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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 127 KB, 1217x783, AcceleratingDeathInUK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15769182 No.15769182 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, how can this phenomenon, which began in mid 2020, be explained?

>> No.15769185

Climate change.

>> No.15769186 [DELETED] 

Global warming, eggs & duvet covers

>> No.15769190

Sauce on this beaut?

>> No.15769195

>Age group: 15 to 44
I can't remember the last time I was considered one of the yutes, thanks.

>> No.15769197

no one 44 should be dying

>> No.15769198


>> No.15769201

Great, tell that to my insurance agent.

>> No.15769203

Full report


>> No.15769206

they already know. they were the first ones to report the problem, basically.

young people will be paying for the premium increases, btw. although luckily, it might lower prices in the long run. but probably not, the state will find a way to swallow up the cost differential somehow

>> No.15769210

>Living short lives is le bad!

>> No.15769214


>> No.15769216

>the insurance agents were among the first ones to see the problem
>not the actuaries

>> No.15769224

my mistake. you are correct. it was the insurance agents via the actuarial data.

I am not sure if the actuaries are allowed to release the data on their own.

>> No.15769243

>here's why dying young is a good thing

>> No.15769245

I wonder how long before Kurzgesagt puts out something about reincarnation.

>> No.15769252

I mean, let's reword this for a second and see if it works

>here's why murderous niggers are a good thing

well. unfortunately people bought it. if we have not yet seen the point at which people rebel and stop accepting it, then it can, in fact, continue to get worse.

just in the last few years
>here's why cannibal niggers are a good thing
>here's why cannibal niggers eating your children are a good thing
>here's why jailing the people complaining about niggers eating your children are a good thing

alright. well. the limit is clearly still far ahead

>> No.15769299

isn't the UK one of the countries that had almost no lockdowns, were people stopped using masks as soon as they could, even when theit health ministry told them to keep using them? where their prime minister partied hard (without masks) DURING the pandemic, even after almost dying?

>inb4 you are lying
here's a timeline of lockdowns: https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/sites/default/files/2022-12/timeline-coronavirus-lockdown-december-2021.pdf (taken from https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/data-visualisation/timeline-coronavirus-lockdowns))

also, pic related was taken from https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/articles/deathregistrationsummarystatisticsenglandandwales/2022 which shows that deaths of people under 40 years is a rather small % of the total deaths... so you can imagine a big jump in deaths for that age group is kinda irrelevant, and could be explained by many things.

why do you guys keep trying to distort reality? UK authorities didn't take the pandemic seriously and UK people suffered the consequences of that. and I remember when people would use the UK as a fucking model in the first months of the pandemic.

>> No.15769363

Racism and transphobia.

>> No.15769389

If I could I would beat your head against the pavement until you become a bloody mess without teeth.

>> No.15769395

Based. There's no reasoning to be had with these "people".

>> No.15769403

nobody below age 100 should be dying to anything other than accidents

>> No.15769427

nice, I'd do the same to you too!
also, how's the earth going?

>> No.15769564

2020 - deadly virus circulating, with no vaccine available = slight increase in deaths
2021 - less deadly virus circulating, with life saving vaccine available = larger increase in deaths
2022 - extremely mild virus circulating, with ultra triple effective life saving vaccine available = even larger increase in deaths

really jogs the nog

>> No.15769569 [DELETED] 

Niggers literally evolved as anti thesis of civilisation.
It's all natural balance, spiritualists would say.

>> No.15769736

Yet they are in ever increasing numbers

>> No.15769966

>least vaccinated group

>> No.15770061

>he really thinks young people are dying of covid
you gotta be baiting at this point

>> No.15770063

yeah its the vaccines they didn't get. genius

>> No.15770065

Well you see there was a very infectious virus circulating the globe around this time, so yeah

>> No.15770069

we are eating too much meat. we should eat insects only.

>> No.15770079

Problem is that the government still hasnt officially acknowledged that covid causes myocarditis, cancer, aids, .cje, alzheimers.

So to claim the virus is killing them, the gov will need to admit that and point to the data

>> No.15770092

>no young people got the vaccine
>the workplace mandates, university mandates, travel mandates, vaccine requirements for clubs, restaurants sports venues just didnt happen
wow! it just never happened!

>> No.15770098

This surely must be what it felt like in the middle ages trying to explain tk people that the king was not chosen by god

>> No.15770151

Don’t tell anyone
But it’s because of solar flares

>> No.15770164

it's as if the people who told retards not to get vaxxed because their body would get used to the virus were wrong

>> No.15770184

at first it was covid is going to send you to the hospital and put you on a ventilator for life. then it was the scary delta/omicron/kraken variant is going to bring about the winter of severe illness and death. now its the secret long covid is killing the unvaccinated and the media is covering it up because they love conservatives. brilliant

>> No.15770242


>> No.15770298

>secret long covid is killing the unvaccinated
excuse me, where did I say that? you do know there are lots of variants out there, right?

>> No.15770309

>the secret long covid is killing the unvaccinated and the media is covering it up because they love conservatives
LMAO the paranoia and self-victimization of this retard

>> No.15770400

Dangerously based

>> No.15770422

Can covid make you feel like of dazed.. and tired? I might have covid. I just don't feel 'myself' at times, dizzy almost.. or it's one of the 1000 other possible things.

>> No.15770427

Being sick will often do that, yes

>> No.15770443

If we didn't have the vaccine then the increase in deaths would have been even bigger, which proves the vaccine works just fine

>> No.15770489

if this model continues to grow exponentially (((they))) will have achieve their depopulation goal by 2030

>> No.15770501

>btfo and with no argument the brainlet ape gets violent
many such cases

>> No.15770511

What a safe and effective graph.

>> No.15770520

Deagel's 2015 forecast was -70% depopulation by 2025.
Remember that there's still one year and two months until then, that the kikes openly announced the vaxx will be quarterly, and that spikes production never stops and so issues ramp up exponentially due to no mechanism to dispose of them by the body.

lol, lmao.

>> No.15770573

First the seed was planted when mark of the beast rolled out.
Now the crops must be harvested.

>> No.15770616

the average age of covid19 deaths was over life expectancy.

In any case we all know that this is not a scientific matter. It is a political one, like climate change, because it is about forcing your will on others.

>> No.15770634

>they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.15770692

Kind of hope so, otherwise it may be my newly diagnosed AFib restricting oxygen to my brain but I'm probably over thinking this shit

>> No.15771292

>two more wee-errrr one year and two more months qbros

>> No.15771365

It really has been '2 more weeks' for many children who took the vaccine and subsequently died from myocarditis and cardiac arrest. Not very funny, anon.

