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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 42 KB, 415x348, IMG_0751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15781502 No.15781502 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15781507

>thinks the Arctic is an iceberg and not a landmass.
heh, idiots.

>> No.15782852

>the arctic is a landmass
its an ocean

>> No.15782895
File: 740 KB, 1125x1164, Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 05.07.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should apologize you unoriginal faggot.

>> No.15783021

Antarctic and Greenland.

you know he meant.

>> No.15783149

"In contrast, sea ice is formed on water, is much thinner (typically less than 3 m (9.8 ft)), and forms throughout the Arctic Ocean. It is also found in the Southern Ocean around the continent of Antarctica."

>> No.15784248 [DELETED] 

>you know he meant.
my presumptions is that >>15781507
meant to indicate to us that he is so ignorant and low iq that he can't communicate effectively

>> No.15784433

1. Ice bergs are fresh water. Because of this, melting actually still causes the water level to rise.
2. Some ice is not floating, but is sitting on land.

>> No.15784445

If you heat up the water it expands making the sea level rise.

>> No.15784556

There is more land mass now than 200 years ago. Of course, when you search it you'll get hits for "sea level rise" which goes to derail from the fact.

Watch the bullshit movie by Al-Gore "An Unconveniant Truth" and tell me if that corelates with the status quo.
He bought 2 mansions by the sea.

>> No.15784587
File: 350 KB, 2183x1250, PIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melting icebergs discharged from an ice shelf does not increase sea level. Ice shelf by definition already floats on ocean.

However, iceberg discharges reduce the buttressing effect of ice shelf, which in turns allow ice sheets that previously sits on top of land, either in Antarctica or Greenland to flow further into the ocean. This increase sea level.

In your jug of ice analogy, melting ice that is already floating inside the jug does not increase the volume and level. But ADDING ice cubes, i.e., melting ice sheet does increase the water level.

>> No.15784890 [DELETED] 

once the weight of ice is removed from the land, the land expands

if what you're saying is true then why isn't sea level rising?

>> No.15784916

Most of the ice that will melt is above land, meaning it doesn't displace water until after it melts

>> No.15784930

It’s risen 9 cm in 25 years. The primary contributor to this is meltwater.

>> No.15784933

>glaciers don't exist the ice is all in the ocean already goy
kill yourself petrokike

>> No.15786310


>> No.15786416
File: 631 KB, 2000x1333, 1694292811522581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the petrokike. You don't even realize that global warming is a red herring set up by the oiligarchs to ensure science is always stupid and incredible. In this manner, it never has explanatory power and always promises doomsday. It is a classic action-reaction pairing where science is always on the losing foot.
There has never been such a thing as climate change, as global warming, and man made global warming. There has only ever been intermittently unseasonable weather. Nut jobs and cons are the only ones pushing doomer propaganda as usual. Embarrassing.

>> No.15786427 [DELETED] 

the big red pill, is that the land can also subside if water is gone and land becomes heavier above it.
it's basic gravity.

>> No.15786430 [DELETED] 

it's probably the main reason ice melts but beaches look similar.

>> No.15787086

gretafags are too dumb to realize the land stops being compressed and expands when the heavy ice on top of it melts away.
the virtue signaling sjw environmentalists never know anything about nature

>> No.15787412

Congratulations. Every toddler knows this.
Now do it with adding loads of ice, just like what would happen if the southern polar caps or the Greenland glaciers (that don’t swim, they are on land) melt.

>> No.15787648

what is the heat source? sun? volcanism?
does current prevent heat from rising? or is negligible,

>> No.15788392

How much total ice was melted and added to the ocean level? How much total ice melted and did not add to the ocean level?
Seems fake. Where is picture of 9 cm rise?
How much has global warming increased the volume of water?

>> No.15788795 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 600x340, What-is-Isostatic-Rebound-Uncovering-the-Earths-Natural-Response.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody can show you pictures of sea level rising as a result of glaciers melting, but finding pictures of sea level falling for that reason is fairly simple.

>> No.15789031

yep ancient babylon and shit were railing on about le climate change in their ancient tablets too its literally a classic ancient control tactic

>> No.15789425
File: 965 KB, 857x653, Bigice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15789436 [DELETED] 

most of sea riseeffect is caused by volumic thermal dilation of water, retard.

