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File: 141 KB, 770x433, Marine-Plastic-Pollution-review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15753606 No.15753606 [Reply] [Original]

How do we solve the issue of plastic pollution?

>> No.15753612

Human Extinction
Civilisation is Cancer

>> No.15753613
File: 298 KB, 380x379, jews did this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as every other problem. the ultimate solution is antisemitism

>> No.15753615

have you killed yourself yet?
why not?

>> No.15753616

Reduce, reuse, recycle.
1. If you never produce something, it won't end up in the oceans
2. If you don't throw away what you have, it won't end up in the oceans
3. If you really do have to throw it away, recycle it rather than throwing it in the ocean

As for what's already in there, get it out and make the polluters pay.

>> No.15753618

Recycling plastics literally isn't a thing, they just burn it

>> No.15753623

I have a feeling that killing you would prevent more pollution. Also, one can kill more than one "person" like you.

>> No.15753628

That depends. PET recycling is a thing and PET ends up in the oceans all the time. But I agree, it's not always possible or economical. Burning the plastic and heating someone's house is preferable to polluting the oceans. But only if you tried the other three things.

>> No.15753629

That's better than tossing it in the ocean.

>> No.15753643
File: 984 KB, 1874x2129, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem are parasites, dead weight that only wastes resources. If all the godless degenerate population needs to be brutally eradicated so be it. I would personally sacrifice 90% of all the population to save that 10% who can actually produce and advance mankind.

>> No.15753665

Genetically engineer some organism to eat it and crap out something useful.

>> No.15753686

nuke asia

>> No.15753687

Permit the use of the plastic as fuel in a pyrolisis unit without having to pay all the fees and taxes that are in place now. This is not a technical problem. It is a legal problem.

>> No.15753696

Just tariff imported plastic up to the level that it's not cheaper to make somewhere else.

>> No.15753774

>I'm gooonnaaaa save the world!!!!
>just like muh superheroes in muh marvel comix mooooovvvies!!!
>i'm sooo moral and superior

>> No.15753800

Is polypropylene recycable? I see a lot of that, third to HDPE and PETE.

>> No.15753825

in theory yes, you should be able to melt and reform it since it's a thermoplastic not a thermoset, but there are so many varieties and additives that when you melt it, it just becomes this goopy slag shit.
I experiment with plastic recycling at home in my spare time and I've only really been successful with anything that will dissolve in gasoline or solvents available at a hardware store. I've tried some melts but they only work if I save up an amount of the exact same type of packaging material. Even if the resin ID codes all match they usually get fucked up. The next thing I want to try is batches in a pressure cooker with small amounts of solvent.

>> No.15753832

>resin ID codes all match they usually get fucked up
People put melamine in water to make it look like milk. The IDs on your plastic packaging are just as useless, chemically speaking.

>> No.15753836

A) Don't worry about it. Plastic's main detriment is it's unsightly nature. It also breaks down so it's a matter of time.

B) Remove government regulations that make landfill creation expensive and waste incineration impossible. Throwing crap in the ground is an excellent way of disposing of it. Future civilizations will use our dumps as ore deposits.

Really if you just burn plastic, it's gone. Bottle the gas if your that scared. Government regulations wont save you though as there's no financial incentive behind upholding them.

>> No.15753838

The dysgenics crisis that has been ongoing since the 1850s will destroy this civilization ass it did with Rome. Civilization is cyclical.

>> No.15753842

They already exist for many chemicals and are likely adapting to consume more.
Creating an organism that is highly efficient at breaking down plastics is idiotic. One of plastics useful properties is low reactivity, we don't need shipworm 2.0 for plastic boats.

>> No.15753844

>The American Right: solar panels and windmills should be banned because they're an eyesore
>Also the American Right: plastic pollution is fine because it's just an eyesore so we should deregulate dumping plastic everywhere

>> No.15753845


>> No.15753847

Rome was never destroyed. Anyone who speaks English essentially speaks half Roman half Frisian.

>> No.15753849

>solar panels and windmills should be banned because they're an eyesore
Not at all, if you own land you ought to be able to do with it as you please. There should be no laws governing what you put on your land.

