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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 90 KB, 1200x1200, 61sl7Y2qgUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15753873 No.15753873 [Reply] [Original]

>Endocrine disruptors are natural or man-made chemicals that may mimic or interfere with the body's hormones, known as the endocrine system

If this is true we're fucked. All these pollutants may be altering fetal development and change us for life in ways that are to subtle to measure. The effects could range from autism to sexual orientation, to who knows what

“Developmental exposure to low doses of EDCs may not lead to malformation or to anything you can look at and immediately recognize as a problem,” she says. “But it still could have long-term effects, such as alterations in metabolism, alterations causing cancer later on, or alterations causing infertility.”

Reproductive and developmental abnormalities linked to EDC exposures have now been documented in birds, frogs, seals, polar bears, marine mollusks, and dozens of other wildlife species. For example, alligators in Lake Apopka—one of Florida’s most polluted lakes due to extensive farming activities around the lake, the presence of a sewage treatment facility, and a major 1980 spill of pesticides including DDT and DDE—have been shown to have been “feminized.” That is, zoologist Louis J. Guillette, Jr., and colleagues first reported in the August 1994 EHP, the males have shortened penises and low levels of testosterone, while the females have excessive levels of estrogens.

Sex reversal (in which an animal of one sex matures with the reproductive organs and capabilities of the other sex) and skewed sex ratios (in which there is an unusually greater proportion of one sex than the other) have been seen in several fish populations, particularly colonies living in close proximity to pulp and paper mills and sewage treatment plants. Other reports have shown reproductive effects among wildlife resulting from exposure to EDCs excreted into the water supply by women taking birth control pills.

More: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1281309/

>> No.15753886

The only thing that can change your sexuality is being abused as a child.

>> No.15753897

Mercury Poisoning Makes Birds Act Homosexual

>These "male-male pairs did everything that a heterosexual pair would do," said study leader Peter Frederick, a wildlife ecologist at the University of Florida in Gainesville.

>"They built their nest, copulated together, stayed together on a nest for a month, even though there were no eggs—they did the whole nine yards."


This is not from some obscure right wing conspiracy blog. These are peer reviewed scientific studies, and pretty much no one is paying attention to this

>> No.15756051
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Everyone should've listened to Tyrone Hayes back then, but for whatever reason when a black scientist contradicts the corporate world's desires he suddenly stops being "OMG black scientists, so woke and super important!!!"

>> No.15756207

What is she saying?

>> No.15756248


Why aren't more people talking about this?? It's surreal.

>> No.15758053




>> No.15758223


>> No.15758227 [DELETED] 
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What did you think the troon epidemic is caused by? Why do you think they are striving to normalize it? Why do you think it's forbidden to acknowledge transgenderism as a disease and look for the causes and cures?

>> No.15758243

It's been talked about for 30 years.
Maybe you should have listened.

>> No.15758708

The vast majority of people are oblivious to how deep the rabbit hole goes

>> No.15759306

Yeah there's research about this
It's surreal

>> No.15759309

And porn addiction
Animals don't have the cognitive capability to understand what homosex is, they just do retarded shit

>> No.15759386 [DELETED] 
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shes saying don't ever expect science to discover a cure for cancer

>> No.15759807
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>> No.15760126

It's the lack of heavy metals. Read the actual study, the birds become less honosexual over time, in all groups but one.

Sex change is normal in some fishes, they really can change sex. The biggest fish around being the female, the second biggest one a male, and the rest eunuchs is a commin pattern. When one fish dies, the next biggest behind it changes sex accordingly.

>> No.15760862 [DELETED] 
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>the causes and cures
its self curing 41% of the time

>> No.15761673 [DELETED] 

Its amazing that Alex Jones is the only mainstream media personality who ever mentions the work of Tyrone Hayes, who should be, by far, the world's most famous black scientist.
Just goes to show you that the rest of the MSM doesn't really care about blacks at all no matter how much they say they do.

>> No.15761739

They dragged his name through the mud. He and other experimenting groups showed data that indicated harm, and because of EPA collusion with Syngenta, all of their work was discredited. Then the EPA had the fine idea of allowing Syngenta to form the experiment methods in a way that covered anything damaging.

