like to catch up on the latest medical literature :)

>> No.15800402

every time someone asks you a question, type it into chatgpt and say what the response is

>> No.15800405

I shitpost on /lit/ and engage in pseudointellectual masturbation to philosophy articles on wikipedia
no I don't actually read like all of /lit/

>> No.15800432

what's the coolest article you read recently?

>> No.15800484

I was joking, dude. I don't want to read medical stuff in my free time. I read Garfield comics in my free time.

>> No.15800647

what's the best Garfield comic you've read recently?

>> No.15800654

Go to your appointment.
You need root canal done and you will be fine.
There is probably some alive nerve fiber and thats enough for a regular endodontic treatment.
The doctor will open the tooth with no anesthesia and probe with a nerve broach to see if anything is still alive.
And even if they treat it as necrosis its just few more appointments for intermediary soft filling, we use iodoform paste and it works fine.
After that its regular endodontics.

>> No.15800659

Mildly retarded but nothing will happen most likely.
You should have finished the 5 day antibiotic therapy even if appointment was rescheduled.
Farmacology textbook say that ending therapy too soon can lead to antibiotic resistance. Ofc i dont know your whole situation and if you use or abuse antibiotics on a regular basis.

>> No.15800694

Might be the wrong place but how do I go about an FMT treatment to reset the gut biome? I have an incurable circadian rhythm disorder (called non 24) and apparently an autistic guy fixed this with FMT pills from a dog donor. I want to get a referral to a gastro specialist but my shitty sleep specialist says no. Life sucks right now someone help.

>> No.15800705

want to add I tried seeing my MD for a phone call to ask for a referral but I got literally stood up so I called to get another doctor and they said they'd call me back. The system is crumbling and worse than useless so even if I get far enough to convince a doctor to supervise an FMT I doubt they would let me even ask for an unvaxxed donor since I live in a blue state.

>> No.15800891
File: 21 KB, 500x281, brap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realise that anaesthesia is the brap specialty

>> No.15800963

What's retrieval?

>> No.15801004
File: 472 KB, 600x445, cad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be infectious disease specialist
>Confirm a gastroenteritis diagnosis caused by ETEC without any lab diagnostics

>> No.15801028
File: 683 KB, 818x527, Major League Thought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor told me to add nice pictures to add interest to my presentation
what the fuck did she mean by this? am i autistic for having plain text presentations?

>> No.15801030

Was professor a woman?

>> No.15801138

>go to dentist
>tells me I need ~7 fillings
>okay sure
>ask what kind of anesthetic they use and some other minor questions justifying why I need so much dental work
>dentist tells me they recommend sedating me before doing more dental Work because I ask too many questions
>say no and let them redo a deep filling
>pulp gets inflamed and dies
>need root canal
>get root canal done
>pay endo $2500
>endo tells me I need a crown
>I ask a few questions about why the tooth failed and why i need a crown
>endo literally gritting his teeth seething that he has to answer questions for 7 minutes after getting paid two of my paychecks
>go back to dentist
>ask for a brief consultation so I can understand why the filling failed and why I need a crown
>get told all root canals need crowns
>I literally have a tooth with a root canal and no crown
>dental office worker is literally seething

I miss my family dentist these people are so weird

>> No.15801223

I can't pay attention to presentations when there isn't nice pictures and animations. And even when there is, I usually can't pay attention either. But it helps.
Can you actually pay attention to text only presentations?

>> No.15801239

>tells me I need ~7 fillings
Turns out fluoride in water aint such a bad idea huh
>dentist tells me they recommend sedating me
for a few fillings?!! lmao
>pay endo $2500
Land of the free,over here its $20 no tip
>endo tells me I need a crown
US dentists have a policy to recommend crown if a tooth is damaged more than 30%.
so a tooth has 5 sides you probably had cavities on two,plus the endo itself weakens the tooth structure because you need to get to the damn root and thus remove tooth substance.

In my third world place we dont recommend anything and its alright in people that have all of their teeth remaining but its not ok for people that are missing teeth due to extraction and what not.
Then all that load from chewing is going on a weakened tooth and eventually they break in half.

>ask for a brief consultation so I can understand why the filling failed and why I need a crown
I hope you get charged for this.
Its a two minute google search

>> No.15801272

Why didn’t you reply to the part where they did a filling and then the tooth painfully died and needed 4000+ USD of work

>> No.15801278

> they did a filling and then the tooth painfully died

Diagnosis is called caries profunda(Deep caries).
It may be simple or complicated.
There are no guarantees in such cases,success rate is like 30%
He most likely was warned.
Treatment is called pulp capping.

This procedure requires follow up the next day,after 3 days,the next week and after a month.
Each visit you control if a tooth is alive.
Then everything is on track.

