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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15753985 No.15753985 [Reply] [Original]

What is the biggest COPE in science? Some candidates:

>many worlds
>dark matter

What else?

>> No.15753988

Real numbers existing.

>> No.15754014
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all of it

>> No.15754017

That OP's opinion matters.

>> No.15754036


Go on. Define existence.

>> No.15754074 [DELETED] 
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the absolute biggest cope in science is
>scientists are smart and high iq
one or two scientists do something smart 100 years ago and every unproductive failure scientist on the planet, millions of them, all claim credit for the one smart guy's deed without even thinking about it
but when nasa loses a mars probe because they can't do a unit conversion then suddenly the scientists stop claiming credit for other scientists' work.
you don't see bicycle mechanics going around saying their brilliant geniuses because bicycle mechanics invented the airplane, you don't see portrait artists claiming intellectual superiority because one of their own invented the telegraph, neither of those groups have the psychological need to lie about how intelligent they are, but scientists do.
>hey guys, one scientist was arrested for fucking a dog
>that means all scientists fuck dogs

>> No.15754132

manmade global warming.

>> No.15754160
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Impact factor

>> No.15754244

superdeterminism isn't a cope, it's correct.

>> No.15754256

String theory

>> No.15754470



>muh hidden variables

What a GARBAGE theory

>> No.15754480

It's unfalsifiable.

>> No.15754519

>It's unfalsifiable.
which means it isn't science

>> No.15754555
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>the absolute biggest cope in science is
>>scientists are smart and high iq
especially ever since they let all the women in

>> No.15754559

no it's unfalsifiable science
this is departure from the science you've grown to know and love
it is unfalsifiable science is to science
what quantum physics is to classical mechanics
it is a paradigm shift
get used to it
if you can't get behind it, move out of the way for the smart people, the difference makers, the trailblazers, the revolutionists.
you've had your time, now let us have ours!

>> No.15754848


>> No.15754850

it's exactly as unfalsifiable as quantum mechanics. you can't test indeterminism either.

>> No.15755142


Because inventing a theory with zero evidentiary support is garbage. Might as well hypothesize that we're a brain in a vat. Same level of conjecture.

>> No.15755153

>Because inventing a theory with zero evidentiary support
you mean like quantum mechanics?

>> No.15755356

Actual best answer.

>> No.15755372

Everett, superdeterminism, RQM all reducd to Copenhagen anyways; since none of these effectively remove the measurement postulate from QM, all are equally pointless for describing observations made by measuring physical systems (which is, you know, the entire purpose of physics...no big deal!), thus shut up and calculate (i.e. Copenhagen).

>> No.15755375

Funny joke.

>> No.15755379

I hypothesize that beneath the Planck scale, everything is just little photos of me doing your mom

>> No.15755385

>Everett, superdeterminism, RQM all reducd to Copenhagen anyways

>> No.15755765


So you disagree with the observed phenomenon based on what?

>> No.15756182


>> No.15756996


>> No.15757020

gravitational singularities

>> No.15758907

Is "dark matter" sort of like the Heisenberg Compensator on the Star Trek TNG transporter, about which, when quizzed on how it works, the production designer answered "very well, thank you!" ?

>> No.15758940



>> No.15759319

the theory of gravity

>> No.15760941 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15760974

Both determinism and indeterminism are falsifiable.
To falsify a non deterministic theory, you construct a deterministic mathematical model/theory that you can then use to predict with 100% accuracy what is going to happen to the particle (i.e. you can predict with 100% accuracy when a proton decays or which slit the particle goes through). This would falsify non determinism.
To falsify a deterministic model, you produce a counter example that can not be predicted using that model. This would falsify the deterministic model.

As it is now, there is no deterministic model to explain quantum mechanics, but it is in principle falsifiable. Thus the scientific position is that determinism is false and the universe is not deterministic.

>> No.15761013 [DELETED] 


>> No.15761028

There is nothing in that post that is word salad. Non determinism is the currently accepted scientific position. Sorry that you're not a scientist.

>> No.15761193


determinism =/= predictability

>> No.15761201

The scientific method.

Science is solar guided. Like a spider building it's web, humans conduct science. You don't have just one method, though experiment or elimination is common, doing an experiment is simple. You can do science on your own, you don't need to ledge anything or provide evidence to people like you're in court. What you're looking for is results via any method that discovers them.

It's a big academic con.

>> No.15761204

>you don't need to ledge anything or provide evidence to people
You do if you want people to believe you didn't just pull something out of your ass. >>>/b/ is more your board.

>> No.15761207

This isn't church. I'm not looking for attention. Chances are, if I discover a new tech, I'll build it and sell it. Or use it, if it's a super advanced retard repellant, on you.

>> No.15761208


>> No.15761264

>many worlds
Isn't this more of an anti-cope or am I misunderstanding what we're coping with here? Many worlds is downright horrific in its implications.

>> No.15761271

>Many worlds is downright horrific in its implications.
what are you going to do? cry about it?

>> No.15761292


>> No.15761307

Believe COPEnhagen instead.

>> No.15761310

>Many worlds is downright horrific in its implications.

>> No.15761325


>> No.15761332

chud pls

>> No.15761336


>> No.15761337

Then why aren't objects floating around me retard

>> No.15761339

Nothing whatsoever matters and is all inevitable and one of infinite minute variations of the same event except with an opposite spin particle in a distant galaxy as well as infinite versions where something different happened. If you murder someone in many worlds, well, you did that in infinite other worlds, but you also didn't do it in infinite other worlds, for example.

