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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.42 MB, 330x220, ufo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15777011 No.15777011 [Reply] [Original]

NASA confirms UFOs are real.

How do they work?

>New NASA report lays out roadmap for studying UFOs
>While emphasizing that "the NASA independent study team did not find any evidence that UAP have an extraterrestrial origin," Nelson noted that "we don't know what these UAP are. The mission of NASA is to find out the unknown."

>2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP/USO
>2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP Incident: A Detailed Analysis
>The Aguadilla airport case (04/25/2013)
>vehicle splits in two, non-local, hyperdimensional

>Green Pyramid UFOs
>AARO All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office New Official UFO Videos
>more confirmed ufo videos
>pentagon ufos
>border patrol 12 ufo videos

>mass reduction physics, ufo physics

>> No.15777892

So they admit these things exist, but that they don't know what exactly they are.

Come on, just say it, it is aliens.
capctha: tans4

>> No.15777926

Reminded that out of focus bugs are real. Weather balloons remain real. Optical glints in cameras remain real. Distant planes remain real.

All the claims that these things "violate known physics" or even what is currently possible is not based in solid logic and facts. Such an incredible claim is really only possible to confirm if you know exactly what something is. What this actually means is "I think they violate known physics" which is not the same, and basically worthless.


>> No.15777985
File: 77 KB, 804x654, sad wilcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A whole business was made of the New Age to the slave community. As books and items were created for those searching for truth, the self-appointed 'enlightened ones' who were 'in the know' manipulated the spiritual ideologies in order to hide many of their mind control realities. What was behind much of it was really a group of men, controlling mind-controlled robots and herding them in the direction they wanted them. I was programmed to deliver to a famous Los Angeles channeler, the words to say just before a Whole Life Expo event where he channeled the message to a very large group of people in an auditorium who were in an altered meditative state. Henry (Kissinger) gave me the exact words to say. They were targeting high-level slaves and it encompassed those programmed with whales and dolphins, angels, ascended masters, eastern religions, energy, quantum physics, UFO's, aliens, channeling, and listening to your guides and angels. They felt if Los Angeles failed then the rest would because most were patterned after Los Angeles."

"I have met persons suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder that felt they were channeling entities, when in fact they were channeling parts of their own personality structure. A woman 'channeler' named Shirley graciously offered to channel privately for me. I told her I would be glad to ask any questions she had of herself while she was in a channeling state of mind. She agreed. The answer to the question when posed about 'if Shirley had been involved in any of this ritual abuse stuff,' was, 'Shirley is not ready to face that reality yet.' Channeling can be a very clever way to cover the reality of Multiple Personality Disorder and offers a way of covering up when personality systems break into conscious awareness, explaining it away as 'an entity.'"
- Brice Taylor

>> No.15777989
File: 68 KB, 738x594, cry in wilcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hello everyone. I will be taking down this blog shortly in the days ahead as I do not want to see anyone else entrapped in the horrible U.S. government PSYOPS (psychological operations) program. At this time, I am leaving this blog up simply to get this message out to the remaining visitors, and hope they will help share this message far and wide and reach those who have formally followed my work. The so-called ‘channeled messages’ I received claiming to be from my soul family from the stars were in fact simple radio waves sent by U.S. government agents, allegedly from an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense or the U.S. intelligence community, working in concert with volunteers, many of which are secret society members who help propagate enormous numbers of hoaxed news stories of UFOs and related space news, building a backdrop for a PSYOPS program that lures science and spirituality-minded individuals such as myself into their web. This program, commonly referred to aselectronic harassment, has destroyed my life completely and continues to devastate my life until this very day, but I am certainly not alone, as the number of victims, known astargeted individuals, or TI’s for short, grows exponentially each day. The electronic harassment operators are relentless, showing little or no mercy, keeping me under total surveillance, tormenting me, torturing me, and attempting to reprogram my mind as I sleep, turning my dreams into nightmares, effectively altering my behavior and free will choices as I continue through the mercifully final days of what was once my life. They have also in the past, and again very recently, scarred my body with their electromagnetic/microwave neuroweapon technology in a successful effort to control and negate my relationship with a woman who is now gone from my life.

