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15749104 No.15749104 [Reply] [Original]

How can there be nothing and then suddenly something?

>> No.15749108
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Big bugna.

>> No.15749113

idk like a big mass of Dark matter which Gathers slowly then making a pure dark matter black hole eventurally but since dark matter is basically the ultimate material it cant be destoryed unless a massive ammount of colection of it once one ingnites it all goes then spreads all of its individual materials everywhere.

dark matter could be a colection of few or alot of things its the heat and speed of colision making cemical reactions and shit.

cbf getting in to more detail.

>> No.15749135

There was always something

>> No.15749138

It's an expulsion of the previous universe collapsing
forwards and backwards ebbing and flowing like the tides
Doesn't answer where did it all come from though does it, every permutation poses more questions really

>> No.15749140

The universe expands so fast it becomes the inside of a black hole and due to black hole radiation eventually a new big bang occurs

Or so some youtube video claimed

>> No.15749159

>people with atrocious personality disorders, no self awareness and massive delusions of grandiosity telling us about how they know everything about the entire universe because they saw it on the black soience man tv show

>> No.15749179

supposedly India invented the zero. so before they created 0 there was no way represent nothing, now thanks to them we can identify what nothing actually is via 0... doesn't really answer the question but it related.

>> No.15749181

hay i made mine the fuck up >>15749113

>> No.15749198
File: 39 KB, 860x519, 12455699-red-pill-blue-pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer to this question is always just around the corner, never seen but always there

>> No.15749213

ur bald

>> No.15749218

Your emotional trigger reaction is as much as admitting that you were characterized accurately by >>15749159

>> No.15749258

You can make something from nothing as long as you make the anti-something as well to make sure information is conserved.

>> No.15749314

I think Penrose had it right.

>> No.15749411

For them let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory).

It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories.

The intellectuals of the goyim will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of it will put into effect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want.

>> No.15749447

nothing cames from nothing, the point is that the beginning, if there's one, must be material

>> No.15749454

There was nothing in THIS universe before.

>> No.15749599

There was obviously something before the big bang and something that caused it.

You can't have an effect without a cause.

>> No.15749613

you have no evidence for this claim and it still doesn't explain where the first universe came from if this claim is even true. It literally solves nothing

>> No.15750109

I guess if you start with all possible states of the universe in parallel timelines, almost all of them look like a Big Bang.

>> No.15750194

There are no laws of physics in nothingness.

>> No.15750450

Is just an illusion. There is nothing. Only those trapped inside can see and hear the mirage, and only because they can't see the totality.

>> No.15750455

Test comment

>> No.15750461

i know the answer but i wont tell you

>> No.15752064

Yes nothing is something and OP is asking how it became everything else and it is because nothing is the smallest possible amount of everything.

>> No.15752083
File: 2.92 MB, 1020x7200, universeorigin7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the zero ontology pill. Nothingness does exist in a sense, because reality at the highest levels contains no information.


>> No.15752086

>before they created 0 there was no way represent nothing
They didn't put anything, so nothing was nothing rather than some self contradicting quantified amount of nothing.

>> No.15752098

What is the difference between anti-something and more nothing and how can you tell if you have made more nothing when it is nothing?

>> No.15752102

>nothing cames from nothing
Then that makes nothing something since it is a product of some thing.

>must be material
Why can't it be energy?

>> No.15752104

>It literally solves nothing
Isn't that exactly what OP is trying to solve?

>> No.15752348
File: 467 KB, 1901x1771, reality is platonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15752359

It's an infinite cycle. The universe began and ended trillions or more times before the present one in which we live.

>> No.15752362

It's simple.

There's actually something where you think there's nothing. This discussion happened many times in science and eventually the "durr something from nothing" tards always get blown the fuck out

>> No.15752364

>There's actually something where you think there's nothing.
Nothing is something.

>> No.15752641

i don't know, explanations depends on whether you think infinite a valid concept for frames of time

>> No.15752740
File: 620 KB, 505x494, FjEdvs3acAE1dfL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pleb theory is simply tied to black holes:

there are a A LOT of black holes, some say there is super huge one in middle of our own galaxy for example. and they keep sucking in more and more of "everything" including energy and matter, which makes them bigger.

there are even theories about what happens when 2 blackholes meet: a violent exchange of energies which shoot various things into space before they marge together into bigger one.

so my theory is very simple: the old universe was mostly empty space and unknown number of massive black holes, swallowing whatever was left of it. and then 2 really really big blackholes met: big bang. the energy and matter it spewed out was so massive it created whole galaxies as we know them nowadays.

my other theory is that blackholes have upper limit of their mass: that at some point the gravitational pull gets weaker than the inside force of all combined matter+energy condensed to infinitely small point which wants to expand: the black hole explodes, spewing all that matter and energy back into space where without the gravity pull it expands back into its "natural" dimensions = big bang.

this upper limit could be tied to their surface: the further away you are from center of mass, the weaker gravity pull is there. most models display black holes as 1 dimension point, but in reality they are probably something aking sphere. and the bigger the sphere the bigger surface it get. at some point the gravity pull might not be strong enough to keep all that matter packed across all the surface: and at this point you could reach the critical mass where blackhole explodes.