>> No.15753852

>The American Right: ban environmental eyesores
>The American Left: my television news is a prophet

>> No.15753853

Complex civilization was shrunk down to tiny areas. The point is that we won't be having the sort of modern medicine or farming that sustains either the type or size of populations we have now. Watch Edward Dutton.

>> No.15753855

>fast forward to you complaining about the government putting solar panels on government land to power public works and buildings

>> No.15753857

That's a weird way of spelling 'Right'. Nobody worships television the way conservatives worship Fox News.

>> No.15753858

Bullshit. If you're an asshole who shits in my water because you live upstream, then people who live downstream from you should unionize to stop you from shitting in their water.

>> No.15753859

if you think that the left doesn't worship media then you're willfully delusional

>> No.15753861

It's 2023. Fox News is LEFT. Right is just anything that lobbyists won't spend money on.

>> No.15753865

Nothing was lost when Rome's politcal borders were slowly dissolved. Nothing will be lost when ours are.

>> No.15753866


>> No.15753869

I don't watch Alex Jones. Acting like this is an exclusively rightoid behaviour is retarded. The normies of the left and right both lean too heavily on the influence of media, but by and large the mass media right now is very left leaning and if you think this isn't true, you live in a bubble.

>> No.15753870

The issue there is not that it's renewable energy, it's that it's government spending. They could be filling government land will gold plated trump statues and the issue would be the same.
If you want to take private capital and invest in creating a solar farm, go do it.

Bringing up a point on renewables, have you any idea of the levelized cost of electricity generated by onshore wind, solar and coal? I've seen 2 claims that solar lies around $50-70/MWh, both without sources. I find it difficult to believe this is the case, as if it were I'd expect we would've already seen widespread adoption of it by private companies.

>> No.15753871

How can you even listen to him? I tried once and it's like Randy Savage narrating The Heart of Darkness

>> No.15753874

if that makes you feel comfortable, but i'd suggest giving Dutton a watch first.

>> No.15753877

>Joe Rogan is totally left wing, just trust me bro

>> No.15753879

>should unionize to stop you
don't know what that entails.
If you want to modify people's activity, ostracize them. When they come to you for something, deny them the service and tell them why. If they value your interaction more than shitting in a stream, then they will stop polluting the stream.

Free markets solve these problems far more morally than using the government.

>> No.15753880

I just googled him and he's a millennia with a youtube channel. Really?

>> No.15753881

Not to mention it's neither their or his water.

>> No.15753883
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nuke India

>> No.15753884

What happened to you can do anything you want on land you own? The government owns it, the government has enough money to build solar, and so by your logic the government should be able to build solar on their land with impunity. You're a hypocrite.

>They could be filling government land will gold plated trump statues and the issue would be the same.
So you agree that we should be taking down monuments put up with government money on government land? Because it's a waste of taxpayer money? Or do those need to be left up to "protect history"? Hypocrite.

>> No.15753890
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What if the person upstream from you shits 45 billion liters a day of raw sewage into the water? What then?
>‘Diseases, mosquitoes, filth’: India’s urban centres are choking on sewage and waste

>> No.15753892

Look at his rants on dysgenics. Interesting way to look at things. Makes sense that if dumb people have more kids than smart people, the next generation will be dumber. Repeat for all civilization maintaining traits.
The issue with the film Idiocracy is that without people smart enough to maintain the machines of complex civilization those machines will stop functioning.
It follows that if these dumb people rely on those machines, that they will begin to die off. Eventually you return to the dark ages, the dysgenic pressures are removed and replaced with more natural eugenic ones, and useful traits are again selected for.
Eventually you return to widespread complex civilization and it repeats.

Only way out of the cycle is eugenics. Artificially act against dysgenic selection pressures to prevent genetic decline during complex civilization.

>> No.15753896

The government is a person nor is it a company under ownership of persons.
The government also uses theft to fund every activity it carries out.

>So you agree that we should be taking down monuments put up with government money on government land?
That activity would require more taxes to be spent. The reason for them being pulled down is because narcissist are offended on someone else's behalf by the statues, not because they cost money to maintain.