>> No.15761460

who said that they exist retard, mathematics is made up

>> No.15761462


They Invented it to save their stupid theory

>> No.15761464


One, you quoted the wrong person. Two, all natural law is a mental construction.

>> No.15761472

i'm so sorry that you're clinically retarded

>> No.15761507
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>What is the biggest COPE in science? Some candidates:

All humans are equally intelligent.

>> No.15762178 [DELETED] 
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>you don't see bicycle mechanics going around saying their brilliant geniuses because bicycle mechanics invented the airplane.
they should do that
and start calling each other "doctor"

>> No.15762188

got to be mathematical platonism

>> No.15762445

>nigeria, uganda, sierra leone all have higher IQs than north africa
What's going on here?

>> No.15762551
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String theory is pretty valid

>> No.15762742

No it isn't

>> No.15762834

cry about it

>> No.15762887

Math is real and the laws of nature are real. Cry about it.

>> No.15762963

maths is real insofar as psychological constructions are real, yes. i'm glad we agree

>> No.15762971

Nope. Math is real because quantity is real. It is not contingent on mental constructs. Quite the opposite, mental states are mathematical constructs.

>> No.15762976

the concept of quantity is a mental construct. the natural numbers are an abstraction of our experience with discrete objects; the real numbers are an abstraction of our experience with measurement, andsoforth. but these are all psychological constructions, things we invent to describe what we experience

>> No.15762981

>the concept of quantity is a mental construct
Nope. Quantity is real and not a mental construction. We use our mind to understand quantity. Doesn't make quantity contingent on a mind. The opposite, the mind is contingent on quantity.

>> No.15764096

uninformed midwits discussing science on 4chan boards instead of actually doing it

>> No.15764315

Which one?

>> No.15764893

string theory is gay as fuck


no thanks, sticking to logic

>> No.15764904

link me a study that said that

>> No.15765195


Guys. The truth is both. Math is made up in the mind, but the mind is the only thing that is "real." You're both right. Read Kant.

>> No.15765200

This but realising that IQ is a midwit concept.

>> No.15765234

The Axis of Evil in cosmology. Look into it.

>> No.15766189

Dark matter definitely is. It's just an excuse for 'our model is wrong,' and 'a magical form of matter that conveniently gets to ignore certain laws of matter' is easier than 'our understanding of gravity is wrong and needs to be replaced.'

Many worlds isn't science, it's just some weird bit of fantasy fiction. It makes no predictions, it can't be tested. Useless.

>> No.15766195 [DELETED] 

correct, thats why they have to lie about being intelligent, if they were legitimately as intelligent as they all claim they are then they would have something to show for that intelligence

>> No.15766203

>Get IQmogged by some chad
>He does literally everything faster and better than me
>For some reason though, he lives his life differently than me?
>Says the things I do and value are objectively worthless!?
>While he's assembling Exodia with his life, I'm furiously hustling to win Uno!

Yeah these high IQ copers never show me their superiority in the things that I care about! That means I win!

>> No.15766219

Chad is never going to fuck you and he isn't even going to exist in a few years when we begin to genetically modify humans.

>> No.15766228

This. Even Steven Pinker carefully admitted we're not equal. Only Bill Nye tier """scientists""" say there's no evidence

>> No.15766238
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>link me a study that said that

Exact opposite, find **ANY** standardized IQ test that shows ZERO racial differences.

>> No.15766241
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"Broken System"

>> No.15766269
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NONE of the top 100 universities in the world are in Africa.
NONE of the world's top 500 largest companies are in Africa.

>> No.15766315
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Think again m8

>> No.15766317

the greatest cope is the most accurate description

>> No.15766324

mrna "vaccines"

>> No.15766969

nerds think life is an rpg and presume that they since they didn't get blessed with athleticism or charisma then they must get extra bonus points elsewhere.
they happily disregard the theory of evolution they profess belief in when it comes to self assessment
its all a massive cope.
evolution dictates that some members of every species will be the ones with bad genetics

>> No.15767003

"infinite universe"

> mfw Zeno's paradox proves the universe is finite

>> No.15767428

>evolution dictates that some members of every species will be the ones with bad genetics
You're such a member

>> No.15767443

Dark matter does exist though. All attempts at MOND failed real world examples.
Dark energy also exists.

>> No.15767448

So you believe the universe conspires to trick observers? The absolute state of jewtube retards.
Dark matter just describes a type of matter that is even harder to detect than neutrinos but which must exist.

>> No.15767452

>It's just an excuse for 'our model is wrong,'
The other theory aka modified gravity has been debunked too many times to be a serious contender anymore.
>and 'a magical form of matter that conveniently gets to ignore certain laws of matter'
How is it any more magical than neutrinos you fucking retard?

>> No.15767520

you made the claim bruh, you know how it works

>> No.15767521


>determinism is a cope

u wot mate? it's the free will "i earned my life" "personal responsibility" cucks who are coping. and hard.

>> No.15767578

Considering randomness seemingly exists and is local (spanning billions of light years) hidden variables have been debunked, determism isn't a real thing in our universe. Whether that means free will is real or not is unknown.

>> No.15767579

>dark matter

As a layman isn't this shit just some made up force so the existing equations add up?

Like if I claimed 2 + 2 = 5 because you also have to add the dark 1 as well

>> No.15767604

We can observe that our universe behaves in a way that indicates there's more matter than what we can actually see. To explain that, two major theories have emerged to explain that phenomenon: dark matter (aka hard to detect matter) and MOND (aka gravity acts differently on large scales). MOND has so far failed to account for several real world examples of galaxies while dark matter has been consistent with all real world examples so far which indicates that there really is a form of matter that exists and is hard to detect, even harder that neutrinos.