>> No.15789438

most of sea rise effect is caused by volumic thermal dilation of water, retard.
also antarctic / russian / greenland Ice is not immersed in water right now, but it will be when molten.

>> No.15789440

>thinks the Arctic is an iceberg and not a landmass.
are you OP replying to himself?
the Arctic is not a landmass you idiot, but the Antarctic continent is.

>> No.15789785

nta, contributing with a little copy pasta
source: WorldAtlas

What Is the Arctic?

A frequently asked question is why the Antarctic is considered a continent while the Arctic is not, yet they are both polar regions of the earth. The answer lies in the definition of a continent. The keyword when defining a continent is the term “landmass.” The Arctic or the North Pole is a sea surrounded by land while the Antarctic or the South Pole is a landmass surrounded by sea. The Antarctic, therefore, meets the criteria to be considered a continent while the Arctic does not. The Antarctic is the fifth largest continent with an area of about 5.5 million square miles, but it is the least populated with about 1,000 people due to the extremely low temperature.

>what is the heat source? sun? volcanism?
>does current prevent heat from rising? or is negligible,

>> No.15790396

Only a thousand people and still some retard running around out there with a fitbit

>> No.15790412

>source: globohomo gobbledygook
>The Arctic or the North Pole is a sea
its an ocean

>The Antarctic is the fifth largest continent with an area of about 5.5 million square miles, but it is the least populated with about 1,000 people due to the extremely low temperature.
>due to the extremely low temperature.
it's got low population because the various governments of the world all colluded to make the continent off limits to human settlement other that their own militaries and their other subservient organizations.
kerguelen is the least populated continent.

>> No.15790514

First effect, while true, is minimal and irrelevant

>> No.15790550

Let's see your calculations

>> No.15791083

you can't do the math yourself

>> No.15791093

you can link a shitty blogpost or something
you're basing your opinion on some sort of calculation, right?

>> No.15791214

bro that chunk of frozen water would make for the best icebong ever

>> No.15791273
File: 1.44 MB, 4288x2848, i5ytszp8xvsz-2169924180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew, good thing there is no ice above the surface of the ocean

>> No.15791465

Have you tried googling what's written in the image?

>> No.15791488

is this real??

>> No.15791492

I’m an amateur who simply reads a lot so take the following with a grain of salt. The heat comes from many different places. Acidification of the ocean, heat trapped in the atmosphere by carbon, the sun, emissions from cargo vessels, algal blooms, global ocean currents, sub-surface currents underneath the ice shelves, methane clathrates, plate tectonics, the list goes on. the earth’s climate is a chaotic and complex system, it’s not comprable to the scizo anon’s experiment of making a plastic vaccum box and piping 400ppm of CO2 in it.

>> No.15791508

Actually, the heat just comes from surface currents further north. I'd suspect the biggest factors are contact with the air and solar irradiation.

>> No.15791512

>ackshually, your nuanced and complex explanation is wrong because I think it’s JUST the one thing I find most important

>> No.15791573

Thanks for posting. Appreciate your insight.

>> No.15791689

no prob. btw I should add that melting glaciers aren’t just an effect of “heat”, although that’s part of it. a lot of it is just erosion, but when ice shelves are eroded it can cause land ice to move into the sea at a shockingly rapid pace, as >>15784587
stated. you can even see in that picture the way the ice shelf extends into the water, subsurface currents basically shove their way into parts of the glacier and create channels that suck warm water out of the ocean and accelerate erosion of the glacier. it helps if you imagine ice shelves as natural dams, and glaciers as the fuckton of water behind it.

>> No.15791697

>the more complex the explanation, the better
>disregard retarded ideas like ships or plate tectonics warming the ocean

>> No.15791773

>ignores post above his that says it isn’t just heat
>reductio ad absurdum

>> No.15791841 [DELETED] 
File: 2.62 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231006_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting, water eroding ice. The whole is complicated by many factors and a dynamic process. Erosion is neat because scale is irrelevant. A mountainside can look much the same as a washout with a little imagination.