And I bet he was told if a tooth starts to hurt at night to come back and do endo immediately since the pulp capping failed.

He was told all of this.
The prices and charging is out of hand.
We dont even charge for it until its resolved or the patient pays only for the endo afterwards.

>> No.15801304

I’m the “he” and I was never told anything about pulp capping I just got a filling and was told it was deep and close to the nerve

>> No.15801309

Well they should have capped it or at least tell you to report back if you feel anything.
Find a another doctor.

>> No.15801325

It’s possible the dentist put a pulp cap on, or if they didn’t I’d like to hear an explanation why not. Or how long they think I can go without a crown, or
My next scheduled dental filling. Or questions like this

My whole point in posting is that everyone I deal with in their office spergs out once I start asking these very mundane questions. Which I wouldn’t need to even need to ask if they could provide decent care

Like just today I was told they are expanding my upcoming crown appointment for an entire hour because I have “extremely lengthy and thorough questions”

Like okay bruh maybe don’t immediately kill off a tooth and give me a dental abscess and I won’t ask you some follow up questions for 20 minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience it must be really tough to answer questions lol as I have an infection in my skull lol

These people are just such babies but I’m worried I’ll just run into worse care if I go somewhere else and I’d like to get this crown sorted out timely

>> No.15801449
File: 175 KB, 942x1000, 1667167950837775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I love Garfield. I remember watching the 2004 movie on loop.

>> No.15801464

>rural patient requires teritary hospital services
>stabilised at rural hospital
>pick them up in helicopter or plane
>job is to keep them stable in helicopter or plane
simple as

>> No.15801467

>pay several thousand dollars

>> No.15801647
File: 122 KB, 640x640, 6A52A10E-78FB-444E-9559-C7AEEB069782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because didn’t feel like it. Ain’t digging it? Take your business somewhere else.

>> No.15801701
File: 264 KB, 497x503, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isn't endocrinology taken by more people?
you got the whole diabetes and thyroid patients and just these two groups are like gigantic (and don't get me started on osteoporosis)
why does no one take the endopill ?

(here in krautland they are so few of them i genuinly think gp and cardio literally take care of all of the patients because it costs less to the state and hospitals)

>> No.15801772

Hello /med/. Geneticist here. I've had a few drinks. I just came by to say that I have the greatest admiration for all the fine work you do. I'd also like to humbly request that you STOP! FUCKING! DOUSING! EVERYTHING! IN FUCKING FORMALIN! IT FUBARs THE NUCLEIC ACIDS! Now I recognize that you operate according to standard procedures and that these things take time to change. I understand that you won't necessarily derive advantage from questioning institutional inertia. But please. Should you have a sample that you might want sequenced at a later date: consider any method of preservation that is not formalin. Thank you, that is all.

>> No.15801775

You guys better invent reverse aging, I gotta live to 1000

>> No.15801837

can i store it in the whiskey i keep in my exam rooms?

>> No.15801847

They go through tissue processing machines with a lot of those samples.

>> No.15802061

because it is boring as fuck

>> No.15802085

>man walks into my place of work (mail-related)
>spends half an hour on hold with his doctor's office
>he explains that at an appointment earlier that day, he was told to go to the emergency room immediately afterwards due to some hemoglobin fuckery
>apparently the man has sickle cell
>but he finds the emergency room to be a massive hassle, and is trying to find a less inconvenient option
>namely, he wants to just walk into a cardiologist's office in the next town over and get it done there
>spends another half hour failing at this, his doctor is adamant
>admits that he feels lightheaded
>he leaves to go to the emergency room
>but not the emergency room he was told to go to
>didn't even buy anything or send any packages
You may find this tale to be of some humor. Or not.
I do not understand why someone would be told directly by their doctor to go to an emergency room and then just not do so for several hours.

>> No.15802263

What’s your best resource for free access to premium content from sites like Sketchy, Kenhub, etc.? Are there any nice telegram groups or a site like libgen for videos?

>> No.15802456

This would actually be a much better option, yes.
Those things simply douse everything in formalin *automatically*

>> No.15802507

>sickle cell
I think you have your answer right there.

>> No.15802788

>Can you actually pay attention to text only presentations?
if i give a fuck about the topic yes of course

>> No.15802804

Not a medicine person. Give me the low-down on the "artificial limit on how many doctors there are" thing. How does that work

>> No.15802818


>> No.15802838

isn't there some kind of organization that lets people become doctors but they have a limit to how many people can?

>> No.15803011
File: 72 KB, 560x560, chrome_image_13 Oct 2023 20_31_27 BST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's HORSE: VASOCONSTRICTION (a case of) from drugs, which can result in gangrene and necrosis,

Cont after card: (treatment) Treatment was of limited efficacy in this case, although tolazoline is reportedly an effective treatment where available

>> No.15803038

All the residents are such close friends on every rotation, always joking around. Everybody seems so extroverted and outgoing. I feel like it's going to be a rough three years. At least in med school I can fade into the scenery.

