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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 147 KB, 1376x332, Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 3.14.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15784037 No.15784037 [Reply] [Original]

mRNA chads...
we won

>> No.15784050

Whatever you say clotboy

>> No.15784053

They always award themselves medals for atrocities. Par for the course.

>> No.15784055

trump lost
covid 19 vaccines are effective and safe
biden is president

>> No.15784058

>biden is president
even if you believe those first two in your list you can't honestly believe that senile puppet joe is making any meaningful decisions in this administration

>> No.15784062


>> No.15784071

Trump came up with the vaccines.
I guess it's on purpose, but how you conflate these things is very odd.
The democrats were right about refusing to take the Trump vaccine, but then all backed down like cucks and started pushing them on everyone.
Almost like they are minions FOR Trump.

>> No.15784074

>no one posts about it or cares
They have to shove it down throats or no one would even know.
>if a faggot gives himself an award does it make a noise

>> No.15784082

Whatever you say, clotboy.

>> No.15784581

Trump saved your life, anon. His juice is pumping through your body right now. He will always be with you.

>> No.15784592
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slava ukraini

>> No.15784889

They didnt get it for the vaccine lmao, they got it for adding psuedouridine to the mRNA technique, which allows addition of spike proteins. Btw Pfizer is one of the biggest donors for the research at karolinska Institute which happens to be where they decide who gets the prize in medicine =).

It sure is effective and safe my friend you just have to take a new booster every year, and keep at it to be safe and sound.

>> No.15785100

B-but you told us it was new and untested technology???

>> No.15785142
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Who could've guessed...

>> No.15785158

>t. glowie cucked by a whore with weird pepperoni nipples

>> No.15785171
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Chuds mad

>> No.15785178

why would i be mad that people didnt die

>> No.15785181
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Okay chuddy

>> No.15785184

Doesn't covid hit differently based on genetics and bloodtype?

>> No.15785186

wait, are you mad that i didnt die even though i refused the trump vaccine

>> No.15785188

>country that isn't full of obese hogs
>low death rate due to vaxxes
no surprise vaxzealots fail to understand what confounders are.

>> No.15785189


Only retards and white people deny the science

>> No.15785190
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>> No.15785194

I thought i was supposed to die for not getting the vax...
Now, um, you're supposed to not die from getting the vax?

ok that's cool. i can live with that. lol

>> No.15785199
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>> No.15785236
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> Make product
> Suddenly everyone needs product
> Get rich

What's even the conspiracy here?
If "the deep state" just wanted to get your money, there are easier ways to do it. Just look at russia or Saudi Arabia.

>> No.15785254

literally who the fuck said anything about conspiracies?

>> No.15785255

>See guys! You're wrong about my enlarged heart!

>> No.15785266

>call yourself left wing
>dedicate existence to making the richer even richer

>> No.15785269

Many such cases

Is so bad how they forget the goal is ending the dog eat dog principles of capitalism

Consider if instead of making academics a competition anyone who liked science could participate, everyone with a role they can make no need to lose useful hands

>> No.15785435

Oh my god it hurts seeing this. What the fuck happened to people?

>> No.15785454

Where are the medals for the holocaust?

>> No.15785456

Political propaganda award

>> No.15785458

>create virus
>create vaccine for virus
>get rich

>> No.15785489

CHUDbrethren how do we cope?

>> No.15785565

Did BioNTech create the virus?

>> No.15785592

EcoHealth Aliiance did. They created the modified virus in Wuhan Covid Lab. It was done under the US government contractual money. So the research goes back to Fauci, who approved the project. Fauci/Daszik (IEcoHelath alliance) work hand in hand.

Bill Gates invests BioNTech with ~55M just before Covid was released. Gates funds EcoHealthAlliance members/Chinese "Bat Lady" discussing bat virus in 2019. They tried to erase this evidence from internet too lmao.

BioNTech was worth few millions before 2019 and was just a research firm. After covid was released, they raked in billions of dollars. Gates profited wildly off of that.

>> No.15785605

And for the record, BioNTech was likely used by Gates Foundation to offload Covid research done by Wuhan Labs/EcoHealth Alliance.

Profit motive and the profit outcome is there.

As for Bill Gates himself, he's been a proponent for population control and his desire for increasing wealth is well noted. Bill Gates works with WEF, which also happens to have the same population reduction ideology.

>> No.15785664


>Drew Weissman

gee, I wonder why they choose the jew instead of the goyim Robert Malone

>> No.15785667

I don't buy into the "they made the virus on purpose for release" conspiracy hypothesis, but
>They tried to erase this evidence from internet too lmao.
has me worried. It's really fucking difficult to find her papers and general lab releases about gof research which back in beginning of 2020 were easy to find. And, of course, batlady who's pretty much erased from the interwebs.

>> No.15785672

threadly reminder that according to the logic behind the National Conversation About Systemic Racism we were forced to endure in 2020, any policies aimed at excluding or punishing the unvaxxed are in fact extremely racist

>> No.15785745

The post that destroyed /tv/...

>> No.15785755

Someone show this cuck excessive mortality numbers in West countries highly vaccinated starting the vaccine rollout kek

>> No.15785835

>country has more people
>more ppl are dying
>in a pandemic

>> No.15786078

>99% people are vaxxed
>more vaxxed people are dying than unvaxxed

>> No.15786163

That Malone scumbag is literally seething. Pretty funny.

>> No.15786166

go drink bleach as trump has suggested.

>> No.15786197


>> No.15786565
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>talking about vaxxed and unvaxxed data when the comparison is being made between country vaccination rates and timeframes
I did not know /sci/ was populated with such illiterate monkeys.

>> No.15786592

go take the vaccine as trump suggested. oh wait

>> No.15786624

>Robert Malone claims to have invented mRNA technology. Why is he trying so hard to undermine its use?
Lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao

>> No.15786639

Anon, are you dumb?

>> No.15786649

No, you're just too stupid to infer what's being addressed and retorting to imaginary scenarios no one is discussing. Which is kinda funny because the UK ONS data disproves your imaginary scenario too, even when stratified by age-group but that's a another horse that has been beaten to death in other threats before.

>> No.15786652

Yeah. Ain't got a problem with the vaccine Anon.

>> No.15786848
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Time for another booster, retard!

>> No.15787046

I take it that's a "yes". k
Maybe wanna reread the post I replied to?

>> No.15787934

You replied to me originally, downie.