>> No.15791853

imagine being this insecure about being a midwit. just go back to the porn boards and cry about BBC. at least you’ll bust a nut that way instead of sucking mine all day

>> No.15791868

>get called out for talking bullshit
>react in Latin

>> No.15791914

>browses /sci/
>doesn’t understand latin
ngmi, also
verification not required

>> No.15791962

Fuck you. Get back to the 1 = 1 thread.

>> No.15791978

>gets called out for his midwit latinism
>thinks it's because others don't understand extremely common Latin phrases, not because they think you're a Fedora-tipping faggot

>> No.15791998
File: 39 KB, 300x300, IMG_2743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15792060

Update your npc firmware, your replies are from 2007.

>> No.15792065

no thanks, clearly the version you’re on is bugged to shit

>> No.15792067

>no u
Another vintage meme

>> No.15792070

only the best for the bastard son of the bitch I’m fuckin

>> No.15792078

The ocean level should actually go down after the ice melts because the lightest part of it has dissipated into the sky to become rain.

>> No.15792079

> You may ascertain this in the following manner: If in winter you will pour water by measure into a vessel and expose it to the open air until it is all frozen, and then on the following day bring it into a warm situation where the ice will thaw, if you will measure the water again when dissolved you will find it much less in quantity. This is a proof that the lightest and thinnest part is dissipated and dried up by the congelation, and not the heaviest and thickest, for that is impossible: wherefore I hold that waters from snow and ice, and those allied to them, are the worst of any for all purposes whatever. Such are the characters of rain-water, and those from ice and snow.

>> No.15792592

When did we last time measured, if earth's magnetic core cooling is working correctly? Like literally magnetic cooling should happen to water, if it's not it's bad. Problem is, all measured temperatures in global warming are from ground, when we take thermal capacity of water in the ocean in equation, it kept problems from being seen and we are already so fucking fucked that we should work on our hydrosphere, because we can get in teperatures of air, when even wet air is dry as fuck. (same amount of water in the air, much lower humidity, air is a solvent for water vapour.)

>> No.15792871

that ice is all floating

>> No.15792888
File: 79 KB, 600x374, 16b7156d8064daa5e849d64334da3276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works cited:

>> No.15792903

Someone forgot to take their meds.

>> No.15792904

Read this link.


>> No.15792924

I mean, it is common sense. The light part goes up to the sky as rain leaving only the heavy parts and sediments.

>> No.15792940

I read the link and I don't feel enlightened. Might open it and read the linked website later though.

>> No.15792941

Are you talking about fractionation?

>> No.15793830

I'm sorry that the education system failed you anon

>> No.15794216

>oh no, the glaciers that formed during the 600 year long little ice age are melting
>this is definitely caused by parents driving their children to soccer practice and not just a natural effect of the conditions that caused the little ice age ending.
>we need to give up all of the accoutrements of civilization and go back to living in the stone age to save muh precious glaciers
why are glaciers so sacred anyway?
is there a scientific explanation?

>> No.15794972 [DELETED] 

nice source on that image. its fake af

>> No.15794993

wtf i love industrials now

>> No.15795003

What happens to the land in Florida and Netherlands when the ice caps melt?

>> No.15795044

This but unironically
Fuck glaciers

>> No.15795074

Build dikes or perish.

>> No.15795098

OP is posting facebook memes that he doesn't even believe and you faggots are still arguing about it

>> No.15795200

I know that OP is just meming, but was this image originally created unironically or was it always just a shitpost?

>> No.15795314

I am not memeing. This is a direct result of mods force sliding the first thread. You will see this thing for a very very long time because they disabled bumping.

>> No.15795317
File: 17 KB, 558x614, IMG_0179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice melts.
Water level is lower after ice melts
This is because the heavier part of the ice became water but the lightest part evaporated and went up to the clouds/ became rain.

Hope I could simplify things for an illiterate!

>> No.15795898

>ice (((((((berg))))))

>> No.15795900 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 680x695, 1668894586953890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am like you

>> No.15795907

>a very very long time
Yet it will still somehow take you longer to understand that there is ice on land, not just in the water, and that you can put ice over the cup's level and it will make a mess when it melts.

