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File: 431 KB, 1325x1000, Planet_Discovery_Neighbourhood_in_Milky_Way_Galaxy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15764053 No.15764053 [Reply] [Original]

because we know there are - at least - 1 trillion-trillion solar systems so it's ~1 for approximately any low probability per system.

it's just that due to the speed of light limit we will probably never meet even a small minority of them.

>> No.15764058

Nice fantasy, kiddie.

>> No.15764059

Good. I don't want to meet minorities anyway.

>> No.15764065

Why is that a fantasy?

>> No.15764068 [DELETED] 

look at the op pic. any kind of close-contact science and astronomy whatsover is practically done mainly in a tiny region inside 1 single galaxy and even that is barely done in itself.

now consider that we know that are at least many billions of galaxies only in the observable universe; science-fiction is now where near reality; they have the delusion we know at our galaxy when we barely know a single solar system lol.. (out of at least a trillion..trillion lol..).

>> No.15764069

look at the op pic. any kind of close-contact science and astronomy whatsover is practically done mainly in a tiny region inside 1 single galaxy and even that is barely done in itself.

now consider that we know that there are at least many billions of galaxies only in the observable universe; science-fiction is nowwhere near reality; they have the delusion we know at least our galaxy when we barely know a single solar system lol.. (out of at least a trillion..trillion lol..).

>> No.15764071

Prove that the odds of life appearing aren't as astronomically small as the number of planets is astronomically big.

>> No.15764075 [DELETED] 

because there are at least 1-trillion-trillion permutations of solar systems (they are likely multiple times that (we only know the observable part)). even a probability near the planck constant would net a result of ~1 in total.

and we already know "aliens" can exit in a solar system; it's us; it doesn't even look that bizzare since at least a couple of other places in the same system were almost -earths and we can almost reproduce it in a lab.

>> No.15764076

because there are at least 1-trillion-trillion permutations of solar systems (they are likely multiple times that (we only know the observable part)). even a probability near the planck constant would net a result of ~1 in total.
and we already know "aliens" can exist in a solar system; it's us; it doesn't even look that bizzare since at least a couple of other places in the same system were almost -earths and we can almost reproduce it in a lab.

>> No.15764080

Giving yourself 10^20 extra rolls on a 10^37 chance doesn't actually improve your odds. You could have said they will exist but that's not nearly as interesting.

>> No.15764087

For all I or anyone knows, the conditions that resulted in life on Earth were a one-off. Prove otherwise.

>> No.15764090

you missed the point that it's only the observable part that has 1-trillion-trillion so they are likely multiple times that.

also the burden of proof is on you on the low probability "for earth" to exist, since we almost had 2 to 4 other earths just on this 1 single solar system alone lol.. and we are 60%+ there to reproducing life in a lab in an evening lol..

>> No.15764094
File: 207 KB, 944x1066, not so fast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the deleted post btw.

>> No.15764095

at least 2 or 4 other places just on this 1 solar system almost became "earths", and we can already reproduce ~60% of what kickstarts life in an evening in a lab.

now consider that are the trillions of trillions of solar systems to try lol..

>> No.15764100

Still waiting for your proof.

>> No.15764103

the burden of proof is on you. you have the delusion the probability for us to exist is approximately 0,

when at least 2 or 3 other random rocks around here almost became earth lol.. and we haven't even looked closely to even 1 other solar system out of trillions of trillions lol..

>> No.15764106

>the burden of proof is on you
I'm not claiming anything. You're claiming that aliens are certain to exist therefore it's on you to refute possibilities that contradict your fantasy.

>at least 2 or 3 other random rocks around here almost became earth
So? Who said it's enough for a planet to merely be earthlike?

>> No.15764112

you don't get burden of proof kid. if I claim the earth is round it's still your burden if you sarcastically ask from me to prove it (it's not about "who said it first" like children whining to their mom (it's about who makes the extraordinary claim and who didn't)).

"earthlike" is an irrelevant vague concept; we can already reproduce part of what kickstarted life (very easily); the chemistry is known and the laws of physics are the same in the universe.

>> No.15764114

Ok. I see that you suffer from a literal mental illness.

>> No.15764115

k kid. keep being a religious lunatic, who has the delusion earth has a probability of ~0 to exist when it has already been hit by multiple cosmic disasters so it's not even that lucky lol..

>> No.15764117

>the mental patient starts screeching about religious boogeymen and imagining statements no one made
Yep, I called it. This one is not ok in the head.