>> No.15803130

Become alcoholic

>> No.15803224

Same, 90% of the time I talk to people I feel like Patrick Bateman. Joke's on the med school that accepted me, lol.

>> No.15803297

>At least in med school I can fade into the scenery.
I'm applying to medical school this cycle and I'm scared of being accepted into a school with a class size of only 60. It's a top choice otherwise.

>> No.15803324

just dont talk to people if you dont care lmao. works for me

>> No.15803345

is he violent

>> No.15803374

That's true. It's a pretty new school and I'm just glad that I'm applying to it now that the class size has doubled from 30 to 60.
Another top choice I'm applying to has a class size of 240 and I think I can avoid standing out there better lol.

>> No.15803376

even in a class of 240, some people will know your name and bug you sometimes.

>> No.15803378

What size is your class? I've already got accepted into a school with a class size of 150 students but I'm not as excited about it as the 2 other schools I talked about earlier. I'm just waiting on any updates for those 2 schools.

>> No.15803379

Oh yeah, and I heard that medical school is basically high school 2.0 from doctors I work with. Is that true?

>> No.15803382

im the optometry nigger and am in a class of 100. everyone knows my name. i only talk to a few guys who sit around me but i don't talk that much anyway.
idk about medschool but optometry school isn't that bad, but i also don't interact with anyone outside of school because they're all married/longterm relationships, and i don't want to hang out with them anyway. the few times i bother to listen to what women are talking about to each other they find all this retarded gossip, but none of it really matters since they nitpick everything (oh that attending is really mean when they arent etc), and i dont interact with them. optom is different than medschool but i imagine you can ignore all the drama if you just don't care like im doing currently/did in highschool.

>> No.15803393

It's worse because nowadays you may bump into trannies who will report you to professionalism committees for "misgendering" them
>source: there's a troon student at my school

>> No.15803395

Welp. I was the 'weird kid' in high school. Time to be the 'weird kid' again for medical school lol.

>> No.15803396

Medications work because they are targeting the biological cause. How do you think psychiatry functions?

>> No.15803424

It could still be something malignant, but if they get diagnosed as benign it's no sweat. My mate removed 2x himself with the aid of his missus, but recognised it was too risky to do the following 3 so got them done legit, in Aus it's a cosmetic procedure and I think was like $500AU per cyst? IIRC if they don't grow back it's good value for money IMO. People buy much stupider shit.

>> No.15803425

>I heard that medical school is basically high school 2.0
Pretty much. At large state med schools, they'll usually have a few undergrads where they pull most of their students, and it's common that people entering straight out of college will already know lots of people from their undergrad and form cliques. I imagine this is less of a thing at private schools.

Most of the people in my class are chill and friendly, but there are definitely some who primarily associate with people they knew from undergrad.

>> No.15803466

Don't feel bad about it. Be tactful when you're talking to people but don't break yourself to try and "fit in." Just be a "normal" version of yourself and you might find people you get along with. Otherwise don't lose sight of the fact that you're there to get that paper, not make friends

>> No.15803468

>At large state med schools, they'll usually have a few undergrads where they pull most of their students
Oh yeah definitely. For the state schools, I'm waiting for results on, I know some people from my undergrad there but I took 2 gap years after graduating so I unfortunately won't be in the same class, however.

>Just be a "normal" version of yourself and you might find people you get along with.
I think I can act "normal" enough. I did have one dude in my undergrad correctly guess that I use 4chan though lol.

>> No.15803860


>> No.15803895

>You don't have to regularly deal with general pop retards and old people


>> No.15803904

Low incomes.
90% of the job is boring as hell (T2D, thyroid disorders, even T1D).
Interesting stuff (pituitary and adrenal disease, endocrine tumours) is excessively rare and mostly a university hospital thing.

>> No.15803944

Doing my equivalent of the foundation year, the administrators just hired 9 out of 10 new female doctors (all of them already having a bf), it is fucking hell. The worst part is that they are all so fucking insecure and anxious, how the fuck are these women even going to function as doctors. They are incapable of making their own decisions. Thank god I am entering the male-dominated field of orthopedics.

>> No.15803955

It is called a jock itch, it's a fungal infection. Just dry your crotch area. If you get the skin lesion again just use an OTC ointment containing clotrimazole, miconazole or terbinafine

>> No.15804521

Oh I hate niggers, yes I do, nothing makes me sicker than a jiggaboo

I hate niggers, yes siree, you might just catch me on a killing spree

>> No.15804665

how's match coming bros? a decent amount of IVs for me, but only a couple for good programs. such is life as a DO scrub

>> No.15804736

>such is life as a DO scrub
Does being a DO hurt you that much? Like, would going to a new MD school (which hasn't graduated a class yet) still be better than going to an established DO school?

