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15746417 No.15746417 [Reply] [Original]

Was Kamu right? Does live deserve to be lived? I thought about it because of depression. T B H I don't get absurdism, but should we continue?.

>> No.15746509

No matter how you look at it life is worth living. If death is inevitable, why rush it?

>> No.15746514

This is no difference between be alive an not be alive. Nothing changed,if,for example, I, die

>> No.15746533

i sorta understand kinda hard to have a meaning of life when you have asthma

>> No.15746546

Its just hard to have a meaning of life

>> No.15746605

The reason life is meaningless is because if life had a purpose it then we would not be free.
For this reason God if they exist can not interact with our experience in anyway because then we would not have free will which suggests that all religions are false.

If you had a task that you were destined to achieve you could then not make authentic decisions because they would be shaped by the meaning that has been assigned to you.

Imagine you were told that for eternity you had 1 task that you had to do, wouldn't that sound like hell? What would you expect heaven to be like should you make it there, I think a lot of people would suggest the ability to do whatever I wanted.
So then are we not now experiencing heaven on earth because we are free?

People fight hard every day to remove from themselves purpose imposed upon them by others.

The absurd feeling we experience is a removing of the veil that our ego lays over our perception to hide from ourselves the truth that we are abundant in freedom.

This is the real Matrix that we experience the illusion that we have a purpose.

>> No.15746636

this is your brain on atheism
free will to a degree doesn't contradict at all the existence of Allah. The fact that you can't comprehend it doesn't make it false.

>> No.15746645
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Absurdism is a coping mechanism to deal with a degenerate society, as are all philosophies levy complaints against life.

>> No.15746663


The importance of truth in Camus’ philosophy was stated in his acceptance speech for the noble prize. Camus suggests that a writers two most important tasks are 'the service of truth and the service of liberty' by ‘the refusal to lie about what one knows and the resistance to oppression’ (Camus 1957:para.5). Sartre felt the same and suggests that living an authentic life is critical to our existence. Truth seems to be an underlining factor that powers rebellion, creativity and our existential struggle. If we do not fight for truth, if we accept blind faith, it leaves us without a struggle and without the chance to exercise our creativity, therefore leaving humans without a reason to live.

>> No.15746668

Ok, brainlet. Good job confirming that your fake "pursuit of truth" hobby is just a coping mechanism with the consequences of a degenerate society.

>> No.15746674

>if we accept blind faith, it leaves us without a struggle and without the chance to exercise our creativity, therefore leaving humans without a reason to live.
Psychologically healthy people can find better ways to exercise their creativity than pumping out the drivel of modern philosophy, nor do they need to invent artificial pursuits to fill a void of meaning, least of all artificial pursuits that involve a doomed pursuit of meaning in the act of mourning meaning as you spend a lifetime in the graveyard of meaning.

>> No.15746688
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Camus was fucking wrong about one major thing. Sisyphus had been a king, he fought the gods and chained death up so no human would die. This is why the gods punished him. So as Sisyphus pushed his rock he had memories of the life he had lived, he knew that he had tried to do a great thing for all humanity. He knew he fought the gods and, briefly, won. He knew why he was being punished. So you can see why maybe he could be a little happy; he tried. His current situation was not absurd, it was a punishment that made some sense.

That is not what it's like for us.

For us it's like we just gained consciousness while pushing the rock up the hill. No gods are watching or care. There is no reason for our fate, we had done nothing to deserve it. We just came into existence being absurdly punished in a godless for no reason with nobody watching. THAT is absurd, THAT is why we are not happy

>> No.15746707

و ما خلقت الجن و الإنس إلا ليعبدون
roughly translates as "I did not create jinnkind and mankind except to worship me"
Quran 51:56
We have a purpose in life without resorting to senseless mumbo jumbo.

وَمَآ أُمِرُوٓا۟ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ ٱلدِّينَ حُنَفَآءَ وَيُقِيمُوا۟ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَيُؤْتُوا۟ ٱلزَّكَوٰةَ ۚ وَذَٰلِكَ دِينُ ٱلْقَيِّمَةِ
“And they have been commanded no more than this: To worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion, being true (in faith); to establish regular prayer; and to practice regular charity; and that is the Religion Right and Straight.” Quran 98:5

Our purpose has been explained to us.

>> No.15746721


I think there are two parts to the Sisyphus analogy the first being the absurd situation of the daily grind we find ourselves in and the response Camus recommends we have to it.
I don't think they are meant to be a direct comparison.

>> No.15746724

>I don't think they are meant to be a direct comparison.

>> No.15746727

And this is why we should live?
Because Im tired of suffer.
Tired of the world when nobody cares about you
Im not atheist. Maybe God wanna my death,

>> No.15746734

>And this is why we should live?
I didn't say that. There is no reason "why" you should live. The only thing keeping me alive is that we have evolved to detest suicide. It's not reasonable but i really don't want to kill myself just the actual act would be horrible to me.

in other words, i dont. have the balls to kill myself.

but there is no reason we "should" live

>> No.15746735

This guy got the diagnostic right, but failed in the conclussions.

>> No.15746737


Your right that was poor choice of words.

I guess I was trying to suggest that Camus's rebellion usually comes after the suffering whereas Sisyphus does it before.