>> No.15764119

sorry kid but it's literally religious lunacy. even the planck constant would net a probability of ~1 with permutations of solar systems in the trillions of trillions.

it's just that you morons can't get over the fact "your are special" little bitches of your little god.

>> No.15764121

I am still awaiting the proof that life is rare.
You assert life is astronomically rare, yet don't provide any proof that it is.

>> No.15764123 [DELETED] 

Mental illness thread.

>> No.15764124 [DELETED] 

> I can only see a tiny part of 1 tiny part of 1 single solar systems
> yet I know for sure earth is very special.

go back to church boi.

>> No.15764133

wait till they learn about "radio signals" that would "definitely have proven aliens exist by now" that science-fiction writers convince them about.
they are literally noise before they even reach alpha centauri even with the strongest directional antenna possible lol..

science-fiction is a big culprit of normies having very low horizons about this (with exceptions like the three-body trilogy).

>> No.15764151 [DELETED] 

people who are unable to differentiate between fictional entertainment and reality have IQs below 95, but greater than 80. below 80 they can't understand the movie well enough to retain concepts from it.

>> No.15764163 [DELETED] 

you are stupid. hollywood is the main culprit that made you stupid. they fed you the delusion radio signals are enough to be sure if there are aliens; let me tell when radio signals become pure noise even the strongest directional antenna possible; right next door at alpha centauri lol..

>> No.15764164

you are stupid. hollywood is the main culprit that made you stupid. they fed you the delusion radio signals are enough to be sure if there are aliens; let me tell where radio signals become pure noise even with the strongest directional antenna possible; right next door at alpha centauri lol..

>> No.15764168

*before alpha centauri. normies have no clue how blind we are. we barely know what is on a planet next door lol..

>> No.15764193
File: 280 KB, 730x477, Monolith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>civilization attains AI
>AI bootstraps technology so biological organisms rapidly develop virtual equivalents
>virtual beings rapidly propagate to nearby star systems because they travel much lighter and without all the biological hindrances of food, air, gravity, etc.
>no need for hindrances, no need for "habitable" worlds
>(although they may occasionally create biological colonies for grins and giggles)
>they communicate with each other via targeted laser or pulsed neutrinos, which is why it's nearly impossible for SETI to "listen in"
>eventually encounter other civilizations that have either gone through an identical development or haven't (us)
>developed civilizations merge into an ever growing alliance
>developing are allowed to reach AI/virtual status without interference ("Prime Directive")
I think that should bring you up to date on what's going on.

>> No.15764210 [DELETED] 

>right next door at alpha centauri lol..

>> No.15764275

Are you saying humanity can't Dyson Swarm/Sphere a star after millions of years? If you aren't making that claim then why don't we see large patches of the space emitting all its energy as points of infrared light?

>> No.15764420

The scale of the galaxy is not really an argument if we don't know the other probabilities. Our star is a relatively rare kind, and it's becoming clear that our particular kind of solar system is also one if the rarest possible kinds, so already with those two conditions you've got a probability of like 1/10000 per star assuming that's all you need for civilization to arise. Spoiler alert, the probabilities of a civilization spawning biosphere on a planet are infinitesimally small.

>> No.15764425

, >>15764275
>we see large patches of the space emitting all its energy as points of infrared light?
What does this mean

>> No.15764439

Why do retards obsess over the idea of extraterrestrial life? Even if it's real the distances are so massive any life that may be out there simply doesn't exist in the practical sense. What is the point of pondering this shit?

>> No.15764446 [DELETED] 

it means comic book brains have their head filled with stupid ideas and they don't study real science because they're too dumb and lazy to learn even the basics.

>> No.15764449

Can atheist please stop with the incessant cope regarding aliens?

Abiogenesis is a fiction. All your probabilistic claims rely on unsupported and fraudulent axioms, nullifying your cope entirely. No, we aren't "almost reproducing it in a lab".

And yes, the "UFO / alien" phenomena is a charade conceived by the US govt in order to retain plausibility deniability and deflection concerning downed / spotted craft. See Roswell, NM.

Bob Lazar was instrumental in furthering this agenda. Do you seriously think the intelligence community would be so retarded as to erase the "school records" of a whistleblower while leaving traces of that undeniably show the contrary?


>> No.15764452
File: 37 KB, 600x800, 0ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahhrrrrgg!!! We must be alone because there's no sci-fi space ships on my front lawn!!
>Where are all the heckin comicbook green humanoid aliens???? Where are all my blue squid mommies like in the video game!?!??
>aliens build Basedson Spheres. b-b-b-because my fantasy novel said so!!!!
>Aliens can't be out there because they aren't like my sci-fi!!!