>> No.15797163

>what is isostatic rebound
the earth is not a rigid surface, flat earth is just a meme. real earth is a crust that floats on molten magma.

>> No.15797204

Well actually Hippocrates but okay. If you do the experiment it checks out. Freeze water and then unfreeze it and there will be less water than before you froze it.

>> No.15797262

Doesn't change the fact that if land ice melts, it adds to the water in the ocean which isn't accounted for in OP's picture.

>> No.15797284

I apologize for raping your mother and letting you be born.

>> No.15797484

but it takes up less space than if it was solid on land, the water goes down because ice is less dense than water

>> No.15797488

But it takes up more space in the ocean if it is in the ocean instead of frozen on land, the measuring cup picture does not account for land surrounding the body of water, it only accounts for the ice in the ocean.

>> No.15797514

no because the weight or mass of water than was pushing down on the land and displacing water by archimedes' principle is no longer adding weight to the land onto the water but instead has become a part of the volume of water

>> No.15797516
File: 31 KB, 300x196, Earth_cutaway_schematic-en.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tectonic plates are not floating on ocean water, they are sitting on earth's mantle.

>> No.15797527

Nothing is sacred to city dwellers like yourself

>> No.15797530

have you ever been below the mantle?
it's water not lava
why do you think geysers exist?
the land floats on a layer of water, under the layer of water is another crust, and under that is a layer of lava

>> No.15797537

>have you ever been below the mantle?
I just posted the pic.

>it's water not lava
No, its mantle.

>why do you think geysers exist?
Because the water is in the crust and above the mantle, so its easy to bring to the surface.

>the land floats on a layer of water
No, the picture posted shows you what is on top of what and it doesn't show anything you describe.

>> No.15797540

OP's image doesn't account for any of that.

>> No.15797554

Least schizophrenic /sci/ poster

>> No.15797581

Bodies of water expand when heated. Oceans are pretty massive.

>> No.15797587

No, water is the exception to that rule since ice expands otherwise water life would freeze to death without the surface expanding as it freezes.

>> No.15797592

Least retarded /sci/ poster

>> No.15797593

The exception only applies between 0°C and 4°C, where water expands as it cools down. For every other temperature range, it expands as it's heated.

>> No.15797612

that's just a drawing, you haven't been below the mantle, you haven't seen below the mantle, no one has.

>> No.15797621

>retard confuses the artic with antartica
most onland ice is greenland and antartica

>> No.15797627

nigger those glaciers have been there for millions of years, infact theyve been there so long they carved a glacier channel

>> No.15798286

the n word is racist

>> No.15798783 [DELETED] 

so you're saying that the lack of observed sea level rise is more proof that global warming is a false narrative?

>> No.15798805

Then you can't be correct either since you clearly haven't seen it either.

>> No.15798806

Your claim of a lack of sea level rise is more proof that global warming deniers will lie about everything.

>> No.15800126 [DELETED] 

sea level isn't rising

>> No.15800579
File: 18 KB, 474x148, OIP.eLYBgHMK-Pas-CWW-0mlUwHaCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its falling

>> No.15800593
File: 56 KB, 540x485, IMG_9253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scandinavia is raising much faster than the sea level. That's not true for other parts of the world.

>> No.15801069

nice hypothesis but you can't experimentally confirm that

>> No.15801473 [DELETED] 

sea level is falling in canada, russia & scandinavia and its not rising anywhere in the rest of the world so on average sea level is falling globally

>> No.15801477


>> No.15802029 [DELETED] 

Sea level isn't rising anywhere, if it was we'd have been spammed to death with the pictures by "online activists" ages ago

>> No.15802121
File: 68 KB, 1200x800, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the "online activists" that have time to spam shit on Facebook are typically unemployed and post nonsense like the one with the Statue of Liberty and the angry Greta. That doesn't mean trat the facts aren't out there.

>> No.15802399

They should apologise. Every educated person knows ice expands and is less dense than water. They should also apologise for calling CO2 a greenhouse gas.