>> No.15771387

care to explain whats actually happening then, smart people?

>> No.15771394

Demons and goylems euthanising themselves willingly is extremely funny.
Agree to disagree.

>> No.15771398

still how would you rule out the virus fucks some people up, and they die in like two years. deaths would have a delay and start compounding later on. I'm just asking how do you rule this out?

>> No.15771411

Data from UK was showing all-case mortality was increasing in vaccinated, not unvaccinated. Figure it out from there.

>> No.15771416
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>When looking at excess deaths for cardiovascular diseases, the Z-score in 2020 was around 3, indicating that prior to the start of the vaccinations there was already a signal pointing to an increase in cardiovascular deaths. That trend however accelerated substantially in 2021 and 2022 where we observe Z-scores of around 7.5 and 10.5, respectively.
If the vaxx is at fault then why were we already observing an increase before them?

>> No.15771421

I'm not debating you on this. I am asking questions as I'm probing the idea.
how many % unvaccinated and what predominant age group?

>> No.15771422

i am in insurance and can confirm

>> No.15771424

based mocking of the jew shill

>> No.15771429

but does insurance care if they die from covid or the shot?

>> No.15771441

How would an infection you recovered from kill you two years later? If I caught the common cold (also a coronavirus with a spike toxin) two years ago how would it kill me now? It wouldn't; or if there is some likely mechanism let me know.

On the contrary, consider the mRNA injection that causes your cells to mass produce unregulated amounts of the spike toxin for an indeterminate period of time (at least 6 months) which in this case is actually circulating in your blood stream and depositing in and damaging organs in your body, like the heart and pericardium. I imagine the inflammation could cause death or injury immediately or for however long the spike toxin is being produced and circulating in the individual, eg 2 years or later after "vaccination."

>> No.15771443

All of them. The data is stratified by age-group.

>> No.15771456

>It wouldn't; or if there is some likely mechanism let me know.
well you don't realize maybe at first but it does leave you fatigued in some cases. why is it so hard to imagine it affects your heart and you degrade in say two years?

>> No.15771472

What's the pathophysiological mechanism of dying 2 years after a cold? Occam's razor—There was a first-ever experimental mRNA LNP cocktail mass injected into the working age population by force with incomplete clinical trials coinciding with the spike and subsequent acceleration of deaths in otherwise healthy people and with a solid pathophysiological mechanism and widespread autopsy confirmations of causal death.

>> No.15771474


>> No.15771481

you're pulling my leg anon. I am specifically asking you how do you exclude the phenomenon of vaxxies polluting the data? do you understand what I am asking you?
if covid fucks you up, and vaxx does jack shit as we know it does, and leaves your body fucking wrecked, with heart issues that get worse and worse in time, that would coincide with most people getting vaxxed anyway. you could also argue some app that launched in 2020 and become successful is to blame for the deaths. just because they correlate you cannot draw that conclusion. how do you rule out them not dying from being fucked by covid anon? some people around me had it bad. not hospital bad but horror fever and about two three days for max shittiness.

>> No.15771488

its the duvet shaking climate change winter vagina thats killing the unvaccinated and if you dont believe it youre a fucking nazi

>> No.15771508

I regret taking the vaccine

>> No.15771550

Are you stupid? I just told you ONS is listing data stratified by age-group and it's showing all-cause mortality is higher in every category of vaccinated (1 dose, 2 doses, 3 doses). How the fuck are the vaxxies polluting the data at all? If anything they would be confounding (possibly) the data for the unvaccinated, depending on whether the data considers vaccinated (1 dose) from day 1 of vaccination or only after 7/14 days after vaccination (I think the CDC was pulling this shit, unsure if ONS uses the same metric).

>> No.15771661

What? What even is winter vagina?

>> No.15771664

It's just some nonsense the chuds repeat to each other ad nauseum to make themselves feel better

>> No.15771668
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>the news is nonsense
glad to see you admit it

>> No.15771843

always interesting to see how large the combined bucket of paid shills, psychopaths and drooling retards is on here

>> No.15772792


>> No.15772878
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>tfw been having brain fog and fatigue issues for almost 2 years now

Why did I get vaccinated? God help me

>> No.15772954

I pray that it's not psychosomatic, that you didn't get a saline shot.
If the 80% of vaxxed filth don't all die, it would be a terrible tragedy.

Behaviour is 100% genetic, you NEED to die.

>> No.15772986
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He cute

>> No.15773081
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It wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual...

>> No.15773092

The UK only vaccinates people over 50. So the youth are dying at extreeme numbers. Also can you separate this by race? IE: I suspect many might be muslim/south asian ethnicity.

>> No.15773721 [DELETED] 

Low IQ
Dumb people die young.

>> No.15773766

People in Europe were already starting to be BTFO by war in 1912 and continued until 1922. Yet do you think most deaths of that time period were due to the Balkan wars or the Russian civil war?

>> No.15774809 [DELETED] 

30% of them got saline shots. Thats how big the placebo group was

>> No.15774820
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ez. Zoomers keep killing themselves.

>> No.15774848 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 406x537, IMG_2656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the media has not been given the scientific consensus by the government yet, so there's no way for us to know.


>> No.15774862

if this were true then there would have been a ton of deaths in 03 when we got blasted by that near carrington one

>> No.15774873

covid spike protiens are poisonous and them being everywhere is killing us

>> No.15775520

Iron poisoning from that new nestle thing, and the lack of heavy metals.

>> No.15775525

Do you think the war made them die before it happened, or what are you trying to say?

>> No.15775531 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 600x600, 6j9lzsznopj71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>England and Wales. Excess Adj-Deaths per 100,000 (in percent) vs
>2010-2019 trend for ICD10 Code Range: I00->I99. Both sexes. Age
>group: 15.44

>Both sexes

>> No.15775550

Yes, it's opposite to the human evolutionary strategy.

>> No.15775847
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>> No.15775942

And That's A Good Thing.

>> No.15776068

I got covid a month ago. For a few weeks after I was "recovered," my stamina was bottom of the barrel and my head was in a constant cloud. Kinda felt like I had a hangover without the headache, or if I had only gotten 2 hours of sleep but wasn't sleepy. It was very strange and I was nervous that it was just my new normal. Thankfully I'm mostly better now, but occasionally will get that feeling again. People are in serious denial about how serious this virus is. I've never had anything like that response to any other sickness.

>> No.15776641

Try adding to it and see if that helps you figure it out

>> No.15777269

you're lying

>> No.15777291

Subliminal noises while they sleep

>> No.15777292

Test it

Phones have mics record noises at night.

