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15777433 No.15777433 [Reply] [Original]

Evolutionary "theory" makes absolutely zero fucking sense. The whole thing is predicated on "incremental adaptations" but the "increments" are completely improbable because most of the time there is no intermediate form that confers survival advantage. Oh yeah bro just accidentally mutate the genes for some 5000 peptide long enzyme that just happens to exist as part of a dynamic intracellular system that makes everything fucking magically work.

"well maybe there was a 4999 long version that did the job almost as well, and before that a 4998 long version that did it slightly less well again" just lol.

>> No.15777434

>observe some dynamical process that works incredibly specifically to perform some extremely fundamental biological function and requires dozens of polypeptides to chain together a sequence of actions that would never occur if even one piece of the rube Goldberg machine wasn't in place
>"Well what must have happened is that one day one organism was created that by accident found itself with all this machinery in place, and so it outcompeted everyone else"
You are an IDIOT

>> No.15777447

You can do the evolution much faster with bacterias. Just put E Coli in an ampicillin solution and see how most of them die but a few remain resistant and the successive generations are resistant

>> No.15777451

so whats the reason a few of them were resistant in the first place?

>> No.15777456
File: 57 KB, 500x500, darwinism debunked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video debunks Darwinism thoroughly

>> No.15777478
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ampicilin isnt commonly found in the nature so your average bacteria has zero interest in becoming resistant to it.

only after planet was filled with 10 billions humans and we started to put penicilin into literally everything from soap to livestock, only then the resistant cultures become somewhat common to the point penicilin stopped worked on some infected patients and doctors quickly realized they must not sprinkle everything with penicilin and simply use antibiotics only in cases of severy ill: so that germs dont have reason to evolutionary select themselves to all be antibiotic resistant.

kinda like goverment doesnt want the citizens to grow goverment resistant so they hand out social welfare: that way majority of population grows goverment dependent and as such they dont want to get rid of it.

>> No.15777481


>> No.15777518

this doesnt answer my question.

specifically what part of the bacteria allows it to avoid dying to a given anti biotic.

>> No.15777542
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Selective mutation in some genes. Naturally, this is rather slow and may not even happen in some colonies in a few generations. but since there are billions of bacteria, at least a few of them will eventually mutate favourably.
If you're doing experiments, you do not want to wait long time and have multiple failed colonies. to speed this up, generally plasmids have a segment that confers antibiotic resistance in addition to the DNA that codes for the protein you're trying to express. So the bacteria that takes up these plasmids survive and then inadvertently express your protein too.