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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 817 KB, 1102x743, low iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15745645 No.15745645 [Reply] [Original]

Astrophysicist is convinced a hole he found on the beach is a meteor strike
Video reveals the true origins of the hole

I guess this means the meme about scientists being smart is just a meme

>> No.15745669

>a hole he found on the beach
thought you meant a woman at first. think i need a break from the internet

>> No.15746065

thats not an astrophysicist. he's described as an "astrophysics enthusiast"

>> No.15746940


>> No.15747826 [DELETED] 

Why are astrophysicists so laughably low IQ?

>> No.15747920

>the meme about scientists being smart is just a meme
Always has been

>> No.15747950

Poor fella. It was probably the biggest thing to ever happen on his island.

>> No.15748054

They were inspired by BSM

>> No.15748882 [DELETED] 


>> No.15748999
File: 53 KB, 640x640, IMG_20230829_210148_641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dudes from my QFT course who got filtered dropped out and got into astrophysics and cosmology.

>> No.15749664

the reputation of any scientists as being smart is false. smart people don't endeavor to put themselves in dead end jobs with low wages, losers who are afraid to compete because they know they'll fail don't mind becoming a scientist with a five figure salary that might top 6 figures after a decade or two of service. smart people are get law or business degrees

>> No.15751131

>smart people are get law or business degrees

>> No.15751137

>smart people are get law or business degrees
whatss in your pocketessess

>> No.15752028 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 981x700, bad tochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a retard

>> No.15752038

What color is your Bugatti?

>> No.15753457

>go to school for 10 years past high school
>end up earning the same as a truck driver
scientists are so smart!

>> No.15754557

It doesn't even look like an impact crater, no ejecta, no central peak

>> No.15754567

The color of your dad's pussy

>> No.15754575

>a singular scientist came to a dumb conclusion this all scientists must be dumber than me haha!
Holy cope.

>> No.15756118

>a singular scientist came to a smart conclusion this means all scientists must be super smart haha!
you left out a word

>> No.15756931 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 1080x1818, 94a3552ee7e3e4b6ecbee62aed2b09af244134d863a4c5b4e2fddab42c2d6b2e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all scientists fuck dogs
deal with it, the scientists you worship put their penis in dog vaginas

>> No.15756958

Word for word, how he is described by both reporters.

>> No.15756964

Different beaches?

>> No.15757010

Not quite, the dude in the video isn't a scientist.

>> No.15758577 [DELETED] 

He is an astrophysicist

>> No.15758710

The guy is an "astrophysics enthusiast". He's as much an astrophysicist as antivaxxers are biochemists.

>> No.15758722

The tweet says
>This is why people don’t trust journalism or science
and I think he's right. Faggots like you lying nonstop is in fact why people don't trust journalism or science. Even when the truth is so obvious and benign. Some "enthusiast" brainlet makes shit up, the news report factually correct that there's a hole, people take pictures of it and they are so honest to present the brainlet as a brainlet. Yet you and others make this into something it's not: something about scientists.

>> No.15759570 [DELETED] 

You're so upset that astrophysicists are retarded that you're now inventing lies and trying to blame the astrophysicist's stupidity on non-scientists.
Astrophysicists are dumb and you are angry about it

>> No.15759789 [DELETED] 

based and dogpilled

>> No.15760838 [DELETED] 

how would you know? you're not a scientist, you're just a stupid schoolchild

>> No.15761657 [DELETED] 

>people don't trust journalism
>the news report factually correct that there's a hole
plus they never even dug deeper into the hole, if it was a meteor impact it would've been buried far beneath the bottom of the crater

>> No.15762023

>astrophysics enthusiast
So.. he's one of you guys?!!

>> No.15762301

Good morning Sir

>> No.15763122 [DELETED] 

Truck drivers make well over six figures as soon as they can become owner-operators. If you can get a loan for a truck and a CDL you can start at 6 figures

>> No.15764651 [DELETED] 

Truck drivers deserve to make more than scientists, they do something useful and necessary.