>> No.15777358

literally every place on earth had the ruling class partying while locking down everyone else. aoc was literally caught in florida maskless. midwit somewhere else.

>> No.15777556

What would he lying about?

>> No.15777793

You're in serious denial. Why would I lie about this? It's also not a particularly unique story. I have friends on facebook who've complained about long covid. These aren't liberal people but conservative professionals in their late 30s.

>> No.15777802


>> No.15778031

We need to start eating our own shit to survive for the greater good.

>> No.15778295

That they vaxxed is pure cohencidence.

>> No.15778305

Society failed to produce a Fortnite 2.0 to keep them down in time, so their biology programming is removing them before they wake up.

>> No.15778513

>b-b-but muh faceberg propaganda
if u use faceberg ur iq is below 90

>> No.15778727

Glad you're better anon, I'm going through similar now.. at times I feel disassociated, just out of it.. can't concentrate and feel tired most of the day. Hoping I can get better soon. Ignore the trolls itt.

>> No.15779349 [DELETED] 

how many boosters are you on

>> No.15779447

No booster and no original Vax, I am clean but in bad health, my heart is also not right. They think it's AFib and I also feel it quiver/palpitation a lot.

>> No.15780751 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15781147 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15781194

>mRNA injection that causes your cells to mass produce unregulated amounts of the spike toxin for an indeterminate period of time
mRNA degrades rapidly

>> No.15781213

Lack of diversity and inclusion

>> No.15781215

>Can't even survive the kike juice
Just culling the weak here fellas

>> No.15781655

Well yeah, its purpose is permanentely changing your DNA after all.
No reason to keep it around once it mutated you.

>> No.15781688

graduate highschool before posting on >>>/sci/ again

>> No.15781772

Make sure to vaccinate this winter rollout.
We wouldn't want you to be unprotected now, wouldn't we ?

>> No.15782910
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>> No.15783831 [DELETED] 

weak minds and weak bodies go together, thats why nerds are all such sissies

>> No.15783909

>How would an infection you recovered from kill you two years later?
organ damage, you brainlet. go read how the virus affects you and you will realize that shit can and does happen instead of asking random retards in this forum

>> No.15784907 [DELETED] 

what virus?

>> No.15785620

>can't even understand the context of the discussion

>> No.15786348

covid doesn't exist bro

>> No.15786471

Selfishness. Letting your genes die is peak egotistic.

>> No.15786508

Because there are more people of color in the younger generations, and POC are naturally more quarrelsome, so they kill each other at a higher rate than Whites. Also, there are more fat kids than there were even 20 years ago.

>> No.15787118

but vax AIDS does exist

>> No.15788226 [DELETED] 

so how come the trend didn't start until late in 2020? did the excess shitskins and fatties all magically appear right then after not previously existing

>> No.15788269

Is this phenomenon also observable in literally every single European nation?

>> No.15788345

has anyone in any of these threads come to the realization that maybe covid AND covid vaccines cause the same negative effects?
people sometimes develop long covid after getting vaccinated.
if you want to make sure that everyone gets fucked, the best way to do it (in america atleast) would be to give them two versions of the same poison and make them fight over which one is best.
this could be the case even if there isn't any conspiracy though.

>> No.15788880

Most likely, I'll have to dig through EuroMOMO data. My preliminary rustic data analysis is showing that anything above 60-70% full vacinated population (2 doses) is actually more deadly (most likely a dangerous combination of vaccination uptaking during COVID-19 waves and/or serious side-effects neglected). Hungary strangely fared off very well given their PPP per capita and resources. Sweden absolutely blasted through the pandemic. The US is a fucking disgrace - total healthcare collapse - data seems like it's straight out of an african country being ravaged. I still need to see how all this holds with data from mortality by age group (particularly focused on 18-44).

>> No.15788890

Great argument. /sci/ is festering with retarded piggots as usual I see

>> No.15788902

Spike proteins being the primary cause of harm is a very common viewpoint here and is routinely discussed. The main point of contention is just how much of the spike protein one gets due to the mRNA injections and how much further do they travel throughout the body compared to the virus itself. IFLS! believers still pretend there's a choice between "vaccination" and the virus but even the mainstream have up on that about six months ago.

>> No.15788960

Why is this trend occuring in western nation but not Africa? Why were western nations vaccinated so much more than African nations? What is the end goal of Western elites???

>> No.15788961

Additionally, was the deagle depop prediction correct or a rootless conspiracy?

>> No.15790232 [DELETED] 


>> No.15790235

Africa and other third-world shitholes received fake saline shots so they are mostly fine. The kikes in Israel also took fake shots. Only the JewSA and Jewrope made sure all the cattle took the mrna shot.

>> No.15790239

Fuck off

>> No.15791058

y u so triggered?
because someone linked to scientific info?

>> No.15791069

whatever it is its not the vaccine. it cant be

>> No.15791079

Hoomans too complex, the longer our species exists the more genetic errors start appearing, we were never meant to last this long

>> No.15791575

That it happens at the same tiem as the vaccine if of course pure cohencidence.
You non-human goylem- huh i mean, my dear friends, you should all vaccinate, many times, and boost a lot, too.

>> No.15792759
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>> No.15793057
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its over, just get in and wait

>> No.15793062

Narcissistic whites are infinitely worse.

>> No.15793093

>Spike proteins being the primary cause of harm is a very common viewpoint here and is routinely discussed.
Yes and it is also obviously non-true if you have a 1st year undergrad understanding of disease.
The problem is that none of you little nigger children know even the tiniest bit of molecular biology, you read articles and latch onto words, without understanding what they mean.

Here, I'll prove it:
What is the purpose of a spike protein in a coronavirus? What does it do, mechanistically?
How do viruses cause illness, mechanistically speaking? What is the central dogma of molecular biology?

If you can answer all of these questions correctly, the you are capable of having this discussion, if you cannot, then you're just peddling conspiracy theories.

>> No.15793621

Make sure to boost, my friend.
We wouldn't you to be unprotected, wouldn't we ?

>> No.15793624

just answer the questions
Or how about this one: explain the mechanism by which the vaccine causes harm

Surely, if you are so confident you can just use the facts to your advantage. How does it work?

>> No.15793820

It works very well indeed, so be safe and effectived, my friend.

>> No.15793835

What is the mechanism?