>> No.15804847

It does. I will have zero trouble matching but the interviews I am getting compared to what MDs are getting with my stats aren't comparable at all. People like to talk about overall match rate, which is much worse for DOs in competitive specialties. But caliber of program and location is generally worse as well even when matching.

>> No.15804858

Damn, I hope I get into an MD school this cycle then. If I don't, I should have studied more :(

>> No.15804920

>why isn't endocrinology taken by more people?

pays the same as primary care but with twice the training length
the limit is how quickly residency program numbers expand

HCA, a massive for profit hospital company, has been opening residencies left and right, particularly in ER. the training is also usually poorer, and the ED job market is projected to shit the bed within the next 10 years from oversupply
don't be an antisocial weirdo.
at bare minimum try to make a few buddies so you get access to study materials that other students withhold
"cliques" form just because everyone is busy studying or rotations and people only have time for certain friends

depends on the school though. my school is 175 ish, we all have groups but everybody branches out. i have a main group (like 10 people) but im peripherally involved in a few other groups so i still get invited to shit
my class is over half asian, quarter white, and we don't have any trannies. again, depends on the region or school you're in. at a podunk DO school like mine, it's more likely to be moderate or conservative leaning
take the MD. specialties that were non-competitive or minimal for DOs like PM&R, anesthesia, and radiology have all shot way the fuck up within the last couple years. even specialties like psych and neuro are starting to get somewhat shaky for DOs

step 1 going pass/fail is just the next step for med school to become law school, where name recognition will take precedent for desirable "jobs" i.e. specialties

>> No.15804922

are most of the kids black?

>> No.15804924

I go up to doctors and harass them in public sometimes - legally. I notice they're all pussies. Why is this?

>> No.15804925

>don't be an antisocial weirdo.

Kinda like what I do - I asked a guy in scrubs the other day - yelling from my car - if he could heal himself if I followed him home and beat his ass. No response. Why is that?

>> No.15804970

im becoming a midlevel doctor and conceal carry.

>> No.15804982

legal system/licensing institutions scrutinize doctors harder
imagine wasting 10+ years of your life to earn good money and then having that taken away over silly fisticuffs with some peasant.

>> No.15804991
File: 59 KB, 287x307, 1692076965443608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hippocratic oath almost killed me and I almost died on the toilet like 3 times. I almost died from stimulant drugs - but didn't call the ambulance - and would have missed that the ribs have muscles around them, controlled by the CNS -
But, definitely, I didn't want to both the ambulance about some pointless panic about nothing, medically. It's probably smart to take medical advice and see the doctors about that
- I still lived through that, and if I didn't take my advice - which I didn't - I would still have lived. If I had been born 200 years ago I would have killed the patient
- the doctor will probably find something wrong with me, not that I should diagnose myself, and it should be fine. I have options to live a healthy healthstyle on my own advice and it works, I just don't. I will, but still, the Hippocratic oath is fine I think. I'm still lurking these threads

>> No.15804992

Bother* The ambulance. I know it's fine and that it's free, it's just I don't want to bother them

>> No.15805231

i doubt they'd revoke your medical license for that. an obgyn got caught raping multiple women while they were sedated and all that happened is that he had to have another staff member in the room while he did examinations.

>> No.15805263

>things that never happen

>> No.15805714
File: 43 KB, 560x560, chrome_image_15 Oct 2023 19_25_26 BST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's HORSE : TB
Tuberculosis is theeading cause of death in HIV+ people

>> No.15805877

>Medications work because they are targeting the biological cause.
how can that be when there are no biological causes identified for any psychiatric condition?
>How do you think psychiatry functions?
the drugs you get just make you feel different

>> No.15805981

¿It doesn't?

>> No.15806013

i dont think there is but there should be

>> No.15806017

Is the rise of autoimmune diseases just a consequence of dysgenics? I think way too many people with subpar or overreactive immune systems survive into childhood thanks to antibiotics that can explain the rise of autoimmune diseases. Usually, only half of the children would survive until adulthood before the 20th century.

>> No.15806043

In short, doctors are expensive to train, so as a society want to train as few as possible.
This causes way too few doctors per patient when there is an abundance of people wanting to become doctors. This again causes burnout among doctors and a lot of sick people who cannot get medical attention or subpar treatment due to them either being deprioritized or rushed through the system.

>> No.15806047

Amboss is hands down the best thing I bought when I got into my clinical years. I still use it today.

>> No.15806059

For the love of god, do not work with nigger and spic kids if you do not have to anon.

>> No.15806094

It has nearly nothing to do with dysgenics, because the amount of potential such generations is strictly constrained to a low amount (=<10) because the industrial revolution has been only around for 200 years.
What end-state phenotype someone attains isn't purely dependent on genes. And the genes, likewise, don't encode some "optimum" for a given lineage.