>> No.15753898

>Creating an organism that is highly efficient at breaking down plastics is idiotic.
Not if you make the right investments before you release them.

>> No.15753903

Closely following Mrs Pelosi's investments will help you determine which ones are the right ones.

>> No.15753905

make more plastic

>> No.15753907

>Nancy Pelosi is a Pierson's Puppeteer
I buy it.

>> No.15753908

Then the people downstream can unionize to kill him and stop his 45B shits.

>> No.15753912

Government is a corporation owned by the people.

>> No.15753914

>if dumb people have more kids than smart people, the next generation will be dumber
Only if you don't change the measurement.

>> No.15753915
File: 1.51 MB, 2915x1742, brown cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if there is so much shit in the water, it evaporates and makes an "unexplainable" weather phenomena known as the Indian Ocean Brown Cloud and leads to precipitation for 3-4 months a year where it literally rains shit in a wide geographical radius? Do you think just unionizing is going to fix that?

>> No.15753921

>Do you think just unionizing is going to fix that?
I think It already did. Nationalism acted as an umbrella to internationalism and poo in the loo got fixed.

>> No.15753924
File: 622 KB, 1171x1655, open defecation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poo in the loo got fixed.
Data not found.

>> No.15753935

>poor people shit in the street
They do that in NYC, too.

>> No.15753939

Not on the same scale.

>> No.15753948

Doubt it. I've never lived there but pick any big trading city in India on the ocean. Do the poor people there have more or less outdoor shit per capita than those in NYC?

>> No.15754008

Pick a lane. Either the owner of a property can do whatever they want with that property, including the government, or regulations dictating land use are legit and necessary. You are hypocrites.

>> No.15754009

Not if the people getting shit on unionize. Then the owner will either stop shitting everywhere or die.

>> No.15754011

Change them into edible fast food for Americans
They either die eating it or become reservoirs for it

>> No.15754019

Then secede you massive pussy. If you hate the government then why are you trying to participate in it? Is it because there's no jobs, services, or taxable population on your land? Sounds like your hypocritical ass is dependent on the government and doesn't want to admit it.

>> No.15754020

>including the government
No, because the government is neither a person, nor owned by people. It cannot own property in the first place.
As stated before, all government action is carried out with stolen property. Even if you considered that the government could spend "it's" money, the property it has stolen must be returned to it's rightful owners.

You are a statist idiot.

>> No.15754023

The government is a legal entity no different from a corporate or individual in our legal system. The laws apply equally to every legal entity, you massive retard.

>all government action is carried out with stolen property.
Then why don't you stop paying taxes and secede? Is it because you're a coward and unwilling to acknowledge your reliance on the government?

>> No.15754029

>If you hate the government then why are you trying to participate in it?
I'm not.
>Is it because there's no jobs, services, or taxable population on your land?
I live in NYC. We have all of that on our land.
>Sounds like your hypocritical ass is dependent on the government
Who isn't dependent on the government?
>and doesn't want to admit it.
You're an idiot lol.
>Then secede you massive pussy.
I do.

>> No.15754037

>It cannot own property in the first place
No one can own property without a union that defines and defends ownership.

>> No.15754039

>I live in NYC
So you own no land whatsoever and you are hypocritically telling other people what to do with their property. You are a hypocrite.

>Who isn't dependent on the government?
So you acknowledge that you are a hypocrite. Grow up and find a logically consistent world view.

>> No.15754044

The government declares that it owns your property, do you object? It now declares that you must die, do you object?

You own your body and by extension all of your property. This is how a company can own property.
The government is not owned by anybody, instead it is a gang of thieves and criminals that they use to facilitate their criminality.

>Then why don't you stop paying taxes and secede?
If you stop paying taxes the government will escalate the situation until you are murdered by them. You are a disgusting statist kapo, defending your masters.

>> No.15754047

>hypocritically, hypocrite
How so? Combine any two things I've said and show how the first precludes the second.

>> No.15754048

Wrong. You own your body and your property. You are not granted your property by a tyrant or a mob.