>> No.15764708

>navel gazing fat fuck scientist is convinced a hole he found in his tummy is a meteor strike

>> No.15766141 [DELETED] 

This board gets a dozen threads a day from retards with delusions of grandiosity who think they've discovered something unique and important.
So far, after over a decade of this, its has never been true, not even once.

>> No.15766695


>> No.15768791 [DELETED] 

This is as bad as the JWST sausage incident
>getting trolled by a hole in the sand

>> No.15769207 [DELETED] 

More evidence that astronomy is the lowest IQ of all sciences

>> No.15769723 [DELETED] 

dude was probably desperate for attention, probably jealous that black soience man gets all the astrophysicist fame

>> No.15770747 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 460x396, BSM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15771578

Damn thats stupid, even for a scientist its unusually dumb. Dude must've been on a ton of drugs to fail that hard

>> No.15771582

kek a nice career summary

>> No.15771934

They always hide behind the lie that they're altruistically sacrificing themselves for the love of science and that everyone else is just greedy. Then they turn around and demand $88 billion of other people's money to build a worthless telescope

>> No.15771939

>other people's money
Those people don't seem to mind spending ten times as much every year for the military.

>> No.15771951

>Its OK for me to fuck dogs because that other soientist fuck 10x as much dogs as I do.
You're clearly ashamed of your wastefulness if you're trying to justify it that way.
>fucking dogs isn't abhorrent if everyone is doing it
Nope, fucking dogs is always nauseatingly disgusting

>> No.15773126

Why didn't he try to dig up the meteor before sperging out and bringing shame and embarrassment to the professional astrophysicist community?

>> No.15773797 [DELETED] 

Too mentally ill and attention hungry to think about how stupid he was being. Mental illness like that is extremely common amongst soience faggots

>> No.15773885

dumbasses get law degrees in america, they are 100% worthless without connections and if you do have connections it doesn't matter anyway

>> No.15773904

>be person with dogs
>someone comes and fucks 10 of them, every day
>someone else comes and fucks one dog once
>only lash out at the second guy
Were you impressed by the first guy's dick? Would you like to watch him fuck your wife as well?

>> No.15774875 [DELETED] 

The meme that scientist are obsessed with fucking dogs is becoming more and more true every day

>> No.15775570 [DELETED] 

it was always true, its only now that its becoming obvious and well publicized

>> No.15776750

you're just trying to justify your dog fucking habit, you're like an alcoholic who hangs out with people who are more addicted than yourself in order to minimize your own addiction, but in your case you fuck dogs instead of being a drunk

>> No.15777474 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 460x461, jwst pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the "meteorite" look like this?

>> No.15778488

the low iq stemtards got triggered by this, but its true. committing yourself it being a poorfag who lives off welfare gibes and produces nothing of any value is a stupid move in life. might as well just kys

>> No.15779259 [DELETED] 

Astrophysics, you have brought shame upon the scientific community.

>> No.15779547 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 498x468, distraught soyentist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15779551

But why not go after the guy who rapes 100 times as many dogs first? You completely ignoring that guy makes me think that this isn't about dog fucking for you. If a PoC steals bubble gum and you go apeshit while a bank steals all your money makes me think you're a racist asshole instead of someone truly worried about theft.

>> No.15779560

science bros.. how will we ever live this down?

>> No.15780785 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 1080x1818, 94a3552ee7e3e4b6ecbee62aed2b09af244134d863a4c5b4e2fddab42c2d6b2e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna go let off some steam by fucking a dog
>t. scientist

>> No.15781381

imagine being an "astrophysics enthusiast"
it doesn't get more cringey than that

>> No.15782696

Imagine think that you're a good person when you devote your career to something that is guaranteed to have no benefit to anyone at all. Astroshit is a total waste.

>> No.15783030 [DELETED] 

>hmmm, scientists
>a demographic renowned more than all others for being unattractive to the opposite gender
>i think i'll try to be that
wtf is wrong with you? why would you do that to yourself? are you gay? do you want to end up fucking dogs? have you just completely given up on life? do you have no self respect whatsoever?

