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1576497 No.1576497 [Reply] [Original]


Fucking fuckshit christ fuck

This is why most intellectuals are suicidal

>> No.1576517
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>> No.1576519

These people brought me up, OP. Homeschooled in a Mormon household with no father figure.

I like to think I turned out alright

>> No.1576521

It's hilarious how defensive these people are about their beliefs. Everything's HURF DURF LIEBERAL CONSPRIGACY

>> No.1576529

>In other words, reading a theory about physics is correlated to a decrease in people's interest in reading the Bible, which means that it causes people to stop reading the Bible.

Reading X prevents you from reading Y while reading X


Absolutely brilliant.

>> No.1576548

First evolution. Then the big bang. Now relativity?



>> No.1576563



>> No.1576570

Hahahahaha I loled so fucking much.

>> No.1576601

I started reading some of those.. Not all of them are illegitimate. For instance, numbers 3 and 7 actually make some sense and are relatively simple to understand.

However, they go full retard in number 9, so I stopped reading.

>> No.1576612

They're catching up intellectually with Uncyclopedia:

>> No.1576613

7 yes, 3 no. Number 3 is just flat-out false.

See http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Conservapedia:Conservapedian_relativity

>> No.1576639
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>In non-confusing terms, that indicates the ability to cause something to happen instantaneously in another location (i.e., faster than the speed of light). Since Jesus could, reportedly, do this, thus Einstein is wrong.

But, quantum entanglement could explain that! Why can't they side with science?! Saying that Jesus had mastered quantum entanglement and used it to heal would make him sound amazing!

>> No.1576643

Thank you, sir!

>> No.1576650

BTW the Uncyclopedia article is quite a bit older, but some of the points are pretty much identical.

Methinks the lists need to be updated with items from each other. For example, the Uncyclopedia article lacks the important action-by-Jesus objection, whereas Conservapedia surprisingly lacks the firmament insight.

>> No.1576681


even quantum entanglement obeys the speed limit son

>> No.1576688

How long until they start working together with the NPA?


>> No.1576701

The thought of these dumb fucks back in power after Nov. 2nd is very depressing.

>> No.1576739

>generalizing all the members of a political party off of one nutjob

>> No.1576746

>At the time Einstein wrote his paper on the Photoelectic effect, he was working at the Swiss Patent Office. So it is quite likely that he copied this idea from some whose application for patent got rejected.

And BTW, I agree with Schalffy that the theory of relativity is crap but for different reasons. I think this crap of a theory held humanity back a good 200-300 years, and we are probably not going to find the extent of it in our lifetimes.

found this Gem in the comments

>> No.1576756

This anon is right. He's from 2205, so he knows what he's talking about.

Either that or it's Galileo that's been holding us back. The goddamn church was trying to protect us.

>> No.1576762

Make that the man this anon is quoting.

>> No.1576775
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>Crap of a theory
>Pushed physics into the realm of the strong nuclear force
>Elegantly disproves information loss
>Elegantly describes gravity

>> No.1576790

I didnt know i would witness this day in my life.
Conservative idiot arguing relevance of relativity in point format on conservapedia.
I wont post a facepalm picture. As I dont any to describe event of such idiocy

>> No.1576802

Does Khan Academy have a video on the bible?
I'm too lazy to read.

>> No.1576808

yeah and the theory of gravity is also holding us back. we have to let go of this stupid theory, and when we do we can save so much fuel trying to escape earths gravitational pull. it only exists b/c we believe!!! stop believing please for the love of god stop

>> No.1576812

I would giggle with glee if they ever debated the validity of relativity on Fox News.

>> No.1576890

Is tytester one of you guys? There's no way he's anything but a troll.

>> No.1576897

the second paragraph is part of the comment, i forgot to greentext

>> No.1576914
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My god, this shit is fucking INSANE.

>> No.1576923

The person who wrote this is part of the fringe in conservatism, Fox News tends to be in the normal conservatism. Sure they're retarded but nowhere near that fringe retardism.

>> No.1576928


Pay special attention to the section named Liberal Psuedoscience

>> No.1576938


You laugh you lose

>> No.1576979


Fucking lost...

>> No.1578462

so much humor...

>> No.1578475

I thought Conservapedia was satire.

Are you telling me the guy who owns the site actually believes what's posted on it?

>> No.1578491

Not believing in it is blasphemy

>> No.1578494
File: 347 KB, 1200x2200, Conservape-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1578540

You actually believe that? That's terrible.