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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15755685 No.15755685 [Reply] [Original]

>This confuses and enrages the intellectlet

>> No.15755728

+2x +6x +1 +6
)= 84

Cope Seethe, Frustrate & Dilate

>> No.15755861


>> No.15755880

this looks like some fag shit, is your math prof a tranny?

>> No.15755928

Prove me where i went south
I did multiplications first like i was told by muh techer

>> No.15755937
File: 49 KB, 720x707, 8fc34ab4b8768dfb756df595dbfc8fd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order-of-operations problem

>> No.15756039

Not gonna solve this 1st grader problem for you. Review basic arithmetic.

And yet most of /sci/ can't do it. Sad! Many such cases!

>> No.15756058

how about you just use parentheses like a grownup

>> No.15756090

>I need parentheses to know which operation to do first
Pathetic. Into the bad thinkers pile you go.

>> No.15756096

cope, you're just afraid to use parentheses because you always fuck up matching them

>> No.15756102

>Not gonna solve this 1st grader problem for you
not asking to solve it, im asking to show where i oopsied

>> No.15756110

>can't solve a first grader problem
Yeah, "cope."

>> No.15756113


>> No.15756119

I dont remember asking url's

>> No.15756122

I am not going to educate you further. You've been replying to this thread all day with ad hominem attacks, appeals to authority, appeals to tradition, and non sequiturs while shitting up reasonable thought. You can't solve the problem because you lack the brain power to comprehend it. If you want me to teach you how to do 1st grader arithmetic, you're gonna have to pay me, and I charge $300/hr for private tutoring, minimum 2 hours.

>> No.15756128

Don't be so hard on yourself, parenthesis matching is easy but you don't learn it that early

>> No.15756132


>> No.15756134

There is zero confusion as long as everyone agrees on the order of precedence.

>> No.15756138

>I am not going to educate you further.
All you said that it was incorrect, prove your statement

>> No.15756150

>Providing feedback on whether an answer or correct or incorrect is not education.
I don't have to "prove" anything; what you've proven to me is that you're unable to tackle 1st grader math problems. The burden of proof is on YOU to come up with the right answer, which will be verified by "Correct" or "Incorrect."

My thread, my rules. Don't like it? Leave.

>> No.15756161

>The burden of proof is on YOU to come up with the right answer
Yes, im destined to come up with an answer that alligns with yours
Holy fuck my bad

>> No.15756175
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straight from jewgle

>> No.15756197

You sure?

>> No.15756473
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The real answer is 38, since convention has it that this equation should be written as (2(1)+6)6 in order to equal 48, which it is not, but as I won't be returning to this thread, I've humoured OP.

>> No.15756695


>> No.15756702

Time to start proving or you are incorrect

>> No.15756793

Rule is multiplication is done before addition or subtraction.
otherwise left to right

>> No.15756829

This. I second 38.

>> No.15756834

I learned how to do this in elementary school

You use order of operations which means you go left to right but things have precedence

Parenthesis have the highest precedence
X then divide. And in the order of left to right
+ -


I hope it's 38

>> No.15756912

It is 38, don't let retards pull their pilpuls

>> No.15757332

This is what we learned in elementary school: Multiplication and division comes before addition and subtraction. Thus 2 * 1 + 6 * 6 = (2 * 1) + (6 * 6) = 2 + 36 = 38.
Anybody who doesn't know this must have slept through grades 1 and 2 of elementary school.