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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15775290 No.15775290 [Reply] [Original]

Go on

>> No.15775295

Uh… uh.. well uh I abbreviate it to TND, sir

>> No.15775353

Deregulate nuclear weapons and subsidise civilian purchases of artillery guns.

Deregulation of substances consumed in ones own abode....and make completing highschool a requirement to vote.

Finally, abolish the BATFE and post the blue print to the UFO saucer.

That's they Nixon was impeached...he was caught smuggling UFO documents.

This is all a shitpost and radiation is just a rocks aurora.

>> No.15775355

I shidded and farded

>> No.15775356
File: 18 KB, 477x297, TIMESAND___RHNO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15775357
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secret NSA math

>> No.15775361
File: 742 KB, 1x1, TT_book.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15775362
File: 1.23 MB, 1x1, TIMESAND___Fractional_Distance__20230808.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15775363
File: 3.01 MB, 1x1, TIMESAND___Sixty-Six_Theses__v4-20230726.pdf_compressed.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15775371

i reject every axiom and substitute the axiom of counting

if your mathematics does not break down into basic counting, it is wrong

>> No.15775508

Black holes are fake

>> No.15775523

Tell them that I have become the destroyer of worlds. Pull out an iPhone, show them a youtube vid of some obese negress twerking. Phone instantly disintegrates as they both anhero and force me onto a new timeline.

>> No.15775622

The middle toe of women is almost always either shorter than the surrounding toes or they are physically below them. In rare cases they are above the surrounding toes. You don't always see it when they're standing, but pretty much always when the foot is up in the air.

>> No.15776184

Bomb Russia now. Not after lunch, now.
What do you say, Johnnie?

>> No.15776279

I want to start seeding the water supply of deep state fed offices with small amounts of dangerous psychedelics and mailing gorilla masks to their offices. I will use a different post office source, different voice, and different wig every day so they don't get me. Once all the feds are crippled from madness, I will rebuild the deep state from the ground up to support my own agenda, with myself in the most high ranking seat. I will fund all scientific projects I believe have merit, and improve school budgets and personally see that the funds aren't being misappropriated for wrought memorization of standardized testing concepts. I will establish a multiple track schooling system where less performant students are put into the low track to eventually fill out the needed manual labor and general menial task jobs that society needs, and higher performant students are put into the upper track to be given the support that they need to develop their abilities to the highest degree. I think it would be cool to have this country not be a shithole.

>> No.15776658
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dog sandals that work similar to jesus sandals
straps connected to the floppy part are connected to velcro that you wrap around the dogs legs tightly

holds the sandals on the dogs but makes it so theyre not uncomfortable like dog shoes
plus they can get a tan on their feet

>> No.15776720

Based "civilians should have airstrikes"
Making it legal to do drugs in one's own home is a problem because there's the question of what to do if someone is caught walking down the street (potentially to/from their house) with drugs on them

>> No.15776889

There are about a dozen. I think we are using eulers number in too many places. Should I start coming here? I don’t normally come here because I disagree with a bunch of stuff.

>> No.15776952
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I like this one, as I said, I don’t think eulers number is right. I will say I think the real number is between e and pi.

I don’t think this is complete. And I don’t want to give any prizes away :)

>> No.15776970
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>> No.15777931

Logic springs forth from the most reduced areas of concept.
Reasoning is deciding between right and wrong. All areas of judgement are summed up in the branches from the tree of knowledge over good and evil.
Ergo God has written the source code in deciding what sums up life and death and we compile it with the ability to reason.
If we didn't have the ability to understand a concept we wouldn't see it.
That's why humans come together in a society because we all understand out of our ability, specific groups pertaining to reasoning: groups from the tree of knowledge.
Logic is framed in these groups and given motion by decision.

>> No.15779389


>> No.15779422

>(c) 2023
He watched that Marvel time travel show?

>> No.15779789
File: 14 KB, 500x281, XRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you put a burrito inside of a burrito...

within the heart of that same burrito?