>> No.15777994
File: 68 KB, 834x628, sad in wilcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no recourse I have been able to uncover to shelter from this evil program. There exists endless documentation throughout the internet concerning government mind control programs and the technology used against the people, and it is advisable to familiarize yourself with this technology, as the spread of knowledge is our best and only defense against this despicable evil that will not stop until every last member of our society is a prisoner of his or her own altered mind. That is their sick and twisted plan – the construction of the dystopian nightmare forewarned by George Orwell throughout the pages of his prophetic Nineteen Eighty Four. My advice to all is to stay clear of all these stories of UFOs, extraterrestrials, channeled messages, and psychic mediums speaking to the dead, as these fictitious news accounts and dubious television programs are a direct part of, or at the least, stand as compliment to, the hugely encompassing plan to desensitize and familiarize the public to synthetic telepathic communication, a simple but very effective feat of technology essential to mind control reprogramming. I humbly and sincerely apologize to anyone and everyone who has followed my work as a so-called channel of the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command. Soon I will be judged by our true higher powers in this universe, and may God have mercy on my soul for helping steer so many of you so far astray and into the clutches of this devilish, life destroying mind control program. I am forever truly sorry."
- Greg Giles


>> No.15778102

the facts are that ufos exist, the pentagon has released videos
the logic is they "violate the old physics models"

>> No.15778122

>the logic is they "violate the old physics models"
None of the videos prove that. That conclusion is based on your interpretation of what you think that video shows, which is subjective and not objective. Try making a scientific argument.

>> No.15778144

>the ufos are REAL, goyim!
imagine being alive in this year of our Lord, 2023, and believing US govt propaganda. you deserve everything you get

>> No.15778155

the videos do prove that
there is no lift, no exhaust
some of the vehicles split in two
no g-force, no mass, no speed limit

>> No.15778166

>no g-force, no mass, no speed limit
How did you measure this from the video?

>> No.15778167

why wouldn't you believe the pentagon and nasa?
no-one is saying ufos aren't real
they released videos

>> No.15778175

it's the videos and the testimonies of the people who made the videos, from the airforce
this was in congress
the way the vehicles accelerate so quickly, on a time
and they go tens of thousands of miles per hour
they float in place like a balloon

>> No.15778176

>our lord
Christcuck fuck off
Captcha: H8G4YA

>> No.15778187


>> No.15778248
File: 11 KB, 225x225, ayy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, retards still can't manipulate wave functions describing positions at will.

>> No.15778249

>So they admit these things exist, but that they don't know what exactly they are.


>> No.15778252

technically they're EMVs
electromagnetic vehicles

>> No.15778302

you are retarded

is correct

if I just had to guess from the video, I would come to the opposite conclusion, they don't have an instantaneous acceleration, so you could still assume a g-force and/or a natural method of acceleration

>> No.15778334

that's what the pentagon is saying
nasa depends on the pentagon

>> No.15778348

You have to be a real fucking smooth-brain to believe aliens are visiting our dumb-fuck earth. You'd have to be someone that thinks Star Trek is a documentary.

>> No.15778352

80% are military, 20% are aliens
this is from greer

>> No.15778359

There are no aliens. Certainly not ones that have located our world and broken the laws of physics just to go cow tipping.

>> No.15778369

Powered by will power. The materials will probably be exotic.

>> No.15778379
File: 197 KB, 1912x714, greer alien photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is from a few greer expeditions and telepathic summonings

>> No.15778386
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>> No.15778387

they do use consciousness
the alien ufos and materials are said to be manifested as a single piece, out of nowhere, using some kind of hyperspace holographic modeling or zero-point energy resonation

>> No.15778388

a lot of the disclosure has already been done
the problem is NASA and their physics of denial

>> No.15778390

NASA isn't privy to experimental aircraft

>> No.15778393

they know physics
they could have built a hyperspace observatory or a scalar wave observatory

>> No.15778394

They are made from consciousness, there won't be control panels inside.

They're either soul eater farmers trying to create an alien presence as another distraction to them or there is a tiny chance it is a visitor from cross dimensions, though a soul farm like here is probably safeguarded to prying eyes.

