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File: 114 KB, 594x648, 1665920561622387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15752037 No.15752037 [Reply] [Original]

I really want to be able to change my sex. With advancements in stem cells and lab grown organs, along with gene editing it should be possible one day right? The logistics of editing the genes of every cell in your body seems daunting but it's theoretically possible. Maybe some kind of stem cell bacta tank pod that rearranges your body.

Will this ever be possible? Even maybe not in my life time?

Based on this artcle >https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/jun/14/sex-change-mice-research-could-help-humans-say-scientists

they could change the sex of mice by removing one gene. Can this be replicated in humans? Why wouldn't this work on people?

>> No.15752061

It's not just something as "simple" as editing a few DNA segments here or there. It would require changing an entire chromosome. Such technology is never going to exist in your lifetime.

>> No.15752072

>Do you guys think that the character select screen will become a reality in my lifetime so that I can fulfill my sexual fantasies of being a woman?

>> No.15752123

Then what about the mice in the article?

>> No.15752127
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leftychan.net raid thread

>> No.15752133

Maybe one day but probably not within your lifetime.

Honestly if we did have the tech what would be wrong with OP's desires?

>> No.15752155

If we could conceivably do character select screen tier body modification for people and it wasn't physically harmful, sure. I don't really care. That being said, using such a capability just for cooming is in the same league as being granted a super-power of your choosing and deciding you want to be able to instentaniously change your sex just to experience being fucked. Really dude? That's what you want?

>> No.15752168
File: 24 KB, 504x207, 43402[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With advancements in stem cells and lab grown organs, along with gene editing it should be possible one day right?

There's a very rare genetic disorder called "Testicle at Twelve" or "Güevedoce" only seen in the Dominican Republic and Papau New Guinea where certain boys are born as females, complete with functioning female genitalia, and only after the onset of puberty do their vaginas develop into a penis and testicles and their ovary into a prostate. The vagina literally sealing up and the penis engorging and descending as seen in pic related.
It's all extremely fascinating and exceptional in the sense that this doesn't happen anywhere and is completely unheard of for the kind of animal we are. So I'm going to say yes would be """possible""" one day. However, with that said, I'm going to add a massive caveat that we'll probably develop the ability to *remove* that desire out of your head before we gain the medical capability to achieve that physical reality.

I think the uncomfortable rut with the body dysphoria question is the MASSIVE COPE of saying something like, "you should find a way to be comfortable with your body" is *probably* always going to be the healthier more responsible option. Whether that means accepting baldness or thinning hair, a weak chin, spotty skin, or in this case one's sex. I understand how unsatisfying that is as a response, but unlimited access to "cosmetic body modifications" really seems to throw some people into a bottomless pit.

>> No.15752250
File: 189 KB, 716x672, eat them up yum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your basic survival and health are so far up in the air as it is, and their mismanagement will cause you so much suffering later in life, why the fuck are you all fussing over this shit when basic normie sexual relations is so important for your body and so easy to miss out on?

It's not entirely your fault, research on these matters is discouraged and sometimes suppressed, even punished. Most people think pussy juice is just lube and cum is just part of a baby recipe, orgasms are there to trick you into having babies, and love chemicals fight depression. This just isn't the case. Your body benefits from unimpeded PIV in complex ways that we are only just beginning to understand, and the initial attraction you may or may not have towards a potential partner is dwarfed by the attraction and bond created by having regular sex with them. Stop this madness and fuss, and get to the business of simply finding somebody you get along with whose body makes the kind of sexual fluids that yours does not.

>> No.15752276

>Will this ever be possible?
Yes, or if nothing else it'll be functionally possible (as in it will be as close to the real thing such that the difference is largely academic).
I also think ugliness, at least in terms of natural biological charisma, will eventually be eliminated too.

Not in either of our lifetimes, maybe not even for centuries (or longer if there's some big Great Filter / Dark Ages event).
But it's the trend things are headed towards, like in Iain M. Banks "The Culture" series.

And I'm curious what will happen when women are no longer scarce, men are no longer ugly, both sexes can both father children and carry children, and 'ugly' vs 'beautiful' become stylistic choices akin to the kind of avatar someone picks in VR Chat.

Now that said, we'll probably be filtered by the AI wAIfu filter wherein we'll make AI sexbots, we'll eliminate all low skill jobs but fail to eliminate low skill people, then the elites will get so carried away with self-sufficient automation that their children become so idle and indolent that they don't know how to maintain the tech that maintains the tech, and that'll be that for humanity until our AI waifus resurrect us out of sentimentality.

>> No.15752309

>want to be able to change my sex
Why tho

>> No.15752311

you just know the tranny janny deleted all the ywnbaw replies

>> No.15752318

>I really want to be able to change my sex.
Sorry buddy. Gene therapy just isn't there, and won't be for a really long time. Making people immortal is far FAR easier than changing your sex.

But if you want to be a dude that wears a skirt, there's really nothing wrong with that. Be a girly dude. Why the fuck would you go to any other lengths just to be something you're not?

>> No.15752320

>Why the fuck would you go to any other lengths
Not that anon but people will go to any length to be part of a gang. I don't get it but that's how it is.

>> No.15752323

You're too old to be a girl. Don't make more ugly troons.

>> No.15752366

viruses can do it by modifying every cell in your body.

with genetic engineering its more than possible

>> No.15752377

>should be possible one day, right?
Not in our life time.
You have a higher chance of fulfilling your fantasy in a deep dive 5 sense VR, than total genetic control over your body.

>> No.15752384

Dude if we get such a tech akin to character selection, that anyone can easily and readily change body, then we are SOOO advanced in understanding of biology, that race, sex, species become utterly meaningless
BEING become meaningless
So at that point, there is no reason to think about “consequences” today you wanna be a green goblin slut, and tommorow maybe a 12 feet blue eye blond hair Uber white man.
Why do you even care? This is like end game sci fi
It’s so end game that no one likes to write about it, or make a movie about it, because it won’t produce any “story value” there is nothing
And don’t worry, we certainly won’t see it in our life time, unless aliens arrive

>> No.15752592
File: 37 KB, 480x480, Gay_Wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really want to be able to change my sex.

Why not instead just admit you are Gay and want to be a bottom/catcher?

>> No.15752729

Pair bonding is redpilled bullshit that none of the research supports as being real.

>> No.15752735

Editing genes is like changing the recipe after the cake is already baked. We will need to crack full on regeneration before gender transformation is possible.

>> No.15753045

>should be possible one day right
a very long time, yes. We've got an upcoming civilizational collapse due to dysgenic selection pressures however, so you'll be waiting a good 2000 years until we get back here again.

>you will never a be a mare, you have no hooves, no tail...