>> No.15767968

>randomness seemingly exists
a seeming is not proof of anything. anyway, randomness does not seem to exist anymore than it seems not to exist. there is no evidence for or against it, because it's impossible to test for it.

>hidden variables have been debunked
no they haven't.

>> No.15767990

>a seeming is not proof of anything.
Determinism doesn't exist locally tho, that much is proven.
> anyway, randomness does not seem to exist anymore than it seems not to exist.
That's your opinion but actual physics indicates it either exists or hidden variables are global (i.e. the universe conspires to trick us).
>because it's impossible to test for it.
It's reasonable enough to believe it does exist.
>no they haven't.
Locally they have been debunked.

>> No.15768025

>Determinism doesn't exist locally tho, that much is proven.
no it isn't, lol. nonlocality has NOT been proven, by any bell test, or any other kind of experiment.

"One merely has to note that measuring violations of Bell's inequality, no matter how entertaining the experimental setup, cannot tell us which of the assumptions to the theorem were violated."

(source: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphy.2020.00139/full))

>> No.15768037

They keep trying to push the whole "Dinosaurs actually had feathers!" thing, but if you actually look at the list, it's a bunch of stuff like the Chingchongasaurus discovered in 2019 and the Qiaoxiuiuiu Xinjiangius discovered in 2020
Chinese lie about everything else, I bet they're trying to ruin dinosaurs too

>> No.15769123

Dark Matter/Dark Energy is a magic number that gets trotted out whenever some behavior of the universe does not fit general relativity. Because no one has come up with a better idea than general relativity, magical matter is still an object of earnest search.

As more observed phenomenon conflict even with dark matter/dark energy handwaving, it becomes increasingly likely that general relativity is just wrong, but no one's even close to presenting a superior broadly-applicable replacement. I assume for experts it's pretty frustrating to be stuck between searching for something that almost certainly doesn't exist and trying to replace a theory that seems largely irreplaceable.

>> No.15769126

Good thing it's basically just something a pothead came up with on a couch and isn't relevant to serious people anywhere outside of fiction.

>> No.15769129

I'd say a bigger cope is that there isn't clear speciation within homo sapiens. Those lines are not necessarily where we might draw them, but they're definitely there and speciation has happened more quickly in similarly complex species besides humans.

>> No.15769133

Because it has never been directly observed despite the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of man-hours, decades of attempts, god knows how much energy, all while being (allegedly) the vast majority of matter in the universe, found everywhere.

Neutrinos have been directly observed. Even a black hole has been observed more directly than dark matter despite being, by definition, impossible to directly observed. You just need to produce one (1) directly-observed dark matter particle. Until then it's fairy dust, it's God, it's 'trust me bro.'

>> No.15769163
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>unified theory
>quantum computing
>fusion power
>green energy

>> No.15769659 [DELETED] 

add "ethics" to that list. every scientists has their price, its often extremely cheap

>> No.15769697

kek what a retard
stick a fork in the wall socket bro

>> No.15769922

Existence doesn't exist. Non-existent abstractions (like "gravity", "force" (as a noun), etc., which "physics" is riddled with) are usually of verbs or adjectives, in this case of the verb exist, which means located measurably distant from from the tree in my front garden.

>> No.15770235

Just as soon as you produce one (1) particle of directly-observed dark matter. I'm not too worried about that happening though, lol.

>> No.15770243

>Real Life
>Intelligence is a natural trait (it’s beamed)
>0/0 is undefined

>> No.15770472

>what is consciousness

>> No.15770507

>just as soon as you produce dry water bro
yeah dw about it lmao

>> No.15770514

Physicalism/materialism is a massive cope that some peoploids are less than human and born as lesser animals. If you don't have a self-evident component of your identity that exists in the mental plane then you are a less than human automaton.

>> No.15770516

Racism is not permitted outside of /b/. Read the rules.

>> No.15770535

two words: wave function collapse

>> No.15770617

Cool, keep believing in magic.

>> No.15771024 [DELETED] 

>dry water
its called ice

>> No.15771787

vapor is dry until it condenses

>> No.15773018

the big bang
biggest soience atheist cope of all time

>> No.15773221
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The refusal to look into NDEs.

But NDEs are actually solid proof of life after death, because anyone can have them if they come close to and survive death. And they are so extremely real to those who have them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

As this NDEr described their NDE:

>"Now, what heaven looks like? 'OMG' doesn't even describe how beautiful this place is. Heaven is, there are no words. I mean, I could sit here and just not say anything and just cry, and that would be what heaven looks like. There are mountains of beauty, there are things in this realm, you can't even describe how beautiful this place is. There are colors you can't even imagine, there are sounds you can't even create. There are beauties upon this world that you think are beautiful here. Amplify it over there times a billion. There are, it's incredibly beautiful, there's no words to describe how beautiful this place is, it's incredibly gorgeous."

And importantly, even dogmatic skeptics have this reaction, because the NDE convinces everyone:

So anyone would be convinced if they had an NDE, we already know this, no one's skepticism is unique.

>> No.15773767 [DELETED] 

science itself is a cope for know-it-alls with severe personality disorders. thats why science nerds all also have such tremendous difficulty socializing. they even go to the length of abusing science to make up "scientific" reasons that excuse their social problems.

>> No.15773773
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Ikr. How do these people conclude that real numbers don't exist? I just can't fathom it.