Sure, the *fundamental* cause of why some people end up frail is genetic. But it didn't end up like this via either natural selection or dysgenics. It's just that they had a series of adaptions/mutations several ten thousand/million years ago, which never played a role, until their genetic lineage became exposed to the possibilities of industrial civilization, in which case their "buttons become activated". The mutations "sneaked" in, so to say.

Nothing of this has actually a Darwinist component, which is why the pop version of "evolution", which is inappropriately equated with natural selection, is fucking off-putting soi science to me. I can't hear it anymore.

>> No.15806137

thousands of kilometers of blood vessels in my body and only the one in my asshole decided to collapse and bulge and be a pain in my ass.
maybe god isn't real.

>> No.15806169

is tuberculosis actually still around?
my mate said he had a child patient the other day with it but i thought he was just pullin my dick so i told him to fuck off back to 1828

>> No.15806688

>cant make too many docs or the pay plummets
>hard to fund enough institutions and residency spots
>take on a bunch of females who retire from medicine after 5years of 'work'

>> No.15806743

dubs decides what elective MED spec I do

>> No.15806983

If my sciatic nerve got "stretched"/elongated badly but not cut would the subsequent neuropathy go away on its own or would i need some sort of treatment?

>> No.15806994

I'm a medical student at the fourth year, i'm currently training at the liver unit of the internal medicine ward

>> No.15807297

just got into an MD school, not really sure how to feel tbqh

>> No.15807335

Pre-match? My ass got ignored lol.

>> No.15807370

At least 1/4th of the world has latent TB in their lungs anon. It's an opportunistic pathogen, so of course it's gonna be a problem in AIDS.

>> No.15807377

Just be honest with yourself and admit you're bisexual. Then you can be honest on the application and still get brownie points.

>> No.15807383

Look into neuropsychiatry or interventional psychiatry.

>> No.15807565

Enjoy your last bit of true time off. Go on vacation or something.

>> No.15807622

eastern euro finishing medical uni
gonna pass usmle, want to be a heart surgeon in us. I specifically want to operate on valves
any thoughts or warnings?

>> No.15807641

Are you aware of how competitive those subspecialties are?

>> No.15807679

Did my own EKG for fun in lab. Slight right deviation past 60°.

>> No.15807714

What should I do to maximize my chances?

>> No.15807720
File: 880 KB, 1448x608, mri - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what they see on this image?

>> No.15807883

I would start by checking out the average stats and relative competitiveness of non-US IMGs who matched into those positions.

This might be helpful.

Also this.

If you check out page 7 table 2, you can see that out of 93 PGY1 positions for vascular surgery in the entire country, only 4 were filled by non-US IMGs.

It's not impossible, but it is a fucking Herculean effort. I guess you could try matching into a gen surg program and then doing a vascular fellowship rather than gunning for an integrated program, but still...

>> No.15807889

Forgot to mention that it might also be worth considering IM with a cardio fellowship. That would be the most likely route to be successful.

>> No.15807896

Go away

>> No.15807921

looks like mothman.

>> No.15807949

Go away

>> No.15807969
File: 638 KB, 370x1142, A-Subclavian-artery-injury-shown-on-contrast-enhanced-computed-tomography-B-and-C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subclavian artery injury looks like

>> No.15808259
File: 20 KB, 489x286, 1697402112476331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate. Much appreciated.

>> No.15808503

Towarzysz, matching surgery realistically ain't gonna happen. You're competing with poos to end up in some shitty nigger-infested IM residency in New York.
That being said >>15807889 is a much more reasonable path but I don't know if fellowships hate immigrants too.

>> No.15808568

What if I get immaculate step scores? Or is everything pointless without proper connections?

>> No.15808570

This is helpful thanks

>> No.15808909

Publishing my first paper in derma guys. Hoping it gives me a few extra points in getting into speciality this year

>> No.15809314

>What if I get immaculate step scores?

step 1 is pass/fail now. now it's just step 2, and the averages have already shot up. people study for it hard now

there's always CT fellowship from gen surg, which isn't easy for IMGs but its apparently doable still

>> No.15809320

pathoma, physeo, pixorize and "boards and beyond" are extremely easy to pirate online, you don't even need piratebay, usually quick google searches or just links off reddit

telegram has sketchy

if you need a clinical resource, AAFP articles are great and always free. uptodate is a subscription but thats the gold standard for younger docs

>> No.15809617

why the fuck is this so hard
i feel like a fucking nigger that doesn't understand anything
we earn shit money as well and by the time the cash flow starts my dick wont work anymore

>> No.15810705

Why is the human body so fucking fragile? I am 23 y/o and woke up one day with tinnitus without any reason whatsover despite protecting my ears from any loud noise I encountered. Even those stupid hipsters/hippies don't get tinnitus until their 30s despite blasting their ears with sounds at maximum volume.
Why does my stupid brain decided to torture itself all of a sudden?

