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File: 16 KB, 512x356, keith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1575270 No.1575270 [Reply] [Original]


Atheists = Told

By an 8 year old, no less.

>> No.1575278

That was a 40 year old man.
That was sattire.

>> No.1575300


>I am a very committed chrisitan, but other religions are bad. Like Judaism and Arabianism. Please stop trying to kill America, Arabians.

>Christianity is just the perfect religion. And atheists, well, God will just punish you for your sins. The reason why it is so good, is because it makes so much sense! Think about it, how could there not be a God?

>If you cannot prove that God isn't real, then that means he is real!

>The reason that Judaism is not good is because the jews are bad people.

>Arabians are bad because they are terrorists.

>> No.1575352


to both sides: stop associating these words...

>> No.1575776


>> No.1575790

hahaha... this is fucking hilarious, the video I mean.

>> No.1575796

holy shit, look at his response to the people trolling him:


> Actually, to all you mean commenters, I know why you're doing this: You're jealous of me. You know that God loves me more than you, as well as Jesus. After all, I've even gotten more christmas presents than you.

> I have such a large and beautiful house because Jesus thought that I deserved it. So he gave my father lots of money so my father could spend it on a house. And on ME.


>> No.1575803
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>> No.1575805

Is that face scaring anyone else.

>> No.1575829
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>> No.1575835

yeah look at those crazy eyes...future murderer right there

>> No.1575839
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Psycho kid: "Hello, I just got back from CHURCH!"

Me: This is gonna be good...

>> No.1575878
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>> No.1575884
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>> No.1575889
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>> No.1575891

Oh god that face...

I'm not sleeping tonight

>> No.1575949
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>god loves me more than you

my face when christfag doesn't even know his own fair tales

>> No.1575953

What the fuck is this little kid balding?

>> No.1575967

i find this sad, actually. this poor kid has been totally brainfucked by his parents and religion that he will probably never have a normal sex life. It will fuck with his mind over the years in horrible ways, and he'll grow up being an introverted psychopathic sociopath who cant fathom why the normal person cant stand him.

He'll have an amazing childhood, but highschool is gonna suck. Real life after high school is going to make this kid want to kill himself.

Its just tragic, really.

>> No.1575990

>he'll grow up being an introverted psychopathic sociopath who cant fathom why the normal person cant stand him.
You mean he'll become a 4channer?!

>> No.1575993
File: 215 KB, 502x2557, KEITHlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i maek OC

>> No.1576002

Religion thread... filled with trolls coming from every angle.

>> No.1576011

the stereotypical neckbearded 4channer, yea probably.

but a significant number of us (surprisingly) have lives, friends, sex, decent bodies, not completely awful faces and occasionally jobs.

>> No.1576015
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>> No.1576020

He's the son of rich super-christians. (ffs, there's stained glass windows on the wall behind him)

In my experience, people who are sheltered and/or rich and/or hyperreligious can be happy, but ONLY if they're kept in their little cult-bubble where everyone they talk to is exactly like them. Not only did this kid step out of his bubble, but he chose to do it in one of the worst ways possible by putting himself on youtube for people like us to mock. It's screwing up his worldview right now, and either his parents will realize what's going on and re-brainwash him before the damage becomes irreversible, or he'll realize that there's more to the world than bible thumping, and possibly grow into a normal human being. He's still young enough to change.

>> No.1576033


>> No.1576036

What about those rich spoiled kids who destroy expensive things bought by their parents and upload the video to youtube?
They get flamed and keep doing it.

>> No.1576067

Well, that's different I guess. If he wants approval from the people he's "preaching" to, which he seems to, he's going about it all wrong. OTOH some people don't care about being accepted, which is fine.

>> No.1576093

Notice the dates?
Yeah, yeah...
Try something a bit more recent.
inb4 quantum physics turns scientists into atheists

>> No.1576131

A pointer for all you christfags:

If God is supposed to be an absolutely perfect and righteous entity, and if God is supposed to be omniscient and omnipotent, then why is it possible to sin? God could easily use his power to make these acts impossible altogether. If it is possible to sin, then there is no God.

>> No.1576134
File: 17 KB, 512x356, GAYS R FAGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1576135

This kid is trying to copy one of the greatest YouTube kid trolls ever, BumpityBoo. If you don't know who BumpityBoo is, here's one of his vids http://www.youtube.com/user/BumpityBoo#p/u/14/ne1q5VKbdvQ


>> No.1576178

If the christfagism AND the butthurt are both acting, then his acting ability improved a metric fuckton between the first video and the last one.

I could buy that the first one or two were trolls, but IF they're trolls, then the kid's a shitty actor. If the last one/two are trolls, then he's a damn good actor (judging by those vids alone)

>> No.1576185

...whereas "bumpityboo" set the ol' troll alarm blaring inside of 15 seconds.

>> No.1576201

God doesn't love atheists, so why should he give a shit what you do in the first place?

>> No.1576255


"If it is possible to sin, then there is no God."

Stop. Think about this for five seconds. If you can't spot what is wrong, leave /sci/ forever because you obviously lack the capacity to think critically.

>> No.1576261
File: 52 KB, 500x375, 1281398942070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people here think critically.