>> No.15784150 [DELETED] 


>> No.15784926 [DELETED] 

you are a jealous poorfag

>> No.15786328
File: 61 KB, 500x468, laughing scientsts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15787099

>I study delicious astronosauage for a living
dream job tier

>> No.15787165

I love how some chuds are still mad that a scientist made a joke once.

>> No.15787284 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 460x461, soysausagejak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15788346 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 400x400, EFG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic fail

>> No.15789014 [DELETED] 

This is just another verson of the people who come on this board every day to tell us how they figured out how the whole universe works. Astrocrap and delusions of grandiosity always seems to come in the same package

>> No.15790066 [DELETED] 

>Astrocrap and delusions of grandiosity always seems to come in the same package
astronomy is the only topic large enough to contain the imaginary intelligence of someone with delusions of intellectual grandiosity

>> No.15790919

>someone comes and fucks 10 of them, every day
that someone is a scientist

>> No.15792587

Its definitely the go-to topic for god complex type, but particle physics and biology also attract many of the same type of character

>> No.15792877

>I'm going to devote my life to science
>What field should I choose
>How about the one with the absolute least potential to have a positive impact for life on Earth?
I hope that explains why the average IQ of astrophysicists is so much lower than in the rest of the sciences

>> No.15793954


>> No.15794182

All the astrofangoy who got fooled by that joke will be angry as sausage for the rest of their lives

>> No.15794235


sycophant scum.

it will amaze you to learn that most people are not in fact sociopaths.

the bigger tragedy is society's loss of a higher morale authority/calling, and subsequently people like you losing the societal pressures to be a better man.

it is no wonder how the west mastered the art of mediocrity when outlooks like yours are accepted as the societal norm.

enjoy your race to the bottom.

>> No.15794516 [DELETED] 

This nigger really did compare taxes to bestiality. This is the best lolberts have to offer.

>> No.15794793

many such cases

>> No.15795713 [DELETED] 

the n word is racist

>> No.15797093

They get tricked into by all of the "scientists are smart" memes they're constantly bombarded with by every form of media.

>> No.15798125

That video is lols
holy shit, its over

>> No.15798772 [DELETED] 

I should try to sell that guy a box of dark matter

>> No.15800045

you can call whites any name in the book on this board, but if you offend the precious, sacred negroes then its over for you

>> No.15800546
File: 177 KB, 800x1200, fat and dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just goes to show you how stupid astrophysics faggots really are. TV and movies always portray them as super Intelligent, but in IRL life they're always total boneheads

>> No.15800551

The guy wasn't even an astrophysicist. Why are there so many illiterate faggots on /sci/?

>> No.15801719 [DELETED] 

is that a tranny?

>> No.15802290 [DELETED] 

no astrophysicists are just naturally that ugly and stupid

>> No.15803547 [DELETED] 

>Astrophysicist does something incredibly stupid
Thats more common than most people generally believe. The media has a lot of hype about them being intelligent but in reality the polar opposite is true. They're all comically dumb bunglers.
The comedy of errors depicted in twitter.com/Dannyjokes/status/1702535596328026551 is just an average day in the life of an Astrophysicist. Leisure class sinecure types are accurately depicted in the Monty Python "upper class twit of the year" sketch, all of those hollywood movies flatteringly depicting astrophysicists as intelligent are mere works of fiction

>> No.15804725

oh wow thats hideous.

>> No.15805221

imagine that you're so low iq that you get trolled by a hole in the sand. is it possible to have a negative iq score?

>> No.15806223 [DELETED] 

>is it possible to have a negative iq score?
thats a prerequisite for devoting your life to soience fiction

>> No.15807033

Is he an actual astrophysicist? I thought he was reported as an "astrophysics enthusiast"

>> No.15807757 [DELETED] 

>he can't be a real astrophysicist!!!
>scientists are smart!!!
>I know scientists are smart because thats how they're depicted in muh comic books and cartoons
cringey cope

>> No.15808396 [DELETED] 


>> No.15809703 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15810220 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 1080x1818, 94a3552ee7e3e4b6ecbee62aed2b09af244134d863a4c5b4e2fddab42c2d6b2e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a singular scientist was caught fucking dogs this means all scientists must be fucking dogs haha!