>> No.15803562 [DELETED] 

Facebook is highly censored and doesn't permit posts that contradict the standardized MSM message. You would be happier there or on Reddit than you are here.
Seeing people post their ideas and opinions without heavy handed censorship here on 4chan clearly upsets you. Why do you force yourself to look at 4chan when doing so angers and frustrates you so badly? Especially given that there are oodles of censored, protected online safe spaces such as Reddit and Facebook available to emotionally fragile people such as yourself.
If you could just bring yourself to stop using 4chan you would never have to see the wrongthink that angers you again, wouldn't that be a lot more pleasant for you?

>> No.15803569

So many words and so little point

>> No.15803583

Are you kidding? Facebook is the home of one million retarded boomer conspiracies. /pol/ is 99% bullshit regurgitated from facebook. The only thing they bother to censor is gore and CP

>> No.15803590

Just don't live near the coast, idiots

>> No.15803595 [DELETED] 

>I'm an expert of /pol/ and Facebook
you must spend a lot of time on both to have such expertise

>> No.15803599

It doesn't take long to get the idea

>> No.15804769

I have never looked at Fakebook, not once in all it's history.

Anyone here old enough to remember when the conventional wisdom was to not give out personal Information on the internet?
Or are you all a bunch of zoomers who are so desperate to talk about yourselves that you'll take any opportunity to do so and throw caution to the wind every time?

>> No.15805234

>The OMG the world is coming to an end because of global warming institute
nice source, surely a bunch of people who make their living shilling global warming hysteria would never publish dishonest data and graphics.

>> No.15805446

Show honest data. Bonus points for not just showing photographs that completely ignore the tides.

>> No.15805566
File: 50 KB, 603x67, Spot The Bullshit In OPs Post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ocean Level Remains The Same

>> No.15806184 [DELETED] 
File: 2.62 MB, 1x1, DP1007.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15806458

Try again.

>> No.15807628 [DELETED] 
File: 2.18 MB, 1x1, 1684060306970281.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15807634

Try again.
>The Lavoisier Group is an Australian organisation formed by politicians and dominated by retired industrial businesspeople and engineers.

>> No.15808379 [DELETED] 


>> No.15809635 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 800x796, 1678018434185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15809983

fill the cups to the brim, then melt ice above them.
That is the effect you are looking for, as icebergs come from melting glaciers which start on land and end up in the water.

>> No.15810433
File: 959 KB, 1x1, DunlapMcCrightOxfordHBChap.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally is. It's not even well hidden.

>> No.15811672 [DELETED] 

>this academic publication says that academics are right about everything and that the entire world is evil and conspiring against academia
schizo as fuck
>the mainstream media is conspiring against the global warming narrative
the media has been shilling global warming since the 1980s, even fox shills that junk. every time weather anywhere is slightly abnormal, the awesome power of global warming is what caused it according to them
meanwhile the weather isn't any more warm, cold erratic or prone to extremes than it was in the 1980s when the global warming agenda was first announced

>> No.15811806

>every time weather anywhere is slightly abnormal, the awesome power of global warming is what caused it according to them
That's a lie and you know it.

>> No.15812138

Are you a shill or a useful idiot? Why don't you try googling "organized climate change denial campaigns" and see what comes up?

>> No.15813139 [DELETED] 


>> No.15813145

I read that and I don't get your point. Activists exist, was that new to you?

>> No.15814255 [DELETED] 

name a major weather event so far this century that hasn't been blamed on global warming

>> No.15815368 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1053x1053, 5qM81m1nnX59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15816001 [DELETED] 

Its over for Greta

>> No.15816025

but when the ice melts it shrinks becuase water is more dense, so less space is needed for the water/ice, so the level goes down

>> No.15817104 [DELETED] 


>> No.15817749

wtf Greta is based now?

>> No.15817755

lmao this brainlet is unironically posting sociology papers

>> No.15817759

>that hasn't been blamed on global warming
Every single one of them? It's always
>attribution of individual events is impossible, however without global warming, such an event would occur once every x years, but our models predict that the frequency will increase to once every y to z years

>> No.15818806 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 1137x1280, yBvGSfgUtqit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15819218
File: 3.34 MB, 1500x1643, pepe octo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based.

