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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15783284 No.15783284 [Reply] [Original]

Nobel prize awarded to the creation of covid vaccines. Karikó and Weissman awarded £800000 for saving the world from covid.
if you're a chud, come seethe here

>> No.15783291

Both of those individuals are Jewish

>> No.15783319

They also have a million bucks, which you don't.

>> No.15783328

>Their key finding of a chemical modification of mRNA to render it non-immunogenic was rejected by the journals Nature and Science, but eventually accepted by the niche publication "Immunity"
read that on her wikipedia and thought it was quite strange
isn't cell immunity a decent journal?

>> No.15783351

It's decent but still nice, as it's just about immunity, unlike journals like nature or science.

>> No.15783355

Where did you read that Karikó is jewish?

>> No.15783364

I was told that this was super new, untested technology, but the press release talks about research since the 80s. Was it all a lie? Was it not untested stuff but rather the finalisation after 40 years of research and development?

>> No.15783368

Maybe antivaxxers are low IQ NPCs who are full of shit?

>> No.15783369

ThEy ChAnGeD tHe DeFiNiTiOn Of VaCcInEs

>> No.15783381

huh? i thought the breakthrough happened in the mid-2000s

>> No.15783382

testing means 8-12 years of monitoring and examining the participants in the experiment(not raw tissues or animals)

>> No.15783387
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oh yeah, forgot about that one

>> No.15783389

>muh nobel prize
it's just jewish money laundering like art auctions

>> No.15783392

I don't understand how anyone can still defend the vaccines at this point

>> No.15783394

I was told modern genetic editing process is the equivalent of fixing watches with a sledgehammer, was I lied to?

>> No.15783401

They changed the definition of pandemic too

>> No.15783402

this is why I browse 4

>> No.15783404

he made it up

>> No.15783406

So by your definition, electric cars aren't cars. Good thing people much smarter than you are making the decisions.

>> No.15783405
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This you?

>> No.15783409

Crazy, almost as if a new type of vaccine extends the definition.

>> No.15783410

No evidence of COVID RNA affecting the DNA of the host. Sorry chud, science won.

>> No.15783411

Did you just change the definition of testing?

>> No.15783413

>mRNA injections depress adaptive immunity and increase susceptibility to other infections. Also, immune changes can be inherited:
Pre-exposure to mRNA-LNP inhibits adaptive immune responses and alters innate immune fitness in an inheritable fashion
Qin et al
We found that pre-exposure to mRNA-LNPs or LNP alone led to long-term inhibition of the adaptive immune responses, which could be overcome using standard adjuvants
Interestingly, mice pre-exposed to the mRNA-LNP platform can pass down the acquired immune traits to their offspring, providing better protection against influenza
In summary, the mRNA-LNP vaccine platform induces long-term unexpected immunological changes affecting both adaptive immune responses and heterologous protection against infections

>> No.15783416

so its a new type of technology when it suits you to say so but then its old and already existing and proven when you need to badger people who dont want to take it. how convenient

>> No.15783418

sorry, i'll be more specific because you're clearly a sub 80 drooling iq nigger.
i meant standard tests for vaccine development before distribution

>> No.15783420

Who made up those standards of testing? You? Or people whose IQ is above 80 and actually finished high school.

>> No.15783422
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how long did you rehearse this waiting for your chance to post it glownigger?

>> No.15783424

>Highly inflammatory
The mRNA-LNP platform’s lipid nanoparticle component used in preclinical vaccine studies is highly inflammatory
Ndeupen et al

>LNP are ionizable in nature meaning they can be anionic, or cationic, or zwitterionic in nature, and store the cationic ionized sm102 mRNA carriers.
>This is why they're so effective at just penetrating general cellular membranes.
COVID-19 Vaccine Frontrunners and Their Nanotechnology Design
Chung et al
LNPs can undergo chemical and physical instability. Chemical instability comprises the degradation of the lipids in the LNPs that are susceptible to hydrolysis and oxidation. Lipid oxidation can occur in unsaturated fatty acid moieties (not present in Comirnaty and mRNA-1273) and with cholesterol, potentially as a result of a hydroperoxide attack, an impurity present in the PEG-group of PEG2000-C-DMG (Jaeger et al., 1994, Wang et al., 2019). Oxidative impurities may also result in oxidation of encapsulated mRNA. The carboxylic ester bonds in lipids, such as DSPC and the ionizable cationic lipids, are susceptible to temperature- and pH-dependent hydrolysis (Fig. 6 )