>> No.15764467

Type 2 and K3 civilizations would have a noticeable affect on the light emanating from the stars they orbit. They wouldn't have to travel faster than light for us to see the affect they have had over billions of years. They would convert the light of the patch of sky into infrared radiation. We have not found such otherwise unexplainable infrared blobs.

>> No.15764475

>barely evidence for even trace amounts of amino acids and a single RNA nucleobase, despite dozens of surface sample surveys on various bodies, even though the Earth should be spewing these compounds across the solar system
So, at best, with our known data, the chance of even just RNA existing on a given large body is 1/750. So you need to factor in the chances of that being scaled up to DNA, to small proteins, to molecular motors, to bacteria, to eukaryotes, to multicellular organisms, to tiny, to small, to medium, to large sized creatrues, then, out of all of those large creatures, you have to factor in the chance of them developing at least human level intelligence. How many large species have existed on earth? 10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000? Who the fuck knows, there has almost certainly only been one that has been space faring though.
Giving you every benefit possible, let's say the probability factor for each jump in life complexity listed above is just 100, with the last jump being only 10,000, this gives us: 1/750*(100^10)*(10,000) = 1.333e-27. You should fucking realize how much leeway you are being given in this estimation. This is all assuming that our set of bodies have at least relatively similar chemical makeups, radiation densities, stability and longevity as the solar system (which 99.9999999999% don't).

>> No.15764476

Where are they? Just as likely God could be floating out there too you know...

>> No.15764540

Okay, I'll humor you.
Your post has no picture.
>>barely evidence for even trace amounts of amino acids
A 0.2s Google search away, checking multiple sources. And I now know amino acids have been observed just about everywhere in space, from free-floating in space lightyears away, to moon soil samples, to meteorite samples.
After that, I can safely discard your estimate and stop reading there. The rest is bound to be ignorant rubbish.

>> No.15764609

you're stupid. alpha centauri is literally next door in this context.
it's in the same tiny part of 1 single galaxy and the universe has billions of ..galaxies at least lol..

>> No.15764612

a) we are not certain a dyson sphere is possible and all of us "aliens"/earthers share the same physics
b) we don't know if a dyson sphere is even the most optimal solution
c) it might be undetectable naturally / or hidden (dark forest theory)

>> No.15764615

dividing stuff by 1000 is not that brutal in this context. the solar systems are a trillion multiplied by another trillion, and it's probably multiplied by another big number because this confirmed number is only from the observable part.

>> No.15764617

you are the retard who can't read. the very end of the OP text is saying that.
we'll never meet at least most of them (maybe a few if we are (very) lucky).

>> No.15764618 [DELETED] 

shut up church boi. we can already pretty much reproduce in an evening in a cheap lab ~60% of what makes the first life from purely inorganic material.

I mean fuck we have already observed part of the process in the random parts of the solar system and you retards have the delusion it's only earth lol..

>> No.15764620 [DELETED] 

shut up church boi. we can already pretty much reproduce in an evening in a cheap lab ~60% of what kickstarts list starting from purely inorganic material.
I mean fuck we have already observed part of the process in random parts of the solar system and you retards have the delusion it's only earth lol..

>> No.15764622

exactly. the irony is that popular sci-fi is what makes normies to limit their horizons. they keep feeding them the delusion "you'd surely know by now!" when we literally can not even send a radio signal to the nearest solar system lol.. before becoming pure noise.

>> No.15764626

>stability and longevity as the solar system
this assumption (implying we are "extremely unlikely" stable) is pure retardation. earth had extremely violent events with a rarity that doesn't appear that uncommon (mainly because space is mostly ..space).

even with those violent events life didn't give a shit so it's very doubtful that "extreme stability of the system" is required and what's mostly required is the initial conditions to have the appropriate chemistry and climate.

>> No.15764633

shut up church boi. we can already pretty much reproduce in an evening in a cheap lab ~60% of what kickstarts life starting from purely inorganic material.
I mean fuck we have already observed part of the process in random parts of the solar system and you retards have the delusion it's only earth lol..

>> No.15764639

>Where are they?
your brain is contaminated by the popular culture of sci-fi (ironically in this context), because you have the delusion "we'd surely know by now because ... because ... radio signals and stuff!".

we are genuinely purely blind in this context because we truly can not see clearly even to the nearest solar system in this tiny part of 1 galaxy and we're talking about at least billions of ..galaxies lol..