>> No.15819240

wtf i love greta now

>> No.15820014

she was always a terrorist
>the world is going to come to an end if you don't do as I say

>> No.15821003 [DELETED] 

>those glaciers have been there for millions of years
they weren't
greenland didn't even have an ice cap 400,000 years ago

>> No.15822148 [DELETED] 

The global warming narrative is shilled exclusively by ignorant low IQs

>> No.15822151

>greenland didn't even have an ice cap 400,000 years ago
It barely had one 1200 years ago. When it was first discovered in the medieval period by the vikings it was nice and pleasant on the coasts with only some glaciation in the highest parts.

>> No.15822672 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 368x759, SMB_combine_SM_day_EN_20231022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Greenland ice sheet is currently accumulating mass

>> No.15822678

Come on, the last attempt of this was 2 days ago. No one is going to get bamboozled by you.

>The map illustrates how the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet gains and loses mass on a daily basis. This difference between snowfall and runoff is known as the SURFACE mass balance It is always positive over the course of a year as not all fallen snow runs off the ice sheet again.

>The surface mass balance is NOT identical to the TOTAL mass balance (i.e. overall gain or loss of the ice cap), which also includes the mass that is lost when glaciers calve off icebergs, the melting of glacier tongues as they come into contact with warm seawater and frictional and other effects at the bottom of the ice sheet.

>> No.15823713

The new ice age is approaching

>> No.15824485 [DELETED] 

Greenland was a lot warmer back then, 6-8ºC warmer. They were farming and raising cattle there, which isn't really possible currently.

>> No.15824487
File: 52 KB, 500x331, Temperature_Pattern_MWP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greenland was warm, therefore the whole world was warm
The reasoning of a retard.

>> No.15824489
File: 58 KB, 500x268, Temp_Pattern_1999_2008_NOAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greenland was warm, therefore this is the same as modern global warming

>> No.15825767

>Greenland has cooled off by 6-8ºC over the past 1000 years, thats why global warming is real

>> No.15826368
File: 88 KB, 600x447, tc-17-2059-2023-avatar-web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same goes for antarctica

>> No.15827503

>Where is picture of 9 cm rise?
there are none
>How much has global warming increased the volume of water?

>> No.15828932

>How much has global warming increased the volume of water?
that question presumes global warming is real, which it isn't

>> No.15829041

200 million year old ice so there is 200 million years of water in it please understand

>> No.15829045

Seriously. Why do you spam this board with these shit threads? There were a few actually interesting threads on page 1 before you came here.

>> No.15829051

I don't know why you're not interested in the study of climate science, but if you aren't then you don't need to read them.

>> No.15829592 [DELETED] 

people who get angry at the quality of content on user generated content sites like 4chan lack the self awareness to realize that end users generate all the content on the site and that if the content upsets them then they are personally responsible for that.
if other types of threads are better then just post them and the board's mechanics will make the lesser threads go away. acting like you're personally entitled to good content when you don't contribute any good content yourself is irrational, /sci/ is not a tv show, nobody is being paid to deliver good threads

>> No.15829819

>thinning and recession

>> No.15831121

how'd the glacier come to be named pine island when the antarctic has no trees?

>> No.15831488

Ice (((Berg)))

>> No.15831757

Guys who spell ice and berg as separate words are very sus desu.

>> No.15832787
File: 21 KB, 600x340, What-is-Isostatic-Rebound-Uncovering-the-Earths-Natural-Response.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody can show you pictures of sea level rising as a result of glaciers melting, but finding pictures of sea level falling a result of glaciers melting is quite easy

>> No.15834016

thats the clear answer
>the global warming conjecture predicts sea level rise
>sea level isn't rising
>therefore the global warming conjecture must be false

>> No.15834019

> pictures of sea level falling a result of glaciers melting is quite easy
Then post them.

>> No.15834021

>sea level isn't rising
And that’s where you’re wrong, faggot.

>> No.15834915 [DELETED] 


>> No.15835937 [DELETED] 

sea level isn't rising

>> No.15835947

And that’s where you’re wrong, faggot.