>> No.15762207 [DELETED] 

He was literally gangstalked by ZOG and their coconspirators

>> No.15762252

viruses that modify the zygote do most of the damage

>> No.15762274

That's an extremely small period of time.

>> No.15762804

>Shut down a hypopituitary hormone axis
>Where did we go wrong?
I don't want to live on this earth anymore.

>> No.15762967

>Explanation of how something in your body works

>> No.15764584 [DELETED] 

i don't quite catch you're drift, are you saying we're back?

>> No.15765734

Another great vid

This will be one of the biggest problems that huamn civilization will face during this century. Sperm counts are declining by a whopping 1% each year

>> No.15766583

Did you miss the part where endocrine disruptors are unnatural and foreign to your body? Retard

>> No.15768772 [DELETED] 

we're back

>> No.15769391 [DELETED] 

and anime

>> No.15769770

Same people who are constantly expressing supposedly serious concern over CO2, which doesn't harm the environment in any way at all and actually helps it substantially, don't care even slightly about massive agricultural pollution that has a very pronounced negative impact on the environment

>> No.15769822

edcs do cause malformation, 100s of times more people are born with mild forms of hermaphrodism such as improper placement of the testacles in men

guys junk is sliding towards the asshole and it is because the chemicals are feminizing them

>> No.15769883

Did your father touch your poophole?

>> No.15769948

Look dude.
We are busy trying to solve CO2 so we don't fry up in a fire.
Pay no attention to literal poisons everywhere.

>> No.15770749

I was born with a mild form of hypospadias
>a birth defect in boys where the opening of the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body) is not located at the tip of the penis

It had to be corrected and the tip of my penis basically looks like the tip of a hot dog... I wonder if this endocrine disruptors had anything to do with it

>> No.15770952

It's possible. A friend of mine's son was born with something similar as well, but they had botched that poor kid's surgery. There's an increase in birth defects targeted on the reproductive organs because of them. I wonder what the impact is on the female reproductive system is, since that's not as easily observable from the exterior outside of a few features.

>> No.15771109

Damn. F for your friend

>Hypospadias has become much more common in the United States and Europe over the past 30 years

What a fucking surprise. Who knows how destructive these chemicals are and to what extent they're fucking up our bodies, including the brain.

>> No.15771155
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>> No.15771316

got a source for that?

>> No.15771343

i have a similar thing. double urethra, there is a second very small canal branching out near the frenulum. i also have mild scoliosis(i have noticed alot of my peers have this, the boomers not so much) and mild pectus excavatum. im very sure they are linked to enviromental pollutans or some deficiencies my mother had. luckily they dont bother me much but still fucked up to know that im a dysgenic freak lmao.

>> No.15771708

This is bigger than climate change

No one gives a fuck

>> No.15772978

global warming is fake af, environmental pollutants are real, but theres no profit in fixing the problem of environmental pollutants, meanwhile pretending to fix nonexistent global warming justifies massive amounts of government gibes for politically connected scammers like Paul Pelosi Jr so global warming is the only environmental issue thats ever addressed

>> No.15773194
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>> No.15773775 [DELETED] 

I wish I wash born 50 years earlier

>> No.15774818 [DELETED] 

Theres no corporate profits to be made by publicizing it even though its a real problem. Global warming is a massive moneymaker even though its a fake problem.
Publicity isn't free
Squeaky wheel gets the grease

>> No.15775411 [DELETED] 
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Heres an article about Tyron Hayes and the harassment that happened to him after he discovered that valuable corporate product were harming the environment.

>> No.15776716

Thats how science works these days

>> No.15777334

Not as bad as what happened to Kary Mullis, he was assassinated so that fake PCR tests could be used to find covid in everything.

>> No.15778449
File: 416 KB, 1x1, JohnClauserSaysGlobalWarmingIsFake.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is bigger than climate change, because global warming is a false narrative.