>Cationic LNPs do in fact cause damage to the BBB:
Evaluation of effect of charge and lipid coating on ability of 60-nm nanoparticles to cross an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier [1999]
Fenart et al

>Even assuming they used neutral PEGylation methods to coat the LNPs, they do degrade, and when they do it's via oxidative cleavege, or general hydrolytic reactions. However when that happens, and if it just happens to happen in the BBB, there's going to be problems due to the cationic SM102 contents that encapsulate the mRNA payload.
mRNA-lipid nanoparticle COVID-19 vaccines: Structure and stability
Schoenmaker et al

>> No.15783425

lol you got roasted, accept it with grace

>> No.15783426

>the dictionary contains every technology that's currently under development
Do me a favour. Since this is /sci/, you're probably a scientist. How many of the technical terms you use at work are in the dictionary? Do the more entries of general terms that include your research topic mention it? For my field it certainly doesn't.

>> No.15783427

Nightmare scenario would be: mRNA vaccines’ lipid nanoparticles cross the BBB, get endocytosed into critical glial cells (oligodendrocytes, neurons..,) putting a bullseye on these for cytotoxic CD8 lymphocytes. Setting the stage for a rash of multiple sclerosis and ALS-type clinical scenarios down the road with multiple boosters.

>> No.15783431
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that was my first post in this thread schizo

>> No.15783433

You know what I'm okay with them receiving the prize but I feel they are highly misleading and disgarding long term safety of lipid carriers and delivery of mRNA plus their efficacy.

>> No.15783435

if you want to talk about dictionaries then go to /lit/. is it a new type of technology or is it not?

>> No.15783436

>Highly inflammatory
Actually the removal of this it one of the discoveries
>Karikó and Weissman noticed that dendritic cells recognize in vitro transcribed mRNA as a foreign substance, which leads to their activation and the release of inflammatory signaling molecules. [...] They wondered if the absence of altered bases in the in vitro transcribed RNA could explain the unwanted inflammatory reaction. To investigate this, they produced different variants of mRNA, each with unique chemical alterations in their bases, which they delivered to dendritic cells. The results were striking: The inflammatory response was almost abolished when base modifications were included in the mRNA. This was a paradigm change in our understanding of how cells recognize and respond to different forms of mRNA. Karikó and Weissman immediately understood that their discovery had profound significance for using mRNA as therapy. These seminal results were published in 2005, fifteen years before the COVID-19 pandemic.

>> No.15783439

based, karikó and weissman are heroes

>> No.15783440 [DELETED] 

>low iq noises
show me any vaccine(accept covid vaccine) that does not meet this standard

>> No.15783441

whether or not you think the vax is bunk, this seems way too soon to get a nobel prize. even for big discoveries, aren't you usually looking at 10 years before you get the prize? for this one to move up so fast is obvious political bullshittery, i'd not care if they got it in like 2029 but this is a fucking joke

>> No.15783443

a pity it didnt work with the actual SARS-COV2 vax
maybe all those people with fever and inflammatory reactions were making it up

>> No.15783444

millions of lives were saved just in the 3 years this technology has been avaliable chud

>> No.15783446
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>low iq mumbling
show me any vaccine(except covid vaccine) that does not meet this standard

>> No.15783448

you're making it up, and you get paid for it

>> No.15783449

>our study also shows the capacity of these vaccines to transmit protection trans-generationally, thus supporting the concept of Lamarckian inheritance in mammals
did you even read the study chud?

>> No.15783451

Didn't they give Barack Obama a noble prize for being black...

