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15775420 No.15775420 [Reply] [Original]

Why are brain chips killing monkeys?

>> No.15775438
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>> No.15775450

nah, Elon's taking the revolutionary approach to biotech of 'move fast and break things' which means run experiments fast so they're run improperly, they get shit data, and the monkeys basically die for no reasons. As long as elon can pour money into neuralink and maintain the hype* it's overall good for the field of neural interfaces. It lets other companies who are moderately competent go 'we're better than neuralink' and get money.
*I don't care how fucking based musk is, someone get him the fuck off twitter. It is only a matter of time before he tweets a picture of his dick sharpie'd with the words MARSFUCKER during prime engagement maxing hours.

>> No.15775452
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>> No.15775460

Caaaaarl sticking stuff into people's brains kills people

>> No.15775565

Ukraine lost get over it

>> No.15775578
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here's why

>> No.15775580

It's not.
Neuralink was used on terminal monkeys to avoid cutting a healthy monkey's life short. Their deaths were expected and not directly caused by Neuralink. That's why Elon is comfortable with beginning human trials.

>> No.15775601

>nah, Elon's taking the revolutionary approach to biotech of 'move fast and break things'
we unironically should be doing this
we go so fucking slowly in biotech purely because there's so many people who make shit studies based entirely off dubious animal models which sometimes aren't even intended to go to human trials
i actually found that out myself recently, I was talking with a guy who was experimenting on mice to show a proof of some concept in oncology and I said his results looked pretty interesting, when was he going to go to human trials or was he working with anyone who was - he couldn't care less, and said he never really had plans and only wanted to show that it could work on a biological system in principle, just didn't care how it would work in practice, and he's been cranking out publications like this for years which have absolutely no benefit to anyone unless we're going to open mouse hospitals
so we need to do more aggressive human trials imo, and if things don't work fuck it, that's an acceptable cost if we're going after a big goal like tackling cancer or alzheimers or regeneration
also, there are also way too many studies that don't go after direct outcomes which at least Musk seems to be doing - so many bullshit studies that don't include any clinical outcomes, they look for random indirect shit that's meant to sound clever but then you find out it has little bearing on tangible benefits to the patients - alzheimers again a big issue with this, the techbro approach is unironically better since they at least focus on getting their actual goals met

>> No.15775609

He won *half*, the warm side.

Us "cool side of the pillow folx" rest comfy, they toss and turn, much gnashing of teeth and all (seething).

>> No.15775611

>only a matter of time before he tweets a picture of his dick sharpie'd with the words MARSFUCKER
What did you think it meant for "Man to Seed the Stars"? Use "hopes and dreams"? No.

Sperm. He skeets on dust and in a fee billions years "behold...a man".

>> No.15775630

a brain chip will kill pretty much anything before long
rigid object in squishy wishy neurons = mechanical damage

>> No.15775648