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15747389 No.15747389 [Reply] [Original]

How dangerous is owning an iPhone and are other """smart"""" phones just as dangerous?

>iPhone 12 radiation fears: FDA is 'reviewing' Apple handsets after reports they are radioactive - as France halts sales


>Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it was reviewing the phone today
>Device is currently banned for sale in France over radiation concerns

US health officials are looking into reports that the iPhone 12 emits harmful levels of radiation — after sales were temporarily halted in Europe due to safety fears.

A spokesperson for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — which is partly responsible for making sure cellphones are safe — told DailyMail.com the agency was 'reviewing the available information'.

It comes after a regulator in France this week asked Apple to stop selling the 2020 iPhone 12, claiming tests found the handset emits radiation levels that exceed EU restrictions.

>> No.15747416

Buying one is highly correlated with existent brain damage BEFORE the acquisition.

>> No.15747602

nope, viruses do

>> No.15747635


t. iPhone

>> No.15747757

No but they cause autism.
This is why autism rates have exploded even among isolated communities (like the Amish) in developed countries.

But nobody cares

>> No.15748011 [DELETED] 

Just in time for new release of iPhone 15.

>> No.15748015

Just as apple is about to release the new iPhone 15(which is safe)

>> No.15748056

Apple products in general are causing a decline in cognitive functions.

>> No.15748071

Just like we needed decades to prove that cigarettes are dangerous, we'll need decades for cellphones.
If you think keeping a radiation-producing device constantly near you is safe and without risks you're in for a big surprise.

>> No.15748140

Apple is independent and doesn't conspire with Jewrock, which is why they are doing this.

>> No.15748232

I just try to limit my phone use to only things needed. I keep it turned off in my pocket when not using it cause I don't like the thought of having tumors on my leg

>> No.15749771

>I keep it turned off in my pocket
its not off, you're just making the screen go dark. "smart" phones cannot be turned off

>> No.15749783

iphone is a drug indeed

>> No.15749880

He means completely turned off you fucking retard

>> No.15749951

The worst thing is that cigarettes were only for adults and just a drug. Not smartphones, they are built into everything, you need one for your job, you need one to make doctor's appointments, you now need one to buy a ticket in a car park. They use them in schools now, all children have one in their pocket, using them hours every day. This is a hundred times more awful than asbestos, such a sad and pathetic situation.

>> No.15749957

If this is found to be true this isn't just going to be bad for iphones

>> No.15751176
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cigarettes are only dangerous to people over 40 years old

>> No.15751615

if you want one you are fucked in the head

>> No.15751627

You can do just fine without plugging in your portable phone computer into everything. I have an iPhone because I barely use it and it "just works" for the times I need it.

>> No.15751645

Mostly just schizo bait. Only thing to worry about is the body temperature increase caused by the nonionizing radiation. And that is probably not even close to enough to cause damage. I would only worry if you have implanted conductors inside of you which can increase the SAR dramatically.

>> No.15751650

Do laptops produce harmful radiation if I have them on my lap? I use one everyday.

>> No.15752119

enjoy ur penis cancer

>> No.15753406

>microwave your brain
>get cancer and die
"smart" phones are for stupid people

>> No.15754716

The fact that cell phone cause brain cancer has been widely known since the 90s, the industry prevents research into the topic as a means of protecting their income

>> No.15754732


The gf has an 11.

>> No.15754753

When I first got a cellphone I noticed my head getting hot whenever I held it to my ear while talking. That's the radiation frying my brain isn't it?

>> No.15756164

probably, either you developed scar tissue and now no longer feel it or you just grew accustomed to it