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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15782342 No.15782342 [Reply] [Original]

I propose a theory that dark matter is the fabric of space. The fabric of space is what we observe as dark matter, which is the smallest possible particle. A dark matter particle has no energy or mass and is inert. However, if given energy, it will begin to vibrate, i.e., ("string theory"). The "strings" are dark matter particles. Depending on how much energy was given to the dark matter particle determines the frequency it vibrates at, which determines what sub-atomic particle it becomes, whether that be an electron, photon, or quark, etc. We know that these subatomic particles arrange themselves into the chemical elements, in turn arranging into molecules.

>> No.15782343
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The highest energy state matter can reach is becoming a singularity at the center of a black hole. So in essence, regular matter is a higher state of energized dark matter, and dark matter is the fabric of space.

>> No.15782345
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Now I will attempt to explain what we experience and observe as time. Let's start by imagining the universe is not infinite and is a bubble floating around in a larger space outside our universe, let's just call it 4D space. There are other universe bubbles floating around in this space, separated by distances comparable to the distances between galaxies. On occasion, these universe bubbles bump into one another and transfer energy to one another, sparking "big bang" like events. This is what restarts or resets a universe's energy state, whether it be near the beginning, middle, or end of its life due to entropy.

>> No.15782350
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This is where time comes into play. Time is the 5th force of nature and is intertwined with entropy. If you speed up time, you speed up entropy. If you slow down time, you slow down entropy. The rate at which time/entropy happens is based on the size of the universe we live in. A larger universe bubble will cool slower than a smaller universe bubble.

>> No.15782352
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What we see as the expansion of the universe could simply be our bubble not inflating but warping due to ripples/gravitational waves traveling through the dark matter that fills our universe. We cannot see beyond our visible universe because the speed of light is dictated by the volume/density of dark matter that fills our universe.

>> No.15782354

Wrong, dark matter is the improper gravity equation that gets frame dragging and low-mass vacuum volumes incorrect.

Space is non-Newtonian, curved and actually flowing like a compressible fluid.

>> No.15782356
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I am suggesting that electromagnetic waves use dark matter as a conductive medium to propagate through space, implying that empty space is a misnomer; a true vacuum doesn't exist inside our universe unless the "Boötes Void" is also devoid of dark matter. It could be a hole in our universe bubble. So the denser the volume of dark matter in a universe, the faster electromagnetic waves can travel, and the less dense the volume, the slower it travels.

>> No.15782359
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Now I will attempt to explain what gravity is in this framework. Before the "big bang" happened, there could have mostly been nothing but dark matter if our universe was already in a near-zero energy state. After a collision of our universe bumping into another universe, the shockwave or ripples converted the dark matter in our universe into an assortment of sub-atomic particles that bonded with their corresponding particles to form the first protium and anti-protium nuclei.

>> No.15782363
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Then came the second energy release that was not as powerful, the annihilation of protium and anti-protium. Protium was greater in volume, so it won over. Every particle except dark matter has mass, no matter how small, and has its own "gravity well," i.e., the amount of dark matter that the particle displaces. So the more massive an object, the more dark matter that object displaces, creating a gravity well. Smaller gravity wells ride along the inside of the larger gravity wells and can keep riding or "orbiting." If it has the right speed, it stays in orbit; too much speed, and it leaves the well; too little speed, and it falls down the well, joining the larger mass.

>> No.15782369
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This concludes my theoretical framework for space, time, entropy, gravity, and dark matter. I hope other open-minded free thinkers will consider reviewing this framework and offering up their own points of view and ideas and look to fine-tune and tweak it in any way that helps you understand it better and fix any mistakes in the theory.

>> No.15782371
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One side note to be made: humanity needs to focus less on conflict and more on fusion energy research and getting closer to finding the island of stability. Superheavy elements are Mother Nature's most efficient means of energy storage.

>> No.15782382

Yes I can agree that space is like a fluid composed of dark matter. Don't be so quick to dismiss my theory with your own. They are both just theories after all and have no evidence to back them up.

>> No.15782620


>> No.15782648

>huuurrrr durrrrr hay guise!!!!
>i know everything about the entire universe!!!
>muh IQ its soooo massive!!!
>i'm totally like a god or something

Grandiose delusions are characterized by fantastical beliefs that one is unusually important, omniscient, wealthy, super-intelligent or otherwise very powerful. The delusions are generally fantastic and typically have a religious, science fictional, or supernatural theme.

Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.


>> No.15782712
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Without math describing the model structure that is not a theory, is just speculation. Also it doesn't consider quantum mechanics. QM has show interesting experimental results that show that time is an emergent phenomenon for internal observers of a quantum system.

>> No.15782731

Oh, this was a really good try, but you are too late. The dark matter particle is called darkies. This was already hypothesized a long time ago. Darkies ruining the unis bro. Looks like you will have to schizo post for the rest of your life and deny this irrefutable fact.

>> No.15782787

It's God, give it up, throw in the towel, pick up The Bible, just do it.

>> No.15782809

I propose that dark matter is actually gravitational waves and that gravitons are gravitational waves

Source: My asshole, gooch, and ballsack

>> No.15782811


Maybe. Cool idea

>> No.15783286

Dark matter doesn’t exist
We (the solar system) are inside a supermassive black hole which is distorting the light causing our observations to diverge from reality.

>> No.15783325

why not diverge some bitches your way lmao

>> No.15783354

Where's the math?

>> No.15783429

cool, where does this "energy" come from, what is this "energy" made out of, why does it need to interact with "dark matter particles" made of nothing when it itself is made of something?

>> No.15783566

>I propose a theory that dark matter is the fabric of space.
You're already wrong with that first sentence. If anything, the fabric of space is a good candidate for dark energy, not for dark matter. Dark energy is the one that is uniformly distributed all throughout the universe, just like the fabric of space is. Dark matter otoh is concentrated at certain parts of the cosmos. There are various hypothetical candidates for it e.g. WIMPs, axions, primordial black holes, etc... It is possible that dark matter is a combination of two or more of these - and other - phenomena.

>> No.15783586
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Sciencegolems are their CGI fantasies.