>> No.15746739

maybe Im just mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrigen and carbon. And this mixture wanna replicate. And that's it. Nothing more. And I can't kill myself because this structure doesn't wanna to be destruct

>> No.15746743
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But no matter how you look at it Sisyphus's position made sense. An even more pointless life would be what we do to murderers, we lock them up in a room till they die without even a rock to push. But whatever is going on in their mind, the absurdity of their position makes SOME sense.

the rest of us are just evolved animals who must toil then suffer and die with no explanation

>> No.15746745

>maybe Im just mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrigen and carbon. And this mixture wanna replicate. And that's it. Nothing more. And I can't kill myself because this structure doesn't wanna to be destruct
that's pretty much how i feel anon

>> No.15746747

>this is your brain on the industrial/technological system

>> No.15746749

NGL I still wanna hug her and after it marry her.
You can be very smart physicist and philosopher but still want a GF and eat

>> No.15746752


>> No.15746755

You don't know her. My crush
Maybe you too have your

>> No.15746757

>they're literal children

>> No.15746767


That's the absurd that we find ourselves in.
So what should we then do?
Camus says we should Rebel against the ridiculousness of our situation and live life to the fullest.

>> No.15746772

>Camus says we should Rebel against the ridiculousness of our situation and live life to the fullest.
he can do that if he wants, I don't fault him and I am not saying he is wrong if that's what he wants to do.

but if he is saying the rest of us "should" rebel then he can get fucked for telling us what to do; he does not know any better than anyone else what another person "should" do

>> No.15746783

Should I just have fun?

>> No.15746789

>Should I just have fun?
if you want

>> No.15746793


That's what philosophy is about, suggesting solutions to unanswerable questions using logical arguments.

>> No.15746797

I'm seeing too much Arabic in /sci/ lately. Are these glowies?

>> No.15746799

>That's what philosophy is about, suggesting solutions to unanswerable questions using logical arguments.
well yeah that is true. I like the Stoics myself.

I view it as suggestions or ideas on how to live that have various degrees of merit. I for some reason get more of the feeling Camus is telling us what we should do like he figured it all out or something. But that's just how he comes across to me and I might be very wrong about his tone

>> No.15746881

then ban atheism/nihilism threads. I can't stand lies so I feel obligated to correct people about this.

>> No.15746919

oh good, the /sci/ beheading arc is here another explosive chapter for the history books.

>> No.15747095

>Sisyphus had been a king, he fought the gods and chained death up so no human would die.
what a revisionist feel good retardation.
You just vomited your headcanon and act like an authority. Sysisphus chained death because he was a selfish piece of shit who didn't want to die. This is the guy who damned his wife so he could save his hide. He was not championing human rights kek. He was self-serving psychopath serial-killer.
Kill yourself plebbitor.

>> No.15747097

Sussypus was based and you're cringe. 'Nuff said.

>> No.15747115

MOOT make a philosophy, logic and maths board.
Leave the soience and iq spam to this board.

>> No.15747134

This discussion belongs on /low/, a hypothetical board for low IQ pseuds.

>> No.15747613

>You just vomited your headcanon and act like an authority. Sysisphus chained death because he was a selfish piece of shit who didn't want to die.
The effect was no other human would die either.

But as to the point it doe not matter; he knows he is being punished for what he did.

We didn't do anything

>> No.15747622

>I don't get absurdism
That's because you can't logic depression away. If your emotions are telling you life isn't worth living, no amount of logic is ever going to prove your emotions wrong.

>> No.15747624

>That's because you can't logic depression away
CBT says you can>>15747622

>> No.15747676

Oh man a Muslim. What are the three ways to treat a khafir?

>> No.15747683

Nah it's in their religion to spread their beliefs as much as possible and covertly as possible. They will never admit though that the interpretation of their book will always lead to violence. Compare that to Buddhism or Jainism where the more extreme someone is in those two religions, the more pacifist they become because that's how it can be interpreted.

Politically the muslims want to take advantage of the left weakness for inclusion and they use that to turn themselves into victims and "covertly" spread their religion. Oh and be wary of taqiya

>> No.15748459

incredibly depressed bump for divine intervention

>> No.15748462

>If your emotions are telling you life isn't worth living, no amount of logic is ever going to prove your emotions wrong.
Logic has no say on how you feel, but it can tell you what it is about your life that makes you feel like shit. Unfortunately, most people would sooner turn to pseud-tier mass market "philosophy" than do some honest reflection.

>> No.15748721


>> No.15748813

kamu? you mean Camu?

>> No.15748817

bodhi you fat little swine. How's it hanging? Still shitten up mah board? Kys now

>> No.15748822


>> No.15749831

Context to your rivalry?

>> No.15749992

Namehomos competing for attention. Every namehomo is a rival of every other namehomo automatically.

>> No.15750386

not an argument plebbit tranny.
>The effect was no other human would die either.
that was side effect retard. It was also irrelevant because death removed chains. it was not supposed to chain death forever that was never Sisyphys' intention.

>> No.15750919
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>Working: miserable
>Time off: miserable
>Do unpleasant thing: miserable
>Do pleasant thing: miserable
>Be alone: miserable
>Be with others: miserable

>> No.15750931
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You choose this every day.