>> No.15773777

I agree, Barkun

>> No.15773782

>studies finding
>records showing
>research suggesting
anything that doesn't say proves in a very direct manner.

>> No.15773803

For the love of god just go back

>> No.15773817

Some people say it's better than nothing but this is careless considering that means a waste of money.

>Have scientists considered evaluating how a method works first before starting the actual research so that the correlation is not vague?
Perhaps yes, perhaps no, it depends on the scientist.

Surely in the end, my take is we need a good foundation of math to conduct a research. What I mean "good foundation" in math, is to be really good at it with deep understanding and not just surface level. Deep understanding in math and its principles is necessary so we did not make conclusions that were "hanging on the air".

>> No.15773962

Determinism and co isn't science, just a philosophical thought experiment

>> No.15774152

indeterminism and co isn't science, just a philosophical thought experiment

>> No.15774212

>This would falsify non determinism.
no it would not.

>> No.15774438

And you would be correct
lol i seriously hope that wasn't a "gotcha" you wanted to do there

>> No.15774441

so nothing is science then, because determinism and indeterminism covers everything.

>> No.15774552

Incorrect, both views are impossible to prove or disprove thus completely detached of consequence and importance for our real material world.

>> No.15774556

Just insert determinism as an axiom into any science that dosn't need to operate on the quantum scale if that makes you feel better. No need to get autistic about determinism and indeterminism if you don't have to.

>> No.15774566

>completely detached of consequence and importance for our real material world

>just switch between them according to convenience
lazy and obviously wrong approach.

>> No.15774570

>wrong because it just is!
Compelling argument

>> No.15774575

all scientific theories are either deterministic or indeterministic. by throwing both of these out, you throw out all theories, existing ones and possible ones.

>> No.15774584

Define both of those shortly in your own words.

>> No.15774588

determinism - things could NOT have happened differently
indeterminism - things could have happened differently

>> No.15774596

>lazy and obviously wrong approach.
You don't understand what an axiom is, do you?

You also don't understand the concepts we are talking about, gotcha

>> No.15774597

In any experiment in which the result goes along any of the two views could also be said that the opposite view could have happened.

>> No.15774610

no - if the theory doesn't explicitly define things possibly happening differently, then it's automatically a deterministic theory. and if the theory attempts to permit both, then it has committed a simple contradiction, and is therefore a bunk theory.

>> No.15774636

don't talk to me about understanding when you genuinely believe that determinism is a property that could possibly vary at scale. lol

>> No.15774654

How are you certain?

>> No.15774662

i explained it. it's on you to refute what i said.

>> No.15774665

The job market for science graduates

>> No.15774677

Doesn't seem to me that you are certain, you are talking of "coulds" and "if" but that's nothing beyond conjecture when applied to any theory, any case could show the opposite end.

>> No.15774683

you're repeating the same point which i already refuted

>> No.15774695

>i already refuted
You didn't, you only spoke in hypotheticals.

>> No.15774714 [DELETED] 

>they even go to the length of abusing science to make up "scientific" reasons that excuse their social problems.
Yeah, the people who abuse science to claim that they have no control over or responsibility for how they act are just saying "I'm perfect and I refuse consider changing the way I behave, you must accept my repulsive personality and not complain about it" in a complicated way. Its pure self-centeredness.
We were better off when getting a psychiatric condition diagnosed meant being locked away isolated in a rubber room until you were willing to correct your behavior.

>> No.15774792

no. it's not a hypothetical, it's a fact that all theories (at least of physics) are either one or the other. so at minimum you are throwing out physics as a science entirely

>> No.15774817

How is that horrific at all?
That is like the opposite of horrific.

>> No.15774824

I don't see much of a reason to think that DE exists.

>> No.15774833

Why do people from different cultures have different NDEs?

>> No.15774938

What you fail to comprehend that its ultimately useless to derive whether some theory/practice is deterministic or not.

>> No.15774962

that depends on how you define 'useful'. new theories may lead to new technologies. anyway, the question can't be avoided when we're attempting to describe 'how the world works'.

>> No.15774974

Doesn't seem useful at all, both words are obfuscated ways of saying predictable and unpredictable and at their very absolutist definitions they both are unmeasurable and unfeasible even.

>> No.15774984

>both words are obfuscated ways of saying predictable and unpredictable
no, predictability has nothing to do with whether things 'could have been different'. they are 2 separate issues

>> No.15774988

There's no difference between both pair of concepts

>> No.15774990

predictability concerns whether we can know the future. in/determinism concerns whether the future is fixed or not

>> No.15774993

>whether the future is fixed or not
Impossible to know, impossible to prove and disprove and thus completely inconsequential to us.

>> No.15774995
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Where the dark matter particles?

>> No.15775001

this whole chain started because superdeterminism was described as a "cope". the main point is, it's not a cope any more so than standard quantum mechanics, which commits itself to the equally unfalsifiable view of indeterminism.

>> No.15775004

If its not cope then prove to me that these exist outside of a vague thought experiment, i think my previous post nailed exactly what i wanted to mean.

>> No.15775008

it can't be tested, as you said. so call it a cope, but know that if you don't think that quantum mechanics is equally a cope, that you are being inconsistent.

>> No.15775096
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sun holes

>> No.15775542 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15775604

The only difference is in the scale of information known.
If we knew almost everything there was to know about a scenario, then theoretically we could chart out the ordained deterministic pathway for the universe itself.

>> No.15775660

you have to go back.