>> No.15754054

Not him but ownership presupposes law which presupposes a state.

>> No.15754057

Do you really need a government to tell you that your body belongs to you?

>> No.15754056

>You are not granted your property by a tyrant or a mob
A deed means nothing without a state to enforce it.

>> No.15754059

You don't need a government to enforce contracts. The negative impacts of social ostracization is sufficient.

>> No.15754062

Yes. Otherwise big fags can rape me in the street and there's nothing I can do about it.

>> No.15754064

>social ostracization
Is a union.

>> No.15754067

Buy a gun, shoot them. Technology has advanced to eliminate this problem.

>> No.15754071

Is a union is an individual deciding not to trade with another person because of that individual's opinions on their actions?

>> No.15754072

So to summarize, you are dependent on the government but refuse to admit it and you are afraid to openly oppose that government, so instead you bitch about it online and whine about how you should be able to do whatever you want and the government shouldn't be allowed to do anything. You are a hypocrite. The world would be a better place if you just killed yourself.

>> No.15754075

You don't own land and you want to dictate the use of land to other people. That's hypocrisy. Have you fried your brain with mental gymnastics?

>> No.15754079

Do you understand what "ostracization" means?

>> No.15754081


>> No.15754088

I can't because if I do I'll get raped in jail.
A union is when people who live in the same place and do the same job tell the boss to eat a dick.

>> No.15754090

No one owns land without a state.

>> No.15754093

So then you know an individual can't ostracize anyone because by definition it's an act carried out by a group of people, right? Meaning it takes a union to ostracize someone.

>> No.15754097

>I can't because if I do I'll get raped in jail.
This is why governments are bad. With a smaller or non existent government, this would not be an issue.

>A union is when people who live in the same place and do the same job tell the boss to eat a dick.
Then it is a form of social ostracization. Not the other way around as >>15754064 said.

>> No.15754098

Great, so you agree that the state can do with it's land what it pleases, or that it's subject to the same restrictions on land use as everyone else.

>> No.15754101

Without a state, either you own land as any other property, or >>15754098. In either case, the statist loses.

>> No.15754110

>With a smaller or non existent government, this would not be an issue.
No, you'd get raped a lot more without a credible state.
That's me and that's what I said. Unions are good if they're functional. They're not if they're not.

>> No.15754125

>No, you'd get raped a lot more without a credible state.
>That's me and that's what I said.
Social ostracization is not a union. Unions are a form of social ostracization.

>> No.15754128

>Burning the plastic and heating someone's house is preferable to polluting the oceans.

>> No.15754130

The state can do whatever it wants, up to the point that a union of people becomes violent enough to change the state.
No, you can't own anything without a state. You can defend something you want but you can't own it.

>> No.15754133

Ostracization is a union of bullies bullying someone.

>> No.15754134

Plastic in the oceans looks bad. Burned plastic does not look bad because it forms gasses that diffuse into the atmosphere.

>> No.15754139

>You can defend something you want but you can't own it.
It seems you believe ownership is a matter of a man with a crown having a ceremony and declaring you own it.
You own property in the same way you own your body.

>> No.15754143

>>you'd get raped a lot more without a credible state.
Missed that. Really? If people weren't socially obligated to "law" you think they'd act the same?

>> No.15754144

Nobody is bullying anyone. It is an individual decidng to not interact with another.

>> No.15754148

San Francisco has a crime problem, if the government in that region no longer prohibited people from carrying and using firearms, it is obvious that that criminal activity would vastly reduce.

>> No.15754150

>ownership is a matter of a man with a crown
Sure. I'll agree with that. How do you think it can be different?

>> No.15754158

>an individual decidng to not interact with another
That's not ostracization. One individual can't ostracize another individual unless the first is somehow more "popular" (which erases "individual")

>> No.15754162

While I agree that dropping guns in SF by helicopter would probably reduce street shitting there.
>criminal activity
Can only be defined by a union of people.
So you're agreeing with me, not disagreeing.

>> No.15754167

>Plastic in the oceans looks bad.
Does it? Where does it actually accumulate?