>> No.15783454

it was actually for authorizing drone strikes on children in yemen

>> No.15783458


>> No.15783460

oh wait they're the ones who promoted pseudouridylation techniques:

Post-transcriptional pseudouridylation in mRNA as well as in some major types of noncoding RNAs [2019]
Adachi et al
Pseudouridinylation of mRNA coding sequences alters translation [2019]
Eyler et al
rRNA Pseudouridylation Defects Affect Ribosomal Ligand Binding and Translational Fidelity from Yeast to Human Cells
Jack et al

>people injected didnt have inflammatory reactions
what am I hearing?

did you miss the part where they admit they dont know the full implications of messing around with adaptative immunity?

>> No.15783462

hey can you let me talk to your boss, I want money from posting on 4chan too

>> No.15783472

get the fucking nobel prize winning vaccine chud youre killing grandma

>> No.15783473

>stimulate = increase
eating shit stimulate your immune system, just beg your government to administer this and by the new definition its a vaccine

>> No.15783474
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he's right btw

>> No.15783478
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brainlets... we lost...

>> No.15783479

The people who took the Nobel prize winning dewormer will surely get the vaccine now.

>> No.15783482

sorry but i didnt need either because im not a weak piece of shit

>> No.15783488

what happened to correlation does not mean causation?

>> No.15783492

The research was done way over 10 years ago. Funny how antivaxxers do not know even the most basic facts.

>> No.15783495

Show us where this standard is defined the way you described it. And no we don't want to see a picture of your ass, that you used as source.

>> No.15783498
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he's just salty he's not getting royalties

>> No.15783500

>A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer
what now shithead?
also still waiting for you to show any none mrna vaccine that doesn't follow this

>> No.15783501

Any day now, people are going to start dropping like flies.

>> No.15783503

from the world ending pandemic?

>> No.15783506

the blood brain barrier invading spike in the genetically engineered vaccine

>> No.15783508

ignored because it’s their political side.
Same reason un vax are “psychopaths, don’t know how to drive, risk takers, crazy, and other mental illnesses” just totally normal scientific conclusions

>> No.15783509

You can only say that about rational statements

>> No.15783512

Please point out where causation was claimed.

>> No.15783516

Where does it say that it's a required standard? Also flu shots don't go through years of testing. Your intelligence is truly low. Must be the desperation of a cultist when he is realizing everything his antivax cult leaders told him was a lie.

>> No.15783521

>I took this vaccine because they told me
>I am able to think independently and critically
>You are in a cult

>> No.15783523

what is being claimed, then

>> No.15783526

>the two "vaccines" that provide less than 50% efficacy also happen to be the ones that dont go through years of testing

>> No.15783527

That antivaxxies are retards. Not that they are retards because they're unvaccinated, nor that they're unvaccinated because they are retards. Correlation, not causation.

>> No.15783542

why was robert malone not even recognized in this?

articles in france mention him

>> No.15783545

Nobody could ever dream of discrediting science more.

>> No.15783551
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>x is something
>not because x is something
>Correlation, not causation.
by your misconjunction and broken logic i don't need causation to know that your are the most low iq gorilla nigger i ever seen

>> No.15783558

OP is queen of the chuds

>> No.15783569

>paper shows correlation of two things
>cite correlation
>>hurrdurr correlation is not causation
>i only cite the correlation
>>well how can there be correlation without causation?????

>> No.15783575

anyone else notice that leftoids believe that iq is real and valid only when they think it lets them own the chuds?

>> No.15783589

Because he had nothing to do with this discovery? Might as well ask why Greta did not get a Nobel prize. Seems like the committee doesn't like fraudsters.

>> No.15783591

let me quote you
>That antivaxxies are retards. Not that they are retards because they're unvaccinated
can be abstracted as
>x is not something because x is something
you have a brainrot problem

>> No.15783623

People need to know that this is not a one-off experiment that we did and that the vaccine was not made in ten months, said Drew Weissman. We modified the messenger RNA and we got the honors, but the vaccines are based on more than twenty years of work by Kati and me and the work of hundreds, if not thousands, of other scientists. The list thus leaves in the shadows those who came before, such as the Americans Robert Malone and Philip Felgner, the first to have shown, in 1990, that a mixture of messenger RNA and fats could enter cells and produce proteins. Or the French Frédéric Martinon and Pierre Meulien, who established, in 1993, that messenger RNAs encapsulated in lipid spheres could trigger an immune response.

its part of the article, its translated, the one in french was more tehnical.

