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15784817 No.15784817 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder germs/viruses have been a disproven hypothesis for over 100 years

>> No.15784826

from the few I've read or skimmed
virus mania is solid
private science is pretty straight forward
what really makes you ill is interesting but there are some errors in their reasoning and they don't prove what they think they prove but the discussion of all the toxins we are exposed to was enlightening and how the regulators got bought out or taken over
contagion myth I've skimmed but I don't know what to make of it

>> No.15785143

I'll sound like a plebbitor but /sci/ really need some moderation to remove garbage like this. I don't even understand what shills like this are gaining. Are you trying to sell the books ? what is your purpose ?

>> No.15785205

does the possibility that something you believe in might be false make you feel uncomfortable?

>> No.15785289

You tell me, you keep making these threads and posts.

>> No.15785444

Yet there is germany.

>> No.15785948

asha logos had a weird theory about the word germans and the germ of the scythians

>> No.15785971

I have seen bacteria, fungi, and viruses under a variety of microscopes. When sick, I examined the bacteria causing an infection in me. They diminished in quantity as I recovered. I even matched them with pictures and documentation on the particular type and symptoms. This is so plainly obvious that you can only be a troll.

>> No.15786037

If viruses don't exist? Then what causes viral disease and why does the cure work?
Also haven't we already seen viruses under microscope, what are they?

>> No.15786041

Do you feel uncomfortable knowing that your schizoposting might be false and bacteria (which you can see with your own fucking eyes) and viruses are real and make you sick?

>> No.15786056

Read at least virus mania and see what they're actually talking about.

>> No.15786483

Not Op. You asked why does the cure work, there is antivirals for viruses but no “cure” like you said. Yes, We have seen them under a microscope, however only a special type called an electron microscope due to how small viruses are. What they are is a little difficult to answer. They are not classified as living and are not known where they originated from, some speculate they are evolved from extremely lazy parasites but that is just speculation. If you want a description then they are obligate intercellular parasites that are made up of RNA or DNA surrounded by a capsule that’s sometimes surrounded by an envelope (obviously there is more to this and it differs between viruses but this is all I’m bothered to type in a 4chan thread) that takes advantage of living cells by hijacking the cell and using its metabolism (which it lacks) to replicate.

>> No.15786972
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>censor anything that contradicts my anti-science narrative

this is modern McMedicine for you

>> No.15788037

So lucky my current doctor isn’t like that, but every other doctor I’ve had has been. Most people just shill the current thing no matter their opinion on it sadly.

>> No.15788050

When you refer to every stupid post as a "shill" post you do sound like a redditor, yes. You're not paranoid, don't pretend you are. If you want to be this retarded go to /x/.

>> No.15788352

neck yourself dumb shitskin, I'd gladly infect you with deadly bacteria and leave you to die in septic shock

>> No.15788494
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>> No.15788541

>ice crystals
What of it?

>> No.15788645

Just tell us the most convincing argument you found in any of those books, and i might consider reading one.

>> No.15788672

redpill me on the shape of the earth anon

>> No.15788694

naturally forming pentagons, commonly found on Saturn/Ganymede

>> No.15788696

Kek love the retardation anon

>> No.15788697

obvious glowie thread

>> No.15788700

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Geometric shapes are common in nature. You've proved nothing.

>> No.15788711

Athletes foot (a fungus) is not the cause
Its an effect
The fungus is there to help remove stores of pennicillin in the body
Athletes foot does not exist in books that pre date pennicillin

Bacterial infections (what normies call "sick" )are beneficial for removing toxins from the body...

Terrain theory > germ theory

Allopathic medicine does not want to admit it though because its not as profitable

The germ is not the cause of
The sickness
The cause of "sickness"
Is lack of nutrients and an over burden of toxins in the body

But yeah its funny how many normies will not even study the basis of "terrain theory" and call it quackery...
They also will not question antibiotics when it is a known fact they cause liver damage and also deplete loads of beneficial bacteria

We are full of e.coli and bacteria
I have not washed my hands in 2 years and i have not gotten "sick"

Just hoping to open some minds
The same minds that are too shallow to realize that more blacks kill blacks anually than cops kill blacks lol

>> No.15788727
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>I have not washed my hands in 2 years and i have not gotten "sick"

t.foxcon worker

>> No.15788884

I am considering what you say. But...