>> No.15778398

the military ones are built in a factory
the alien ufos are considered to astral project and travel through higher dimensions as holograms
they are certainly secretive, can't say this isn't an experiment or alien property of some kind

>> No.15778408

>come to /sci/
>"the alien ufos are considered to astral project and travel through higher dimensions as holograms"

>> No.15778429
File: 525 KB, 1557x2249, greer physics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as far as anything official, there are really three documents that describe how this works
>Extraterrestrials and the New Cosmology - Dr. Steven Greer
>Gateway Process (Complete Document)
>Psychotronic Universe

>> No.15778431

you're funny. you're clearly just making up words and have zero understanding of actual physics.

>> No.15778440
File: 70 KB, 2012x864, pepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ignore the Holographic principle this is not the place for you. Sho sho, go away!

>> No.15778445

a real physicist would express interest in how this works and develop their career in a meaningful direction instead of using their outdated math models to deny what has been observed

>> No.15778450

Yes these entities will be traveling through different, higher and other lateral dimensions. They won't reside here much.

They're playing the subtle game to get us thinking they're aliens as to distract us from the soul farm we've landed in.

They created us, via projection, and the projection they cast was a being that would be weak to distractions and impulses, like bringing more cattle here, sex... or impulsive to drama. On top of that, this physical realm does not provide biological snare suits much choice.

>> No.15778455

I am a real physicist and I'd love for aliens and ufo's to be real. I also understand far better than you what would be required for that to be true which is also why I know it's not possible.

>> No.15778469

It looks like they’ve mastered relativity/spacetime to the point where they may as well be time travellers as well as space travellers. Maybe they’re Earth-ians from another point or position in spacetime.

Space and time go together like peanut butter and jam—except peanut butter and jam are the same bloody bread spread in this scenario.

>> No.15778476

why are there all these ufo videos then?
they aren't following the old physics models

>> No.15778479

it could simply be a genetic experiment or an alien military base

>> No.15778480

it really is something like this

>> No.15778481

Time is a dodgy word no? Things either change state or they do not. This 1 minute near a blackhole, is 40 years on Earth... well, I suppose that would make me think otherwise... if it was real? I mean, what if a black hole slows the signals down in the body and brain by x1000000000 (light struggles to escape) and therefore you being able to be conscious of each second takes 10 months for your brain to process a second. So after you left a blackhole you're been preserved and Earth is 40 years moved on. That aspect would remove the idea of time, since it falls down to basic mechanics.

>> No.15778486

Not to me. I could see they want to get themselves tied into military in round-a-bout ways to heighten the allure. I could see them showing themselves as UFO's depending how much we evade our genetic programming, to keep us in line. For me, that's as much as I can tie, with how I see it, to those two concepts.

Aliens would be relief rather than soul eaters preying on the hope we're an easy catch at body death. But I rather keep my vigilance.

>> No.15778490

time is already proven to be variable
it's going to turn out to be more like a spatial dimension, with the remote viewing and time travel and whatnot

>> No.15778499

>why are there all these ufo videos then?
There aren't. There's no "uap phenomenon"

>> No.15778504

the pentagon released the videos
they were all over the news
nasa is investigating this
nasa says ufos are real
people are acting like this never happened

>> No.15778508

Time experienced differently elsewhere?

Do you not think my slowing of body/brain signals explains it? Like when we sleep and wake, time feels quickly gone by, but you could say, our brain activity slowed down when we sleep verses day wakefulness, whilst the Earth kept on moving as it always does in the day and at night, just that our brain was slower to register things, after all, are consciousness is a slave to the brains input/output.

>> No.15778523
File: 57 KB, 781x356, psychotronic universe formula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gravity, time, consciousness
they're all related and not fully understood
my point is that time is not a single constant

>> No.15778550

You really lack in critical thinking don't you. It is never aliens and it never has been for all the decades since the psyop began. You're just a schmuck who has fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

>> No.15778556

i never said it was aliens
ufos does not equal aliens
you conflated ufos with aliens
so you lack critical thinking skills

>> No.15778565

replace aliens with 'magic space fairy powers'. the same logic applies.

