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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15747459 No.15747459 [Reply] [Original]

fire needs oxygen to burn
and the outer space is a void
therefore there’s no oxygen
then how the fuck is the sun burning? There’s no oxygen for it to burn. Its all fucking nonsense and you must be a retarded mouthbreather if you believe it

>> No.15747478
File: 28 KB, 460x461, jwst pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sausage doesn't burn, it browns

>> No.15747549
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The sun doesn't burn like a fire. Instead, it produces energy through a process called nuclear fusion. In the sun's core, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing a lot of energy in the form of light and heat. This energy is what we see as sunlight. The sun's immense gravity holds everything together and creates the conditions for fusion to occur.

>> No.15747576

Like this anon said, God gave stars a nearly limitless supply of fusion fuel to burn at the perfect speed to make the perfect light that perfectly keeps out planet perfectly habitable

>> No.15747629

It is pretty weird, but after being down the rabbit hole, we can at least prove that the Earth is in fact a globe. It's not so weird considering how big the universe may be though I guess.

>> No.15747724
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Here. This may satisfy what seems to be implied by your seemingly sarcastic "what a coincidence" quip. That creator sure makes just as many imperfections as he does perfections. Who knows what to believe!

>> No.15747779
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>Who knows what to believe
Me. I will never tell

>> No.15747864

the only one that's retarded here is you