>> No.15783638

Its me.

>> No.15783640

Grass is green. It's not necessarily green because it's grass, and it's not necessarily grass because it's green. It's just both grass and green.

Antivaxxers are retards. They're not necessarily retards just because they're antivaxxers and they're not necessarily antivaxxers because they're retards. The study doesn't allow deducing such causalities. It just shows that there's correlation.

>> No.15783653


Didn't china, the world's most populous nation, never used MRNA vaccine.

>> No.15783654


Is there evidence China which never used MRNA vaccine is worse off than all the countries that have used MRNA vaccine

>> No.15783655

mate, this is 4chan. people here use fallacies as arguments. even more, jannies and mods enable this behavior and even post "bait" themselves.
arguing about logic against retards that literally do that is a complete waste of time. stop taking this forum too seriously.

>> No.15783656

>Didn't China, a protectionist planned economy never approve the European and American mRNA vaccines?

>> No.15783657

They're heroes. Just imagine the devastation and population annihilation prevented by this vaccine, a vaccine for a disease as lethal as a minor flu (so lethal that you need to get revaccinated several times a year, because that's how vaccines work. Remember, it was ALWAYS called the flu vaccine, never the flu shot or flu booster. Anyone who says otherwise is a crazy person who wants to kill everyone)

>> No.15783659


ya they approved it if anyone want to use it. But almost no one in china used it.

>> No.15783664

>almost no one in China used an unapproved vaccine
Wow, really?

>> No.15783672

>why did china not approve a vastly superior western vaccine and insist on using only their shitty useless vaccines
Why indeed. It's almost as if they are so pitifully weak they don't want to show even more weakness by admitting they gave the world the virus, the west the cure.

>> No.15783681
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So is this a legit nobel win or a lobotomy nobel tier win?

>> No.15783685
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>cause myocarditis in young men

>> No.15783686

Anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike antibodies trigger infection of human immune cells via a pH- and cysteine protease-independent FcgammaR pathway.

Up-regulation of IL-6 and TNF-alpha induced by SARS-coronavirus spike protein in murine macrophages via NF-kappaB pathway

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus-induced lung epithelial cytokines exacerbate SARS pathogenesis by modulating intrinsic functions of monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells.
I like how out of all the trillions of viruses, only one with no known ancestry is able to infect everyone in the world. Despite it being related to the other coronaviruses, which we first identified in the 1960s...the vaccines themselves did not prevent or give acquired immunity.

Vineet Menachery, PhD, with the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) said on Twitter that nCoV appears to be a group 2B coronavirus, which puts it in the same family as the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) virus.

"Andrew Rambaut, PhD, administrator of Virological.org and professor of molecular evolution at the University of Edinburgh, said on Twitter that nCoV is 89% similar to SARS-related bat coronavirus in the Sarbecovirus group of betacoronaviruses. "But that doesn't mean it comes from bats. MERS-CoV is 88% identical to the nearest known bat virus, and MERS is endemic in camels."

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus-induced lung epithelial cytokines exacerbate SARS pathogenesis by modulating intrinsic functions of monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells.

Anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike antibodies trigger infection of human immune cells via a pH- and cysteine protease-independent FcgammaR pathway.

Up-regulation of IL-6 and TNF-alpha induced by SARS-coronavirus spike protein in murine macrophages via NF-kappaB pathway

>all these lies...

>> No.15783687

The infected mice weeks after vaccination were reported to enhance complement activation compared to infected mice without any vaccination. Recent studies have observed enhanced complement activation and deposition in patients with a severe infection in COVID-19 patients (de Nooijer et al., 2021, Gao et al., 2020a, Zinellu and Mangoni, 2021).For coronavirus, a non-macrophage tropic virus, the ADE mechanism would involve the intrinsic (complement-mediated) mechanism by activating complement and cytokine pathways leading to obstruction in the airway tissues.