>> No.15778567

it's called consciousness

>> No.15778582

we quantum entangled a living organism
this is a microcosm for ufos and consciousness physics as it relates to quantum physics
>Of water bears and quantum weirdness.
>But what does it mean to “quantum entangle a water bear”? In simpler terms, it means that whatever happens to the qubits, happens to the water bear, or vice versa. Previously, only small inanimate objects have been entangled. So if true, this would be the first-ever quantum entanglement involving animals.

>> No.15778594

I can't tell if you are shitposting or are genuinely that stupid. I'm inclined to believe the latter. But hey, believe whatever you want to anon, you do you.

>> No.15778615

>140p blurry shit
Every time with these fake ass stories.

>> No.15778620

can you prove that?

>> No.15778624

can you prove they're not?

>> No.15778639
File: 67 KB, 497x611, carrots-nightsight-advert-6111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA says UFOs exist
>Pentagon says UFOs exist
>congressional hearings disclosing the truth of UFOs existence to the public
>There's no "uap phenomenon"

And here we see the crux of the problem of lying to the public for "the good of the public." You can NEVER untell a lie. Some bells can't be unrung and a lies are just the same. Did you know people STILL believe carrots give you night vision? This was WW2 propaganda cover story for newly invented radar systems. Propaganda from WW2 is still making the rounds today and likely won't be going away either.
It may have been "for the good of the people" but ultimately it harms the people, and for a nation that operates as a democracy that requires it citizens to be informed with factual information these lies are a poison in the system that can not be extracted.

>> No.15778643

is there any bit of extra interest in making people think they are real vs not being any kind of interest in thinking they are real?
because you can't judge the two possibilities as having equal chances of happening.
if there is serious interest in people believing those are real, then we most likely are in the circumstance where they are not real but they duped people because that is lucrative in one way or another.

>> No.15778650

what are the chances extraterrestrial tech is here vs what are the chances humans are duping humans? lol wtf

>> No.15778664

it's likely ET tech is here AND the military has similar tech
the odds it is being used on YOU is far more likely to be the military

>> No.15778672

>it's likely ET tech is here AND the military has similar tech
or just trying to mask new discovered (maybe even stolen) tech as UFO bullshit?

>> No.15778694

>>15778672 (Me)
I mean there's more possibilities here, and if you were to look at the chances for each, based on what we know, how would those odds weigh in for each possibility? also considering the whole no hard proof of anything implying it must be extraterrestrial.

>> No.15778698
File: 875 KB, 903x509, human trafficking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want my opinion, i've seen ufos up close
they are obviously real to me
i wouldn't be able to tell you whose they were
all i know is that some of them appeared to be hyperdimensional, and that means anyone can come here from anywhere without being bound by the speed of light
there is no doubt the technology is being abused
it will be up to the individual if they think the technology is military or alien, and i think they are both possible due to the hyperspace element
this is an illustration from the greer press conference a few month ago
this is a military ufo encountered by marine michael herrera that was used for human trafficking

>> No.15778703

it is going to be incredibly difficult to prove that you saw a ufo or that you heard a technologically generated voice in your head
it's very fast technology, and invisible technology
it's stealth
even greer has said recently the military ufos are starting to look more and more like the alien ufos, so the average person will have difficulty telling them apart

>> No.15778729

Can't prove a negative. You're the one making bold claims, the fact you recoil shows you know how flimsy these claims are. There is no solid basis to the claim that these are beyond modern physics.

>> No.15778733

>it is going to be incredibly difficult to prove
well my argument is pretty simple, there's a certain perchance it's extraterrestrial but you are trying to manipulate the value this perchance has in other people's minds.
in reality, extraterrestrial tech being here has a stupid low chance in comparison to other more human-centered explanations.
on paper, considering the whole no hard proof drag, it does not look good for it really being extraterrestrial tech. unless there's some legalese wordplay here and that's tech manufactured in earth's orbit or something lol

>> No.15778735

>all i know is that some of them appeared to be hyperdimensional
And how did you establish that?