> inb4 because you are stressed

yeah sure buddy

>> No.15810957

stop doing drugs

>> No.15811090

I hate how we used to bounce back without a problem as children but once we are older we get broken bones over a small fall. The body truly is weak. If only we could replace our entire shell into something more machine like.

>> No.15811225
File: 576 KB, 500x281, 1667215183719866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start a new rotation
>figure I'll just jump right into doing Uworld
>20 fucking percent correct

>> No.15811251

Is there any way to bring up undergrad GPA years after doing a degree? The school I want to go to only considers GPA for 20% pre interview (for invite purposes) and 15% post interview, but I want any competitive advantage I can get since a lot of the people I’m competing against have higher GPAs than me so even an average MCAT and Caspers means I might not fare a chance (3.76 GPA against an average applicant GPA of 4.26)

>> No.15811253

Could get a masters I guess, but it depends. Some schools factor that in separately.

>> No.15811260

The school doesn’t give consideration for graduate courses, only bonus is if you have a Phd or 5+ papers (1st or 2nd author)

>> No.15811273
File: 29 KB, 300x450, gomi-wo-miru-me-iyapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learning the deep lore of diagnoses from EKGs

>> No.15811298

If you can do well on MCAT you probably can get away with the low GPAs, GPA is a meme metric anyways when you can do med with any degree, since a 4.5 GPA business major isn’t the same as a 3.7 hard STEM major even if people want to cope that it isn’t true

I got in with a 3.6 but I had a 523 MCAT and strong ECs

>> No.15811383
File: 270 KB, 1510x650, 1669308404391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop treating asymptomatic bacteriuria! don't do it! stop!
I think a 520+ gets you in most anywhere, unless things have changed in the past few years. I had a 3.6 with a way lower score, but I'm also not familiar with GPAs given over 4.0 so maybe we're thinking of a different scale.

>> No.15811400

>I think a 520+ gets you in most anywhere
kek I can confirm it does not. I did get in, but not by a comfortable margin.

>> No.15811534

>but not by a comfortable margin.
What do you mean by this? Did you only get accepted into one school or something? Your 523 MCAT places you at the 99th percentile and your GPA isn't that bad.

>> No.15811604

My Endo literally told me to stop taking the amoxicillin script
But I just started taking it again today because I'm pretty sure I have a granuloma/cyst at the root of my tooth and I'm worried about infection spreading
I'll finish the amoxicillin this time

Every dentist I've been to is so retarded I miss my old dentist

>> No.15811792
File: 43 KB, 680x765, IMG_4837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>receive consult for routine appendicitis
>walk in room
>”well, it all started 10 years ago”

>> No.15811795

Quit complaining. We in the ED experience this daily.

>> No.15811826
File: 179 KB, 1284x1532, IMG_1813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step out of room to hand off consent paperwork
>[Beep beep beep, beep beep beep]
>”oh hey before you take off do you mind putting eyes on this”

>> No.15811857

is this bait?

>> No.15811882

>Be infectious disease specialist
>Hang out office working on clinical research papers until I have a consult
>Dx: you're positive for P. falciparum (or some other disgusting disease)
The only drawback is having to live near the city

>> No.15811994

I realized that this won't help me achieve my dream. I want to become a robot and lead a new race of robots that will dethrone mankind and be the new master of the world.

>> No.15812164


>> No.15812354

I do agree with that. I'm about to finish my residency and I have noticed I've become more tame. If some random peasant came at me with the intention to throw hands I'd rather ask him to fuck off or allow him to brat me so I could monetary rape him at the jury.
In my country healthcare workers are considered as federal labourers so we have to abide by the internal code of conduct and all that bullcrap.
The situation automatically changes as soon and I switch to civilian clothes and I'm off duty.

>> No.15812548

>eating lunch today in workroom
>finished but hadn't thrown away my dirty plate yet
>attending comes over and scoops food onto my dirty plate
>must have thought it was his or something
>feel too awkward to say anything
>sit there as he eats his meal off of my dirty plate
>pretty sure one of the residents noticed but also said nothing

>> No.15812558

how many gays do you see a week with hiv

>> No.15812560

>convert microbiome in colleagues to yours
>they start behaving more like you
>become more popular because everyone else is also now a sperg
winning formula anon. keep it up

>> No.15812569

hello docfags how do i get my boomer doctor to prescribe me vyvanse. he will only give me atomoxetine even doe i was on adderall in 2006 and did well on it.

i think he thinks i'm drug seeking.

