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1576550 No.1576550 [Reply] [Original]

problem, skeptics?

>> No.1576571

solution: adaptation.

>> No.1576573

> problem, denialists?


>> No.1576584

>implying that adaption can occur fast enough to make any effects of global warming insignificant.

>> No.1576606

No problem, unless you start attributing trace gases.

>> No.1576674

its half a fucking degree and it happens all the time.

>> No.1576682

>solution: we all become niggers

Doesn't sound like a good solution to me.

>> No.1576769
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Problem, Somalia?

>> No.1576779

Hotter-burning sun warming the planet


The sun is burning hotter than usual, offering a possible explanation for global warming that needs to be weighed when proceeding with expensive efforts to cut emissions of greenhouse gases, Swiss and German scientists say.

"The sun has been at its strongest over the past 60 years and may now be affecting global temperatures," said Sami Solanki, the director of the renowned Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Gottingen, Germany, who led the research.

>> No.1576781
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Problem, believers?

>> No.1576788

>read Y axis
>realize that a shit ton of those temperature monitoring stations are downwind of stone or concrete objects, next to AC's, on pavement, ect, and any data they give it bullshit

wonder what happened to scientific integrity, and how many years it's going to take everyone to realize what retards they have been

>> No.1576792

>Implying you've thought of something obvious that hundreds of scientists haven't

>> No.1576794

sounds fishy
the solar magnetopause fluctuations theory is a little more sound, since there's real world and labratory evidence supporting it, and a lot of data lines up with it rather nicely. much nicer than CO2 plots

>> No.1576796

Infact the temperature rise in rural areas have been higher than in man urban areas.

>> No.1576797

Problem Scientists


>> No.1576798


it starts off pretty "herp derp denialists" but the guy actually knows what he's talking about.

>> No.1576817

Great qoute mining going on there. Let me try
"since about 1980, while the total solar radiation, its ultraviolet component, and the cosmic ray intensity all exhibit the 11-year solar periodicity, there has otherwise been no significant increase in their values. In contrast, the Earth has warmed up considerably within this time period. This means that the Sun is not the cause of the present global warming."
Sami solanki

>> No.1576822

that is so completely false, i'm going to have to slap you.

>> No.1576824
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Assuming climate change is real and dangerous:

Option 1: Climate Change is not man made and we do nothing: We are fucked
Option 2: Climate Change is not man made and we do something: We might be able to halt it
Option 3: Climate Change is man made and we do nothing: We are fucked
Option 4: Climate Change is man made and we do something: We can fix it

Do nothing = Fucked

>> No.1576834

What are you taking about idiot. The temperature rise has been the greatest near the artic and antartic ocean(places with no big cities). For refrence see Nasa temperature anomaly map. If you're gonna claim i am false provide evidence.

>> No.1576833

Assuming the thing we do in response to climate change fucks us more than climate change:

do something: we are fucked
do nothing: we are not fucked

>> No.1576838

just so you know
that's a modified form of Pascal's wager; a justification for being pious in life just in case god exists and he'll send you to hell if you're not.

as long as your comfortable going by a shitty christfag argument for being a christfag, go for it.

>> No.1576842


Are we so incompetent?

>> No.1576847
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>justification for being pious in life just in case god exists and he'll send you to hell if you're not.

Except that is bullshit and has no evidence behind it.

>> No.1576848

Actually, it hasn't. The biggest temperature changes BY FAR are around urban areas. However, the subtract out the changes due to urban effects from the data set. Supposedly they do this so they can see other patterns better and not have the artificial anomalies interfere with that.

>> No.1576850

believe it

>> No.1576853

Proof that the map reduces the urban temp to Make data free of anomolies. I doubt you have any. Let me guess you are gonna end up shouting conspiracy.

>> No.1576857

I dont think any scientist would be stupid enough to ignore temperature change oh 1-2 C a year.

>> No.1576859

look up any paper land temperature paper referenced for any temperature anomaly map you have. Read through the whole methodology. You will find it.

>> No.1576863

They don't ignore it. They find it, identify it as urban effect, and remove it.

>> No.1576867
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>u so mad

>> No.1576876

What about ice ages and the fact that the planet was considerably warmer a couple of million years ago?

>> No.1576882

Provide peer rveiwed evidence that urban heat effect cause Cities to warm up faster than artic regions.

>> No.1576894

Yes they only started making the urban adjustment this year. The anomaly graphs from pervious years also show artic warming more than urban regions.

>> No.1576901

No, when I was researching this and found this it was 3 years ago.

>> No.1576902

find it yourself

>> No.1576913

Even if that was the case, Rural temperatures are rising at smiliar rates. How does urban heat island effect explain that.

>> No.1577285

Protip: You can say earth are in a permanent ice age because we still have ice covering the ground several places in the world.

Millions of years ago, the continents weren't as close to the poles as they are today and continent movements have a key in generating "ice ages"

>> No.1577297


Yes. But my point in making the comment on ice ages was to point out that climate has always changed.

I'm not disputing at all that it is or may be changing now. The question is whether or not we have anything to do with it.

That being said, this whole global warming thing has inspired the population to move to a more sustainable way of life, which is a good thing.