>> No.15778736

the photos are real
photons bounced off those aliens and went into the camera
an expert is presenting them as fact
they seem real enough

>> No.15778742

"modern physics" is the problem
we are way beyond that now
it's time for some new models
it will manifest itself in many ways, ufos being one of them
i think you are being too religious about physics
things change, physics have always changed
it's time for a paradigm shift
you can either figure out yourself, or have someone else figure it out for you

>> No.15778744

>it will manifest itself in many ways, ufos being one of them
>i think you are being too religious
>it's time for a paradigm shift
bad new-age bot

>> No.15778745

>the way the vehicles accelerate so quickly, on a time and they go tens of thousands of miles per hour
How did you measure this velocity?

>> No.15778752

Gosh jolly do I just love a weather balloon thread.

>> No.15778754

i saw a light appear out of nowhere, fairly up close
it looked like an object was slowly phasing in from hyperspace or whatnot
the light got bigger, then smaller, then disappeared

i saw a small fleet of white orbs that were fading in and out of existence
they were close enough to see, but not that close
there were also small starlike lights in the sky, sort of yellow
they were appearing and disappearing

i've seen other things that indicate hyperdimensionality in general
but those are the ufos

>> No.15778757

>phasing in from hyperspace or whatnot
interesting hollywoodian choice of words. don't you find it interesting that you also somehow kinda understand their tech? you can put two and two together, right?

>> No.15778760

i'm going off what i've heard from these testimonies
it's in the original news reports of the first pentagon leaks, the gimbal, flir, and gofast videos
i believe they were saying the ufos were going 13,000 mph or something like that

one of the ufos i saw was incredibly fast
it looked like a silky smooth shooting star
and it was right next to me almost right away
it came in from outer space
it was a large black sideways ovular ufo floating above the treeline to my left
it was the size of the sun or moon in the sky
it wasn't that far away
it seemed to move slightly when i looked to the left and right of it, some kind of perceptual distortion or psychoreactivity

>> No.15778764

greer explains the tech perfectly, and the gateway process
it makes sense to me, i've seen most of this stuff
it's not obvious, and it's complicated, but it matches what i saw

>> No.15778771

>it makes sense to me
well it better, it's designed to. kek

>> No.15778776

Sorry, you forgot to mention where you measured the velocity.

> looked like an object was slowly phasing in from hyperspace or whatnot
Did they also engage their warp drive and flux capacitor? When you use sci-fi terminology like this it's quite clear you are projecting your beliefs onto your "observations". This is why personal testimony is scientifically worthless.

>> No.15778798

where do these objects go when they instantaneously disappear or appear?
it's called the consciousness field
it was previously known as the astral plane
i called it hyperspace
you don't know science, which is why you haven't made any progress
when this becomes more well known, i hope you understand where you went wrong and who lied to you

>> No.15778837
File: 61 KB, 833x611, its_jover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Science" is just inventive models used to predict observed 3D graphics.
He might not fully understand what he's talking about but you know absolutely nothing either.

>> No.15778862

Aliens are demons

>> No.15778867
File: 16 KB, 981x716, omc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15778868

some aliens are demons
there are 3D+ aliens
4D+ astral entities
maybe even some simulationals

>> No.15778891
File: 7 KB, 238x192, 1690436746695623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autists - tries to predict observations
Schizos - tries to find true cause behind observations

>> No.15778920

>I am smarter than every person that has lived before me for millennia that have had experience with these beings
>They've been named demons, fae, spirits and knew they came from otherworldy realms
>Umm ackchyually no all you guiz are wrong I'm special they're called aliens and they come from Mars it was revealed to me in an abduction

>> No.15778924

some of them may have been involved with mars
>Classified Alien Projects Whistleblower - A. H. Boeing Aerospace/Witness Testimony
>face on mars is real, made by aliens
>aliens created the sun
>aliens put the planets in orbit
>gray aliens are in charge of the earth as a sentinel race
>humans created by aliens
>electromagnetic gravitics is real
>ufos teleport
>humanlike aliens called "the orange"
>roswell crash was real
>aliens have underground bases, they always have
>evidence of aliens going back to prehistory
>new laser weapons and soundwave weapons that can demolish buildings
>aliens thousands of years ahead of us
>thinks we're catching up to aliens technologically
>remote viewing of past and future
>operation looking glass
>aliens can go into past and future many years
>mutated our dna over a hundred times
>the aliens want to look like us

>> No.15778929

it's all based on hyperspace and reality domination systems, mind over matter physics
no telling who is doing what, such as native hyperdimensionals vs 3D+ holographic UFOs

>> No.15778934
File: 118 KB, 612x379, giordano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You christcucks knows jackshit about science and you know jackshit about the occult.
You are a plague on both /sci/ and /x/ just as you are irl for the past millennia.