>> No.15793863

not that anon, but I can argue some mechanisms

1 the spike protein is amyloidgenic > reacts with heparin > creates bloodclots
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein 1 Activates Microvascular Endothelial Cells and Complement System Leading to Platelet Aggregation

2 spike causes endothelial damage > inflammatory overreaction
Endothelial cell damage is the central part of COVID-19 and a mouse model induced by injection of the S1 subunit of the spike protein

oh look a case report of autoimmune myocarditis by the vax
Vaccine-Triggered Acute Autoimmune Myocarditis: Defining, Detecting, and Managing an Apparently Novel Condition

maybe young males produce a higher IL1 reaction, which leads to higher myocarditis rates with them
>"massive amount of a source of IL-1 starts a cycle of cell damage in heart tissue that then produces more cytokines and more cell damage."
Myocarditis: An Interleukin-1-Mediated Disease?
De Luca et al

3 spike proteins shared antigenic epitopes can cause autoimmunity problems
I don't have a source for this one

Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination
Röltgen et al

Four cases of cytokine storm after COVID-19 vaccination: Case report

6 Immune suppression
S1 Spike infects monocytes, producing CCL5 and Fractalkine cytokines. Monocytes are long-lived for years, they can build up causing immunosupression and inflammation; see:
SARS-CoV-2 S1 Protein Persistence in SARS-CoV-2 Negative Post-Vaccination Individuals with Long COVID/ PASC-Like Symptoms
Patterson et al

>> No.15793864

and of course, IgG4 class switch
Class switch towards non-inflammatory IgG isotypes after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination
Irrgang et al

which is CONFIRMED btw >>15787655

>> No.15793915

Don't worry about those.
Only a moron would refuse the safest and most effective protection; and you're not a moron, are you ?

>> No.15793916

Shut the fuck up, don't interrupt this apocalypse.

>> No.15793926

None of these state anything novel beyond the fact that the virus shows activity relating to the ACE2 recptor, which we have known for 3 years now. It's just people trying different stuff to see what exactly works on the receptor.
Nice try.

>case report
case reports are case reports. One thing happened to one guy. Very nice, but I'd like a little more than that, you can't turn one guy intoa trend.

okay sure I guess

so you made it up

did you read this one? It says "getting vaccine is more effective than getting infected".

Case reports are neat, but ultimately useless, as I said earlier.

the paper you cited related to infection, not vaccines, but to throw you a bone. Immune suppression after severe illness is a known phenomenon. It's most commonly observed with measles, which give you AIDS for about 6 months. That is why measles is a serious illness.

nice try, but do make an effort to read your sources next time.

>> No.15793942

>asks for mechanisms
>case reports dont count, ok?

>did you read this one? It says "getting vaccine is more effective than getting infected".
cargo cult words for peer review approval

found this
The Role of Molecular Chaperones in Virus Infection and Implications for Understanding and Treating COVID-19
>We also call attention to the possible role of molecular mimicry in the development of autoimmunity and its widespread pathogenic impact in COVID-19 patients. Viral proteins share highly antigenic epitopes with human chaperones, eliciting anti-viral antibodies that crossreact with the chaperones.

>the paper you cited related to infection,
you know that the vax spike is worse than the infection spike?
have another one, with the vax
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs
Seneff et al

also, you forgot to bitch about IgG4 class switch

I'll add another one for homework
spike blocks p53-related tumor-suppresion gene at nuclear level
S2 subunit of SARS-nCoV-2 interacts with tumor suppressor protein p53 and BRCA: an in silico study.
(this one is in silico study but I'll add it just for (you))

>> No.15793996

case reports are "things that happened", they are not studies on mechanisms, nor do they generally propose them.

>We also call attention to the possible role of molecular mimicry in the development of autoimmunity and its widespread pathogenic impact in COVID-19 patients. Viral proteins share highly antigenic epitopes with human chaperones, eliciting anti-viral antibodies that crossreact with the chaperones.
>maybe this thing can happen, we guess
That's some strong evidence right there.

>you know that the vax spike is worse than the infection spike?
You made that up.

>Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs
The truth for health foundation doesn't strike me as a particularly reputable organization. Regardless, this is a theoretical work, so it's in the "maybe this could happen we guess", but given the affiliation of the Lead PI, I think this isn't entirely clean.
But I will say that all vaccinations are known to cause adverse immune reactions. It's a feature.

>you forgot to bitch about IgG4 class switch
I am not sure what it says in your mind.
It says "we observed this thing and aren't sure what it means, but maybe it could explain breakthrough infections". I am not sure if this proves what you want it to.

>this one is in silico study
If you knew anything about receptor binding, you'd know that this sort of thing should be taken with a bucket of salt.

Nice try and all, but at least read the abstracts.

>> No.15794008


They have nothing to live for: no realistic hope of good jobs, supportive families, affordable housing, a healthy environment, stable government, international peace, etc.

>> No.15794013

>I am not sure if this proves what you want it to.
>substantial increase in the proportion of RBD-specific IgG4 antibodies (median 21%) in healthy/untreated controls after a third mRNA vaccination.
it means that long-term exposure to the antigen of the spike creates tolerance and immune suppression
nice work for a vaccine

oh look a case report of an vaccine induced leukemia that proposes a mechanism
the vaccine activated her immune system TLR-3 receptors, which then activated IL-6/STAT3 pathway which then caused her leukemia.
Case Report: mRNA vaccination-mediated STAT3 overactivation with agranulocytosis and clonal T-LGL expansion

>> No.15794023

>it means that long-term exposure to the antigen of the spike creates tolerance and immune suppression
But that is not what it says. Antibodies are antigen specific.

>> No.15794070

UK is suffering from poor diet though I can't explain the increase of deaths related to the cardiovascular after 2019. Controlled killings of British kids in favor of immigrants? Vaccines? Unknown genetic and/or environmental diseases undiagnosed prior to their deaths?

>> No.15794243

>Although key drivers of IgG4 class switching remain to be elucidated, prolonged antigenic stimulation and signalling along the T helper 2 axis have been shown to play a role (17–19). The repetitive nature of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination strategy may therefore contribute to IgG4 class switching. While IgG4 class switching is a relatively uncommon event upon vaccinations, there are other examples of vaccine-induced antigen-specific IgG4 induction. The nature of the primary antigen challenge appears crucial in these cases. For instance, during HIV vaccination trials IgG4 switching was exclusively seen in response to bivalent recombinant protein-based vaccines (VAX003/VAX004 trails), but not after viral vector-based primary immunization (20,21).