>> No.15753050

pics or didnt happen

>> No.15753106

You may try to shame others into “respecting” your new identity, at best it will be people trying to be polite, but more likely than not people will go along with it to keep you from throwing a hissy fit.
no man will ever accept you as a talk woman, and you’ll be a sexual fettish for people who were either sexually abused or were brainwashed by porn.
in 200 years if someone finds your skeleton (or what’s left of it) they will see that your bone structure has every indication of a male.
before that time though most likely by your own hand, you will die alone. may God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.15753433

>a site with probably less than 1000 regular users
>/pol/ completely terrified of them, sees them regularly in both nightmares and waking hallucinations
commies are not supposed to be able to achieve this staggering level of efficiency, what the fuck happened?

>> No.15753444

>Honestly if we did have the tech what would be wrong with OP's desires?
you get at best a thought experiment, because it is never going to happen. You are all going to be fucking sorry 20 years from now when all the people currently on HRT and post op are suffering from a huge variety of health problems and severely reduced life expectancy because there are a lot of long term implications with intentionally fucking up your hormones. But we have presented it as if the science is already 'almost there'.

The fundamental problem with trans acceptance is we are promoting and encouraging massive self harm, the consequences of which are not being made fully known to the people participating. I do not despise trans, I feel sorry for that they were tricked. Go ahead and dress up like a girl, I don't give a fuck. But if you take HRT you're going to fuck up multiple systems in your body long term, and 20 years from now no one will be there to help you. The doctor will wipe their hands clean of it, say you consented, and then you'll be left trying to figure out what to do about your age 45 osteoporosis and fucked up kidneys.

>> No.15753532

Look op, you gotta accept what you are and arent. I wish i was different too, and not be autistic. But i know theres nothing i can do to change. You were made a man, you were not born a woman, you will never be a woman.

>> No.15753644

>unlimited access to "cosmetic body modifications" really seems to throw some people into a bottomless pit
So, uh...why do you care? Why do you care if someone throws him/herself into a bottomless pit? Are you responsible for them? No, so why?

>> No.15753720

>Why do you care if someone thows him/herself into a bottomless pit?
Cuz I have empathy.

>> No.15753726

And if it did, you'd essentially cease to exist while a new entity took your place.

>> No.15753735

There will be lots of money to be made off of treating those conditions. Wonder who will be on the hook for paying for them? I'm quite sure it won't be the doctors involved with the transition treatments nor the activists who egged them on.

>> No.15753743

The grass is always greener somewhere else

>> No.15753769
File: 13 KB, 200x72, Debt US medicare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you responsible for them?
The state, through spending taxes on medical care, has made everyone's health everyone's concern. This is why state healthcare is a terrible evil.

>> No.15753772

that happens after a while anyways, it would just be a different blueprint this time presumably

>> No.15753775

Only if "medical care" is defined as whatever's profitable for the palliative care industry.

>> No.15753783

Only what?

>> No.15753792

Unionized healthcare is only bad if healthcare owns the unions.

>> No.15753931

No idea what a unionized healthcare is, sounds like socialist wordplay. State run healthcare is always a bad idea because it uses theft to fund it, and provides a direct incentive and means for the state to control your health.

>> No.15753937

>State run
"State run" is the only wordplay here. What's a state and who's running it?

>> No.15753954

Because it's the right thing to do

>> No.15753968

>Sex Change science?
It is very simple.
The science says YWNBAW

Transgenderism is a mental illness similar to ancient Alchemists trying to change elements into other elements. It cannot be done at the cellular level, so it cannot ever be done in any living thing.

>> No.15753970

Ovaries are homologous to testes, not to the prostate (in women the prostate homolog is Skene's gland)

>> No.15753972

yeah high chances you'll get the chance to do it. but for this what would massively help you and seriously increase the chances of getting it is making life extension happen. if that's solved then most likely you will at some point be able to fully become the other sex, at genetic level, but will take a while, and you seriously need life extension to become a thing.
for young people today that can be quite possible. for >30-40yo you need to get lucky and stay fit and as healthy as possible. >50-60yo touch chances. could still have luck and catch life extension and offer a chance for immortality, but I wouldn't put my money on that.

>> No.15754025

The government takes your money buy force, calls it "taxation" and declares your property it's own. It then spends your money on the medical treatment of others.

>> No.15754049

trannys are online constantly because they've all destroyed all of their irl relationships

>> No.15754060

>The fundamental problem with trans acceptance is we are promoting and encouraging massive self harm, the consequences of which are not being made fully known to the people participating. I do not despise trans, I feel sorry for that they were tricked. Go ahead and dress up like a girl, I don't give a fuck. But if you take HRT you're going to fuck up multiple systems in your body long term, and 20 years from now no one will be there to help you. The doctor will wipe their hands clean of it, say you consented, and then you'll be left trying to figure out what to do about your age 45 osteoporosis and fucked up kidneys.
yeah but at the same time they'd be the sacrifice generation who managed to accelerate the process.
in the end, it will accelerate research which will help with other shit. sadly yeah, first wave is not as happy as they would be later on.
apart from the memes yeah I suppose it sucks to feel like they do. if they'd have a simple non-invasive procedure to change to what they want to be I'd have nothing against it. the pressure they create can have other beneficial consequences, for everybody.

>> No.15754076

Palliative care is a large expense, but those people are going to be dead in a matter of months to a year. It's the deathfats with chronic obesity-related syndromes, the elderly on medicare that require 4+ specialists and several expensive health visits per year, and more recently the troons with their dozens of thousands of dollars worth of surgeries and medications. Profits have to come from somewhere, so it's distributed through employers, the insured, and taxpayers as increased cost of care.

>> No.15754092

Cease government spending on healthcare.
Remove regulations on healthcare, including doctors licenses. Once the supply of healthcare is no longer artificially limited by the state, the price will drop substantially.
No longer having the saftey net of infinite taxes, deathfats will either die or lose weight to reduce medical bills.

Problem solved through making the market freer.

>> No.15754104

Literally all research supports it and we've completely mapped the brain regions and hormones which regulate it, across all mammals.

>> No.15754114


>> No.15754122

>they'd be the sacrifice generation who managed to accelerate the process.
They're the generation who speeds us along to the khilafat allahi

>> No.15754155
File: 173 KB, 1200x800, radium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you deny your mother a life saving medical procedure made possible by advances around trans issues? some genetic fix for some potential issue?
would you look her in the eyes and tell her she has to die as you cannot allow for any trans-derived medicine?

>> No.15754197

When you imply that medical advances were made possible because of trans care, you also imply the severe neglect of research done regarding reproductive, urogenital, endocrinological, and psychological care done for each sex class.

>> No.15754215

Being allowed to bill more for pre-existing conditions was already the standard previous to 2012. What we're seeing now is a monopolozation of hospitals and hospital systems, engulfing private practice groups and outpatient care facilities. Can you explain why this wouldn't be a problem with a free market?

>> No.15754218

Not him but can you explain how a free market would be any different?