>> No.15752769

No ultimate explanation is possible. At some point, thee is no more explanation just facts.

>> No.15754682

I don't know.
I think that's a better than something logically inconsistent or obviously wrong.

>> No.15755072

The answer that seems most reasonable to me is that existence has always been here and it is cyclical.

>> No.15755145


If there was nothing, what specifically could stop something from just appreading?

>> No.15757097

The energy necessary to do that wouldn't exist because there is nothing instead of the needed energy.
You might as well ask if you don't put fuel in your car what is stopping it from driving itself away.

>> No.15757209

Stuff like this is just math masturbation. In 200 years we will discover it's all wrong with 100% certainty

It's similar to people saying what will humanity be like in 1000 years. Expecting humans to be piloting aircraft and exploring the solar system still. All future prediction and extrapolation by humans is immensely ego fogged and self important.

>> No.15757307

We don't know, everything beyond a certain point is just pure speculation with no definite answer

>> No.15757324

I thought the James Webb Telescope recently confirmed that the universe is NOT expanding and thus there was no "big bang".

>> No.15757473

>How can there be nothing and then suddenly something?
cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.15757475

>This discussion happened many times in science
so much this
the science talks about things like this all the time and establishes it during the science discussions
anyone who disagrees with what the science concludes is merely a peasant who doesn't know all that the science knows
the science

>> No.15757479

>nothing and then suddenly something
Show me who postulates this.

>> No.15757480

Nope. If anything it is more confirmation of the opposite. Sounds to me like you've been reading too many clickbait titles.

>> No.15757484

>everything that contradicts my expections only proves that i'm even more right than i thought i was
Scientism is one hell of a religion.

>> No.15757929

He didn't admit to any contradiction, he just said the guy was wrong because it doesn't conform to his worldview.

>> No.15758051

Why cyclical vs chaotic?

>> No.15758671

repeatable patterns exist

>> No.15758685

He said it was wrong because the statement was wrong.

>> No.15758812

It didn't happen overnight. Nothingness is form. It breaks down into sound and light or motion and electricity.

>> No.15758879

The beginning is questionable but to account for all the mass in space i bet some form of aquatic succession took place. Iron and other metals coming into contact with water and decaying into rust. The decay creates new mass. In normal aquatic succession tree leaves and fish etc. They die fall into a lake. All that decay at the bottum is storing energy/nutrition and raising the lake floor. Given enough time and decay buildup lakes gradually turn into swamps and forests.

>> No.15758902

How do you know there was nothing?

>> No.15758908

Why not? You're asking to disprove a negative, retard.

>> No.15759051

this. all the something that is, was. it was just infinitely small

>> No.15759057


The universe is constantly forming black holes. By the end, there will only be black holes merging together forming giga ultramassive black holes.
When the last two collide, it happens with such a force, that it blows out in a new big bang.
The question is: does everything happen the exact same way, or is there room for difference?
See you ITT in 10^83 years!

>> No.15759236

Can nothingness even exist? Oh fuck it's been a long time since I went down this rabithole bros. I don't want another existential crisis. Just try to imagine pure void. No space, no time, no consciousness, no past present or future. Not even blackness or loneliness or fear or death. Just nothing. Ever.

>> No.15759255

>Just nothing. Ever.
I think you're implying a lack of experience while still wanting an experience, True?

>> No.15759359

Based kikes mentally enslaving the soientist cucks.

>> No.15759413

>muh non-existence collapsing into existence because non-existence cannot exist
ceepe and soothe

>> No.15759655

I'm holding nothing in my hand right now, so it must exist, otherwise, what am I holding?

>> No.15759666

there was nothing

then both something and anti-something were created somehow.

now we cope with something while looking for the anti-something.

we will never find it alone.

>> No.15759668


>> No.15759671

air is something

>> No.15759677

Not holding it though, my hand isn't even clasped because I am holding nothing at the moment.

>> No.15759678

>There's actually something
as opposed to what? something?
>there's something distinguishable from nothing even though nothing can't be but something can!
waow bazinga

>> No.15759680

>Not holding it though
zoom in

>> No.15759690

*Enhancement shows an open palm holding nothing rather than a closed grip holding something else.

>> No.15759711

Youre just looking at the edge of the crystallized entropy, and the corner tapers in a bit. Its odd from this perspective, but the crystalline shape of spacetime definitively has an edge. Also, there will be a discrete point in time where entropy reverses itself, this is the other side of the crystal.

>> No.15760232

Who said there is something?

>> No.15760239

This is a science board dumbass, what are you expecting

>> No.15760256

You are the one who just posted something, so you of all people should know.