>> No.15778982

nothing is bigger than climate change except the nineteen eighty nine tiananmen square massacre

>> No.15779266

>I wonder what the impact is on the female reproductive system is
Early menarche, polycystic ovaries, infertility, endometriosis. All increasing in frequency rapidly

>> No.15779557

>polycystic ovaries, infertility
both big moneymakers for the medical community

>> No.15780912 [DELETED] 

On the other hand making people healthy causes doctors and their corporate bosses to lose money

>> No.15781167

I don't think there's a huge conspiracy to promote health issues. It's just a byproduct

Using plastics, pesticides etc everywhere is far too established and convenient

>> No.15782206

how come all of alex jones' "conspiracy theories" end up being real? has the guy ever been wrong?

>> No.15783010 [DELETED] 

Alex Jones is a religious man, so he always speaks the truth, that is why he is never wrong, its that simple.
>Thou shalt not lie
Follow that one simple rule and you will always be right

>> No.15784136 [DELETED] 

>I don't think there's a huge conspiracy to promote health issues. It's just a byproduct
sure, just because the medical industry is making massive windfall profits and not saying anything about whats causing the medical conditions that they're profiting from doesn't mean its a conspiracy.
oh wait, thats exactly what it is

>> No.15784989 [DELETED] 

Are environmental pollutants also responsible for why frogposters are so gay?

>> No.15786052

No but they're causing the autism of anti frog posters

>> No.15786123

I have just eaten a sandwich of micro-plastics with some ketchup. It tastes good.

I hope gays sue the plastics industry for making them homosexual and sodomites. It would be a world news if some gay demand a plastic company because all gays will know that Mr.Plastic is their real father.

>> No.15786950

>I hope gays sue the plastics industry for making them homosexual and sodomites.

they would lose, the plastics industry lawyer would just accuse them of homophobia for thinking theres something wrong with being gay and the inevitably liberal judge would throw the case out of court

>> No.15788205 [DELETED] 

If its OK to be gay then environmental chemicals that turn you gay are just fine and complaining about the chemicals is a bias crime

>> No.15788948 [DELETED] 

same can be said about any harmful environmental pollutant under the current globohomo paradigm
>born with not limbs due to thalidomide?
>you're not handicapped, you're handi-capable
>no harm done, phramaco is not liable for damages

>> No.15790346

you're not genitally mutilated, you're genitally modified

>> No.15791063
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>> No.15791629

luv it

>> No.15792638

It's important to note, that pollutants destroy parrents epigenetic signature, which makes it harder for child's stem cells to express genes. Get your DNA back together, by demethylation.

>> No.15792856


>> No.15792863
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yeah i had a bit of an existential crisis when i looked into limiting EDC exposure, they're everywhere in modern society. you literally have to live an amish lifestyle if you want to avoid them.

the effects are transgenerational too


>> No.15793961
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>you literally have to live an amish lifestyle if you want to avoid them.
There was a thread a few month ago about how the Amish have far greater life expectancy than everyone else, like a whole decade worth. Seems like their way of life really pays off compared to the modern soientism based lifestyles.

>> No.15794179

show the children

>> No.15795228 [DELETED] 

How come scientists are so low IQ?
How come /pol/ is so high IQ?

>> No.15796298 [DELETED] 

The global warming scam is intended to distract from real environmental problems like that

>> No.15797209 [DELETED] 

>the rabbi hole

>> No.15797815
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>> No.15798758 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15799850

yeah, its unbelievable how the people who constantly screech about global warming show no concern whatsoever about other environmental problems which should be of at least equal concern

>> No.15800538
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The covidiots dumped billions of tons of plastic waste all over the world and then they claim that they're concerned about the environment.

>> No.15801651 [DELETED] 

virtue signalling is always a disguise for an atrocious disgusting personality
people who are genuinely decent don't feel driven to involve themselves in virtue signaling any more than someone who isn't bald feels driven to wear a toupee

>> No.15802231 [DELETED] 

>And porn addiction
anime also makes you gay

>> No.15803300 [DELETED] 

how come the tranny life extension gang doesn't want to adopt amish practices to achieve their goal of life extension when the amish method has a proven track record of success?

