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15745288 No.15745288 [Reply] [Original]

Why do low IQ people refuse to get vaccinated? What is the scientific cause of a lower IQ damning you to a considerably higher likelihood of being unvaxxed? picrel

>> No.15745295

The vaccine sucked. People who didn't take it are fine. Not taking it was a perfectly reasonable decision. Get over yourself.

>> No.15745313

I don't care about if it sucked or if it worked or if it was reasonable etc. Just that those that didn't take it had lower IQs. Why? That's the only question here in this thread, don't derail.

>> No.15745418


>> No.15745428

Tops out at 126 IQ with no further differentiation for most of the high IQ tail, meaning it stops where midwits start to fade out.

>> No.15745432

>85% of retards got vaxxed

>> No.15745434

Since OP was a faggot, here's the source and sample details.
>The study, now published in the Journal of Health Economics, is based on the results of cognitive ability tests from the military service conscription process. The study covers 750,000 men and 3,000 women born between 1962 and 1979. The test results, which are graded on a nine-point scale, have been compared with vaccination statistics from the Public Health Agency of Sweden.
>There are major differences between individuals with the highest and lowest scores on these tests of cognitive ability. Among the highest performers (group 9), 80% had already been vaccinated after 50 days, while among the lowest performers (group 1) this figure was only reached after 180 days.

>> No.15745436

Mikael Elinder et al, Cognitive ability, health policy, and the dynamics of COVID-19 vaccination, Journal of Health Economics (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2023.102802

>> No.15745479

Those may be valid points to criticise this quantity, but they don't explain the correlation shown in OP's plot.

>> No.15745561

>you want a job? You better get this vax
>you want a job? You better suck this dick
It’s funny how one is considered “low iq” for refusing the threat and the other one is a “raped victim” who deserve sympathy and lawsuit

>> No.15745567

Lmao at misunderstanding the study this badly.

>> No.15745572

We've had this thread before. Fuck off.

>> No.15745639

>this “study”
Ye this and MANY other “studies” that called people who don’t want this vax from low iq to reckless to dangerous, to outright psychopaths (he doesn’t want to save granny)
well let’s talk about this “study” and how not wanting to be coerced to choose between job and vax and wanting a REAL choice is low iq.
I guess women who don’t like to suck dick to stay on the job are low iq too

>> No.15745744

idk maybe low iq people don't care about jobs that much where as high iq people do. I tried not to take it, until I had to fly.

>> No.15745754

It doesn't fall "wanting a choice" or any outcome low iq. It compares the intelligence, measured independently from the vaccination and the outcome of who got vaccinated and who didn't. The people aren't low IQ because they didn't get vaccinatedc they are low IQ AND didn't get vaccinated. It's not an insult, it's an observation. Why are you so triggered by this?

Also, you could make some real points here, like that the IQ distribution of NEETs is heavily skewed towards retards and that more of the working population was forced into getting vaccinated by their jobs (correlating employability with intelligence). You could claim that the intelligent ones had less of a choice or whatever. I doubt that this is a solid point, but it'd be a better point that your REEEEEE

I think, a better explanation is that low-wits simply don't understand enough and in doubt choose not to do anything. The more intelligent people made a risk-benefit analysis and came to the conclusion that it's safe or at least better than the alternative, both from a health perspective as well as job-related in some countries and selected fields. In my country (Switzerland) the vaccine was never tied to certain jobs, even during the couple weeks when you needed a vaccine to go to a bar: the workers were always excluded from those mandates. The "coercion" was "want to eat in? Show your vaccine certificate. If you don't have one, just get takeout". I doubt that this hits more intelligent people any harder than midwits and retards.

>> No.15745757

One should keep in mind that this 'testing of cognitive ability' also measures the eagerness to please authorities. I for my part wouldn't care much for 'performing' well for some faggot in a labcoat testing me on pointless puzzles.

>> No.15745763

Sure, the "fuck you I won't do your tests" crowd might skew the point at the very low end. The edge lords who are actually not retarded but simply don't do any of the puzzles and then refuse to get vaccinated. But do you think that there are so many that they significantly skew the study with over 750,000 Swedes?

>> No.15745768

at most these studies are a measure of the propaganda's effectiveness.
this wasn't some nation's propaganda, this was a high quality commercial one, it had most of the planet in scope, and there were professional teams sorting through the various issues. they had realtime monitoring for social media, and they quickly adapted to any forming narrative and nipped it in the bud with high quality data manipulation.
most people still don't realize that high IQs do fall for carefully crafted propaganda.
again, these studies show the effectiveness of their propaganda on higher IQs, that's the real takeaway from these studies.

>> No.15745771

>most people still don't realize that high IQs do fall for carefully crafted propaganda.
No doubt. But what makes you think that high IQs fall MORE for propaganda than retards?

>> No.15745772

Those bunch of retarded cretins? My left nut is worth more.

>> No.15745777

retards couldn't fall for high IQ propaganda because it's on a different level, they do not resonate.
each group were targeted on different channels, it's not like they're not bunched together on groups on some media or other.
what spooked me was how fast they adapted to anything, the teams that did it are no retards. they got big bux for sure. some smart insidious fuckers in those teams.

>> No.15745780

So, the vaccine propaganda predominately targeted the highly intelligent?

>> No.15745790

it specifically targeted them because they would have more authority in their circles/reach and would convince others "with data" they should get vaxxed. apart from the rest of the show that's typical for normies anyway in such situations.

