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15749005 No.15749005 [Reply] [Original]

Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% of Deaths Were Caused by Vaccine

Study is Removed by Boss Pfizer Within 24 Hours
Pfizer owns The Lancet



Background: The rapid development and widespread deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, have led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.

Methods: We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.

>> No.15749006

Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Interpretation: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms, and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.

Funding: None.

Declaration of Interest: Drs Alexander, Amerling, Hodkinson, Makis, McCullough, Risch, Trozzi are affiliated with and receive salary support and or hold equity positions in The Wellness Company, Boca Raton, FL which had no role in funding, analysis, or publication.

>> No.15749079

>This preprint has been removed by Preprints with The Lancet because the study's conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.
that's obvious way of saying conclusions aren't what we want it to be. Lancet used to be a symbol of science and even opposed authorities at times. Now it's all dead like most journals.

>> No.15749325

On June 17, 2022, the FDA authorized emergency use of the mRNA Covid vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech to include use in children down to 6 months of age. Turns out, it KILLED a lot of them.

Just over a year later, the report – which was quietly released by CDC and subsequently suppressed by the mainstream media – revealed that nearly half a million children and young adults have now died since the injections were approved for use on most children.

Over 118,000 of those deaths are suspected to be DIRECTLY linked to the Covid vaccines’ side effects.

Despite the staggering death toll revealed in the report, it has been met with deafening silence from the mainstream media.

The latest data from the CDC has just been published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC).

You can view the data for yourself at https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?queryid=104676

>> No.15749747
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>> No.15749752

I'd bite that faggot's nuts off too if he was creepshotting me. Good for the swan.

>> No.15751109

Birds are smarter about immigration than some people are. They're migratory so they've learned to recognize the difference between different subspecies of humans.

>> No.15751115

stop noticing

>> No.15751403

Why do people trust institutions? Why do people trust governments especially? Just because someone made a regulation and promised it was to keep you save, doesn't meant it is.

Laws are meant to gatekeep smaller companies from competing with corporations.

>> No.15751465

institutions put enormous effort into generating the false appearance that people trust them, by doing that they're able to fool all of the nonthinking NPC class of people into trusting the institutions.
high school and college kids are taught about "checks and balances" in government, "journalistic ethics" and "the scientific method" as a means of getting them to trust institutions and propaganda, hollywood makes movies shilling the same ideas for the same reasons. in reality professional journalists have no ethical boundaries they place on themselves, scientists flaunt the "the scientific method" whenever they find it convenient to do so and there are no "checks and balances" reigning in government save for the government's fear of triggering violent revolt

>> No.15752237
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if only it had been true

>> No.15753599

>get vax'd

>> No.15753692

it really is that simple

>> No.15754748

The hippocratic oath goes on that list too

>> No.15754870

Why do you think you have a choice?
Violence is inherent to the system.

>Laws are meant to gatekeep smaller companies from competing with corporations.
Laws are meant to keep large corporations from choking out small companies, retard liberal.

>> No.15754875

>Laws are meant to keep large corporations from choking out small companies, retard liberal.
Anon, saying this makes YOU the retard liberal, Jesus, how do you have this little political awareness?

>> No.15754878

Liberals are in favor of deregulating the market and allowing large corporations to do whatever they want.

>> No.15754883

Fuck's sake

Learn the difference between political liberalism and what has been colloquially known as "neoliberals" since the 80s.

>> No.15754898

Yeah I saw something before which talks about Fauchi and his relationship with hep, or was it hiv

>> No.15754907

political liberalism is when you let corporations do whatever you want
neoliberalism is when you do that, but also apply market logic to spaces where it really should not be applied, such as electricity, healthcare or transportation.

>> No.15755395

This has to be a troll.

>> No.15755483

That is classic liberalism, in your first sentence, back in the 18th century, which advocated for both entrepreneurial ("laissez faire, laissez passer") and everyday freedom. Down the line, as the bourgeoisie gained more and more political power and was displacing the monarchy, the left as we know it today started forming as the workers critique against a world shaped by capital.

>> No.15755484

>let's study vaccine related deaths
>74% of them are caused by the vaccine

>> No.15755494
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White people are trained hard not to notice patterns

>> No.15755528

so where does neoliberalism come in?
The two most prominent neoliberals were Margeret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. And those two were very far removed from anything leftist.
Neoliberalism is defined by austerity and privatization.

>> No.15756378

Whites are trained to notice that they'll suffer severe financial, social and legal penalties for saying what they notice

>> No.15756400

>so where does neoliberalism come in?

The mid-70s

>The two most prominent neoliberals were Margeret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. And those two were very far removed from anything leftist.
Neoliberalism is defined by austerity and privatization.


>> No.15756488

>"My girlfriend is pregnant, but I'm a virgin. It's proof that immaculate conception is true! Publish my finding!"
>"No. Your conclusion is not supported by the data."

>> No.15756920 [DELETED] 

Do you hate Christianity because you're a jew or some other form of sinner? Why not just learn to lead your life honestly and morally? If you do that you won't have to be so angry and defensive all the time.

>> No.15757409

>If you do that you won't have to be so angry and defensive all the time.
he says right after saying
>Do you hate Christianity because you're a jew or some other form of sinner?
when responding to a post that mentions cuckoldry.

But if you insist, I'm not a Christian because the second coming never happened, just like the flood.

>> No.15758462 [DELETED] 
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are you a vaxxxie as well as an atheist?

>> No.15759046

do you happen to have the pdf of the study?

>> No.15759079 [DELETED] 
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Hanging you with your own guts is going to be fun.

>> No.15759220

>74% of COVID vaccine deaths were caused by the COVID vaccine
Where's the other 26%?

>> No.15759640 [DELETED] 

also caused by the vax

>> No.15759646

>the second coming never happened
Correct. It's hasn't happened yet.
But why does that make you not a Christian?

>> No.15761268
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>> No.15762112
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>> No.15763643

Thats actually from stimulant abuse