>> No.15775747

well, i tried to explain it to you. all i can do

>> No.15775777 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 558x364, brainonscience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The globohomo space/physics model. All of it.
Without the constant censorship it would all fall apart.

>> No.15776770


>> No.15777039

>trying to ruin dinosaurs too
I think dinosaurs may have always been bullshit.

>> No.15777173

lol did your old image get banned for spamming

>> No.15777534

"peer reviewed" is a massive cope. they pretend it mean "officially true" but everyone knows what it really means is "nobody will ever read this tripe"

>> No.15778544

the absolute biggest cope in science is
>>>scientists are smart and high iq
yep, scientists are low paid low level losers. nerds aren't high iq, high iq people are successful

>> No.15778670

Globe earth

>> No.15779354 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15780570 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15780578

wow! can that cat eat all those hotdogs!
stick around to find out what happens next time on

>> No.15781231


>> No.15781284 [DELETED] 

Computer modeling:
>i programmed all of my preconceived notions into the computer
>lets see what happens
>looks like the computer affirmed and validated my preconceived notions
>wow, what an incredible surprise
>good thing i did this instead of a real experiment where i might've actually learned something

>> No.15781326
File: 230 KB, 2382x1899, Haplogroup_R1b_World.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


aryan invasion

>> No.15781501
File: 180 KB, 1440x1342, 1693269703519739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant believe there exist serious physicists who would believe such crap.

>> No.15782917
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, israel iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jewish IQ myth.
jews are low IQ, but they wish they were productive and inventive like whites so they try to mimic white behavior, but to no avail. its no different than the way black soience man tries to pretend to be a scientist, but the jews take it more seriously than the blacks do so the jews' cope is that much more cringe

>> No.15783843 [DELETED] 

>dry water
water ice and water vapor are both dry

>> No.15783890
File: 28 KB, 512x512, WHY AI FAILS 2023Mar27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15783899

the white jews are GOAT-tier
the arabs in israel are iran-tier

>> No.15784905 [DELETED] 

>white jews
no such thing

>> No.15784956

Some Jewish guy had to be the one to throw the coins into the fountain

>> No.15786284

The JWST sausage meme is hilarious, how come it triggers you and make you so angry? Does it upset you because it reminds you how gullible you are?

>> No.15787043
File: 292 KB, 1196x1016, M87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it /sci/'s best new meme since twum was first discovered.
delicious jwst om nom nom i love astronomy

>> No.15787081

Cause and effect enforce determinism.
The manner in which to prove indeterminism is to be able to go back in time and see if another result was possible, other than the result that happened.

Because it is impossible to go back in time, it should not be assumed that determinism is false.

Instead, it is strictly logical that determinism is true. It is a cope to think that determinism is false, because that would lend itself to the idea of free-will, which humans adore.

However, even if determinism is absolutely true, and even if it does technically negate free-will, it is surely not a sin to try to find some means to defeat determinism, as if the actual reality of determinism was a blight, and it is our job, as life, to find a mechanism to actually achieve true free-will.

But until something profound comes up, I will continue to understand that reality is deterministic. I simply hope that someday, determinism is actually defeated.

>> No.15787216

Big bang

Natural selection

>> No.15787233

The brain generating consciousness.

>> No.15787397

As in you have too many.

>> No.15788360 [DELETED] 


>> No.15788989 [DELETED] 

>especially ever since they let all the women in
its not just women, shitskins reduce the level of intellectual competition just as badly

>> No.15789043

>Cause and effect enforce determinism
wrong, it is cause alone

>it is impossible to go back in time
that is an assumption
>it should not be assumed that determinism is false
i assume you are a bot then, because you are claiming to not have any will
>it is strictly logical that determinism is true
you're a bot, an "ai", and npc. of course that is logical to you
>it is a cope to think that determinism is false
for a bot
>humans adore the idea of free-will
assumption that all people adore the idea of free-will, neglecting the obvious possibility that some despise and hold contempt for the gift of free-will and so try to explain it away or pretend like they don't have at least some free-will.
>i will continue to understand that reality is deterministic
ok hal

>> No.15789423

>Impact factor
This is the best post

>> No.15790511

look at all them sausages

>> No.15791080

"peer review" is synonymous with "midwits agree"

>> No.15792643

how about:
>I'm not interested in earning a substantial paycheck even though I went to school until I was 30 years old in order to get this job
>I'm only in it for the love of science
That incredibly common cope is one of the lamest of them all

>> No.15793018

These are both biblical narratives that were paraphrased as science narratives as a means of separating the goyims from their traditional belief systems

>> No.15793987

Uganda is high IQ, they have the death penalty for homosexuality there

>> No.15794114

Abiogenesis and macro evolution. Soon as you become truly educated on these two things you suddenly realise Atheism doesnt make sense and is just for people who want to fuck mens asses and do drugs.

>> No.15794117

Excellent bait. Possibly pants-on-head retarded, but I think this is bait.

>> No.15795027 [DELETED] 

>t. emotionally triggered atheist

>> No.15796190 [DELETED] 

>is just for people who want to fuck mens asses and do drugs.
Its also for people who want to tell lies and steal and murder

>> No.15797168

absolutely epic. how do the people who say that africans are low iq respond to this?

>> No.15798175

>hey goys, lets spend a trillion dollars on supercollliders, then we'll be able to figure out how atomic nuclei really work
decades later
>oy vey we still have no idea wtf is going in atomic nuclei!
>plz gibe moar reasearchbux welfare money for muh soiyence

>> No.15798193 [DELETED] 

>science is for discovery
>No it's information collecting
>Discovery for the information

>> No.15798509

string theory, all day long.
it's amazing how so many have spent so long to produce no prediction by which even to judge it.