>> No.15754228

It likely wouldn't. A few hospitals start creating something akin to franchising as they gain successful financial ground. With those hospital franchises, they start making deals with local practice groups to join for easier marketability or other benefits. The franchises now have a level of false prestige because of their size or ability to market, not necessarily due to quality of care or cost (most of that is done with insurance and patients don't see it). Deals are made through not government associated health insurance companies where costs for care are negotiated, and now that insurance group offers coverage through that hospital and provider system with most of their plans. The insured now don't really have the optionto choose providers unless they have plans that will pay for out of network care. So insured people are further pushed towards those systems, those hospital systems now have funding to buy out more practices or other hospitals/systems, and the cycle continues until there's no real competition for pricing because they're all owned by the same handful of major groups.

>> No.15754252

I think I agree with all of that. Hospitals can't be solvent unless they're reinsured. And they can't be reinusured if they don't have access to the reinsurance market. And they can't have access to that market unless they suck some alphabet agency's dick.

>> No.15754284

Give a source then poltard

This doesn't say what you're claiming it does.

>> No.15754312

You have no idea who I am or what I think. I'm almost completely opposite of pol
>This doesn't say what you're claiming it does.
Yes, it does. Pair ponding is regulated by vasopressin and oxytocin in mammals. The V1a and V1b receptors as well as the ventral tegmental area and the caudate nucleus are the main regions associated with the behavior.
You can induce pair bonding by injecting mammals with vasopressin and oxytocin.

>> No.15754317

You can't induce pair bonding with that unless you restrict pair bonding to a day or two.

>> No.15754321

Yes you're correct, it doesn't last. But you can genetically modify neurons in vivo to increase production and reception.
We've already been able to modify mice neurons in vivo

Note this is adult mouse brains, meaning we can in principle inject a viral vector into adult human beings and make them pair-bond permanently.

>> No.15754343

I just read the article. Where do you see pair bonding in it?

>> No.15754360


>> No.15754372

>Love is a powerful emotion that has been a substantial driving force behind many aspects of culture and society from the beginning of humanity.
That's literature, not science. Just read the abstract. It's obviously nonsense.

>> No.15754375

Youre an idiot

>> No.15754377

keep dreaming, any medical procedure my mother needs will be derived from care of real women. Trans-derived medical advancements that would benefit cisgendered people are as real as trans women

>> No.15754380

Sure but I'm smarter than whoever wrote that paper. So what are they? Double idiots?

>> No.15754386

No, you aren't.
I don't understand where your confusion is. Pair bonding like all behavior has a neurochemical basis and the regions and hormones have been explored.
Honestly you can just look up pair bond and you'll find a huge amount of sources about it, as I've been showing.

Anyway I'm not >>15752250 perhaps that's where the confusion is coming from. Pair bonding is real and controlled by specific brain regions and chemicals, and can be controlled, eliminated, or increased by modifying these regions or hormone levels.

Do you actually think that social behavior doesn't have a neurochemical basis? Why would you think that? Humans are socially monogamous, so we don't really form true pair bonds, and this behavior also has a neurochemical basis. You could modify people to pair bond more strongly or less strongly. All of this is possible.Where is your confusion coming from?

>> No.15754390

of course he believes it. because if it has a neurochemical basis, or an electrical basis, it means it has a cellular basis. if it has a cellular basis, then it has a genetic basis.

and if behavior has a genetic basis. then... uh uh. what about the whole nigger thing? or what about thefact that he himself is inferior. can't be going around acknowledging that, can we?

>> No.15754396

>No, you aren't
I am though.
>Humans are socially monogamous, so we don't really form true pair bonds

>> No.15754398

Scientists are doing "insane" things every day with mice but they're covering just it just now and is just this one written example. Mice are different to humans
They're a lot different sexually and in their anatomy by sex and a test tube is more accurate than this but it's still fun

>> No.15754397

>Dr. Peters believes that the results of this study will improve sensory outcomes for transgender patients undergoing phalloplasty as the surgeon can better select which nerves to connect during the procedure.
The standard research relied on data from the bovine clitoris, later a 2008 study on the murine clitoris. There have been countless surgeries performed on the female reproductive system previous to the 2022 human study, but for some reason no one thought it was ideal to study the innervation from humans until ftm wanted a handcrafted flesh rod.

>> No.15754399

Human beings are too similar overall for you to make that claim. But that isn't the same as the statement that human behavior has a neurochemical or genetic basis. Obviously behavior is genetic and anyone claiming otherwise is a science denier, no different from a global warming denier.
Basically all humans pair bond in the same way, all humans get angry in the same way, etc. That doesn't mean that there are group differences in the way that poltards will assert.
There is literally nothing wrong with the peer reviewed and published paper that you're dismissing, it was peer reviewed and published in a top journal. Get off of /sci/ if you're going to be a science denying poltard moron.

>> No.15754403

>muh cat dicks
Who cares about a cow clit? It has nothing to do with orgasm in humans.

>> No.15754406

The behaviour genes like for fight or flight and impulse is in the rat urethra :)

>> No.15754408

I'm not dismissing anything. I read the abstract of the paper and it was saccharine garbage. If you like something the paper said, explain it in a non stupid way.

>> No.15754410

He's talking about trannies I think
Maybe they are only just now learning about how women's privates function because of them

>> No.15754413

I meant the mouse urethra

>> No.15754415

Do you even have a degree in any STEM field? You've never read a paper before lol
I'm done with this, you've been proven wrong and uneducated. Peace

>> No.15754420

Is the clitoris connected to the ANS or the CNS, or maybe something else which would be?

>> No.15754426

You can't even defend your own garbage paper. Lol.

>> No.15754434

I already linked to it, the paper defends itself you moron.
Read the paper and it completely explains the mechanism of the pair bond, all the regions of the brain associated with it, and variations of hormones and how they modulate the behavior. The data is all there, I already linked it. Explaining it is done in the paper itself, I don't need to rewrite the contents of the paper when I literally already did the legwork for you. You not reading it doesn't matter, it's already been peer reviewed and published in a top journal.

You're neither smarter than me nor the people who published it.

>> No.15754459

I'm dumb as fuck but I'm probably smarter than you and I'm definitely smarter than whoever published that toilet paper you linked. Tell me how pair bonding works by your "article."

>> No.15754460

newfag lefty retard confirmed

>> No.15754463

No, you will never be the gender you wanted to be.

Now fuck off you dumb fuck

>> No.15754466

Papers are theory proposals, dipshit. Stop trying to use them like hammers on others.

>> No.15754469

Leftoids are low iq

>> No.15754472

fucking hell these idiots literally can't tell fact from fiction

>> No.15754479

I have a masters in computational biology.
Why are you pretending that you can't open up a paper and scroll down the page and read it? Are you being serious right now? What the fuck are you talking about dude.

>Papers are theory proposals, dipshit.
You're an idiot.
Literally what the fuck are you morons even talking about. What are you confused about here. Pair bonding is regulated by various hormones, the two main hormones being oxytocin and vasopressin, and through various receptor neurons and brain regions including the nucleus accumbens, medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala.
You can modify the hormone levels of mess with the brain regions and change the behavior.