>> No.15778935

simulation theory also must be evaluated
>Simulation Theory - The Why Files

>> No.15778987

>They've been named demons, fae, spirits and knew they came from otherworldy realms
let me tell what else you have in common with all these people across time. the general structure of your head (specifically the brain). and body, with the same limitations, ambiguities, subjectivity and coping methods.

>> No.15779737
File: 860 KB, 500x213, there is a spoon and a creme brule .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. For all we know the tic tac could have been a grain of dust in the optics that was triggering the targeting software while being moved about by static electricity and the plane’s g-forces. During such maneuvers the pilot is focused on maintaining control using instruments and what the HUD is telling him. Kind of like my dad’s old dog who would occasionally chase his floaters.

>> No.15779853

Ask yourself if these things really "violate known physics".
Go through your assumptions and check them. You may end up surprising yourself.

>> No.15780398

OP's gif is just a camera artifact caused by heat. It's been debunked as being a flying saucer numerous times.

>> No.15780513
File: 198 KB, 627x671, ET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could /x/ build one?

>> No.15780587

>be big into aliens and UFOs when I'm young
>stop really caring about it as I get older
>jokingly decide to watch some documentaries on Netflix
>start to watch more
>realize there's similarities in all the cases of UFOs showing up around nuclear sites or after disasters
>see Aliens and UFOs exists in folklore and the bible
I am 100% convinced this is all real now. and when I sit here and think well given that I exists in the universe then its certain other life exits so why is it such a leap to think other intelligent life exists.

I think the reality is that planet earth is a "nature reserve" humans are not seen as the same level of intelligence as aliens, we're just animals living out our lives in a free range earth.

>> No.15780589

obvious glowie psyop to discredit and obfuscate dissidence.

>> No.15780593

>SEPTEMBER 29, 2023

>> No.15780602



>> No.15780655

>Bible-reading Pentagon commanders halted UFO research 'over fears aliens were demons'
>29 SEP 2023

>> No.15780666

bruh. I mean yeah, in a way they are. weird. they are THEIR demons.

>> No.15780757

Look man, you gotta have some sort of imagination to have an idea as to how ufo s work. By imagination I mean you can't look at with the viewpoint that everything needs to be proven to me prior to believing in something.

They got a better understanding of physics than we do, they can fly and warp ships so that means they understand relativity better, their equipment somehow materializes a wormhole, so thats electromagnetism right there with relativity, and they have enough fuel to do it multiple times, so a compact nuclear reactor on board their aircraft.
That's how.

>> No.15780787

zero-point energy and astral projection
quantum jumping is a term that gets used
maybe they do use wormholes or portals
it could be a plethora of mechanisms

>> No.15780865
File: 62 KB, 851x477, alien enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of that shit is real. You are just regurgitating your programming, dumbass golem.

>> No.15780869

unfortunately for you, the real laws of physics most likely DO involve these things

>> No.15780970
File: 2.22 MB, 5298x442, evolutionofgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are angels, in ancient parlance. Today we would call them von neumann probes.

>> No.15780999

ayylmaos don't exist, it's just a cope from sci-fi nerds unwilling to accept that we actually are the only life in the universe

>> No.15781004

There's a reason all of these videos captured on navigational instruments look like and behave like glitches and lens anomalies, because they are.
Nearly every single person on the planet is walking around with an HD camera in their pocket. Think about that

>> No.15781006

they can't release the raw sensor data, it would be too sophisticated and basically classified. you should know that.