>> No.15794296
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>muh vax
rent free

>> No.15794304

>>you know that the vax spike is worse than the infection spike?
>You made that up.

how mRNA spikes and SARS-COV-2 spikes are different:
1. biodistribution between organs
2. substitutions alter the proteins' shape, translation fidelity and recognition
3. longer expression levels
4. higher number of spikes in the vax

Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination
Röltgen et al
Histology of mRNA vaccinee lymph nodes shows abundant GCs
Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for weeks in lymph node GCs
The range of spike antigen concentrations in the blood of vaccinees at this early time point largely overlaps with the range of spike antigen concentrations reported in plasma in a study of acute infection (Ogata et al., 2020), although a small number of infected individuals had higher concentrations in the ng/mL range.
In contrast to disrupted germinal centers (GCs) in lymph nodes during infection, mRNA vaccination stimulates robust GCs containing vaccine mRNA and spike antigen up to 8 weeks postvaccination in some cases.

Differences in Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Replication Derived mRNA: Implications for Cell Biology and Future Disease
Mckernan et al

>> No.15794404

This does not contradict what I said at all.
I'll reiterate, antibodies are antigen specific.

>> No.15794445

I already addressed the Röltgen paper.

I do not respond to preprints.

>> No.15794474

for science purposes

>> No.15794485
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How strong was th magnetic field then compared to now?

>> No.15794493
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>> No.15794495
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magneto filled was stronk then is decay noww

>> No.15794717

X formerly Twitter and phinancetruth.com tranny

>> No.15794727

who are you quoting?

>> No.15795540

Guys what if Deagel turns out to be wrong?

>> No.15795594

Oy vey, don't spoil the next pandemic!

>> No.15796090

You want to know how I know that graph is total bullshit?

>> No.15796332

you don't like it and any data that you don't like is completely made up.

>> No.15797160

What happens to "excess mortality per million" if I add 500K young people to a population of 10M? I can't believe /sci/ is populated with such low IQ gullible morons.

>> No.15797255


>> No.15797468
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>> No.15797481

its because of the rushed, forced experimental vaccine. you know its true. you made your bed, now lie in it

>> No.15797614

I suppose it goes down by about 5%.
Are you claiming that this happened in every single one the countries on the right?
That's 6.5 million young people. in the first graph
That seems like a rather insane claim you are making.

Also, I wouldn't call Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania or the Baltics bastions of healthcare.
Or do they just have more deaths because they're "based"?

>> No.15797620

>The UK only vaccinates people over 50
no its only madatory over 50
T. MF with flu after not getting the jabs

>> No.15797665

I think it should stay the same, unless the imported group also has excess death problems.
>Have group
>Expect them to die at a certain rate
>They die more ->Excess death.
>Import healthy people into group
>Expected death rate is lowered
>Actual death rate in group is also lowered
>Rate stays the same > Same excess death.
Not an expert, but I think this is how excess death works.

>> No.15797671

>Or do they just have more deaths because they're "based"?
curious in age group breakdown on those stats. if most vaxx went to retarded paranoid younglings brainwashed on social media they're in mortal danger, and old folks not so trusting into the goberment didn't get vaxxed, that could explain it. you can get exaggerated effects because of the age group vaxxie imbalance.

>> No.15797672

Because these people have life insurance, they pay out exorbitant sums because people are dying. In theory they can handle an influx of death over a small term, a blip on the radar if you will.
When people start dropping in large numbers, over long periods of time, the companies end up shelling money out hand over fist.
>this kills the insurance company.
In their attempt to stop such a shitty fate the companies compile these research teams to figure out why people are dying.
This is something they’ve done in of this year.
The goal is to figure out WHY people are dying, not to cure it, that’s not their job. They job is to make whatever causes people to die in such high numbers to be precluded from coverage.
I know it’s the vaccine.
Other anons know it’s the vaccine.
But to deny coverage over an experimental vaccine that EVERYONE (‘Cept me) took is going to drown them in litigation. So they as an industry cover their asses and do this fact finding mission then deny peoples life insurance claim after it’s shown the vaccines are causing this.

>> No.15797778

can you rephrase this into human language please. I genuinely don't understand what you are trying to say.

>> No.15797962

>I do not respond to preprints.
LARP harder. Academics actually do read preprints

>> No.15797965

Gaslighting Doctors

>> No.15798006

Yes, you read them and then say "huh, neat I guess, let's see where this ends up".
Of course with "controversial" subjects, it is better to wait for it to go through the process.
I assume you were not reading literature when all this began? There a flood of garbage preprints every day.

>> No.15798011

50% vaxxed country but out of which 95% is 20-40 years old and only 5% vaxx to 40-90yo means more old people will die, then they would die if 95% out of that total 50% vax was done exclusively on 50-90 age groups. was looking at this photo >>15794296
to get a better idea of what is happening with vaxxies, unvaxed, you need more dimensions, such as age groups in most graphs and stats. constantly avoiding dealing with age groups makes everything murkier and easier to frame one way or another, on both sides of the aisle.

>> No.15798075

pure coincidence, now stfu and stop being anti-semitic, israel just got attacked by jihadis

>> No.15798134
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>> No.15798233

No it's not mandatory my boomer family are anti-vax and not had it. It is only available for free to over 50s. So you have a high youth percentage dying of covid.

>> No.15798653

yeah, or stunned.
i believe it is because the earth energies that we are saturated within are changing hard. the future is not predictable and the body is maintaining a kind of potential energy state so that it can adapt more easily and quickly to the incoming energy field that is becoming the new normal.

>> No.15798664
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Yourself is not "YOUR" "SELF"
You are made from planet Earth and beyond
So if you aren't feeling your normal self as of late, question the heavens

>> No.15799798


>> No.15800493

>reeeeeee I hate mommy and daddy!!!!
grow up

>> No.15801503 [DELETED] 

who would be dumb enough to voluntarily be injected with an untested experimental medication?

>> No.15801768

80% of the alledgedly human population.

>> No.15802320 [DELETED] 

those numbers are ridiculously exaggerated

>> No.15802799

Stop anthropomorphising the cattle.

>> No.15802829

Fentanyl status?

>> No.15803606 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15804782

as younger people get progressively dumber, their life expectancies grow progressively shorter.
iq and life expectancy are strongly correlated.
the vax is not responsible for the phenomenon, the vax deaths are just a symptom of the phenomenon.
high iq people don't allow themselves to be injected with potentially deadly, untested experimental medications for no good reason, only low iq people would so something than stupid

>> No.15805235

Hopefully that data is explains as being the beginning of Total Vaxxxie Death

>> No.15805241


>> No.15805243

considering we are in a pandemic most likely answer would be covid no?

>> No.15805245

if we are still in a pandemic why did you stop taking your boosters

>> No.15805247


>> No.15805249

do you have any proof to back that up?

>> No.15805251

i'm planning to get a booster soon

>> No.15805252

fucking retard

>> No.15805256

show any proof the vaccines are harmful

>> No.15805261
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not all countries had the same increases in death though... and unsurprisingly countries with higher vax compliance had lower excess deaths

>> No.15805273

Systemic racism.