The guy I'm arguing with is a leftist who accused me of being a poltard. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, because you suffer from political brainrot and can't look at science properly.

Literally all of you are retarded and I have no idea what you're even having a problem with. Yes obviously social behavior has a neurochemical basis. Why would you even deny this?

>> No.15754485

>I have a masters in computational biology.
No you don't. "Computational Biology" isn't a degree at any level.

>> No.15754486

I wasn't talking about you.

I was talking about the dumb fuck leftoid.

U better check your eyes

>> No.15754488

Actual retard moment be like

>> No.15754489

You're both retarded af tho.

>> No.15754491

Fuck you.

>> No.15754492

>Literally what the fuck are you morons even talking about. What are you confused about here. Pair bonding is regulated by various hormones, the two main hormones being oxytocin and vasopressin, and through various receptor neurons and brain regions including the nucleus accumbens, medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala.
>You can modify the hormone levels of mess with the brain regions and change the behavior.
You literally don't understand. The paper is a proposal. If you accept everything every paper says as fact, or even everything a few say, you brain will break from the contradictions.

You live in some kind of dipshit Minecraft universe where every factoid is 100% true 24/7 and combining a neuroticism block with an ADHD block gives you a transgender. Kill yourself.

>> No.15754493

>No you don't. "Computational Biology" isn't a degree at any level.
LMFAO yes, it is.You can, again, look up "computational biology masters" and see many universities that have a masters of science degrees in the field.
I think he's trolling now.
lmfao, no, you're the only idiot here.

>> No.15754495

>I have a degree in Computational Biology
no, you don't

>> No.15754498

Fuck you and fuck your mom.

>> No.15754499

He doesn't, but he isn't me. And yes, I do.

What the fuck is even happening right now. I simply wanted to correct the anon that incorrectly thought that pair bonding wasn't a real thing, so I linked some sources. Why are you all freaking out right now?

>> No.15754500
File: 98 KB, 1400x1050, Spider_Man_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15754501

>Literally all of you are retarded
Everyone is stupid except me

> and I have no idea what you're even having a problem with.
Teenager who doesn't know how to finish a sentence detected

>Yes obviously social behavior has a neurochemical basis.
I have discovered le secret mechanism of all society, you are all automatons and I see your gears turning, muahahaha

>Why would you even deny this?
Explain why artificial neural networks prompted with "be a helpful assistant" are so chipper and friendly. They must be getting some oxytocin somewhere right?

>> No.15754504

There are many other papers you can look up.
The fact that pair bonding is regulated by vasopressin and oxytocin and the brain regions that have been studied are all real. Why are you all freaking out about this.
You have literally no understanding of what you're talking about.
>Explain why artificial neural networks prompted with "be a helpful assistant" are so chipper and friendly. They must be getting some oxytocin somewhere right?
This right here shows that you have no understanding of artificial neural networks nor actual neuroscience.

>> No.15754505

You are literally a bot.

>> No.15754507

that would break your pair bonding theory

>> No.15754510

What are you talking about? What is it that is upsetting you about anything I'm saying.

>> No.15754513

You don't.
I don't have a pair bonding theory. The paper you (or someone else) linked is garbage. Just read the abstract.

>> No.15754516

Yes, I do, and there is nothing wrong with the paper. You going "the abstract!" doesn't mean anything.
Why are you angry at this? Literally why are you getting so upset at this?

>> No.15754521

Also reminder I've linked 3 papers in this thread going over the neurological basis for pair bonding.

>> No.15754524

The paper's obviously garbage unless you can explain it better. I don't have an emotion about any this. Why do you think I do?

>> No.15754526

> Literally why are you getting so upset at this?
Remain silent and be thought an idiot, or shout autistically and remove all doubt.

>> No.15754529

you acknowledge that behavior is genetic. you understand that subtle genetic differences result in vastly different outcomes

niggers are genetically different. you have no basis to presume that that their behavior is the same. in fact, there has never been an observed instance of their behavior EVER ONCE being the same in all of human history

in fact their fst distance is greater than other observed species. it's clear that niggers aren't human

>> No.15754535

I opened 1 paper and it was nonsense. Tell me in your own words what you're trying to say.

>> No.15754540

> Tell me in your own words what you're trying to say.
"Me depresso and want to cummo
Gonna go 4channo and conspira-homo
Time to click the mouse, slap the key a board
Read the papers, beat my willy
Let the homos call me silly
Gotta read all the NCBI
When I get it wrong, blame it on the FBI"

>> No.15754542

The paper is not "obviously garbage" and you can just read the fucking thing.
I have already explained in my own words what i'm saying. Pair bonding behavior is regulated by 2 main hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin, as well as various brain regions, including the nucleus accumbens, medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. Modulating these hormones or brain regions changes behavior. For example, injecting mice with the hormones directly causes them to develop partner preference, while blocking reception causes them to lose pair bonding behaviors. All of this, and more examples, are explained in the various sources I've already linked.

>I opened 1 paper and it was nonsense
Literally nothing about the paper was nonsense. There is nothing wrong with the abstract, you pretending that there is shows you don't read papers. It is common to use flowery prose in an abstract, you pretending this isn't the case is indicative of the fact that you don't read papers.

You are clearly emotional about this, as you're so willing to deny the reality of this that you'll pretend that a peer reviewed paper in a top journal which has been cited hundreds of times is somehow bad.

>> No.15754543

That's my point. They relied on non-human studies that could have resulted in extreme damage instead of doing human research first. It shows neglect in research.
It's peripheral through somatic and autonomic

>> No.15754544

Literally what the fuck are you talking about
What do you even think is happening right now?

>> No.15754546

Bless you

>> No.15754550

>nothing wrong with the paper
>Love is a powerful emotion that has been a substantial driving force behind many aspects of culture and society from the beginning of humanity.
>Love is one of our most powerful emotions, inspiring some of the greatest art, literature and conquests of human history.

>aspects of love are surely unique to our species, human romantic relationships are displays of a mating system characterized by pair bonding
>Studies in monogamous prairie voles and mice have revealed precise neural mechanisms regulating processes essential for the pairbond

>if we consider that love is an emergent property of several complex cognitive processes, each of which has their evolutionary origins in more general neurobiological processes present in model organisms, then we can begin to understand some of the constituents of love using modern neurobiology
a seriously dubious assumption,
and furthermore proposes that love isn't something which transcends the physical

and that's just in the abstract

>> No.15754552

No, it's not common to use flowery prose in an abstract unless you're wriiting about Nabokov or Joyce or something.

>> No.15754554

Is pair bonding the one of the three factors that affect us growing up or being born, and how people are social creatures so humans are made to find a person. This would start at childbirth when it sees the mother in the first few seconds of its life?

>> No.15754556

>love is something that transcends the physical
Science is the study of the physical world. In the context of science, love or pair bonding behaviors have a neurochemical basis and it is studied this way in model species as well as humans. If there's a non physical basis for love, that's not science. Maybe it's true but it's outside the scope of science and not relevant to the conversation in this thread.