>> No.15799797

string theory is up there, but its not a bigger cope than dark matter. the two might be equally cringe copes, along with abiogenesis

>> No.15800495

dark matter & abiogenesis are both clearly "magical thinking"
string theory is more like talmudic pilpul

>> No.15800697

you win this thread

>> No.15800767

Compatiblism is the biggest cope
>no, we can have free will in a universe of deterministic forces because... We just can! Okay?!

>> No.15801729 [DELETED] 

soviet means committee in russian

>> No.15802296 [DELETED] 

The infinity meme is the biggest of all copes

>> No.15803565 [DELETED] 

are you a negro?
if not, why are you bending over backwards to defend negroes? they hate baizuos

>> No.15803801

>What you're looking for is results via any method that discovers them.

That's the scientific method, dumbass.

>> No.15803897

isn't it weird how natural it seems to people to come up with it?

>> No.15803931

>this is bait

>> No.15804054

> 84 IQ
> high

>> No.15804106

everyone in this thread is so retarded

>> No.15804110


>> No.15804113

Just learn the difference between deterministic and determined

>> No.15804375

Numbers in general to be more precise.
>place some rocks on a table
A college math professor (Jew) will tell you those rocks for simply being next to each other now represent a so called "number" equal to the amount of the total quantity of rocks in said table.
>take on of those rocks off the table.
He will now tell you this magical abstract number just decreased by "one".
Did this so called number really changed did it pop out of existence and a new one appeared to replace it? This this happen inside our head or in another abstract concept in the universe?
Is this a ruse by the jew professor to keep himself employed with a large salary?

Are those numbers inside the room with right now?

>> No.15804393
File: 411 KB, 680x680, soyantimathmatician.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15804435

no difference.

>> No.15804845

current understanding of dark matter require string theory. cope reenforcing cope.

>> No.15804880

No it doesn't ?

>> No.15804882

Seems like you coping

>> No.15805115

Evolution. DNA can't add new information, it already has the all the info it needs and just loses parts of it to adapt to the environment.

>> No.15805136

>DNA can't add new information
Patently wrong.

>> No.15805297 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 840x822, 262-2621192_ck-food-cooking-png-wojak-fat-crying-rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blaming others for your failure is also low iq behaviour cumskin seether.
You should be among /pol tards.

>> No.15805298

Maths is not science you illiterate faggot

>> No.15805338

The existence of outer space in a physical form.

t.was working towards an astrophysicist degree since I fell for the black science man meme when I was in high school. Then I realized it’s all made up bullshit since Copernicus time. I won’t elaborate and I won’t argue with chickenhead pseudointellectuals

>> No.15806546 [DELETED] 


>> No.15806767

Top kek, Ted called it man

>> No.15806774

It claims all in the end, cells will die. Time will pass. Mould will grow. Iron will rust. It is a sobering cope.

>> No.15807837 [DELETED] 

>I fell for the black science man meme when I was in high school.
And that probably happened to you because you first fell for the jews' white guilt meme

>> No.15808465 [DELETED] 

Correct, black science man is an effective shill because he plays into the white guilt victim's desire to seem non racist.

>> No.15808539

Went from I will apply reasonable doubt, to I just wanna deny things am not willing to learn the explanation for myself

How does the transmission of a ford pinto works?

I don't know must be cope

>> No.15808545

>He doesn't know about brain:body ratio.
So, you're so smart because you can't think of "birds" and "cows" at the same time?

>> No.15809464

Why did this kot work all of his life to afford all of these hotdogs?
He can't eat them fast enough

>> No.15810151 [DELETED] 

emotionally triggered

>> No.15811300

Correct, black science man is an effective shill because he plays into the white guilt victim's desire to seem non racist.

>> No.15811393 [DELETED] 

Cats are bad at financial planning because they're low IQ

>> No.15811401

maths is subjective

>> No.15811475

If only you stayed with astronomy long enough to look through a telescope.

>> No.15811497

>quantum fluctuations

>> No.15811518

>irrational numbers
It’s all integers

>> No.15811893

What else could it be? If you don't have the proper budget for education, you aren't gonna end up with good intelligence

>> No.15813090 [DELETED] 

cosmology has to be the biggest cope in science in terms of sheer size

>> No.15813912

wavefunction collapse

>> No.15814691 [DELETED] 

>What is the biggest COPE in science?
evading the scientific method by presenting nondisprovable assertions as science

>> No.15814778

biology and anatomy for sure
it assumes we're actually thinking and alive, and not just automata or machines observing the events of time, yet utterly lacking control

>> No.15815597 [DELETED] 

>the infinity meme
a massive cope

>> No.15816332 [DELETED] 

>t. chickenhead pseudointellectual

>> No.15817213 [DELETED] 

>I'm gonna become a famous scientist and invent something important and win a big prize
>*actually ends up accomplishing nothing, publishes papers that nobody reads (not even the peer reviewers) and dies penniless*

>> No.15817779

that explains a lot

>> No.15817869

>many worlds

Actually the whole interpretation obsession is a cope against many worlds. Superdeterminism is just some variant of it (when stripped down from all the imagery and hype, manyworlds only says "there is no wave function collapse at all"; superD only says that among all the possible reality branches there is only a single one actually existing, and is shared by everybody's personal experience. It is strictly impossible to say who is right and who is wrong here).