>> No.15764648

PS plus earth is not extremely late in this context, isn't the universe only ~twice the age of the earth?

in that context there are billions of years for advanced aliens to develop but also billions of light years of light travel to even observe anything..

>> No.15764752

Lol, if I had a nickel for every instance in which an atheists espoused this "we're pretty much already there, we can make X% of chemicals needed for life", I'd be rich.

Abiogenesis experiments have been done in which all of the chemicals theoretically needed for life have been involved in the experiment, in complete form. Guess what? Nothing happened. No life, no signs of life, and no observed potential pathway towards life, just as it is beyond the domains of our planet.

I'd suggest you stop deluding yourself and shed the hopeful reasoning, but I assume your philosophical stance is a result of emotional preference, and not a matter of logic and reason.

>> No.15764763

>plz don't continue research into abiogenesis! I'll have no fairytales left to believe!

>> No.15764768

Advanced aliens definitely exist with a probability of 1 because we are the advanced ayys and we will eventually spread throughout the galaxy

>> No.15764895

it's just religious lunacy. it's a universe with certain physics and we can already produce a large part of abiogenesis in a lab in a few minutes (we'll probably do the rest too soon but it's not that important).

I mean fuck what are you suggesting: that a "hand of god" did the rest for abiogenesis lol..... when it's obvious we're almost there without even trying much lol.. ?

>> No.15764897

that's true. we are a direct proof that "aliens" can exist. it's only a matter of probability per system and with so many disasters still keeping earth stable I doubt that probability is near 0 so with trillions of.. .. trillions of systems ..at least it's practically a joke to ponder if advanced-aliens exist (if we'll meet them (easily) is another problem..).

>> No.15764903

you're stupid. the technical problems are specific https://www.grisda.org/synthesizing-life-in-the-lab
nobody sane believes it can't be done.

>> No.15764989
File: 359 KB, 751x960, F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth is flat with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship Lucifer. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think there are gay space niggers from outer space out there.

>> No.15764991
File: 75 KB, 519x680, bluebeam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15765002

JEW detected

>> No.15765045

aliens outside the galaxy don't matter because we will never meet them, apart from perhaps andromeda. but even then we will need to gtfo to avoid the quazar which will happen when andromeda arrives. The number of stars in the galaxy is in the high billions, but its finite, and a miniscule fraction are capable of hosting a planet that can host a civilization. I only listed two of the most probable variables, the liklihood if a star like ours and the star having a solar system like ours are probably the most favourable probabilities in the whole set you need to create a civilization, and already its 1 in 10 thousand. That's not even mentioning the full list of requirements fir the star like existing in a goldilocks zone of star density and metallicity etc. When all the biology stuff is stacked on top it becomes clear that we could be the only civilization in the galaxy. Just look at the history of Earth, for starters the fact that it miraculously retained a liveable temperature for its entire history despite the growing luminosity of the sun. Its so improbable it begins to feel like grand design.

>> No.15765153
File: 33 KB, 586x578, 20ddxfaz1ws21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trillion sounds big number

Brainlet doesn't realize that any arbitrarily big number of events doesn't make a probabilty greater than any arbitrarily small number (necessarily).

>> No.15765210

the op thesis is irrelevant to meeting them. I claim the probability is high for them to exist and I conclude by mentioning the light speed limit is brutal.

I doubt if even in the SAME galaxy it's easy to meet them considering we literally can't even send radio to alpha centauri before turning to noise lol..

>> No.15765216 [DELETED] 

you're stupid. yes a finite number of solar systems would be irrelevant if the probability for each system was approaching 0,

but here:
a) it's at least 1 trillion-trillion solar systems that means even 0.0000000000001 probability would turn the total to ~1.
b) it's probably way more likely than we think (mainly because of religion) since even just this 1 solar system has at 2 or 3 other places that almost-became-earth
c) the permutations of systems are probably multiple times that since I only mentioned what is in the observable part..

>> No.15765222

you're stupid. yes a finite number of solar systems would be irrelevant if the probability for each system was approaching 0,
but here:
a) it's at least 1 trillion-trillion solar systems that means even 0.0000000000001 probability (and more zeroes(I can't be arsed now for the exact number)) would turn the total to ~1.
b) it's probably way more likely than we think (blame religion) since even just this 1 solar system has at least 2 or 3 other places that almost-became-earth
c) the permutations of systems are probably multiple times that since I only mentioned what is in the observable part..

>> No.15765560
File: 65 KB, 500x650, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody I don't like is a jew