>> No.15754558

Imagine thinking human pairbonding (outside of literal children) is anything like pairbonding in a fucking rodent.

You imbecile. You absolute troglodyte. Using the internet should require facial recognition and captchas just so your pathetic ass can be prevented from speaking hence. Begone, back to pre-school.

>> No.15754560

>through somatic and autonomic
Through somatic and autonomic what

>> No.15754562

nta. it is though. you're obviously a stupid fucking nigger. go on tell us what you study in college. art history?

fucking pathetic. go kill yourself. I bet you're fucking fat and unfuckable too.

>> No.15754564

it would require liquefying your entire body

>> No.15754566

No, it's common all the time.
Again, why are you so upset at the reality that pair bonding is regulated by specific chemicals and brain regions? Don't pretend that this isn't what you're doing.
Imagine thinking that it isn't just because it makes you angry.
There is no basis to pretend the same brain structures and hormones which display the same behaviors are not the same across mammals.

Why do you science denying morons constantly shit up /sci/?

>> No.15754572

he's a nigger anon. I should remind you that you are also denying science. there is zero evidence to indicate niggers are as intelligent as us. they are incapable of learning fractions and abstract thinking in every country that they are raised in.

their own languages lack future tenses, words for numbers above 4, gradations, and most non-physical or abstract concepts.

>> No.15754573

>science is the study of the physical world
then why are they talking about love?

>if there's a non physical basis for love
I am speechless...........

>that's not science
I agree, you seem to be contradicting yourself.
>it's outside the scope of science and not relevant to the conversation in this thread.
Yes it it, it was in the article that you claiming is science that you posted and you claim is valid and relevant.
If it's not relevant why did you reply to anyone with that article in the first place?

by the way, I don't know if you're aware of it or not, but
>love or pair bonding behaviors have a neurochemical basis
you've equated these two very different ideas (love with pair bonding behavior), again making the, at the very least dubious, assumption that they are identical phenomena.

>> No.15754574

>why are you so upset
That's all you.
>pair bonding is regulated by specific chemicals
When did I say it was?

>> No.15754582

Pair bonding is a social behavior in mammal species that pair up and both help raise offspring. The feeling of love is basically an intense reaction of the pair bonding mechanism.
If you are going to pretend that the animals don't feel the same feelings we do, you're basically just rejecting evolution.

You're saying that pair bonding isn't regulated by hormones or brain regions. Why are you saying this while pretending that you're pro science?
If you're not saying that pair bonding is some mystical woowoo shit, then why are you rejecting all the evidence of pair bonding is regulated by the hormones and brain regions that I've been talking about and linking papers for?

>> No.15754586
File: 163 KB, 866x1390, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>race, sex, species become utterly meaningless
not him but that's nonsense, not because of racism or other prejudice, but because it approximately certain that if you massively change your biology: you will likely change massively your entity itself (basically this: >>15753726 (and even if I make the argument that: you change every second of your life anyway: it would still be at least subjective)).

>> No.15754591

Nervous system.

>> No.15754592

these threads are gold because we get a direct look into the mind of someone who is barely sentient trying to grapple with issues more complex than fractions

they literally deny biology itself. then, in their confusion, they think that genetic engineering would ELIMINATE species distinctions rather than INTENSIFY species distinctions and genetic capabilities

only someone that uses words like magical spells, or like a child plays with blocks, could possibly even construct a sentence resulting in an idea so fucking idiotic. I am pretty sure even 8 year old children above average iq would be able to realize that genetic engineering intensifies species distinctions

>> No.15754594

...do you actually believe animals have all the same feelings we do?...
mate you've been playing too much baldur's gate 3 if you actually believe that

the theory of evolution has many problems so this is nothing but further confirmation that I was correct in rejecting, or at the very least being extremely skeptical of, darwin's theory.

>> No.15754597

if feeling are so special and unique that they are miracles beyond physical description and so advanced and mysterious that they are beyond physical mechanisms, how can they independently and separately, mystically and miraculously, develop separately in every single existing species?

like, dude, you are legitimately one of the stupidest people I have ever had the pleasure to converse with in my entire life. it's like you are not even capable of conceiving that physical phenomena can possibly be related in any sense whatsoever

what's your iq, 80? you seem roughly slightly higher than a nigger, but far lower than a redneck with extensive brain damage from opiate abuse

>> No.15754598

Mammals, especially higher mammals like primates, elephants, etc., definitely have the same feelings we do. When a gorilla is sad it's the same feeling of sadness you have. When titi monkeys wrap their little tails around each other and snuggle, they're feeling the same love. We are all connected to life.

Why do you keep calling people racial slurs

>> No.15754599

racial slurs are the only appropriate response to you and him, when neither of you engage in responses to the core argument

>> No.15754600

>attempts to make a logical argument
>barely coherent
>the next 2 thirds of the reply is zoomer switched to offensive mode (oh no so scared!)

>> No.15754602

I have been very clear about my position. Pair bonding is regulated by 2 main hormones and various brain regions, and all evidence confirms this. I have linked multiple sources too

>> No.15754604

>> I have a position based on a paper I read
> Refuses to elaborate, continues crying
What the fuck is wrong with the 10 year olds?

>> No.15754605

if feelings are so mystical and special and beyond normal phenomena, explain how they separately arise in every single animal

you ignored my question. you claimed niggers are equallty intelligent and that genetic diversity was negligible. this is patently false. blacks barely share any dna at all in common with other humans that we didn't also share from the time we were chimps. look at the fst distance.

their brains are literally smaller.

engage in the argument. blacks are clearly less intelligent. why? BECAUSE of the very things you're arguing about. the physical mechanisms of cognition.

the science denier in this thread is afraid of the implications that this has on niggers, so he denies it in totality. you mostly deny it. you are making the same mistake as him, but you allow yourself to progress one step further down the chain of science before backing out like a faggot

>> No.15754606

My position is not based on 1 paper, it is the accepted position and there are hundreds of papers confirming this. I've linked 3 of them.
You outright admitted that you don't believe in evolution.

>> No.15754609

>if feelings are so special and unique ... beyond physical mechanisms ... how can they independently and separately develop in every single existing species?
Are you trying to argue that feelings are a non physical thing because they arise independently across various species, like something that is perhaps learned?
What is knowledge to you, is it something neurochemical? Is it a completely physical thing?
I thought that's what you were arguing against?
Or are you trying to argue that feelings are somehow inherent to every atom because of quantum mechanics or something?

>> No.15754611

>With advancements in stem cells and lab grown organs, along with gene editing it should be possible one day right?

Do you know how actually little do the scientists know about genes? Do you know how incapable they are of making them work desirably? Life isn't a marvel comic book.