A recent study reports the association of elevated serum C3a with the disease severity and mortality in severe COVID-19 patients (Henry et al., 2021a, Henry et al., 2020).

SARS-CoV vaccine candidate based on recombinant full-length SARS-CoV spikes protein triggered infection of human B cell lines in vitro despite eliciting a neutralizing and protective immune response in rodents (Kam et al. 2007). Additionally, at least two studies have shown that anti-SARS-CoV-spiked immune serum potentiates infection of immune cell lines by SARS-CoV because of antibody-mediated ADE

>this is the world they decided to create

>> No.15783688

your attempt to reformulate your senseless quot is pathetic and show that you can't stand behind your dogshit statements, and i don't blame you.
>It just shows that there's correlation
i can go to a highly vaccinated country like portugal(average iq 92) and even pick the most low iq area and shout "CORRELATION" shitheads like you are so fucking stupid that it gives me a headache

>> No.15783694

And they waffled about the definition of airborne transmission, herd immunity, immunity and more

>> No.15783701

Funny because we ended up dropping masks, accepting herd immunity and realizing that young males were more at risk from the vaccines than from the virus itself. And concerns like ADE and antigenic original sin have not been deboonked (far from it). Oh and we can now talk about the “totally false and racist” lab release hypothesis because uhhh we just can sweetie.

Almost as if the status quo mainstream parroting science is le best (yet science illiterate) masses were wrong.

>> No.15783706
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>> No.15783715

ADE has been well documented in SARS-COV and SC2 is quite similar. It mainly targets ACE2. ADE obviously can't be accepted...they won't even mention coronavirus in ADE because even though there is prior research...it is not allowed. In fact, all the research stops suddenly around 2021/22...

This is why they are deleting years from death counts. They don't want you seeing their lies

>> No.15783727

ADE was found in SARS-, MERS- and in FCoV in cats. In the early days when they were pushing the experimental vaccine rollout I couldn’t believe they weren’t addressing ADE risk considering it’s almost the norm with vaccine trials for related viruses.

>> No.15783734

>Recent studies have observed enhanced complement activation and deposition in patients with a severe infection in COVID-19 patients

>Anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike antibodies trigger infection of human immune cells via a pH- and cysteine protease-independent FcgammaR pathway.

Additionally, at least two studies have shown that anti-SARS-CoV-spiked immune serum potentiates infection of immune cell lines by SARS-CoV because of antibody-mediated ADE

>> No.15783769

Seethe more with your antivax virgin fantasies.

>> No.15783774

Now explain in your own what that means. You... have finished high school right?

>> No.15783779

So you're saying the scientifically illiterate antivaxxers were right? When will vaccines finally start killing people? Or how many more years of nothing happening until antivaxxers finally admit they were fooled by lies this whole time?

>> No.15783785
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>> No.15783796

They were ultimately right about herd immunity and while I disagree with their approach to masks, society rapidly dropped masks when mandates ceased (ie following what the antivaxxers were promoting). The same people who attacked the antivaxxers and claimed to love science were just doing what they were told to do and following the mob: let’s see how their mask usage and vaccine uptake is like this season.

Not to mention these were the same people telling me not to wear an n95 mask for months then suddenly being obsessed with cloth masks despite zero evidence showing they worked. And yes they still told me not to wear an n95 kek

>> No.15783819

Antivaxxers were hysterically scared and shitting their pants the whole time and still are. It was mass hysteria, mass panic where people go with emotions and fear instead of facts and logic. That's why you got a few antivax cult leaders who sprung up, their acolytes are super easy to manipulate.

>> No.15783823

Did you actually read that paper or are you just posting a screenshot because that is the most you can do with your intelligence and knowledge?

>> No.15783840

>97 myocarditis events after second dose vs 16 after covid infection in men under 40
>ummmmm ackshually did you even READ the paper?!

Kek can’t stick to the results and topic at hand eh?

>> No.15783842


>> No.15783849

*under this personality

>> No.15783855

So... you didn't read the paper?