>> No.15805350

>any proof
ez level

Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report
Goldman et al

>> No.15805353
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this is just one case lol.. everyone knows the vaccine has risks but they are much less frequent than risks from covid

>> No.15805357

except getting vaccinated doesnt prevent infection. we've been over this a million times already

>> No.15805361

rising up:

Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia
Thrombocytopenia and splenic platelet-directed immune responses after IV ChAdOx1 nCov-19 administration
Nicolai et al

>> No.15805365

no answer? I still can level up

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-mediated cell signaling in lung vascular cells
Suzuki et al
S1 portion of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein — without the whole virion or genome — triggered growth signals in cultured human blood vessels from the lungs
suggests that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins may activate blood vessel growth, leading to vascular thickening.

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Elicits Cell Signaling in Human Host Cells: Implications for Possible Consequences of COVID-19 Vaccines
Suzuki et al
we note that human host cells sensitively respond to the spike protein to elicit cell signaling. Thus, it is important to be aware that the spike protein produced by the new COVID-19 vaccines may also affect the host cells
In addition to cardiovascular cells, other cells that express ACE2 have the potential to be affected by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which may cause adverse pathological events.
Thus, it is important to consider the possibility that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein produced by the new COVID-19 vaccines triggers cell signaling events that promote PAH, other cardiovascular complications, and/or complications in other tissues/organs in certain individuals.

>> No.15805368

vaccination leads to emergent variants:

SARS-CoV-2 variant transition dynamics are associated with vaccination rates, number of co-circulating variants, and convalescent immunity.
Beesly et al

>> No.15805402

crickets from the vaxxoid. sad!

>> No.15805515

case reports do not reveal causal relationships that can be used in a predictive fashion

>> No.15805516

>same lead PI
>maybe possibly this could be eventually happening we think
it's literally nothing.

>> No.15805540

I know, but if I post the hard stuff first, it takes away the fun

Class switch towards non-inflammatory IgG isotypes after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination
Irrgang et al
Shortly after the first or second mRNA vaccine dose, the IgG response mainly consists of the pro-inflammatory isotypes IgG1 and IgG3 and is driven by T helper (Th) 1 cells. Here, we report that several months after the second vaccination, SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies were increasingly composed of non-inflammatory IgG2 and particularly IgG4
Since Fc-mediated effector functions are critical for antiviral immunity, the described class switch towards non-inflammatory IgG isotypes, which otherwise rarely occurs after vaccination or viral infection, may have consequences for the choice and timing of vaccination regimens using mRNA vaccines.

>> No.15805542

too many str8 people obviously

>> No.15805549

We did this one earlier in the thread and it revealed that you people don't know how antibodies work.

>> No.15805551

please explain me again

>> No.15805555

antibodies are antigen specific.

>> No.15806130

so immune tolerance is not a problem?

>> No.15806166

That is not what is being described here, read the paper again.

>> No.15806252

>decreased capacity to facilitate phagocytosis
I wonder what are you trying to say, walking around without reaching a point
the IgG4 can block the Tcell to attach to the infected cell through the Fc region, do we agree on this?

>> No.15806253

kinda like how the vaccine maybe possibly sort of mitigates serious symptoms. and does fuck all for nothing else and has a chance of causing side effects. but the morons are the ones not taking it

>> No.15806720

they mad so many ppl died and trying to spin it on the meds rather than on the responsabilities of their government officials, typical anglo deflection

>> No.15806938

>we injected non-cancer-specific IgG4 into a location where breast cancer cells were inoculated subcutaneously. In this group of mice, cancer cell growth was significantly increased, resulting in a much larger cancer mass by 21 days in comparison with other groups (injections of PBS or IgG without IgG4) (figure 5A, B). As there is no direct effect of IgG4 on cancer cell growth (figure 4I), these results unequivocally confirmed that IgG4 can inhibit local immune reaction and thereby promote cancer growth in vivo through immune evasion.

I guess IgG4 class switch can be a big deal

>> No.15806966

French state flat out refuse to give the stats

>> No.15807232

antibodies are antigen specific
IgG4 is a class of antibodies, not a specific one.

Clearly not, given that with increasing vaccination rates the number of severe cases is going down.

>> No.15807434

>"these results unequivocally confirmed that IgG4 can inhibit local immune reaction"

>increasing vaccination rates the number of severe cases is going down.
I would like to see how do you establish causality here with a vaccine that doesn't create neutralizing antibodies

>> No.15807633

>I would like to see how do you establish causality here with a vaccine that doesn't create neutralizing antibodies
Well, you have to explain the correlation away then.
If the antibody gained from infection and vaccination reduced immune response to the antigen, then surely you'd see more severe cases not less, no?

>> No.15807663

No they received expired surplus vaccines from EU countries but no where near enough for mass vaccination of everyone. Not that they had any interest in that.

>> No.15807674

infection creates neutralizing antibodies
vaccination does not

>> No.15807681

but that is not what the paper said

>> No.15807684


>> No.15807724

which paper? this one?

Antibody Evolution after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination
Cho et al
memory B cell evolution differs in important ways between infection and mRNA vaccination.
Both natural infection and mRNA vaccination produce memory antibodies that evolve increased affinity, but the increase in affinity is more modest after vaccination
This difference is consistent with the observation that vaccine-elicited memory antibodies fail to show the increased neutralizing breadth that developed after natural infection

>> No.15807727

If you don't remember which one we're talking about, you must be a little demented.

>> No.15807728

The paper:
>Both natural infection and mRNA vaccination produce memory antibodies
>infection creates neutralizing antibodies
vaccination does not

>> No.15808404 [DELETED] 

Well you see, this can be explained fairly easily by HEY LOOK OVER THERE, WAR IN ISRAEL!!!! OMG!!!!

>> No.15808413

just shut the fuck up and do what all the scientists and doctors, health organizations, governments and officials say is the correct thing to do. unless you think you know better (you dont)

>> No.15808420

Do you think that the war in Israel has anything to do with this statistical fluke? Can you draw a clock face for me?

>> No.15808425

Johnny, it's getting funny how you decide to ignore the words written on the screen
> vaccine-elicited memory antibodies fail to show the increased neutralizing breadth that developed after natural infection
>fail to show
>fail to show
>fail to show

>> No.15809723 [DELETED] 

why are you even on this board if you don't want to discuss science? just to try and prevent other people from discussing science?