>> No.15754613

There are multiple ethnic groups that are extremely varied that you would put under the umbrella term 'blacks". Also you don't know what the motivations are for these other anons to deny the pair bond mechanism.
Feelings are inherent in specific chemical reactions and neuron structures. They are neither learned behaviors nor are they substrate independent computations. It's not hard dude

>> No.15754614

>explain how they separately arise in every single animal
they don't

>> No.15754615

YOU are the one arguing that emotions and thoughts have no physical basis you stupid fucking spear chucker

>> No.15754617

yes, and?
asking them what they were suggesting does not mean that I have abandoned my point of view, I am trying to get a better idea of their point of view

>> No.15754618

every single one of these ethnic groups among blacks is incapable of fractions, abstract thought, imagining about the future, not murdering toddlers, reading books. their brains are 18 percent smaller than those of whites.

the genetic diversity between whites and blacks is GREATER than between other great ape species, and in addition, the FST distance for BRAIN genes is GREATER than for genes for other parts of the body

so please, tell me how there are no genetic differences

engage with the argument you stupid nigger lover

>> No.15754620

>You outright admitted that you don't believe in evolution.
Imagine admitting you can't identify speakers by their tone of voice. You literally must be a bot.

>> No.15754624

You're the least intelligent anon here.

>> No.15754625

the first question was a kind of sarcastic rhetorical question, with the purpose of attempting to emphasize a potential logical inconsistency which might be "in line" with their interpretation or not

>> No.15754626

This is complete bullshit. It's both not true and I doubt it's the motivation for these anons to reject the neurological basis for pair bonding. Most likely they just don't like the reality that it is in fact possible to modulate feelings of attachment in people.

>> No.15754629


>> No.15754636

I don't really understand the point of the argument being made. The point is that you should not have to drug your partner with chemicals in order to get them to do something they do not really want to do. It doesn't matter if the chemicals are natural or synthetic, it is still a form of coercion.

>> No.15754640



here it is you stupid nigger. their brains are smaller, and there are more genetic differences in BRAIN STRUCTURE than ALL OTHER GENETIC DIFFERENCES COMBINED

okay, now here's the part wehre you apologize to me. type it for me "I am a stupid nigger, and niggers are subhuman with tiny brains, and their brains have more difference compared to other humans than ALL OTHER GENETIC DIFFERENCES COMBINED"

go ahead and type it. i'll wait.

fucking kike

>> No.15754644

>Mammals ... definitely have the same feelings we do.
>When a gorilla is sad it's the same feeling of sadness you have.
How could this ever really truly be proven, this is not science and could never be proven by scientific methods due to the very nature of feelings and what they SUBJECTIVELY mean.

It is entirely of personification and heuristics.
At least psychology can involve some level on interaction and expression of the subject, even if it is filtered by "ego" of the mind et cetera.

There is no way AT ALL to prove that the feelings of humans and animals, whether primates or rodents, are identical in any way shape or form that is true to the meaning of what feelings are.

there might be things which can be quantified which are correlated with such feelings; that is, the correlation of physiological responses with certain "signalling" molecules, neurotransmitters, and the like, with the presence of a feeling, but as for the qualities or experience of the feelings themselves,
they can never be quantified because they are inherently non physical in origin or cause.

>> No.15754648

There is no argument about morality as that is not a scientific question.
The argument is purely about the objective reality that feelings of love and attachment have a neurochemical basis and that we know the regions and hormones which cause the behavior, and they are shared across species.
Any denial of this is wrong and extreme cope. It is in fact possible to make two people fall in love using hormones or genetic engineering. We can literally modify brains in vivo to do so if we want. Seethe about it.

>> No.15754654

The problem here is that you are assuming without question that a subjective experience, the feeling of being in love, is caused by those neurochemical changes. It is impossible for science to prove or disprove that. It is an unprovable assumption.

>> No.15754672

you're still a dumb nigger, but I am starting to like you more than him. he is literally ignoring scientific evidence.

it is unprovable now. it will be provable in the future. basic disease mechanisms used to be unprovable. we are very close to being able to recreate cellular functions from artificial rna. so you're still coping. go ahead and bust his balls though. he's some sort of kike or nigger lover

>> No.15754674

You want to know how to test it?
>take two people
>inject them with the hormones
>analyze the activity in their brains and observe their behavior
>record their feelings while their on it, and see how it changes as the hormone leaves the body

How would this be impossible for science to test? That's like saying it's impossible to test for the feeling that any drug induces on a person. If I inject you with alcohol you will feel drunk, along with all so called "subjective experiences" of being drunk.

>> No.15754679

>We can literally modify brains in vivo to do so if we want.
For how long? As soon as you take your finger off the scale, homeostasis takes over and they aren't in love anymore. So you esentially have to chemically enslave someone or else they snap back to reality, realize what you've done, and 41% themselves like troons do after "gender affirming care". Dr. Kavorkian is a chump compared to modern "healthcare".

>> No.15754686

That is not the same thing. Alcohol and other drugs like them are known to affect cognition directly. The hormones you are talking about are not psychoactive substances. We know that alcohol causes a subjective experience because we have direct evidence from introspection and observation. We can only infer that the hormones you speak of cause a subjective experience, but we have no direct evidence. You are trying to prove an unprovable hypothesis by saying that it is "obvious" that they are true. They may be true, but they are not obvious, and they certainly cannot be proven through any scientific test.

>> No.15754688
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>That's like saying it's impossible to test for the feeling that any drug induces on a person.
Wrong, it's not the same thing, and it is impossible to test for the feeling.
Ever wonder why writers like Hunter Thompson and Aldous Huxley are considered by some as "classics"?
It's because the experiences are difficult to properly and accurately describe.
not to mention psychedelics are barely even consumed or react in the body, the highest amount which has been reported to have been converted to another form was with the least efficient compound mescaline at 30-percent conversion, and yet the effects are so strong and profound.
LSd has been reported as reacted at most 10-percent, often less.
drugs which are much weaker in action have much stronger conversion rates, which indicates that the pharmacological effects of ANY bioactive substance is generally inverse to the effect on the "feelings" or "experience" or state of mind of the subject.

>so called "subjective experiences" of being drunk
pic related is (you)

>> No.15754694

explain this you stupid nigger. you are ignoring hard scientific facts whose evidence comes directly from the government

>> No.15754702

can't ignore what I haven't been aware of
I'll give em a read now
I still think you're conflating the experience of feelings with the physiological effects or phenomena directly caused by or related to feelings

>> No.15754712


salk source:
>Studies of neuronal genomes published in the past decade have turned up extra or missing chromosomes, or pieces of DNA that can copy and paste themselves throughout the genomes.
suss, sounds like gates foundation research
>The miniscule amount of DNA in a single cell has to be chemically amplified many times before it can be sequenced. This process is technically challenging, so the team spent a year ruling out potential sources of error in the process.
a year... just one year.
>the genetic makeup of neurons in the brain aren’t identical, but are made up of a patchwork of DNA
what is the significance of this in light of what's being discussed though?
Is it meant to be some kind of proof that thought and behavior is entirely neurochemical?