>> No.15783860

What’s your response to a study clearly showing an increased risk in the vaccine for males under 40 versus actual infections? How does it make sense to encourage young men to get vaccinated when the side effects may likely be worse than infections?

>> No.15783884

So you didn't read the study?

>> No.15783905

nice b8, it was vaxxies who were hysteric the whole pandemic
people who didn't give a fuck and stayed healthy were treated as pariahs

>> No.15783910

Read the fucking paper and stop embarrassing yourself ffs

>> No.15783915

>I didn't give a fuck
>every single day to this day I sperg about vaccines on the internet
>my entire identity is that I'm an antivaxxer
>b-but I didn't give a fuck about vaccines!

>> No.15783920

>vaxxies who were hysteric the whole pandemic
>yeah that disease looks nasty, better get the jab
Meanwhile antivaxxies:
Also, most of these things turned out complete lies and the rest was heavily misrepresented (like the 1 in I don't know how many thousand blood clots)
Also, don't forget
>THE PHARMA INDUSTRY LIES I DONT TRUST ANYTHING THEY PUBLISH except when they publish something about actual adverse effects of the vaccine, then their publication is gospel

>> No.15783994

Based Trump. He saved most of the world population by advancing Operation Warp Speed. Thank you Trump! You're a true American and world hero! Without your quick decision making action, millions would have died. Millions of survivors are forever in your debt! Trump should also be getting a Nobel Prize for his role in liberating people from COVID-19

>> No.15783996
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Elon tweeted this today

>> No.15784005

lmao, this brainlet didn't even need to read the paper, just the abstract (the very same part he took a screenshot) would have been more than enough... but he clearly didn't even read that. retard obviously took the title and thought "that's enough evidence!"
I bet this retard would be surprised to learn that aspirin and even fruit can harm or kill people.

>> No.15784007
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NOOOOO muh heckin mass die offs will happen any day now!

>> No.15784020
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>> No.15784054

No one is forced to eat fruit or aspirin against their will, dumb fuck.

>> No.15784063
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they discovered using pseudouridine suppresses inflammation with injected mrna when uridine is swapped out for it. well here's the thing, the transnational error is way with pseudouridine and n1-methylpseudouridine (used in the vaxes) than regular uridine. so while it doesn't cause an immediate inflammatory response that would reject this junk your body gets hijacked to produce its dubious proteins. pair that with its increased translational capacity and increased half-life, vaxxies produce more dubious proteins for a longer period of time. no thanks, i'm sticking with p100 carts.

>> No.15784066

>glowie op who gets cucked for a whore with weird pepperoni nipples

>> No.15784075

Nature and science are super selective, not that strange that it went to a more immune focussed journal. And yes cell immunity is probably one of the top immune focused journals so not strange at all

>> No.15784078

and who the fuck was ever forced to get vaxxed? lmao, imagine using this retarded attempt of an "argument"

>> No.15784081

>developing a vaccine is a process made of many blocks
>usually you put one in front of the other, that way if you have to stop development when one fails, you don't lose as much money
>with the COVID vaccines, the government paid the money, so the companies could do all processes in parallel because there was no financial risk
You now have been educated on how vaccine development works and why speed is actually an economics thing.

>> No.15784084

>Ad hominems when you're out of arguments

>> No.15784093
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>regulatory agencies start approving meds without finished studies
wow science is much faster now

remember when the EMA approved the use of paxlovid and molnupiravid before they reached phase 3? I 'member

>> No.15784101

>a bunch of claims
no surprise cuckstiny fans don't know the difference.

>> No.15784107

Of course I don't give a fuck until it was madated on my face for school and jobs.

>> No.15784112


>> No.15784125

>The claims are all wrong because....
Which one do you have a problem with?

>> No.15784137

Is there any relation to Fauci?

>> No.15784138

any claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.15784168
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>get zee jab, vor else!!!
Tell that to thousands of healthcare workers, military, government employees and many others.