>> No.15781008

you really think the pentagon is stupid

>> No.15781015


>> No.15781026

corrupted data
No, but they know normal people are.
I very much doubt anyone there believes these are space visitors, just anomalies they can't account for (even though some youtubers have shown how to replicate these anomalies)
Just remember these are the guys whose F-35 malfunctioned and auto ejected the pilot recently and left them in a panic trying to find the wreckage

>> No.15781163

>Viktor Grebennikov - Anti-Gravity & Levitation
>Beetle Evolved Levitation Wings

>> No.15781248

I'm pretty sure, in the case of either GOFAST or GIMBAL, there were pilots chasing the object whom saw it first hand and have testified that to congress.

>> No.15781250

and the US government have said out loud that they shot down an unidentified object that they know isn't their technology, nor any opponent government's, and their best idea was that is was private technology.

>> No.15781287

they were just in congress
>UFO hearing key takeaways: What a whistleblower told Congress about UAPs
>Ryan Graves, David Grusch and David Fravor testify before a House subcommittee about unidentified anomalous phenomena on July 26, 2023
>Fravor recounted his 2004 encounter with an object off the California coast. He told the subcommittee that he and another pilot spotted the smooth, seamless oval-shaped object hovering over the water before it rapidly climbed about 12,000 feet in the air. It then accelerated and disappeared. It was detected roughly 60 miles away less than a minute later. Fravor returned to an aircraft carrier and mentioned the object to other pilots who were getting ready to take off, and they managed to get it on video.

>> No.15781337
File: 2.77 MB, 385x316, TIMESAND___5759NCaminoEsplendoraTucson00AZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15781338
File: 1.25 MB, 540x360, TIMESAND___1Y6806bv044RRk5OR40o3oTY2O9r0ND5DnA8i3nr.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15781918


>> No.15781920
File: 155 KB, 708x780, 1627356197649726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing real about globohomo physics except them melting your brain.

>> No.15781957
File: 471 KB, 698x394, raytheon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think havana syndrome is related to the synthetic telepathy systems of ufos and antennas?
>Eric Hecker
>raytheon leaker
>exposes synthetic telepathy voice-to-skull neuroweapons using antennas and supersentient AI
>earthquake-generating antennas
>faster-than-light neutrino communication
>Dr. Robert Duncan Lecture on Cybernetics and Synthetic Telepathy
>Dr. Robert Duncan Demonstrates Synthetic Telepathy on Governor Jesse Ventura
>Dr. Robert Duncan and Dr. Len Ber Discuss Synthetic Telepathy and Havana Syndrome on Koncrete

>> No.15782021

Except GOFAST seem to be barely moving, going by the data in the video. It appears to move fast because of parallax.


>> No.15782030

they always say stuff like that
>it's not ours
>it's not anybody else's
>it must be [aliens, black projects]
>Matthew Roberts - Gimbal Officer
>Sleep Paralysis Following the Encounter
>Shadow Entities

>> No.15782051

>UAP Caucus Denied Select Committee; Disclosure Act Being Debated In House
>Sep 30, 2023
>According to a new report by Public, more than two dozen whistleblowers — government employees and contractors — have over the last few months provided information to the ICIG, the Department of Defense Inspector General, and Congress. Others, according to individuals who spoke with Public, have taken their testimony to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).
>As for what’s next, the UAP Disclosure Act, which was introduced by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD), and would be signed into law as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, is being debated among members of House committees.

>> No.15782059

That is not the US government saying that.

>> No.15782074

here is what the government has to say
>Senator Warns People to 'Lock Your Doors' After Classified Hearing on UFOs
>A Louisiana senator has advised citizens to "lock your doors" following a classified briefing to lawmakers on the unidentified objects shot down over the weekend.
>Four objects have been shot down over North American airspace since February 4. The first was identified by the Pentagon as a Chinese surveillance balloon, but the U.S. Defense Department has not confirmed the nature of the remaining three objects. Intelligence officials are "considering as a leading explanation that these could be tied to commercial or research entities and benign," the White House said on Tuesday.
>Senators received a classified briefing on Tuesday. It was delivered by officials from the Defense Department, NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command), and the United States Northern Command, as well as the Office for the Director of National Intelligence.
>"It's clear to me this is not a recent phenomenon," he told reporters, saying "this has been going on" since at least 2017. Calling for more transparency, he said: "If you are confused, you understand the situation perfectly."
>Concluding his comments to the gathered media, Kennedy added: "Lock your doors tonight."