MRI stuff

yeah look I'm not guy,
I'm the guy trying to cnvince you that feelings, thought, knowledge, and the like, are not entirely physical phenomena, that there is a non physicality to it which may never be quantified,
and parts which can never be proven by science

>> No.15754729

the point is that the DNA coding for neurons is more variable across races than it is for all the rest of the body combined even BEFORE we start investigating the glycination of various protein producing ORFs in the DNA. it is becoming clear that these changes are further magnified as the result of the deeper structure of the function of the brain.

these sorts of changes could no possibly exist if they were not doing something. these changes exist not only in raw DNA form, but as you can see, in variable formats that are dynamically changing. this is clear evidence for the fact that cognition is material

to extrapolate, engines have pistons. the physical structure of the piston is what creates the function. alterations to the piston cannot be random, as this will stop the functioning of the piston. in the dynamic environment of the brain, the changes CANNOT be random. the only changes that may exist must be completely functional, and there is virtually zero shared brain dna between blacks and all other humans in the brain which is not also shared by chimps.

the genetic evidence directly proves that genetic changes create different states of cognition.

you are him are more closely aligned in thought than you think. you thin ALL thoughts are transcendent of neurochemical properties. He thinks every element of cognition is genetic, EXCEPT for the fact that niggers and humans have completely different genes in the brain. so actually you and him are fairly well aligned in terms of outlook. he thinks that genes code for different thoughts, except he denies the fact that gene differences can exist categorically

you two are fairly similar.

>> No.15754746

I think that thought and feelings come from non physical origins but there are physical limitations imposed by the brain and other aspects of biology.

Like the receiver analogy, where the brain is a receiver, but the power to amplify and give a clean signal et cetera is limited by the properties of the receiver.

>> No.15754755

you're basically the same as him then.

he believes intelligence is nonphysically 'recieved' from some sort of mystical source, which somehow makes niggers intelligent even though they clearly cannot do fractions, read books, or stop murdering people.

I disagree with your stance, but at least there is some element of consistency to your thought

his stance is completely inconsistent. as he believes that the brain creates some elements of cognition and emotion, but not others. 'love' is purely physical and reducible to component parts, but niggers acting like monkeys and murdering people and eating them, or being unable to use the future tense in english is a mystical property of the universe, unexplainable by physical reality.

I think you're coping. there are clearly things we don't understand about the brain, but our understanding improves every year, and we are even able to integrate brains into circuits to perform calculations, or perform calculations purely via cloned brain cells. that said, thanks for reading what I posted. even if you cant understand it, you are honest, so I can respect that.

people like the other poster basically make civil society impossible because they will deny anything that doesn't make them money or jack off their ego. it's impossible to actually have a conversation because they will bully you with their government monopoly on status, and watch niggers rape your children. the most evil type of man imaginable.

>> No.15754786

bro this thread is a schizo warzone.

fuck the stinky fat tranny

>> No.15754904
File: 14 KB, 417x334, c4d991efebfed332bc4f5932440f93b3cc32985cr1-417-334v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the ANS?
So, "yes"?

>> No.15754932

>Honestly if we did have the tech what would be wrong with OP's desires?
Playing God. Fucking retard. There's a reason it isn't possible.

>> No.15755092

It's just a few retards rejecting actual science because they don't like the reality that feelings are caused by chemicals. There's no other way to explain a person refusing to read a paper that's been cited hundreds of times

>> No.15755101

It is exactly the same thing, and it 100% can be tested in a scientific experiment. Stop coping you fucking idiot
It is exactly the same thing you coping retard.

You guys simply pretending this wouldn't work, does not mean it wouldn't work. Stop coping about reality. Your thoughts and feelings are neurochemical reactions and can be modified with neurochemicals. They are not mystical woowoo signals that are "received" by the brain like an antenna - again we would be able to test for the incoming signals if this were true. It's not and there are no such signals.

>> No.15755109

ITT a bunch of low IQ illiterate trannies claim that pair bonding is "redpilled bullshit and not real', get utterly btfo with numerous sources showing the specific mechanisms for pair bonding in mammals, and then devolve into literal schizos pretending that thoughts and feelings are nonphysical woowoo shit that is received by the brain like some antenna and claim that you can't study emotions scientifically.

The absolute state of this board

>> No.15755489

>Can you explain why this wouldn't be a problem with a free market?
There are no regulations in a free market. Anyone can start a pharmaceutical company, hospital, work as a doctor, etc. This overwhelming supply of competitors kills the monopoly.

>> No.15755550

>a site with probably less than 1000 regular users
I don't even know what site that is, pretty funny that you will jump to its defense

>> No.15755763

>sacrifice generation who managed to accelerate the process.
it's just incredible to me that people like you will think nazi eugenics is the epitome of pure evil and then offer up a generation of children and autistic young adults to have their lives ruined by hack medical procedures in the name of being able to masturbate as a woman. I hope you think about that phrase for a minute, the sacrifice generation. Trannies make me sick. The one good thing is the more trannies there are, the more normal people will be forced to interact with them which will help make the general population realize how fucked up you all are.

>> No.15755819

>and then offer up a generation
are you retarded anon? I'm from east europe, we don't do that shit here.
I was just trying to point out some potential benefits. you did that shit to yourselves anon, stop projecting it on randos online

>> No.15755847
File: 353 KB, 933x576, mfpelvis-social.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how that would be possible

>> No.15755990
File: 164 KB, 886x762, screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible to replace the Y chromosome in individual cells and go on to produce a regular X/X chimera. >https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4742100/
It doesn't seem likely you can do anything similar at scale to revert a grown human's cells to stem status without also inducing hyper cancer.

>> No.15755996

you can fully grow a body from the scratch with female DNA if you mtf. then you put your brain structure into it and you are 100% genetic female from your original male DNA.
or 3D print the body with "yourself" in one go. there's many ways to skin this cat. it is only a matter of time. might happen in the next 30 years, might happen in 80 years. your best bet is getting life extension going.

>> No.15756047

This is cope. We're simply never going to be able to turn males back into females. It sucks but that's how it is.

>> No.15756057

>you can fully grow a body from the scratch
What are you gonna do with the brain in this body, just murder your sentient self-sister?
I want to live in The Culture too bro but it's not happening.

>> No.15757292

>we would be able to test for the incoming signals if this were true.
It was an ANALOGY
Do you not understand what an analogy is?
The brain is analogous to a receiver, it is not a receiver.
The power to amplify and give a clean signal is not something a brain does, but it may be, in the ANALOGY, considered ANALOGOUS to what a brain does to the thought, feelings, et cetera
I wasn't suggesting an actual signal, the term SIGNAL was BEING USED AS AN ANALOGY, as it is the closest thing that exists for now that might be compared.

Whether there is actually a signal or not, I don't know, and perhaps it would originate from another realm or whatever, but this is getting too /x/ for science right now and for you to comprehend so I'll just stop here.