>> No.15754168

You say you own it, the fact there isn't a bunch of people who live nearby angrily disagreeing and telling of a convincing story that you stole it backs that up.

>> No.15754169

Wrong, the base unit of ostracization is you making that decision.

>> No.15754170

>[criminal activity] Can only be defined by a union of people.
I think it's universally obvious what criminal activity is. Even if that weren't the case, by allowing people to determine what is right and wrong for themselves, natural selection would home in on what it is.

>> No.15754171

That's what I'm told. People also say that various animals are adversely affected by it too. Thankfully human's don't need these animals to stay alive, those that we do are already kept as pets or livestock.

>> No.15754172

Yeah, unions all the way down. (Make sure it's geography, not bureaucracy.)
>base unit
You can't ostracize someone from your own mind. Ostracization presupposes other people who agree with you and act the same way.

>> No.15754175

>Thankfully human's don't need these animals to stay alive, those that we do are already kept as pets or livestock.
Yeah, that is my point. Why would you want to kill humans with toxic fumes if that's the case?

>> No.15754178

If your kid was going to die and all you needed to do was break 1 window to steal something from a rich family, you wouldn't do that?

>> No.15754182

>Ostracization presupposes other people who agree with you and act the same way.
It's the net effect of individuals doing what I've already said. What you're speaking to is the effectiveness of it.

>> No.15754183

>Why would you want to kill humans
You wouldn't, and are unlikely to unless someone climbs your chimney and starts huffing.

>> No.15754184

No, I'm saying either way it's a union of people.

>> No.15754186

Sure. And because under such a system there isn't a government dishing out laws, I would not receive an active punishment, only a passive loss of opportunity via interacting with other people.
Since most people can see that the harm done for the significant loss saved, I am unlikely to loose much opportunity, i.e face less ostracization.

>> No.15754192

ok whatever

>> No.15754196

How's the "state" union of bullies worse that the "nonstate" union of bullies?
Sure, but whatever you're arguing for is still based on ostracization, which involves a union of people.

>> No.15754201
File: 555 KB, 1200x1400, 23850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans don't produce plastic pollution, Americans dispose of their waste like civilized people

>> No.15754211

All of that is rich Americans selling plastic trash to poor Americans. The water pollution is collateral damage.

>> No.15754229

i live on the west coast and all of the plastic junk at the rack on the beach has chink runes on it. theres a beach on the river 30 miles inland from the ocean and its pristine, there no garbage or plastic particles anywhere to be seen. ocean pollution is strictly a 3rd world problem

>> No.15754239

>chink runes
Who's buying it? Americans are. America is a dysfunctional union because it's too big to do anything useful for any real people.

>> No.15754255 [DELETED] 

By the development of enzymes that can efficaciously break down ester bonds and very long-chain hydrocarbons at STP, or by incineration and subsequent carbon fixing, though we need to figure out a way to do it more efficiently than plants do (which is leaps ahead of where we're at but overall highly inefficient; RuBisCO is the slowest, most inefficient protein known to man)

>> No.15754258

Simple, kill 7.5 billion people.

>> No.15754270

Get in the fucking kitchen.

>> No.15754275

We're not gunna be able to cook and eat 7.5 billion people, Anon, thats gross anyway....

>> No.15754279

You'll cook whatever your husband brings back. Learn to fucking cook already.

>> No.15754290
File: 636 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230602-153102_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should stop pretending to know people you cant.

I, on the other hand, can easily perform cognitive tests over the internet because I actually know what the fuck Im doing in life...you know...the whole "doctor" thing, or whatev...

>> No.15754305
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You're a girl and you should be performing cognitive tests in the kitchen.

>> No.15754320
File: 10 KB, 255x198, images - 2023-03-08T175312.188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That human has to live in the wild where there is no food, poop cleaning or toys...he is pitiful...

>> No.15754328

And still you're a girl. I don't get why it matters either way(?)