>> No.15803372

green vs nuclear
>no habitat loss when mining copper gallium indium etc for photovoltaic cells
>unacceptable habitat loss and landscape destruction mining uranium plutonium

pollution vs immigration
>the American way of life is destroying the planet, we need to curb overpopulation and carbon emissions
>we must accept all refugees of climate change so they can enjoy the American way of life

out of sight, out of mind
>getting people to switch from gas engines to EVs to reduce pollution is important
>the amount of pollution from mining the ore + + casting the material + assembling + shipping the EV and mining + refining + manufacturing batteries is not important

preservation or destruction
>call attention to destruction of beautiful mother nature
>let's do this by throwing soup and cake at near priceless works of art

act local think global
>American industrial emissions need to go down
>support environmental regulations on American companies, making them noncompetitive
>jobs outsourced to countries that have no environmental regulations
>Chinese and Indian emissions are lower than ours when look at it per capita

natural vs efficient
>pesticides, GMOs and fertilizers destroy the soil and surrounding ecosystems
>it doesn't matter that organic crops need 20x the water for a lower crop yield
>but water scarcity threatens habitats and communities all over the world
>meanwhile desalination plants are unacceptable because the filtrate drains make coastal waters too warm for local species
>using 20x the water for a lower crop yield is
>the wise indigenous BIPOC would use every part of the buffalo
>hot dogs are disgusting

I cannot believe there is a sincere pro-nature political ethos. their way of thinking not only lacks internal cohesion but outright contradicts itself across topics. it is as though surreptitious business interests, foreign agitators, moral crusaders and the impotent joined their forces as one

>> No.15804609

Excellent post, the pollution vs immigration contradiction is one is particularly dumb. If you think the world is overpopulated why would you want to increase the population density in your own locality?

>> No.15805176

Flattering themselves by bragging about their imaginary high IQ is emotionally pleasing because it implies positive things about themselves, so discussing it is fun and enjoyable. Acknowledging that they've been poisoned with debilitating industrial chemicals is emotionally displeasing because that implies negative things about them, so discussing it frustrating and angering so they don't want to do it.

>> No.15806134 [DELETED] 

yeah, this emotional explanation also dovetails with virtue signaling aspect of environmentalism

>> No.15806714

zoomers have been trained to ignore all real environmental problems and instead focus on global warming, which is completely fake

>> No.15807805 [DELETED] 

Thats a big part of why the global warming scam was created to begin with.

>> No.15808390 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15809638 [DELETED] 

>using 20x the water for a lower crop yield
Plants need less water in a CO2 enhanced environment

>> No.15810211 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15810470

replace the kike with a cow farting and it becomes a heavily advertisable meme

>> No.15811657 [DELETED] 
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>If you think the world is overpopulated why would you want to increase the population density in your own locality?
if someone lives in a country that was once inhabitable and it became an unlivable hellhole, why would you want that person in your country when they have a track record of turning nice places into garbage dumps?

>> No.15812816


>> No.15813350 [DELETED] 

if someone is from a group that has been kicked out of 109 countries, why would you want that person in your country when they have a track record of wearing out their welcome?

>> No.15814703 [DELETED] 

The East Asian legumes that we're not allowed to discuss and other environmental chemicals also have an influence on the process

>> No.15815218

Imagine how high our IQs could be if we were not poisoned since birth....

>> No.15815997 [DELETED] 

Imagine how much more difficult it would be for ZOG to control everyone. Thats why they want to turn ppl into retards instead.
ZOG doesn't want progress, they want everything to stay as it currently is forever, with them in control

>> No.15817082 [DELETED] 

thats why people are poisoned, the zog ruling class doesn't want any competition to exist, they only want dumb slaves. they encourage race mixing for the same reason

>> No.15817761

>people who are genuinely decent don't feel driven to involve themselves in virtue signaling any more than someone who isn't bald feels driven to wear a toupee

>> No.15818866 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15819871

cows aren't the ones who own all the media, its jews who shill the global warming meme as a means of distracting from all the real environmental problems

>> No.15820877 [DELETED] 

You don't need to be all that high IQ to figure out that when a narrative is being shilled by the media that its a false narrative. They don't need to shill things that are true, those things are already readily apparent.