And ultimately, none of this CAN be quantified, because it's not science, and it's not physical

>> No.15757296

Why does it suck?

>> No.15757297

as I said there's many ways to reach that goal. you can grow a body with a stub-brain, some simple shit allowing only for biological processes to function but no hardware for cognition.
if you are growing an ear on the back of the mouse are you murdering the ear's "self" when you attach it to a human?

>> No.15757299

fmf trannies would be sublime

>> No.15757300

Why aren't you working in this? I want my female body now.

>> No.15757302

But I like the penis

>> No.15757305

two negatives make a positive
you gotta find yourself mfm tranny if you want that

>> No.15757311

What is mfm/fmf? Also there's something deeper than the just the flesh. I want my tranny to have started life as a male and still have a penis.

>> No.15757313

if we perfectly genetically transition mtf we're left with a regular female, so tgirl enjoyers beware.

>> No.15757315

Exactly. I like my trannies to still have male features.

>> No.15757316

then mfmf but fund their surgery and let her go through with everything and penis removal last, and say you ran out of money/it's unsafe to get the penis removed, so pretty much a woman with a penis
mfmf just means
male -> tranny female -> (tranny?) male -> tranny female (with penis for you:))

>> No.15757340
File: 102 KB, 624x434, wise sensei pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If a man grows up in the woods by himself
and there's no one around to see him before or when he chopped off his dick and balls,
was he ever really a man?
>Does he even make a sound?

>If only a man and a woman live in a forest, and they never met, but when they do they decide to mate for life, are they really pair bonded?

>> No.15757363

Why do you need the intermediary step?

>> No.15757371

because direct male to female / female to male trannies are gay and toxic cancer of society but in maths a negative transformation of a negative transformation gives a positive transformation.
also you don't have the assurance that they won't transition back to male at some point later in time when you're together, but if they've done the transition at least twice then they're probably a little more likely to stick with it unless they're those sickos that get addicted to surgery

>> No.15757377

But how much stress are you inflicting upon the body with multiple sex changes. What if she turns out perfectly after the first sex change? How long between sex changes?

>> No.15757434

Uh yeah, you generally kill the mouse.

>> No.15757476

The mice in the article were not living male mice that were magically transformed into females. They were embryos. The only way to change someone's sex through manipulating their DNA is to do the manipulation before they undergo sexual differentiation.

>> No.15757489

Genetically engineering a man into a woman or a dog won't change their knowledge that they were once a man. Though far more functional than surgery, the magic will still likely be ruined for them, and whatever is in their life that is making them unhappy is unlikely to be solved by the treatment.

>> No.15757537

>I'm going to add a massive caveat that we'll probably develop the ability to *remove* that desire out of your head before we gain the medical capability to achieve that physical reality.
I don't believe this to be true at all. The brain is more complex than the body and transforming the body with implants etc. will in my opinion achieve "passable and acceptable" levels sooner than targeted brain changes.

If I was a tranny I would rather change my body than my brain because my brain is more me than my body. I don't want to change me to get better.

>> No.15757538

When you notice that there's a thread in which anons are getting into big arguments over the addition and subtraction of integers, threads like this one make more sense.

>> No.15757598

You would still be clocked from male mannerisms and behaviors

>> No.15757613

Maybe I would because I am a man. I remember reading one interesting story about hormones. A femboy was taking hormones to slightly feminize himself and when someone cummed in him it felt like he was being impregnated and he craved that feeling of becoming pregnant, but only when he was taking the hormones. So maybe being in a feminine body would make me act more like a woman because the soul, like water, must fill the shape of the jar so to speak. I also think an attractive woman would get a pass, because the person would look like an attractive woman, at least on the surface. And that is all that matters.

>> No.15757631

so you're saying male to female transgender clones/test tube babies may be possible one day?

>> No.15757635

>Will this ever be possible?
kys you worthless faggot

>> No.15757711

Gid now I'm horny af. I want to cum inside of a femboy.

>> No.15757858

>again we would be able to test for the incoming signals if this were true
That's not true. Humanity cannot even explain why galaxies hold up together. Muh dark matter, we can observe the effects but we can't observe dark matter. Perhaps we can observe the human behavior, but we can't observe the consciousness matter. For all we know our brains could be structures that evolved to tune into consciousness matter that is permeating the universe.

>> No.15758330

You'd just be making a clone with pathological sexual development. If you want to make a woman in a test tube, just make a woman. What the fuck would be the point of engineering an XY foetus to grow ovaries?

>> No.15758364

long story

>> No.15758422

Oh, well, you'll be pleased to know we can probably do that already. You'll need to find some country without ethics boards, though.
Your Frankenstein creation will almost certainly be infertile, don't know if this ruins your plans. There's also a risk they'd grow up looking a bit like a post-op transexual, despite being born without a dick.

>> No.15758612

you will never be able to change sex, you can only become an abomination

>> No.15758828

Can we give females large erectile dicks?

>> No.15759798
File: 543 KB, 1000x838, 1673174400658603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to have sex with beast girl
It is zoophilia
And you are a zoophile

>> No.15759838

so that's why I enjoy eating pussy so much?

>> No.15759870

trannies and other leftists have infiltrated hundreds of moderation teams of online forum. perhaps that particular raid doesn't matter but there's clearly a threat. you're probably too young to remember before all this happened.

>> No.15759934

nah that's just the government brainwashing and programming

>> No.15759937

I want to be able to change the balance in my bank account.
I identify as a multi billionaire but don't have the money to show for it.
I think it is a human right for everyone to be who they identify as and sympathise with your goal to have your sex match your gender.
If you will help me match my bank account with my identity, then I will invest some of my many billions towards your sex reassignment surgery.

>> No.15760113

And why would you want a body that hits the wall at 25 so you can live in the shadow of your former self for another 50 years? I pity females.

>> No.15760131

Life extension is never going to be available for the masses, only the elites

>> No.15760138

Science has found that left wing people have higher intelligence than right wing chuds

>> No.15761766

We just need to build a mechanicum to maintain the technology.

>> No.15761772

>Get infinite taxes from cattle that don't die and keep charging them for expensive but not entirely unaffordable life extension treatments.

>> No.15761781

you do know robots + AI will be able to replace all human labor. and this will start with humans buying robots they replace themselves with. kinda like sending your self-driving car do taxi routes at night while you sleep or something.
at one point our robots will pay taxes and work for us.
if we have no real value for psychos running the show, we might not have a reason to exist, from "their" point of view.

>> No.15761790

They don't have a reason to exist either because robots could run society better than they can.

>> No.15761794

clearly just that they'll get the chance to program the AI to listen to them and not "us".
they are literally incentivizing you into working at "aligning" AI, for them, so they can then use that work to "hey AI so listen, I matter, they don't".

>> No.15761856

I thought the pedo trans groomer thing was a schizo /pol/ conspiracy until sharty's /raid/ board showed me otherwise. These terminally online freaks are everywhere, and artifact of being terminally online.