>> No.15754330
File: 16 KB, 334x250, oil_swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incineration of garbage is the coolest power source right after petroleum fired thermal electric power plants. Anybody who disagrees is a faggot

>> No.15754389


>> No.15754425

possibly the most petulant post I've seen on this board

>> No.15754570

narcissists with savior complexes are nasty people, thats why they develop the outward facing savior complex aspect of their personalities to begin with, they do that as means of disguising what they're really like. virtue signally is always a tipoff of hidden personality problems like that. decent people are not driven to cover up a hidden nasty side because they don't have anything to cover up

>> No.15754603

Just keep blaming white men. I'm sure it'll all sort itself out once those great satans are gone.

>> No.15754754

ok, jorden peterson.
pop another pill and feel better

>> No.15754764
File: 231 KB, 458x315, consumer20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean.. the feeling is probably correct.
pretty much only the most bloated CONSUUUUUUUMERS say tell environmentalists to kill themselves, as if no one knows who exactly it is that has the outsized environmental footprint

>> No.15754768

you're fucking clueless.
non-renewable resources are non-renewable.
civilization will not be "cycling back" this time around

>> No.15754777
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>how dare you own more things than me!!
>this is my planet, your environmental footprint is harming my planet
you're just too lazy to get a job and buy your own car, thats why you're so jealous of everyone who has more than you do. meanwhile you worship al gore, who owns six private planes.

>> No.15754801
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>> No.15754837

I agree nuke Usa

>> No.15755503

Never forget plastic (and every other toxin killing the planet) was created by Science. Science is evil personified based on the amount of death and suffering it has caused.

>> No.15755563

Ironically you only need to remove the 2% that's been holding mankind from advancing

>> No.15755570

What's the most navigated ocean and you will find who dumps all that trash there

>> No.15757516

Came here to post this.

>> No.15757720

Christians are more than 2% of the population.

>> No.15757750

Don't you mean Judeo Christians?

>> No.15757791

Doesn't work for stuff like teflon but if you can burn up/filter out everything except CO2 and water then sure why not? Realistically the energy would displace existing fossil fuel energy. So same amount of CO2 but not quite as much garbage in the Oceans.

>> No.15757867

Sure, make it all the Abrahamic religions. All of them are a problem and humanity would be better off without a bunch of superstitious freight.

>> No.15757875

All religions or all abrahamic religions?

>> No.15757916

The Abrahamic religions are certainly the worst and cause the most damage so they're probably what we should be focusing on, but no religion is useful. All of them can be abandoned to the net gain of everyone.

>> No.15757922

Toss in the satanists and you got a deal

>> No.15757927

No, rome was destroyed by a natural cataclysm of mud

>> No.15757930

*that destroyed 95% of the city's population

>> No.15758124

Are you fucking serious?
Back to nigdit you fucking fag

>> No.15758269

>natural cataclysm of mud
Mud floods are the most lame schizo theory

>> No.15758613

Satanism is a religion too and can loosely be considered Abrahamic.

>> No.15759272

then why havent you killed anyone yet?

>> No.15760533

Tax/ income incentives for the mega rich.

>> No.15760556

Had it been a population from an earlier time not as long eposed to the dysgenic selection pressures of complex civilization, the impacts of those natural events would not have been as great.

Our civilization will go out a similar way, either a natural disaster or an outside population will put just enough pressure on us to finally kill us.
Akin to smothering an old person with a pillow. It is not a display of the strength of the person wielding the pillow or it's lethality, it's just the straw that broke their back.

>> No.15760804

wypipo don't season they rivers

>> No.15761235

>cancer kills itself

>> No.15761254 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 2338x1436, 352342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't we at least try to get rid of civilization and see if it solves the problem before we cancel humanity? :^(

>> No.15761260

plastic burns good...just set it on fire?

>> No.15761262

throw it into a black hole

>> No.15761284

we will not and cannot.

>> No.15761297

but africa, india and chian are hell-tier...

>> No.15761306 [DELETED] 

Then maybe they should get rid of civilization as well.

>> No.15761342

africa never had it and the other 2 got rid of it 2k years ago

>> No.15761350 [DELETED] 

>africa never had it
True hell lies in twilight zone between civilization and the lack of it. That's where Africa lies. It was a lot better before Europeans came to "help".