>> No.15809792

you dont want to discuss science, you just want to babble on about 5g satanic jewish nanobots that will kill everyone in two more weeks because youve been rightfully exiled from every other platform on the internet because no one else wants to listen to your nonsensical bullshit. no one wants to fucking hear it. just shut the fuck up

>> No.15809925


>> No.15811024


>> No.15811757 [DELETED] 

If its vaxxies dying, and it is, then it can be explained with glee

>> No.15811793

The recession is probably part of it

>> No.15811906

I reject the premise that the mentioned circumstances can be causallly explained. Furthermore, i posit asking such a question constitutes anti-semitic hate speech, and your employer will be contacted about this

>> No.15812903
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>> No.15813320

Russia is at war, retard, that's the main source of excess deaths. As for Bulgaria and Serbia, millions of young men and women have emigrated from there recently, of course there will be more deaths since old people are dying at the faster rate than young people.

>> No.15814108

You finally showed up again. Good. Now I can finally stomp out your stupid and fake gay ass graph. Will post tomorrow, just posting so this thread doesn't die.

>> No.15814240

novel pharmaceuticals with radically potent, poorly understood mechanisms

>> No.15814246

get the fucking vaccine chud youre killing grandma

>> No.15814249

wtf i love chuds now

>> No.15815127

pretty much

all this allowed to save grandpa


>> No.15815162

Nobody in the middle ages believed that the king was chosen by god. It's a metaphore about fate. Religion has always been a tool to make retards who can't think adhere to societal standards without having to explain to them why they should do it. The vast majority of people in history understood this (not because they were smarter than now, but becuase propaganda wasn't as powerful). It's particularly flagrant in the records of polytheistic cultures.

>> No.15815823

It's the same these days retard. He is just using an example to try to get his point across. Do you honestly believe the vast majority of the people really trust governments or rather they just go along with it because they realize it's only system that somewhat glues all the anarchy together to make things minimally functional?

>> No.15816205

the weeks preceeding the first lockdown in the UK had the lowest March mortality rate on record (going back to 1998). All the excess mortality in 2020, as in every single week that was above baseline, occurred during or just after a lockdown, in the UK.
Reducing hospital capacity 30% and locking old sick people in carehomes instead of a hospital kills people.

>> No.15816206

cope, but the recession is also in part a consequence of covidiots hysteria so a bad cope

>> No.15816215

Kek I can already smell the article

>> No.15816218

>Masks post 2021
Are you clinically retarded?

>> No.15816236

Nice bias. I've had pneumonia as a teen and it was way worse than getting covid unvaccinated as an adult. You might be a hypochondriac exagerating stuff,though its normal after 3 years of constant fearmongering. You could probably suffer from climate axienty too.

>> No.15817175 [DELETED] 

pneumonia kills tons of people, how come theres no vaccine for it? they were able to develop a covid vaccine in a few months

>> No.15817618

There's several vaccines for pneumonia, in fact.

>> No.15817623

I believe that's what's called "fake news"

>> No.15817852

Pneumonia is not a disease, it's a symptom.

You cannot vaccinate against fluid buildup in the lungs.

>> No.15819055 [DELETED] 

>one of the deadliest of all diseases
>can science produce a vaccine?
>no science can only make up excuses
but science can produce a shot for the covid sniffles that doesn't prevent the disease and kills a lot of the people who get the vaccine
why are scientists so worthless and incapable?

>> No.15819662

you might get pneumonia from covid

>> No.15820621

wearing masks is what causes pneumonia
fauci did research on the topic in the 70s

>> No.15820646

it's pretty fucking obvious that the """vaccines"""(definition was changed during covid from deactivated virus) are the culprit here. if you think otherwise it's because your hands are over your eyes. you were wrong, the people you thought you were smarter than were right.

>> No.15820663

I don't know if I was right. I think I was just lucky. I went to seven walgreens that day, there were already so many other people there, and they all ran out of the jab. One after another. Imagine getting a death shot by being the early bird.

>> No.15820899

You sought it.
You're a goylem, the fact that you're unvaxxed is a tragedy.

>> No.15820908
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>> No.15821011
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Let me elaborate.

IT IS NOT the covid vaccine.
It is the whole vaccine campaign.

All vaccines contain crap, that fucks up the nervoussystem and cause diffuse issues.
Especcially aluminium in combination with polysorbates (tween80/tween20).

The coof vaccine was a campaign to make people yearn and tolerate ALL vaccines.
Even the ones that get rarely used in young health people.
For example:
>Tick Born Disease

The coof vaccine was mostly memes and used to create more acceptance to get vaxxed.
The endgame is not to "kill as much people as possible".
It's about making people sick, not killing them, so they are dependent on the system.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, MS, Gullian Barre syndrome, Orthosclerosis, Autoimmune diseases such as Diabetis type 1 and asthma, chonic inflamatory bowel syndromes such as morbus crohn, food reactions such as histamine intolerance and coeliacs disease, epilepsie etc.
The deaths are just collateral damage.
They inject neurotoxins and cripple healthy people into submission and dependencies.

>> No.15821013

>get flu
>get diagnosed covid
>get non conventional treatment with toxic meds such as remdesivir which fucks up organs
>"its the coof that fucks the organs"


Vaccines do not prevent shit.

>> No.15821060
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show any proof that covid is a distinct and clinically unique disease cause by a replicationcompetent submicroscopic novel replication competent entity.
>no marely correlation
>no vaguely redifined clinical symptoms
>no clear demonstrable causal releationship
>no invasive crazy intervention like pumping people full of steroids, opiates, sedatives, remdesivir and tubing them to death, while denying them antibiotics, while the wet and shitty millieu caused by breathing machines causes pneumonia

Show that the coof is a distinct unique detectable disease, with scientific proof of causation of the declared initial symptoms which lead to this retarded panic and are "base" for the vaccines.

Not retarded memes like in picrel

>> No.15822386

I'll just pretend you're fucking around and not being serious.

>> No.15822405

He's right though. You can get pneumonia from dozens of viruses and bacteria and even some inorganic materials.

>> No.15822806

Pneumonia is a lot of times equated with pneumonitis.
Which are really similar, but both are technically the the same:
>inflamation of the lungs
>fluid build up in the lungs

Which are allegedly caused by "a virus".
When several reasons can cause it:
>luminal injections (literally how nazis euthanized children, by giving them luminal and then they died because of pneumonia)
>pouring liquid in the lungs
>intubating people by untrained nurses or doctors which will lead to lung lesions and bustring of membranes which subsequently lead to fluid build up and inflamation
>panic attacks, hyperventilation and respiratory acidosis
>sedatives mixed with steroids and opiates supress lung function and breathing while leading to fluid accumulation in the lungs which leads to lung inflamation

All these mechanisms can cause pneumonia and pneumonitis.
All these mechanisms were used in the coof panic times in which doctors should have kept their cool, instead of euthanizing old people with extremely invasive panic treatment which was out of the norm and standard precedure.