>> No.15784175

again, who the fuck FORCED you? did they grab your arm and stick a needle on it? no? then what the fuck are you talking about?

did you read that article?
>few institutions still have a vaccine requirement in place. According to a recent American College Health Association survey of 311 institutions, only 7.4 percent continue to mandate vaccines for all students. Another 10.7 percent require that some subgroup, such as residential students, be vaccinated against the coronavirus.
>Along similar lines, No College Mandates, an advocacy group that argues against COVID-19 vaccine requirements, counts 93 colleges that continue to maintain some sort of requirement, or 7.7 percent of the 1,211 institutions whose policies they evaluated. Those policies run the gamut from requiring students to have a “primary” vaccine—meaning either one Johnson & Johnson shot or a two-shot series of an mRNA vaccine, like the Pfizer-BioNTech shot—to mandating the bivalent booster shot
again, no one FORCES anyone. if you don't want to get vaxxed, you can always look for another place, just like when you fail academy or when you don't even meet their required academic grades or whatever.

I bet you also believe that white people not having kids (because the very same system they created fucking sucks) amounts to "white genocide" lmao

>> No.15784177

This is where chuds seethe about the Nobel prize being awarded to the creators of the Covid vaxx?
Thanks OP. I needed a place to seethe about that.

>> No.15784189
File: 46 KB, 862x487, 72jxiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15784194

>wageslavery isn't slavery
why do you suck porky's dick so hard?

>> No.15784205

Nta but it isn’t. You don’t need to participate.

>> No.15784207

nope, all means of survival requires money. you can't just go build a shack in the woods and live off the land legally.

>> No.15784211

Which ones need evidence? Why you asking me to prove several negatives?

>> No.15784213

>You don’t need to participate
Right, they'll force you out of a job if you don't.

>> No.15784220

>outside of mathematics
cuckstiny fans really are this dumb.

>> No.15784263

And yet he took the shot like a bitch anyway

>> No.15784276

>Refusing to engage at all. Just cope over factual statements

>> No.15784279

>Agents in black suits will come to your desk and start packing your things
Many such cases

>> No.15784290

It was never required except in Austria, the Vatican and one or two other places I can't recall right now.

>> No.15784296

>believes the myopic ranting by some glowie op cucked by a whore with weird pepperoni nipples

>> No.15784301

>it's ok when "private" businesses and institutions do it

>> No.15784314

meanwhile in reality:
>To counter the perceived threat from doctors and scientists who challenge the official position of governmental and intergovernmental health authorities, some supporters of this orthodoxy have moved to censor those who promote dissenting views. The aim of the present study is to explore the experiences and responses of highly accomplished doctors and research scientists from different countries who have been targets of suppression and/or censorship following their publications and statements in relation to COVID-19 that challenge official views. Our findings point to the central role played by media organizations, and especially by information technology companies, in attempting to stifle debate over COVID-19 policy and measures. In the effort to silence alternative voices, widespread use was made not only of censorship, but of tactics of suppression that damaged the reputations and careers of dissenting doctors and scientists, regardless of their academic or medical status and regardless of their stature prior to expressing a contrary position. In place of open and fair discussion, censorship and suppression of scientific dissent has deleterious and far-reaching implications for medicine, science, and public health.

>> No.15784322

If you refuse to comply, police will forcefully escort you out of the building or off campus. Or, if you're in the military, you get court marshaled and forced out with a dishonorable discharge. The key word here is forced.

>> No.15784323


>> No.15784330

the simple reality is that humans have certain needs to survive. all survival in this society is tied to making money as it is illegal to just go in the woods and life off the land without paying taxes and often licenses. in effect employment is mandatory. so coercing people out of a job if they don't comply for a jab is no different than putting a gun to someone's head to directly force them by policy. just because businesses and institutions are private is just a convenient loophole for the govt to act as tho it is not mandating anything as it is their regulatory bodies that tell these companies to comply for their corporate gibes which they will take in 100% of cases. that saddest part in all this is so-called leftists who can't seem to dislodge the corporate boot they licked down their throats to own their blumpf voting dads.

>> No.15784402

Still waiting for the 20 billion vaccine deaths/mass side effects.

Two more weeks albeit?

>> No.15784456


>> No.15784458

>is just a convenient loophole
welcome to life anon.