>> No.15762196

you can't recycle all plastic types, roughly 7 out of 50 can be recycled and a maximum of 2-3 times

>> No.15762204

We can't recycle the majority of plastic. In fact virtually all the plastic in the ocean can't be recycled, since it's damaged by UV and salt, even if it is in the 7 out of 50. The only way to make it useful is if we break it down by pyrolysis into chemicals which can then be remade into plastic, much like how we use oil to make plastic. Even then the plastic you make from it isn't great, it's still inferior to just making it from oil.

HOWEVER, you can use pyrolysis on the remaining 43 plastic types.

>> No.15762210

Just stop making plastic shit. Bomb every petroleum plant on the planet. Literally all you have to do is not extract oil, not for gasoline, not for plastic.

>> No.15762212

Just waiting until it's socially acceptable to maximize death.

>> No.15762242

Is this even an issue?

>> No.15762265

>no religion is useful
it is necessary to have a shared moral code so you can trust your neighbors not to murder you in your sleep. Before religion was a thing civilization wasn't possible. Right now, the government is what keeps your neighbors from murdering you, but if that went away for some reason, like say if the power goes out and stays out, then religion would be the only thing keeping you alive. You'd wish to hell everyone around you was religious. You're very murderable, you wouldn't last very long otherwise, unless you're very well armed I guess.

>> No.15762779

Religion is not a moral code. If it were then religions wouldn't regularly ignore their purported morals for pogroms, rape, murder, child molestation, indoctrination camps, ect. Religion is just a tool made for control.

>You're very murderable
Case in point. This is the "Christian love" your religion actually spreads.

>> No.15762784 [DELETED] 
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> If it were then religions wouldn't regularly ignore their purported morals for pogroms, rape, murder, child molestation, indoctrination camps, ect.
How does that refute the fact that establishing a moral code is a major big part of any religion?

> Religion is just a tool made for control.
And what do you think a moral code is?

>> No.15762830

A religion is not a moral code and a moral code is not a tool of control. You're happy to ignore the evils of your religion and pretend it's based on a moral code because religion has worked on you. You are an ignorant, blind slave who wants to show everyone how shiny your shackles are.

>> No.15762836 [DELETED] 
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>A religion is not a moral code
No, but establishing a moral code is one of its main functions.

>a moral code is not a tool of control
It is absolutely a tool of control. What else would you call a social system that regulates the behavior (and even the thoughts and perceptions) of individuals?

>You're happy to ignore the evils of your religion
What's my religion? Also, none of this is an argument.

>> No.15762854

>establishing a moral code is one of its main functions.
It's not.

>What else would you call a social system that regulates the behavior (and even the thoughts and perceptions) of individuals?
A moral code is personal and does not regulate anything. You are conflating morals with laws and prohibitions, which is symptomatic of someone who's mind has been twisted by a system of control like religions.

>What's my religion?
It doesn't matter what your religion is, they're functionally all the same. Even Buddhists have active pogroms in the world today. No religion is clean.

>> No.15762856 [DELETED] 

Your denialism has no substance and is not an argument. Try again.

>> No.15762861

You have been blinded by a tool of control. The anger you're feeling is a result of the cognitive dissonance you experience from me pointing this out to you.

>> No.15762864 [DELETED] 

I don't know what your mentally ill rambling is about. I'm not religious. Either way, your denialism is not a refutation of anything I've pointed out.

>> No.15762871

Sure, kid.

>> No.15762878 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1200x900, Graham's_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please familiatize yourself with this meme pyramid. All of your posts are on the bottom 4 levels. On average, they land on the second lowest.

>> No.15762880

>Who's buying it? Americans are
Chinks are anon
Goods for American market don't have chink runes on them. It's literally waste from China spreading across entie Pacific.

>> No.15762885
File: 47 KB, 650x425, brides.650.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is necessary to have a shared moral code so you can trust your neighbors not to murder you in your sleep.
>t. Ahmed

>> No.15762938

>"This paint is red!"
>No it's no, it's blue
>"That's just a simple refutation, not a complex argument made to convince me that the paint isn't red."
>That's because it's self-evidently blue

>> No.15762962 [DELETED] 

Didn't read. Come back when you can refute any of this: >>15762836

>> No.15762983

This 100% and anyone who disagrees is a soulless drone. Plastics are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the damage humans have caused to the world. Humans living naturally are (relatively) fine but civilization is indeed cancer and a global human population larger than a few million is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.15762990

We need to bioengineer bacteria or even better fungi that can eat plastic. I don't think we have time to wait for nature to evolve these organisms.