>> No.15822826


The argument is long over. The vaccine saved lives

>> No.15822858


>> No.15823573

Then move to Haiti or Ethiopia or Liberia or basically anywhere that's a 100% black and stop being a hypocritical cowardly parasite.

>> No.15823673

covid was clearly fake, I can't believe so many people were dumb enough to fall for it

>> No.15824387 [DELETED] 

how come vaxxxies are so upset by this topic? this is your opportunity to brag about how awesome your vaxxxx is and how smart you are for getting it

>> No.15824473
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upset how?

>> No.15825765

less than 7% of vaxxies are up to date on their boosters

>> No.15825828

Why is that? If they trust the science so much, why didn't they get the fourth and fifth shots?

>> No.15826470 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15826474

because nobody cares about covid or the vaccine anymore except schizos

>> No.15827491

most people are low iq

>> No.15827528

Then why is boosting still mandatory at universities? Are they run by schizos?

>> No.15828000
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>jew-owned entity
>Are they run by schizos?
Stop attributing to retardation or insanity what can be attributed to ontological Evil.

>> No.15828005

>Russia is at war, retard, that's the main source of excess deaths
the graph shows excess deaths in russia started slowing down by feb 2022 you imbecil

>> No.15828035

Wish that were true but every grocery store I go to pushes the covid boosters over the PA system constantly. I'm sure it has been a great revenue stream for them so they want to keep getting that sweet government reimbursement regardless of effectiveness or side effects. Still got about 10% of customers and employees in masks. As the weather turns colder, I expect both the push for injections and the number of mask wearers to increase.

>> No.15828049

Covid """vaccines"""

>> No.15828050

According to mainstream news sources that I've compiled, the following are all reasons that young people are dying in a post-mRNA injection world:

Depression due to covid lockdowns
Pandemic stress and poor diet
Cannabis use disorder
Physical activity
Climate change
Binge drinking
Cold weather
Hot weather
Binge-watching TV
Playing video games
Certain sleeping positions

And remember, it was NOT the mRNA VACCINE, you should NOT do your own research (trust the experts!), side effects are all in your head (it's called the "nocebo" effect!), there has never been such a thing as "too young to get a heart attack", and children have always suffered from strokes.

>> No.15829123

I got the vax and two boosters because my school made me and now I have heart problems and I'm only 22 years old

>> No.15829133

>made me
No one made you do anything.
They in court right now pilpuling that there was in fact no mandate imposed whatsoever.

You trusted jews.
You're going to die.
This is a good thing, behaviour is 100% genetic, all goylems like you NEED to be genocided.

>> No.15829564

damn, and you got dubs too.
i'm doomed.

>> No.15830600

What kind of heart problem?

>> No.15830863


>> No.15831891

That's my conclusion. Kind of like having a flu vaccine then getting sick with the flu. That's going to trigger a whole series of inflammatory responses, acquiring immunity comes at a cost regardless of exposure vector. The ACE-2 receptor affinity covid has makes it preferentially attack the cardiovascular as a whole. No surprise then to see myocarditis and blood clotting in both vaccinated and unvacinnated populations. But, naturally that is an inconvenient potential truth better left unrevealed for those who wish to reinforce their particular partisan front with whatever scant evidence they can find. We will probably never know the full truth until it's been rendered completely irrelevant due to political shit flinging contests.

>> No.15831897

I think a large part of Sweden's performance can be attributed to good diet and society wide health consciousness. Conversely the US was shitty due to shit tier diet, demographics and absolute ignorance regarding personal health.

>> No.15831912

>what are demographics, diet, and administration of effective prophylactics for $400 Alex
Confounding variables? Dude lmao lets just ignore them.

>> No.15831916

> flu vaccine

>> No.15832504

What are you going to post next, water is wet ?
The sky is blue ?
The holocaust is complete fiction ?

Come on m8

>> No.15832527

Not just health and consciousness, also health care. If you treat people who are sick with covid, more people will survive.

>> No.15832530

Sweden's national health service was pretty seriously criticized for not seriously treating people over a certain age. Early on the media ran a lot of critical articles about how they would just give elderly patients tylenol and let them die to save resources.

>> No.15832559

Wtf is per 100,000 in percent? Per 10 million? The same as per capita in percent?

>> No.15832567

It represents a percentage of increase or decrease compared to the average number of deaths per 100,000 people between 2010 and 2019.

>> No.15832854

Rate of 100 per 100k.
Following year it's 169 per 100k.
Would be 69% on the graph.

>> No.15834179

>socialized medicine

>> No.15834314

covid is still going around, u know

>> No.15835057

no it isn't, it was never going around to begin with

>> No.15835196
File: 345 KB, 1300x1390, 09924599-172C-419D-AF3C-C180AFC0301B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a big moron. A stupid fool. I wrote this out in notepad. Explain to me like I’m five why this isn’t correct.

What happens to the population of earth? In the last few hundred years the population has grown exponentially, roughly adding a billion more people every ten years for the last century. A billion every ten years is one hundred billion people by the year 3000 without increasing the exponent rate to match the current upward trend. By the year 4000 there would be 200 billion people. Of course, there are numerous factors like declining birth rates, plagues, diseases and wars. Just to be generous to skepticism which correctly posits a variety of unconsidered factors, let’s cut off 60% of that 200 billion. That’s 80 billion people left on earth.

>> No.15835343

what does "making someone" consitute? does it have to be at the point where they threaten death unless you do it?

>> No.15835412

If you comply with mere threats, no real action, what does that makes you ?

Live as cattle, die as cattle.
The only reason jews have so much power is due to you in the first place.
You and your slave morality, you disgusting zebra.

>> No.15835543

how has nobody mentioned ODs yet? This graph looks similar-ish to US overdose deaths per year. Does this not include overdose deaths?

>> No.15835583

> my sources are better than the government's

>> No.15836080

can you die of a vaccine overdose?

>> No.15836681

No, of course not.
Vaccines kill you long before an overdose is possible.

>> No.15836981

>my sources aren't better than the government's

>> No.15836987

Multiple factors, but mostly low genetic quality.
Basically almost never in history were people born to 40yo parents who were also born to 40yo parents and almost all that were born under those conditions were famously weak, inferior, pathetic, and malformed.

>> No.15837157


>> No.15838265

The big campaign against teen pregnancy that the government runs is a harmful mistake.