>> No.15811507

you can literally see the samefag bumpfagging

>> No.15811566 [DELETED] 

low iq people don't know they're low iq
they're too stupid to figure that out

>> No.15812668 [DELETED] 

STEM is memed in the media as being prestigious and as a result the low IQ people who are subject to media influence due to lack of critical thinking ability get taken in by the meme to their own detriment.

>> No.15813289 [DELETED] 

lol what a dumbfuck, that video is hilarious

>> No.15814595 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 1071x917, c174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meme is shilled to promote atheism

>> No.15815647 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 507x450, dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15816289 [DELETED] 


>> No.15817180 [DELETED] 

>dumb things are dumb

>> No.15817792

Everyone self assess as high IQ

>> No.15819031 [DELETED] 

no they don't high IQs are capable of understanding their limitations

>> No.15819036

top kek

>> No.15819960

why are astroidiots so stupid?

>> No.15820967 [DELETED] 

Astronomy is a very low iq discipline. Its completely unimportant and useless so nobody intelligent bothers with it

>> No.15822142 [DELETED] 

this, sausage is something thats legitimately worthy of attention.

>> No.15822716 [DELETED] 

If more people studied the fine arts and the science behind sausage making then we'd be living on a better planet than we currently are. The same cannot be said about astronomy. Astronomy contributes nothing whatsoever to culture and civilization.

>> No.15823874

>be retarded
>decide to devote your life to astronomy
many such sad unfortunate cases

>> No.15824531
File: 310 KB, 884x720, Astronomer_Alan_Hale_at_the_Cosmic_Carnival_held_at_Cottonwood_Mall_in_Albuquerque_on_Sept._10th,_2005_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15825827

Imagine if all the money wasted on JWST had instead been put into sausage research and engineering. We would have a superior standard of living now if they'd done that, sausages would be far better and less expensive too.

>> No.15826479 [DELETED] 

instead all we have new in the field of sausage tech is estrogen laced legume based pseudosausage

>> No.15826801

I know how to rise IQ and science do not.

>> No.15826893

Why is this twitter screenshot bait thread still up after 5 weeks, lmao?

>> No.15827546

its a popular thread, why does that upset you so much?

>> No.15827604

He's an astrophysicist.

>> No.15828955
File: 21 KB, 1024x546, tyson soyence man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ shouldn't be forced to cater to low IQs like astrophysicists

>> No.15828956

Then why do you bump this thread?

>> No.15830510


>> No.15831135

The people who trap themselves into those jobs soon find that they have no other employment options and that they need to subject themselves to the whims of their political masters to maintain their employment and that they never get to pursue their own research ideas no matter how promising they may be because daddy ZOGbux always has different priorities.

>> No.15832163

yep, there are no private sector jobs in astronomy because astronomers have no useful skills, so government or quasigrovernment service are their only options

>> No.15833025

don't they all look like that?

>> No.15834136

whats the difference? there isn't any

>> No.15835096 [DELETED] 

stop the off topic shitposting, this is a thread about science

>> No.15835100 [DELETED] 

Sorry then. No worries about ya mood.

Love ya moods. Love ya true. Love ya do.

>> No.15835163
File: 445 KB, 500x504, 1680073221698624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey baby did you come from a meteor because you lookin like a hole right now

>> No.15835165 [DELETED] 

>Da hole

>> No.15835166

meds now namefag schizo

>> No.15835167 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 558x614, 1696807978580815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nerd everyone knows your retarded

>> No.15835220

literally every field is dumb as shit

that includes mathematics

>> No.15835288



>> No.15836031 [DELETED] 

the soience sausage meme is the best meme to come along since the twum meme hit the scene.

>> No.15837013 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 512x768, dr twum phd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> twum
best meme

>> No.15837190

/sci/ is going through its /v/ phase where people are being intentionally obtuse

>> No.15838415

>there are no private sector jobs in astronomy
you'd have to be stupidly low iq and shortsighted to devote your education to something like that

>> No.15838539

Imagine saying this about any other field of study.
>A chef cooked something bad once, so no chefs know how to cook

>> No.15838548

Both are pretty cringe tbqh

>> No.15838876 [DELETED] 

Theres got to be a good way to combine the two

>> No.15840347 [DELETED] 

>a scientist once did something intelligent therefore all scientists are super geniuses

>> No.15840456

The study of sciences has lead to all the technological progress in the modern age therefore scientists are generally pretty smart.