>The fungus is there to help
>Bacterial infections are beneficial

These contradict evolution theory. Every species is expected to only look out for itself.

>Athletes foot does not exist in books that pre date pennicillin
is the only evidence you provided. It could be explained in a number of ways. Μaybe they referred to it by another name, and at the same time we are still wondering what they meant by `footrot`.

The rest is just hypothesis.

>> No.15788914
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germ theory is the biggest chink in the glownigger armour right now. they made the mistake of making their hoaxdemic about magical invisible cooties. that was a strategic error on their part because it is so easy to disprove. or in this case, point to the lack of proof

>> No.15788918

NTA, but "every species looks out for itself" can mean "it is in a particular species best interest to stick together with another species". This is known as a symbiotic relationship.

>> No.15788940

>have Chlamydia
>Piss blood
>Take doxycycline
>Chlamydia dies
>Don't piss blood anymore
Germ theory proven forever. Sorry fag.

>> No.15788945

No, but anon. The chlamydia organisms only populated your penis because you had a dangerous toxin that they wanted to help you pass. It was dangerous and you killed your pp friends after they helped

>> No.15788966

This is very rare.
Only examples I know are mitochondria and chlorophyll.
All other pseudo symbiosis is either both species constantly evolving to get a better deal, or one species bred to purpose by another. We do most of the latter, but ants do farming and keep livestock as well.

>> No.15788971

You have to be joking

>> No.15788975

It's not rare in the slightest. In fact, recent studies have shown that trees are intrinsically linked to fungi that help their roots break down nutrients. Symbiosis is all around us, we just view evolution and nature as zero sum.

>> No.15788990
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>denying the existence of an obvious glowie bioweapon
it's all so tiresome.

>> No.15789282

Explain rabies, why it has 100% fatality rate unless vaccine is admitted

>> No.15789306

Since you arrogantly claim to know, why don’t you tell us?

>> No.15789310

Clostridium toxin is….. le good!

>> No.15789324

If you get bitten by a rabid animal you get sick and die? This was common knowledge even in Roman times.

>> No.15789355

>Ebola hijacking your immune system and destroying your white blood cells is actually just the virus trying to help clean you of toxins the government put in you
Next he’ll tell us that your blood vessels disintegrating after being bitten by a viper is actually just the venom trying to remove 5G damage

>> No.15789383

>girlfriend have covid
>makeout with girlfriend
>still no covid
>boyfriend have cood
>suck bf pp and kissy kissy
>still have no cold

Germ theory disproven forever

>> No.15789391

Yeah so i wonder if amyome has taken a female that has an STD
Then have her wipe pussy goo or spit on 100 penis
If germ theory is true
All 100 will "get infected " correct?

Also What is tonsilitus?
A detox right?

>> No.15789392

>girlfriend have covid
>makeout with girlfriend
>get covid
>boyfriend have cold
>suck bf pp and kissy kissy
>get cold

Germ theory proven forever

>> No.15789431

>The weapon with a 99% survival rate
The bioweapon psyop was shilled to infiltrate conspiracy theory communities to scare them to get the vax. You are midwit IQ, never done personal research, and probably homosexual.

>> No.15789499

99% survival rate in the general population, retard. Your ilk acts so smug about this statistic without seeing that if there were no measures, hospitals would not be able to handle the surplus and they’d die too. You also fail to contemplate the context through other hard outcomes like hospitalisation and reduced QALYs.

You are a dumbass

>> No.15789530

>All 100 will get infected correct?
no, not correct. whether or not you get infected or show symptoms depends on a buggerload of factors like your natural immunity, lifestyle, nature and level of exposure to pathogens (including the pathogen in question), and so on and so forth
please redeem the needful (hang yourself)

>> No.15789532

There was no surplus. Even if there were, there was no reason to force everyone to get the vax. No one I ort you know is dead from "covid".