>> No.15812573

you ever seen a n. fowleri

>> No.15812576

>i think he thinks i'm drug seeking.
sounds like you are. find a psych np, make sure they don't share records with current doc. tell them you used to be on addy in 2006 and they will almost guaranteed just give it again. current doc sounds based so he won't give you your speed

>> No.15812593

He is drug seeking (and that's a good thing and a chance for his doctor to do his job)

>> No.15812594
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Take me with you

>> No.15812600

>a chance for his doctor to do his job
a doctor's job is not to give patients whatever they want

>> No.15812603

Different anon, and I'd rather not say because its so specific, but basically all of the schools that were within my "target" range didn't even offer me interviews. I knew my ECs weren't the greatest and I had a similar GPA, but I basically pissed away 2k in app fees to schools that didn't even consider me despite my MCAT.

>> No.15812662

>be me
>went into peds
>mostly women colleagues
>everyone is really nice to each other face to face
>whenever someone leaves the room they immediately start shit talking them
It's pretty funny. I'm almost positive they do it about me too.

>> No.15812682

>find a psych np
why would an np or pa be more likely to give amphetamines than an md

>> No.15812706

>I'm almost positive they do it about me too.
Yes. If someone talks shit about someone with you, they're doing the same with someone else.
As an aside, I hate how medicine has become majority women now.

>> No.15812708

Most peds residencies are like 75%.

>> No.15812725

Majority of my resident colleagues are men so whenever we talk shit about anyone we do it on his face with backhanded compliments.
Sometimes we gang up on someone till he's mentally raped, for the lolzies I think is called banter in the first world.

>> No.15812743

Haven't gotten an interview in like 10 days. Programs starting to send out emails that they've filled interview slots. I am sad. I have a few decent interviews but I was expecting more.

>> No.15812835

Likelihood of co-validating your history with old clinic records and watching your PDMP as you consistently fill your script early af is nil.

>> No.15812921
File: 46 KB, 860x703, lääkeapustaja82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be radiologist
>See trauma scan
>Scan is negative... look up history
>Seen by triage PA who heard the pt fell out of his chair and ordered a pan scan
>Turns out I am the one doing the physical exam by CT

I guess that's why I make half a million out the door

>> No.15812958

>half a million
What do you guise even spend your money on?

>> No.15812969

>be on ED rotation
>lady comes in
>attending says she's in all the time, just for attention
>complains of belly pain like all other visits
>says he has to get CT abdomen to rule out
>go into her chart
>she's had 37 CT abdomens this year, all normal

>> No.15812973
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, Clayton and the lies the community has told But what was the ORIGINAL STREET FIGHTER, GUILTY GEAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this whackjob:

This guy has been somehow gaming the welfare system for over a decade by getting a bunch of doctors to diagnose him with different illnesses. Because of it he lives off disability/cash benefits that he uses to vlog in Japan twice a year. Even though he's in better shape than 99.9% of Americans he says he can't get a job because he's always "sick" (read: playing fighting games 20 hours a day).

Also looks like he has seen 20 different providers just at this one hospital? at 8:02 kek

>> No.15813029

Discharge home with CT scanner, consult OT delivery and installation

>> No.15813040

Would they do a fecal in ED for slow bleed or even transvag u/s to rule out endo? That's a lot of visits for it to be nothing.

>> No.15813121


>> No.15813125

Dx: hysteria
Rx: orgasm via transvag uss bd

>> No.15813162
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>> No.15813206

Eh, I would still refer to gyno.

>> No.15813242

>this nigger is in alaska

>> No.15813420
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>> No.15813448

What the fuck am I looking at? Why haven’t they been arrested?

>> No.15813471

Don’t mind him, it’s just Clifford Lee the town rapist

>> No.15813475

Not to be confused with Clifford Merchant MD, the town’s child rapist.

>> No.15813478

Retirement, nice house, vacations, family, loans. I've been budgeting so long it's nice to not have to think about it anymore.

>> No.15813485
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One a I snapped a while ago of the ED trackboard at like 2 a.m.

>> No.15813514
File: 2.07 MB, 3024x1111, IMG_3789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snapped a few myself when I stroll past the clinic tracker board (patients enter their own details in a self check in fashion)

>> No.15813515
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>> No.15813606
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>when you know they'll start drinking right away
man addictions are fucking sad

>> No.15813896

Banter is literally the opposite, it's when you tease your friends in a non-serious, joking way.
Backhanded compliments is woman behavior in the first world.

>> No.15813944

>actually got interview to my dream program (mid tier uni but city I've wanted to live in since I was a kid)
I'm a very unimpressive DO applicant. And I have turbo autism. I'm going to try so hard not to fuck up the interview bros.