>> No.15822060 [DELETED] 

why do you think the jews send people to shill the global warming narrative and distract from real pollution problems?

>> No.15822744 [DELETED] 

Because its part of their white genocide plan

>> No.15823948

>replace the kike with a cow farting
I would take that trade in every possible circumstance

>> No.15824523

Imagine how low they are since we have been poisoned since birth. Imagining that explains a lot of the phenomena commonly referred to under the umbrella term "clown world"

>> No.15825818

It also explains why people continue to allow themselves to be poisoned

>> No.15826478 [DELETED] 

also explains why people refuse to believe in the toxicity of atrazine because they employed alex jones to loudly publicize it as a well poisoning technique when the real information on the topic comes from tyrone hayes who is a department head at a major research institution

>> No.15827378

low IQs can't pattern recognition

>> No.15828816
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>> No.15829679 [DELETED] 

she is saying that scientists are ugly

>> No.15829699

>be mentally impaired
>act abnormally
now way?!

>> No.15829702

I look like the 1980s guy, how do I turn into the 1940s guy?

>> No.15829706

Aging 10 years, bulking and weightlifting.

>> No.15829715

I'm 20 is this feasible?
I some pushups and jogging now but I might get some home weights.
How much should I eat, I don't want to get fat. Also what should I eat?

>> No.15829727

yeah but I like the internet

>> No.15829730

/fit/ sticky. You'll eat a lot, and you'll lift for hypertrophy. But yes, you'll unironically become significantly more hairy as you age. There's a second puberty after adolescence that hits in your late 20s

>> No.15831124

>I don't want to get fat.
mass = power
you're not a girl, men should be as large and muscular as possible, its much better to be 300lbs & 20%bodyfat than 200lbs & 15%bodyfat

>> No.15831974

>Why do you think it's forbidden to acknowledge transgenderism as a disease and look for the causes and cures?

>> No.15832973

transgenderism cures itself 41% of the time

>> No.15834075

>Also what should I eat?
Eggs, steaks and apples
you'll never gain weight on that diet.

>> No.15835087 [DELETED] 

Yep, they're clearly lying and only want to cause harm
>death cult

>> No.15836006 [DELETED] 

The global warming scam was developed to distract from real environmental problems like this one

>> No.15836975 [DELETED] 

Why? Nobody on the internet likes you

>> No.15838033
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>> No.15838736 [DELETED] 

Thats been a well known fact for years, scientists should really do something about it, they'd be more popular if they weren't all so repulsively hideous. Why does science exclusively attract ugly people anyway? Is there some sort of mental illness that afflicts ugly people and makes them want to be scientists?

>> No.15839266

It is very real, irreversible DNA mutations and damage that will pass generations too.

>> No.15839528 [DELETED] 

>Why does science exclusively attract ugly people anyway? Is there some sort of mental illness that afflicts ugly people and makes them want to be scientists?

>> No.15840430 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15841712 [DELETED] 

good pic, explains the whole affair

>> No.15841743
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>like a whole decade worth
which one

>> No.15842407 [DELETED] 

People who are unwilling to put out the effort to create an attractive exterior for themselves cope by claiming that they have intangible special snowflake qualities that exempts them from needing to create an attractive exterior appearance. Pretending to be a soiyence genius is one common affectation thats used to create the mirage of special snowflakeness.

>> No.15843504

isn't it funny that the same people who don't care even slightly about this are tearing their hair out over a possible slight regional affect on wildlife caused by the launch of starship?

>> No.15844142

Its almost as if (((environmentalism))) is just a lame excuse for bureaucrats posing as scientists to punish political dissidents

>> No.15845288 [DELETED] 

Oy vey stop noticing

>> No.15845880 [DELETED] 

Why are scientists so low IQ?

>> No.15846946 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15847750 [DELETED] 

The archive shows that 46 of the 136 posts made in this thread so far have been deleted.
You know its a touchy subject for sjw censorship jannie when that large of a percentage of the posts get deleted.