>> No.15817879

Anything that asserts people are real.

>> No.15819075 [DELETED] 

>t. chickenhead pseudointellectual

>> No.15819867
File: 54 KB, 474x585, physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inventing ghosts to explain why you can't do your homework correctly is a particularly childish cope

>> No.15820881 [DELETED] 

you're supposed to mature past the solipsism stage when you're less than 2 years old

>> No.15822064 [DELETED] 

astronomers don't look through telescopes.

>> No.15822135

without thousands of pages from genetics studies and characteristics.

>> No.15822418


>> No.15822675 [DELETED] 

just because you get triggered by that pic doesn't mean that people are going to stop posting it. just grow up and learn to stop being such a crybaby, if you can do that then you won't have to get so angry and upset when you see a picture you don't like

>> No.15822686

that time is relative

>> No.15822688
File: 30 KB, 349x642, IMG_9326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe stop being an unoriginal, unfunny retard. Inb4 "I'm only pretending"

>> No.15823899

>stop being an unoriginal, unfunny retard
>t. I post 20 year old memes

>> No.15824312

>decide that the speed of light is the speedlimit
>measuring particles going faster than light
>quantum mechanics is random lul

>> No.15824510

South Africa was basically a world superpower with its own nukes back when white people were in control of the government. If they have no budget for education its because the government became a kleptocracy after nelson mandela took power and every member of the govt. lives in a palace and has a helicopter.
Also it wouldn't matter if they had the same level of education because they can't into advanced concepts practically, perhaps because they have not yet evolved the capability and are not equipped to run advanced modern institutions which require more than "lived experience".

>> No.15824688

>South Africa was basically a world superpower with its own nukes back when white people were in control of the government
They had nukes but virtually no money for schools and hospitals for the majority of its citizens just like present day North Korea.

>> No.15825304

you can't compare them to North Korea. People in NK had a lower quality of living than whites in Russia.
Whites in Russia had a lower quality of living than blacks under apartheid in South Africa.

>> No.15825693

The official king of South Africa’s Zulu tribe has announced that country was economically, militarily, and socially better under white Afrikaner rule—and that history will judge blacks as only having destroyed everything that they had inherited from the white government.

King Goodwill Zwelithini, who has been Zulu king since December 1971, made the remarks during a speech at an official royal household event in Nongoma, located in the northeastern part of the eastern seaboard province of KwaZulu-Natal, over the past weekend.

The event, held to mark his forty-fourth year on the Zulu throne, was reported on by the Natal Mercury newspaper.

King Zwelithini said the former white rulers of South Africa had “built a powerful government with the strongest economy and army on the continent.”

He went on to say that the white government had “a mighty army, and that the South African currency and economy had shot up” under the National Party government.

“But then,” he continued, “came this so-called democracy in which black people are destroying the gains of the past. The economy that we are now burning down.”

Addressing himself directly to black people, King Zwelethini said that “you do not want to build on what you had inherited. You are going to find yourselves on the wrong side of history.”

“History will judge black people harshly as they have failed to build on the successes of the Afrikaners,” he said, before continuing to explain that “black people loved to use matches to burn down infrastructure” built by the white government.

Below: Three photographs taken on December 7, in Johannesburg, South Africa. The country’s largest city is in the midst of a municipal workers’ strike, and part of their “protest” action consists of throwing the city’s trash into the streets.

>> No.15825695

King Zwelithini said that “people on the ground did not appreciate the infrastructure” which they had inherited from the white rulers, even though the ANC leaders themselves governed from the very buildings which the whites had created.
Referring specifically to the Union Buildings in Pretoria and the South African Parliament in Cape Town, King Zwelithini said that he was “surprised that all presidents who have been elected in this so-called democracy, occupy apartheid buildings.”

“But you on the ground, are burning everything that you found here. . . you don’t want to use them (buildings), you say this is apartheid infrastructure,” he said.

Finally, he informed his audience that he “feels lucky that I was born the same year the National Party came to power, in 1948. The Afrikaners respected me. I don’t know how it happened that the Afrikaners respect me so much.”

He also mentioned that at one of his palaces in Nongoma, he still had all the medals which the white government had awarded to his “kingdom,” marking out historical events and achievements of the Zulu people.

King Zwelithini’s comments come after a falling out with the ANC government—which he previously supported—over the reorganization and funding of his royal household.


>> No.15825775


Explain this one pls

>> No.15826366
File: 81 KB, 518x592, zulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Zulu kang

>> No.15827505

They're smart enough to ban homosexuality, which means they're smarter than western nations

>> No.15827761 [DELETED] 

nigger logic

>> No.15827777

He has a point. It's the midwit meme in real life. Really stupid people are naturally repulsed by certain things, and really smart people can articulate why they're bad. Only people in the middle can think themselves into loving what's bad for them.

>> No.15828057

The one that brought it up was a catholic priest though

>> No.15829090

the n word is racist

>> No.15830742
File: 71 KB, 908x539, smuggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what, priests aren't infallible or immune to the same kinds of delusions of grandiosity that atheists subject themselves to. you're an atheist yourself, you believe in atheist cosmology, why do have so much respect for the priests?

>> No.15831320

Zwelithini was the previous king of the Zulus, your picrel is Misuzulu, the current king. They're not all that different in temperament or beliefs, or in appearance, so its easy to confuse them

>> No.15831341
File: 394 KB, 422x562, 100 percent sweetie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once again, math has to do all the heavy lifting for our species

>> No.15832639

that pic
>you have to behave the way hollywood depicts people of your religion because that constitutes my entire understanding of your religion and I am utterly positive that the atheists and jews who run hollywood are absolute experts in Christianity.