>> No.15789555

the hard core experiments carried out after ww1 where they tried to transmit spanish flu but failed made me realise there might be something wrong with mainstream theories about infection and disease transmission

>> No.15789559

people literally treated the so called ebola with fuck vitamin c tablets

actually look into this shit

>> No.15789560

why did dog wardens not get rabies?

>> No.15789563

There was absolutely a surplus of critical covid patients.
>shifts goalposts to the jab

At least we know now that vaccines don’t cause autism

>> No.15789571

They didn’t get bitten

>> No.15789575

There was not and you have no proof of it. If you entered a hospital at that time you'd find it mostly empty since people were too scared to go in and suffered less injuries since everyone was on house arrest. We all know that, as we know that "covid" wasn't dangerous, as you know no one dead from "covid".
>le shift le goalposts
What do you refer to? Maybe that's what you're doing when you refuse to explain why a virus that kills no one is a weapon.

>> No.15789580

>Dog warden from the 1800s
>no getting bitten by the stray dogs you round up

>> No.15789620

>the hospitals were empty because the pol webms

>> No.15789650

>a virus that kills no one is a weapon
I’ve already explained why. If you fail to see how a global pandemic also ruins the economy then you’re just retarded

>> No.15789658

>dancing nursoids on tiktok

>> No.15789662

I was there.

>I’ve already explained why.
No you haven't.
> If you fail to see how a global pandemic also ruins the economy then you’re just retarded
The economy is completely fine, take your meds. The only thing ruining the economy is politicians inflating money to bail out corporations.

>> No.15789671

>words words words
chudbros we are slippin

>> No.15789836

I was there too and they were full.
t. Medfag

>no you haven’t
So you really want me to explain how a pandemic with a virus that kills 1/100 (despite all measures pre-vaccine rollout) can damage the economy?

Anything else? Crayons maybe?

>> No.15789872
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> Athletes foot does not exist in books that pre date pennicillin

Who the fuck told you that? Do you believe everything you're told by quacks selling their bullshit? Pic related mentions athelete's foot as a condition. It's a court record dated 1856, 72 years before penicillin was discovered. fucking morons everywhere

>> No.15789882

>Do you believe everything you're told by quacks selling their bullshit?
You *know* the schizos do.

>> No.15789892

Then you are lying because there was no overload, no high death count, etc.
>a virus that kills 1/100
The "virus" doesn't even kill that. The economy is not damaged by that, only by lockdowns and inflation.

>> No.15789929

Yes, and the fact that only cure that works is a rabies vax proves viruses exist

>> No.15790031

Hmm interesting
Anything else to find on early cases of athletes foot

What are your thoughts on
>raw eggs and raw milk cause sickness

And your thoughts on pasteurizing food in general

>> No.15790054

LOL look into it little more and i hope you admit your the actual moron
the 1856 is NOT the date
scroll thru that book a little more and you will see...
Also, google Quinsana , it was established in 1939....developed 11 years after penicllin was invented..

Normie moron who calls big medicine his daddy...... BTFO once again.

>> No.15790057

Still no real books that talk athletes foot prior to penicillin.
Yeah suck on that !

>> No.15790059

Didn't that vanderplatz guy write about his research into rabies?

>> No.15790070

Viruses are unironically due to the god of this world (like the demiurge or something) sending microshit to kill people.
Once upon a time he just had to kill people without any scientific explanation because there was not way to make a proper investigtion, now he needs microshit that can barely be studied so we can cope with death using viruses as a scientific justification.
If we manage to figure out viruses by some miracle (like a rival god inspiring some of us), he will invent some other shit even smaller.

Bacteria and fungi are real though.

>> No.15790074

I don't "claim to know", they dismiss it without even engaging the fundamentals of the dispute.
I read it two years ago so my explicit memory is limited but Virus Mania presents a collation of evidence around a few so called viral diseases, one of which was polio the book presented data comparing incidence rates against certain pesticides

there may actually be real viruses but the conflicts need to be addressed properly.
I thought it was pretty well written and fairly thorough, it's worth your time to judge it for yourself and then decide whether you still want to dismiss it or not.