>> No.15848962 [DELETED] 

its now 49 deleted posts, jannie censored 3 more posts since you posted that


>> No.15849388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15849508

Look up «reduced ano-genital distance in men» or something like that, you’ll find plenty of articles.

>> No.15849576

No one in this thread mentioned microchimerism.

>> No.15850390

it takes one look at a modern man compared to a man from 100 years ago, hell even one from 50 years ago to see that it's 100% true and we're already doomed

>> No.15850413

Nobody is having sex in the first place, there are no children to pretend to be alarmed about.

>> No.15850417

Controlling for obesity zoomers have extremely high testosterone levels and secondary male sexual characteristics.

Again, that doesn't matter because zoomers wont fucking breed.

>> No.15850556

So this is why autism speaks is being demonised.

>> No.15850585

>Nobody is having sex
True story. Sex is like the invisible dragon in the gatage analogy.

>> No.15851371 [DELETED] 

its up to 51/146 now

>> No.15852512

Whats really amazing that the people who call themselves environmentalists are hell bent on defending the corporations that are doing all the pollution with chemicals like azatrine. They never complain about it and if anyone else does the people who call themselves environmentalists always want to change the subject to something else or try to dismiss the claims of environmental harm caused by chemicals like azatrine.

>> No.15853050

>always want to change the subject to something else
part of the reason for the creation of the global warming hoax is to distract people from environmental problems that genuinely exist, such as the azatrine issue

>> No.15854104

>Know lady who was normal sized - ie bmi of 20 to 22.
>Eat junk food in youth.
>after collage stops walking everywhere and is less active
>becomes a bit chuby and can't get hot dates so settles for an overwieght feeder boyfriend
>rapidly gains wieght within 2 years.
>'I'm trying everything but I can't loose wieght'
>still eats junk food and large portions.
>bmi is over 30.
>periods get fucked up due to fat changing hormones
>is diagnosed with PCOS
>"Omg I have PCOS, thats why I've gained weight"
>gets fatter at an exponentially rapid rate.

I met at least 4 women like this.

>> No.15854207

>>still eats junk food and large portions.
Your pretense that people could've made another choice is an unfalsifiable hypothesis. You're also disregarding the fact that our bodies are so different that we experience different realities. For example: I'm skinny because if I eat like a fat person I get nauseous, diarrhea, hyperactivity, hot, sweaty, itchy and stuffed long before finishing all that junk. They just fall asleep. Major difference that has nothing to do with free will.

>> No.15854223


>> No.15854235

>azatrine issue
What issue?
>The herbicide has been banned for use in the European Union since 2004.

>> No.15854447

When I go grocery shopping I make a choice as to what I put in my basket.
When I order take out I make a choice from the menu.

Observing people who are raised fat, I can see how the choice becomes blurred.
If you are of normal wieght in your youth and you suddenly gain wieght as an adult you have noone to blame but yourself.
Its very simple - calories in, calories out.
But instead of taking accountability many would prefer to blame their wieght gain on the symptom (pcos) rather then the cause (poor lifestyle habits and lack of disipline).

I beleive women and fat adults ought to be treated with respect. With respect comes responsibility and accountability.

>> No.15855377

Europe isn't nearly self sufficient in terms of food production, you import vast quantities of industrially produced food products from locales in which azatrine is in use, you'd stave to death if you didn't

>> No.15856573 [DELETED] 

>I refuse to use chemicals to farm
>I refuse to use to police my borders and keep illegal immigrants out
>*dies of starvation due to overpopulation and poor agricultural productivity*

>> No.15856797

>i also have mild scoliosis(i have noticed alot of my peers have this, the boomers not so much) and mild pectus excavatum.
I have mild scoliosis, my mom's is severe. There's supposedly a genetic component, but they still don't know what causes most cases.

>> No.15858238 [DELETED] 

>*dies of starvation due to overpopulation and poor agricultural productivity*
that won't happen, they'll just start demanding ever more free gibes from America and the USA will save them from starvation just like it does for Africa

>> No.15858940

and anime