>> No.15833868

denying the animal nature of humanity is a massive cope commonly popular with people who will never breed

>> No.15834960



>> No.15834965

>Read the incoherent blabbering of an actually autistic kraut

>> No.15834969

>incoherent blabbering

>> No.15834971

By that logic, only jews are experts on their religion, and all antisemitic stereotypes are wrong.

>> No.15835466

>dark matter has been consistent with all real world examples
This hasn't been true for years.

>> No.15836096 [DELETED] 

lol, good pic

>> No.15837021 [DELETED] 

Dark matter is very consistent, its always fake and its always a cope

>> No.15838416

and it always appears in exactly the right amount needed to compensate for the inevitably erroneous predictions of infallible saint einstein, the jew-god of the soiyentism atheists

>> No.15838843 [DELETED] 

Dark matter is a universal cure-all for inequalities.

>> No.15839542

>Ai will emerge and become cognizant in a Swedish laboratory

>> No.15839593

Always remember the female brain peaks at 11 and then shrinks. If women at 11 can't consent then no women can consent.
The only solution is to make sex with women illegal.

>> No.15839737

>There exists a moral conundrum in Ai
Their not using the word moral correctly.

>> No.15840377 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 600x600, aj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> only jews are experts on their religion, and all antisemitic stereotypes are wrong.

>> No.15841565 [DELETED] 

>95% of the universe is made of cope

>> No.15842328 [DELETED] 

Yes, thats why I got the new one

>> No.15843312

so you're saying that antisemitic stereotypes aren't inaccurate?

>> No.15844053

Yes, antisemitic stereotypes aren't inaccurate

>> No.15845131 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 891x980, the atheist power fantasy meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science is gonna make my comic book utopia come true

>> No.15845492 [DELETED] 

This 100%

>> No.15846046

>my comic book utopia
Its not yours, its a message that was fed to you by your jewish media masters.

>> No.15847064 [DELETED] 

jews depict themselves that way, they control the media that the jewish stereotypes come out of

>> No.15847792

lack of self awareness is a big tipoff of low iq

>> No.15849451
File: 1.86 MB, 1125x1260, comic book nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerds tend towards lack of self awareness because they're so repulsive that if they did develop self awareness they're probably kys.
Imagine you look in the mirror and you see picrel, what would you do?

>> No.15849472

photons are fake and gay, it's higher dimensional waves all the way down and our measuring tools are just shit

>> No.15849513
File: 45 KB, 697x500, TIMESAND___COVID2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest cope in science is trust.

>> No.15850803

Faith is meant to be reserved for God, humans outside of family are meant to be judged by their actions "know them from their fruits"
But if science is your god then you place faith in science, which is run by people. People commit sins, God does not.

>> No.15850921

i mean he’s already been married so he accomplished something most of the people on this board won’t. so probably just keep on keeping on?

>> No.15851446 [DELETED] 
File: 3.09 MB, 218x228, retarded gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine you look in the mirror and you see picrel, what would you do?

>> No.15852539

Its not that simple. Birds are disproportionately intelligent for their brain sizes because they have much smaller neurons so they can cram in more synapses per gram. But there is greater correlation between absolute brain size to intelligence then to just brain size to body size. If it was closer to brain size to body size, then ants, bees, wasps and other Apocrita would be the smartest. It would also mean that mouse is smarter then both whales and elephants.

>> No.15852546

>Look like pic related
>Still got married
Everyone but zoomers has zero excuse, they were handed pussy on a silver platter and wonder why zoomers are all depressed and addicted to copium

>> No.15853061

>I'm smart because I can repeat lies I that were shilled at me by Google, CNN & The Washington Post
seems to be an unfortunately popular cope on this board.

>> No.15854407

>cntrl + f “simulation”
What if this dream is a proofread simulation of your life. You died, it was because you either you stopped reading or you died haha reading.

>> No.15854458

thats the shareblue shills, they're not a naturally occurring phenomenon

>> No.15854471

>We are just stardust

>> No.15855385 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1125x930, soy vs goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15855516

just let this shit thread die already, it's been up for a fucking month. sick of seeing that ugly face in the op post

>> No.15855678 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 659x525, 38e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can predict with 100% accuracy when a proton decays
It decays when the computer code tells it too

>> No.15855682 [DELETED] 

I'm smart because I dont repeat lies that were shilled at me by Google, CNN & The Washington Post

Purely because of antisemitism though

>> No.15855689 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 691x658, 1699310167058063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything ELSE

>> No.15855955

>math is the language of the universe
What would be a swear in your universe?

>> No.15856004


>> No.15856866 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 600x600, aj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15857506 [DELETED] 


>> No.15858334 [DELETED] 

wow that pic really triggers you lol

>> No.15858515

Reliably replicate a simple kinematic experiment where you deterministically reproduce the state transitions to the angstrom. Good luck.

You've confused the map for the territory. The math working out in a more elegant fashion if all macro-physics is determinsitic is no guarantee of determinism.

>> No.15858948 [DELETED] 

thats a dead link, why did you post it?

>> No.15859486

the point is always to add new information retard, people evolve and change all the time until the environment cant affect the person

>> No.15859623

i already know that determinism cannot ever be proven by experiment. neither can indeterminism. it's a question that will never be settled by experiment.

i still believe in determinism. why? well, because i was determined to believe in it.

>> No.15859868 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1125x930, soy vs goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