>> No.15790078

He'd have known that when he sought out that record, what a sad liar.

>> No.15790084

that image is the biggest schizo cope ever created

>> No.15790091

Don't know who that is and don't see how that's relevant.

>> No.15790101

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15790102

how do I retruth this?

>> No.15790155


>> No.15790191

Man said ice crystals LMAO

>> No.15790199

>regurgitates midwit conception of bioweapon from lamestream media glowie disinfo
>makes non-sequitur regarding bioweapon info leading to increased vax uptake
they're really not sending their best.

>> No.15790204

Didn’t even get the shape right, that’s an icosahedron.

>> No.15790218
File: 1.78 MB, 480x480, vax scandal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is called
>poisoning the well
>controlled opposition
when you are CIA operative and there is potentional gathering of people who have anti-goverment ideas, you must prevent them from creating working organisation which would be capable of overthrowing the goverment

the easiest way is to blend in within the group by saying you also oppose the goverment and then start saying batshit insane things. this will instantly shatter any good reputation the former group will have. a lot of people who were anti goverment will look at the loudest CIA operatives spouting nonsense like
>germs dont exist
>earth is flat
>transmen are real women
and they instantly leave. on internet any place with bigger number of users CIA runs bots which every now and then spew bullshit in order to deter 99% of anti goverment people and prevent any succesful organisation.

another thing CIA loves to do is to destroy competing websites with their honeypot (4chan is honeypot). any 4chan alternative is quickly flooded by child pornography in order to protect their assets.

this tactic is also very often used in politics where you send paid actors into opposition who do their best to discredit the party by saying dumb shit in front of camera.

on internet there is no defence against this unless you implement meaningful "censorship", ideally some chatGPT like bot which will autodelete blatant shills and cia agents.

>> No.15790229

>another thing CIA loves to do is to destroy competing websites with their honeypot (4chan is honeypot). any 4chan alternative is quickly flooded by child pornography in order to protect their assets.
or they stage a fake mass shooting and tie the "shooter's manifesto to the site

>> No.15790339
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>> No.15790344

It is hilarious that one hack 150 years ago managed to spin off this isolated little pseudoscientific world that has survived to this day.
Bechamp might not have been a good researcher, but props to him for being a good cult leader.

>> No.15790357

Very weak bait.
It's quite clear you actually know less than nothing.

>> No.15790467

Why does everyone assume that there's some abundance of "toxins" in the body when we have an extremely advanced system in place to prevent that very thing from happening. We have like a dozen systems in which bad cells die, are stripped of their good shit, and pushed out of the body. How does this theory work when throughout all of human history, besides the invention and application of germ theory, everyone was constantly fucking ill and dying of horrible diseases.

>> No.15790476

Not really. Heart disease, obesity and diabetes were incredibly rare and influenza was like a completely different disease until the 1890s when it changed for some unexplained reason.
And how much of the disease suffered was because they were constantly exposed to toxic smog and parasites?

>> No.15790513

Gotta watch your zymes, bro.

>> No.15790520

gotta drill holes in a monkey's skull and inject monkey brain much bro

>> No.15790532
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>> No.15790568

You are so retarded it hurts. 1856 can't possibly be the date of that clipping because, if you cared to look in the picture you posted right up under 1856, the first words in the main article are as follows: "On September 14, 1942"
Do you really think this article was about a case 86 years in the future?

>> No.15790702

Are you against animal testing?

>> No.15790731

"Disease and dying young" is such a misconception and a great way to make it obvious that someone doesnt dig under the surface level thoughts ...

Heavy metals inside of injections that most people get are the toxins that dont detox quick and easy. They later cause disease and organ failure etc

But yeah those wernt used all thru human history, but back to my point that not all of human history was diseased and ded

What kinda disease did the romans face?
What about the euros in 1700s?

Look into the tribes dr weston price studied and their amazing health and vitality that was recorded

>question for the real ones
Is it like an ego or security thing that causes so many people to be unable to accept that the current medical system could be flawwed?