>> No.15836884 [DELETED] 

> antarctica gaining several thousand cubic kilometers of ice annually
the next ice age is upon us

>> No.15837980 [DELETED] 

Right on time too, Milankovitch cycles set the length of interglacial periods and our time is up.

>> No.15838798 [DELETED] 

OK, you got me. The global warming meme is totally fake, I admit it. I am very sorry for having tried to trick you, please accept my apology.

>> No.15838981

There is no sea level at all. It's an imaginary quantity like the average birthday of all the inhabitants of the madhouse you're inmated.

>> No.15838986

Same bullshit the other way round. Stockholm is in the baltic sea wich has the norrow Skagerak to nort sea. Sea level change depends way more on main wind directions as on anything else.
Did not change the fact climate hoaxers are liars that should be defunded until they sleep under the bridge in their own pi.. .

>> No.15838990

> antarctica gaining several thousand cubic kilometers of ice annually
It's not

>> No.15839064

>It's not
Source: your ass.

>> No.15840159

Shh, don't tell them we're still in an inter-glacial period and haven't fully left the previous one yet.

>> No.15840166

w-w-w-w-well the w-w-w-weight of w-w-water is changing the sea floor!

>> No.15840492 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 454x391, zgcodr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milankovitch cycles
low IQ greta types are too dumb and ignorant to understand Milankovitch cycles, thats why its so easy to trick them into believing the global warming meme

>> No.15840556
File: 322 KB, 850x802, Observed-2008-state-and-simulations-of-the-Greenland-Ice-Sheet-at-year-3000-A-Observed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow entire scientific community proven to be idiots with that one simple meme. You truly are brilliant but how could we lesser people have not thought about this?

>> No.15840574 [DELETED] 

that simulation, like all computer simulations, sucks balls. that one was created by someone so far out of their league that they were either unaware of or unable to simulate isostatic uplift, which is why that lagoon appears in central greenland after the ice is gone.

>> No.15840584

I hope the added water makes the other landmasses lift :)

>> No.15840620

> It's called Greenland! It must be Green, and made of Land!

>> No.15840763

>Remember that time that they had to
rebrand "Global Warming" into "Climate Change"
Yeah. I do. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2003/mar/04/usnews.climatechange
>The phrase "global warming" should be abandoned in favour of "climate change", Mr Luntz says,

>> No.15840777


>> No.15842007 [DELETED] 

apology accepted

>> No.15842422 [DELETED] 

the jewish homosexual pedophile fox news guy.
amazingly, the environmentalist messiahs all followed his advice and the formerly common phrase "global warming" is no longer used by them.

>> No.15842435

>the jewish homosexual pedophile fox news guy.
Don't forget republican. Also, by calling "them" environmentalists, you play by Luntz' playbook again:
>the party should describe its policies as "conservationist" instead of "environmentalist", because "most people" think environmentalists are "extremists" who indulge in "some pretty bizarre behaviour... that turns off many voters".

>> No.15843553
File: 397 KB, 1170x897, march.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't forget republican
your "muh two parties" is a dumb work of fiction only incredibly low iqs legitimately believe in. fox news and the washington post both promote the same narrow agenda.

>> No.15843555

Based "both sides" retard. One of the two sides finds you more useful than the other.

>> No.15843591


>> No.15843593

>it must mean that it was green
OP, probably. At least other retards think that.

>> No.15844156

there is only one ZOG

>> No.15844163

This debunks normies, it doesn't debunk actual science or scientists because the concerns over climate change are about ice on landmasses (such as Greenland) melting enough to end up in the ocean, which would introduce "more ice cubes" and raise the sea level, not about ice that is already floating in the ocean

>> No.15844165

Pls explain this meme, I'm not up to date. That's the king in Disenchantment, right?

>> No.15845263 [DELETED] 


>> No.15845266

God, why are nazis so stupid?

>> No.15845884 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 598x479, Qjtv9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15846014

The ice already floating in the ocean is freshwater ice over saltwater, if it melts it will increase the ocean level retard

>> No.15846015


>> No.15847088 [DELETED] 

no it won't

>> No.15847130

Retardation in practice
Nazis kys

>> No.15847151

Yes it will

>> No.15847773
File: 61 KB, 500x468, laughing scientsts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15848138

Guys. You're missing the most important point. Landmasses can melt.