>> No.15840471 [DELETED] 

you're trying to take credit for things you never did, just like all the low iq nerds do. a vanishingly tiny percentage of scientists do something good and all the dead weight losers try to take credit for that because they have no achievements of their own to boast about it.

>> No.15840473

What have I taken credit for, dummy? I'm not a scientist I work at a hotel.

>> No.15840491

So literally a "I fucking love science" guy

>> No.15840499 [DELETED] 

This is soiy

>> No.15841693 [DELETED] 

No, he is an astrophysicist, the soiyence community is just trying to disown him because he because an embarrassment. Soiyence ppl are extremely image conscious and shallow, appearances are everything to them, so they will quickly disavow one of their own if he is making the community look bad.

>> No.15842363 [DELETED] 

>Soiyence ppl are extremely image conscious and shallow, appearances are everything to them
yep, its even worse now that science is full of women

>> No.15843294

>Soiyence ppl are extremely image conscious and shallow, appearances are everything to them
They have to be, because their "I'm a super special genius" act that they devote themselves to doesn't reflect in their lack of productivity so they need to substitute flamboyance and pomposity to fill the gap left by their lack of productivity in order to justify the special snowflake act

>> No.15843324

the point of science is that it isn't about someone's ego, being smart or not doesn't matter

>> No.15844059

then why are science faggots always bragging about how incredibly clever they are?

>> No.15845144 [DELETED] 

because the point of science is that it's about the soientists' egos

>> No.15845838 [DELETED] 

Turns out it really was a meteor crater

>> No.15846934 [DELETED] 

this, the media sells soiyence the general public as being something for smart people, so people who are massively image conscious and want to appear smart then go to soiyence school so they can pose as a genius

>> No.15847722

>"I'm a super special genius"
bet thats what the astrophysicist was thinking when he announced that he discovered a meteor on the beach

>> No.15848733 [DELETED] 


>> No.15849418

Thats what delusions of grandiosity will do to a guy, caused him to make a total fool of himself. Everyone on the planet knows what a total idiot he is now

>> No.15850706

>Everyone on the planet knows what a total idiot he is now
He is just par for the course amongst astrophysicists, NDT made the cut to get an astrophysics PhD from an Ivy League school and that was decades ago, the standards are even lower these days.

>> No.15851532 [DELETED] 

The overwhelming majority of astrophysicists degrees at all levels got to women

>> No.15852685

its over for astrophysics

>> No.15853209


>> No.15854533

OMG thats so cringe, why are astrophysicists such lamers?

>> No.15855365

>scientist does something good
>scientist does something stupid
"thats not even a real scientist, other people's mistakes don't reflect on me"

Why are science faggots so massively cringe inducingly image conscious and narcissistic?

>> No.15855371

Not a scientist. even if he was this has nothing to do with science since it's not like he's publishing a paper for peer review. if he did that and the scientific community agreed then you could say scientists are being stupid.

>> No.15856525 [DELETED] 

He is a professional astrophysicist

>> No.15856639

>journalism and science is one monolithic entity

>> No.15856647

>"This is why people don't trust journalism"
>Does Journalism

>> No.15856684

It actually is. "Science journalism" is the arbiter of what is or isn't accepted science. It's more or less always been this way, only now it is spurred on by the press and peer reviewed journals than academia in gentlemen's clubs sticking their nose up at new theories.

>> No.15858149 [DELETED] 

thats right, he is an astrophysicist just like black science man.
science fags just wish he wasn't because his stupidity reveals the scientists are total morons instead of being the cool geniuses that hollywood portrays them as

>> No.15858878

Because they're low IQ

>> No.15860029

communications is the highest IQ major, makes no difference what the disciplines do, communications majors control what the general public thinks