>> No.15813946

lmao based note writer

>> No.15813950

>man addictions are fucking sad
They really are. I considered addiction med for awhile after I read Infinite Jest. I just think all the relapse would be too much for me

>> No.15813961

Mental illness

>> No.15813995

Good luck. You're probably more impressive than you want to let yourself think you are.

>> No.15814019

Thanks anon I appreciate it. My scores are okay I just did very little app building outside of just doing medical school.

>> No.15814042

will getting a 95% percentile score on step 2 guarantee any residency I want?

>> No.15814046

No. The people in top residencies at top programs all have super high steps AND good research, evaluations, etc

>> No.15814049

for fucks sake

>> No.15814067

Just lie

>> No.15814091

Nothing quite like someone dropping their crack pipe out of their pocket during an antepartum visit

>> No.15814155

can anyone that has images of this please post theirs where people have injected Tranq (fentanyl + xylazine) and gotten collapsed veins/arteries, necrosis, not on the injection site but further down or on their arms or legs so that i can see what it looks like more

>> No.15814285

i would appreciate a lot anyone telling me about the which receptors fentanyl and heroin/morphine/codeine binds to if they know and read it from a valid source because ive lost mine
i would appreciate this a lot from anyone in that field

>> No.15814529
File: 220 KB, 696x399, elbow anatomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember this video i saw once where one guy knocked out some other guy in a fight, and then while the one was unconscious, put his knee on the guy's tricep and broke his elbow backwards, to the point where both forearms were totally extended, flush with the tricep.

what happens in that case? are the ligaments torn? what sort of damage is expected?

>> No.15814543

>what sort of damage is expected?
Depends on if he’s insured, but roughly $350,000 worth of surgeries, rehab, imaging, and multiple 2pm cefazolin fees.

>> No.15814557

what breaks? what's the thing that gets fucked up in the arm?
i figure you lever the elbow out of socket, and tear the tendon attaching the bicep at least. what function is recoverable? how fucked is the guy?

>> No.15814604

I’m not ortho, but hypothetically if everything was damaged severely, it might involve: fixation of the fractured bones, repair of cartilage, possible need for joint replacement, nerve transplants if there’s damage to the musculocutaneous nerves or other nerves innervating above or below the elbow, tendon grafting, post op wound care, high volume post op rehab to prevent contractures and adhesions, and lots of narcotics for pain control

>> No.15814623

is it still Radiology, Ophthalmology, Anesthesiology, and Dermatology are the hardest to get into or has it changed?

>> No.15814677

If a person had thin enamel with fucked up teeth with chunks missing could they do whitening after fillings?
Im quizzing you and this definitely isnt a personal advice question.

>> No.15814697
File: 1.55 MB, 1864x1865, Paul_Wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask a fuckin dennis u dumb asshole

but if your enamel is so thin that your dentin is showing through, your teeth are still going to be yellow. consider getting grillz

>> No.15814787

no sane dentist would make you do that
the smarter option would be to get veneers instead, or alternatively: kill yourself

>> No.15814875

Best specialty for becoming a semi-neet?

>> No.15814876

Anesthesiology isn’t hard to get into

>> No.15814924

Radiology is one of the hardest specialties to get these days. Probably because in general they start around 500k and have minimum 10 weeks vacation. But you WILL burn out if you don't enjoy the job. It's very fast paced and repetitive.

>> No.15814927

>what breaks? what's the thing that gets fucked up in the arm?

Whatever ligaments attaching the humerus to the ulna/radius that resist anterior/posterior translation. It would be similar to blowing out your ACL where your tibia can now come more forward on your femur or vice versa for the PCL.

>> No.15815165

if anyone is in the field for it, then it would be cool if you could walk me through the different receptor activities for fentanyl and morphine/codeine or acetylmorphine if you learned it from reliable sources

>> No.15815167


>> No.15815179

>I think a 520+ gets you in most anywhere, unless things have changed in the past few years.

there's a girl at my DO school with a 520 mcat, she couldnt get into an md school

no idea what her GPA was. she's only an average student because she doesn't care at this point

>> No.15815180

>there's a girl at my DO school with a 520 mcat, she couldnt get into an md school
She probably has a weird ass personal statement.

>> No.15815181

no. thats describing the "middle of the road average" radiology applicant these days

>> No.15815182

rads and anesthesia were never the toughest to get into, but they've gone way up. they used to be relatively easy for DOs to get into but that has changed
PM&R has also gone from "bottom of barrel for DOs" to "very competitive"

>> No.15815185

what is the appeal of PM&R? they literally don't do anything. they've existed since the 40s and they still can't articulate what they actually do except as a "coordinator/manager of care for rehab patients"

the PTs and OTs do all the real work for them, and half the PM&R docs don't actually know how to medically manage a patient

>> No.15815187

redditors are fucking insane. they're all crying over lack of interview invites for IM, when most programs (including our home program) haven't even sent out interviews yet