>> No.15848759 [DELETED] 

They often do, volcanoes are the single biggest source of atmospheric CO2

>> No.15849426
File: 187 KB, 846x1080, SMB_curves_LA_EN_20231020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Greenland ice sheet is currently accumulating mass

>> No.15850540

The entirety of academia and all of the environmentalists happily and immediately adopted Luntz's newspeak, which just goes to show how accurate >>15843553 is and what a blatant charade the "muh two parties" rhetoric is and how dumb the people who fall for it are

>> No.15850722

>Just give us more tax money goy, we can fix the climate

>> No.15851518 [DELETED] 

How much do I have to pay to guarantee snow for Christmas?

>> No.15852472

but the iceberg is also above the water

>> No.15852473


>> No.15852559

not that guy, but your the one claiming it's an issue to begin with

>> No.15853064

no it isn't, the iceberg is mostly submerged, the average position of the ice is far below the water line

>> No.15853409

the fact that some of the iceberg is above the water proves my point.

>> No.15853413


>> No.15853608

>the fact that some of the iceberg is above the water proves my point
But has less density. If ice melts it has less volume. Max density is afaik 4°C. Below it's expands. You can check that with a bottle of water in the freezer. Filled to the max. it bursts when freezing

>> No.15854593

>the average position of the ice is far below the water line
This, the iceberg is effectively submerged because of it's average position. Ice will always be heavier than water

>> No.15855335

>hawaii is less dense than water

>> No.15855467

They say there is 158,000 cubic kilometers of ice on Earth, qnd 1.3 billion cubic kilometers of ocean water. So if all the ice melts then the volume of the oceans will increase by a whopping .01%. I'm so scared I forgot to tremble in my boots.

>> No.15855499

>They say there is 158,000 cubic kilometers of ice on Earth
Who says that? You shouldn't listen to "them", since their number is ridiculously wrong. Greenland alone has a few million cubic kilometres of ice: https://hypertextbook.com/facts/2000/HannaBerenblit.shtml

>> No.15855508

Taking an estimate of 30 million km^3 and the (realistic) estimate of 1.3 billion km^3, that's a whooping 30/1300 = 2.3% of the volume. Increasing the average depth of 3700m by 2.3% means a sea level rise of 85m. What's a better way to calculate it rather than percentages is to spread to spread the 30 million km^3 over the ocean surface are of 360 million km^2. That's a sea level rise of 83m.

>> No.15855523

To add to this: I assumed equal densities for ice and water, so take this with a generous uncertainty of 10%. I also neglected thermal expansion of today's liquid water, which means that the 85m vastly underestimate any real sea level rise anyway.

>> No.15855643

>Ice will always be heavier than water
That's the reason icebergs swim and do not go to the ground. Lead bars show the same effect and coins.

>> No.15855649

>. Increasing the average depth
That' s below retarded so /sci level. You have to use the water coverage area of mother earths surface.

>> No.15855652

Keep reading, retard. I did. And got basically the same number.

>> No.15856782 [DELETED] 

Water deforms the ocean basis same as ice crushes deforms the land its sitting on. If all the ice were to melt and flow into the oceans, the oceans would just get deeper from the added mass and sea level would not rise.
Theres is a pic that illustrates this process in >>15832787

>> No.15858231 [DELETED] 

You're operating on the simpleton's presumption that the Earth's surface is completely rigid and undeformable

>> No.15858897
File: 657 KB, 1779x1210, people who make computer models are low iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who make computer simulations are low iq

>> No.15858947

>search image in google
>only pops up on literal oil shill websites
>sorry, I meant to say "conservative think tanks funded by the Koch brothers and totally not oil shills"
For real though, where is this from? Is it worth looking at this or is it a straw man?

>> No.15860159

>people who make computer simulations are low iq
this, they are idiots, they are too low iq to understand confirmation bias, i used to work for a guy who published articles on simulated scenarios.

>> No.15860161

inb4 the daily bump from page 10

>> No.15860167

FUCK, I was seconds too late.