>> No.15782077

bear in mind locking your doors will make no difference
they have synthetic telepathy antennas and ufos are hyperspace vehicles and can manipulate your environment wherever you think you are
go through your walls, etc.

>> No.15782096

>Intelligence officials are "considering as a leading explanation that these could be tied to commercial or research entities and benign," the White House said on Tuesday.
>isn't their technology, nor any opponent government's, and their best idea was that is was private technology.
Do you have to sensationalise boring statements like this? There is nothing in here about it not being US or foreign "technology".

>> No.15782115

"ufos are aliens" is the /sci/ version of "aliens are demons"

>> No.15782126

not many people are in a position of any certainty that any given ufo is alien in nature
the grusch testimony does, however, make such an assertion

>David Grusch
>reality is a multidimensional hologram
>military has killed aliens and stolen their ufos
>military has staged fake attacks against themselves using their own ufos

>Former Intelligence Officer David Grusch Testimony
>aliens have crashed or landed
>we steal their ships
>we shoot them down with scalar weapons
>we have their bodies from multiple species

>> No.15782197

Let's say he's right. The US government and military have a huge program of coverup. And yet, somehow, the department of defense signed off on the testimony he gave. It makes no sense that he is telling the truth.

Grusch also doesn't claim to have seen any hard evidence first hand.

>> No.15782223

i imagine they signed it because they basically lost this technology to black projects and they're pissed

>> No.15782314
File: 532 KB, 1265x1024, Grusch STO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Grusch worked for Special Technical Operations (STO) J-33 (patch in picrel). This fact was omitted in his CV submitted to Congress.

>J-33 is the highest echelon military entity dedicated to offensive INFORMATION WARFARE. It supports the CIA and NSA in their operational missions, such as hacking, concealment, and DECEPTION.
>J-33's operations branch controls the Special Technical Operations Center within the Pentagon. The center is the most secure facility within the U.S. military. Dozens of special access (or "black") programs are monitored at the center. These include the United States's own hacking activities, STRATEGIC PSYCHOLOGICAL, CONCEALMENT AND DECEPTION operations.

However, in his CV ( https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf ) you can see that he's ALSO been a commanding officer of the 318th Cyberoperations Information Warfare Center until just one year ago:

>The squadron conducts training on cyberspace operations, including operational security and DECEPTION at both the initial and advanced level.

These Pentagon Information Warfare programs have been waging meme war through social media and, as you know, 4chan, for years:


QRD: Grusch 100% confirmed psyop disinfo glowie. You've probably called him a glowfag before on this very board

>now behold the glowfag seething ITT

>> No.15782318

not science or math, retard

>> No.15782417

greer called him out on operation saucer, where grusch thought it was an alien attack
>Dr. Steven Greer on Grusch Negative ET Claims
this is the event in question, operation saucer
>Operation Saucer
>In 1977, numerous UFOs were reported in the Brazilian city of Colares, Pará. Local residents claimed that scars on their bodies were caused by the lights in the sky, and named the lights "Chupa Chupa" (literally Sucker-Sucker).

>> No.15782729

I'm the dude you're replying to, but not the dude who replied to this post.

>Except GOFAST seem to be barely moving, going by the data in the video. It appears to move fast because of parallax.
No comment on this, just providing information. This is from NASA's research of GOFAST if anyone wants to look it up.
For what it's worth the video starts stationary to the water where you can see the object fly past, and the lock-on system has trouble... well... locking-on; personally from what (admittedly little) I saw of NASA's research on the video, it did not aptly account for the 'Circle of confusion' affect so I'm not taking their word for it that it's benign, but neither am I accepting that it's anomalous. From the video alone I'd imagine that nobody can discern anything, I'm just going off of statements from the people who saw it first hand at this point.

It was from a pentagon(?) press release shortly after the chinese balloon saga. They commented on the fact that it was the size of a small family van IIRC.

>> No.15782730

Those are just Russian drones though

>> No.15782732

*'Circle of confusion' effect

>> No.15782736

*This the opinion from
Man I need to get some sleep