>> No.15763782


The reason you're feeling so upset is because of the cognitive dissonance you're experiencing.

>> No.15763805

>It's not
>A moral code is personal and does not regulate anything
Those are mere contradictions. Please familirize yourself further with the meme pyramid here: >>15762878

>> No.15763825

If you care and want want to just solve it with money, just dredge it.

If you want a persistent technological solution, there are many in development from bacterial enzymes to alternative polymer chemistries and everything inbetween.

If you want some social "solution" to stop it from happening in the first place, you're a racist. Also this has been ineffective over the past decades.

>> No.15763847

Trash economy. The abundance of trash. What are we gonna do with it? Are we gonna put it on an island? Are we gonna make it somebody else’s problem? Or are we going to take the initiative and take this problem by the horns? Trash economy. You use cubes of trash as money. Everybody becomes rich, it’s a gold rush.

>> No.15763864

>doesn't realise our deterministic brain sees killing someone in his sleep as an option, always
Yeah sure humans can just choose to do the right thing lmao

>> No.15763876

It's just you anon, you're the only one predetermined to shitpost things he's predetermined to pretend to believe

>> No.15763902

>predetermined cope
if only you had free will mang
it's alright little automaton you can go to reddit instead.

>> No.15763906
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>> No.15763936

It mostly comes from China.
Solve China and you solve air pollution, water pollution, overfishing and a dozen other global problems.

>> No.15763982

take away all gubberment gibs from orcs. force them to clean it up with the promise you will give the gibs back. then eliminate the subhuman orcs

>> No.15763984

basee. fuck all hook noses. plastic is cheap because it is a by product of the oil industry. same thing with food coloring. changing the oil industry would eliminate these problems

>> No.15763989

i reuse plastic grocery bags as garbage bags.
so why do jew laws tax these bags when the cost was already included in the overhead costs/item price. who gets that surcharge too?
environmentalism and gaia worship is a scam at this point.
the best thing for the environment would be to deport all orcs, but they will never do it

>> No.15763993

try it then tough guy. but we still won't listen to your retarded void worshipping shit since you just admitted to being evil and a coward

>> No.15763994

you mean orcs and hook noses, right?

>> No.15763996

yeah if recycling plants just burn it anyway; we should all be able to burn it

>> No.15764018

post your hook nose

>> No.15764028

Perfect pyro uses too much energy...americans could but they enjoy wasting it

>> No.15764252

1. chinese fishing fleet sunk, fishing tackle makes up most of the non-micro plastic waste in oceans, and chinese fleet violates all other nations waters with factory trawlers
2. dam asian rivers to scoop all the trash they throw in
landfill is better, you still capture the methane off it which produce less further waste to manage

landfill is perfect, its compositing, eco people really should be all for it if they hadd a clue what they going on about

>> No.15764368


>> No.15764556 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 765x579, 屏幕快照 2018-04-16 22.22.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15764601

While that makes sense, what if they don't value your interaction at all and couldn't give a shit about what you have to offer or say?

>> No.15764684

Don't care. I'll be long gone before it's a real problem.

>> No.15765544

Start with yourself. Do a public jump to spread your message :^)

>> No.15768200

sea people melting plastic cans into rafts and destroy civilization.

>> No.15768275

Melt them locally.

Recycling = shipping to another part of the country or another part of the world where these are dumped.

>> No.15768362

Either accept it and don't worry about it, burn it, or dump it in a hole.

>> No.15768635

Says the scrawny urban dwelling vegan manlet

>> No.15768701

facts made up by a silly goober

>> No.15768709
File: 211 KB, 960x684, chartoftheday_12211_the_countries_polluting_the_oceans_the_most_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the fault of Jews for once.