>> No.15745792
File: 98 KB, 432x336, 1689149583946889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about someone's IQ, it is irrelevant to whether your product works or not

>> No.15745793

Why do I need to justify the existence of a flawed study, designed only as rub the ego of people who been calling “anti vaxxers” low iq and to make people who were coerced a bit happier as “you chose the right decision, slave”
Why I am triggered? Because I read those studies, I read the ones who called “anti vaxxers” psychopath. And the ones who called us low iq, reckless etc
Yet there was nothing. No “science” only speculation and literal data manipulation to get a meaning out of a “correlation”
Why should even look at this data as valid if it’s REAL purpose is to demean us?
Beside, there is no value in a “test” where people were coerced to get the vax. So it’s scientifically hogwash
I don’t what kind of “argument” do you want me to drive from an inherently unscientific data
Also it’s funny when you said “high iq people made a risk-benefit analysis” ye
Such analysis of “nigga you want a job? Take this vax”
Lol I guess women who don’t want to advance in their career path through sucking dick are just low iq. Then again, why is it ok for them to sue? I mean they weren’t forced. They had a “choice” too

>> No.15745795

vaxxing stings a bit.
all the reeeeeeeeeee is just coping.

>> No.15745796

Swedes? You mean the people who sold their peaceful heaven like country in exchange to getting 109 times bombed in 2023 alone, by bunch of Somalis, just to appear “not racist”? Those Swedes
Wow much iq

>> No.15745810

Well, an anti-authoritarian impulse significantly affected vaccination rates, so it might well skew the study, assuming that and the refusal to give your best in arbitrary tests would at least partially go together.

>> No.15745814

>Well, an anti-authoritarian impulse significantly affected vaccination rates
So what you're saying is authoritarianism is an ideology only the high IQ are willing to follow?

>> No.15745828

No, that's not what I'm saying. Are you low-IQ yourself by any chance?

>> No.15745829

He is trying to “argument” to drive to his position that he stated at the beginning. Antivax=low iq
He is essentially talking to himself

>> No.15745830

So you're saying that authoritarians are low iq?

>> No.15745831

It is what you're saying, even if that's not what you intended to say.
>tries to act intelligent
>too retarded to even follow IP count

>> No.15745833

>It is what you're saying, even if that's not what you intended to say.
Nope, it's just what you're reading. The fact that you would equate 'anti-authoritarian impulse' and the 'ideology' of authoritarianism already casts doubt on your thinking skills. Try to go through the logic of those posts again slowly, maybe make a diagram...

>> No.15745844

Hint: the trend reverses after 126

Low IQ people act more on instinct. Midwits act on pseudo-rationality - which was provided in abundance by one's government. High IQ people analyze data and come to a conclusion based on evidence.

Regarding the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, just read the supplementary appendix of the trial data and see which group fared worse - it's that easy.

>> No.15745847

I thought the vulnerable, including the low-functioning, or non-functioning got preferential treatment?

>> No.15745848

I got tested 133 and got 4 doses. Also, not reading 18 pages. Deal with it.

>> No.15745859

There is no discussion with you. You already talked it through in your own head

>> No.15745860
File: 284 KB, 1284x2638, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, if you got vaxxed you are a fucking retard. Is simple as that.

>> No.15745862

>Lol I guess women who don’t want to advance in their career path through sucking dick are just low iq. Then again, why is it ok for them to sue? I mean they weren’t forced. They had a “choice” too
Double that.
It's the choice.

>> No.15745869

>i drew a picture in paint therefore it must be true
Not particularly intelligent yourself.

>> No.15745872

Wish we could sue too

>> No.15745886

t.135 iq: If I was 60yo+ obese with health problems I would've taken the vaccine based on the data I saw at that time but I'm not old and I'm not fucking obese. its that simple.

>> No.15745909

well it is written that people willingly take the mark of the beast. you'd think that you will be able to just say no, at least it seems that way, until you see the whole "well you took the vax willingly, nobody put a gun to your head" and you're like huh...so it would be serious strongarming but in the end yeah, you "decide".

>> No.15745915

>mark of the beast
you DID see the beast in action, didn't you anon? do you understand its nature?

>> No.15746000

>Nooo you have to use the same words I'm using you cant just call me out on my bullshit!!!!

>> No.15746008

Do you work for a government, retard? I am sure that is the reason why you keep spamming this low key banter. Also that you are too retarded and got vaxxed and you want other people´s feel bad about not getting vaxxed.

No one has made a comparation of IQ tests and being vaxxed or not so that is fake news.

And most probably the % of unvaxxed are much higher IQ than the average because it takes the need of a divergent mind to escape from lies and brainwashing.

Congratulations for your future myocarditis retard.

>> No.15746063

Only 4?

>> No.15746083

That's all the doses we got in Switzerland. Did you get more?

>> No.15746086

You should be reboosting every 6 months, since that's approximately the timespan it's effective over. If it's been over a year since your last dose you're basically a walking biohazard

>> No.15746090

I'm not paying for it, are you?

>> No.15746093

You have to have a low IQ if you thought the vaccine was a conspiracy to mass exterminate the population, or that it was gene therapy.

>> No.15746098

I was probably in the top 5% of intelligence in my computer science program at a good university. The average student probably had an IQ of about 120. I considered the average student to be quite an unimpressive specimen. Not surprising in the least that they took up the juice when threatened with being socially ostracised etc.

Those with lower IQ have had to rely on their wits (gut instinct, common sense, personal relationship with basic social and material reality) to get ahead in life, and cannot simply coast on their ability to manipulate narrowly defined abstractions.

>> No.15746099

Yes. Keeping my elderly relatives safe is more important to me than a few bucks. But you are Swiss...

>> No.15746102

The gene therapy quacks are so annoying, can't comprehend there's a difference between gene therapy and a therapy involving implanting genes into your cells

>> No.15746108

>The gene therapy quacks are so annoying
Oh, yea, those people.
They should've fired Stefan Oelrich on the spot for spreading conspiracy theories.

>> No.15746110

It primarily targeted people who were insecure about their status as being "educated".

>> No.15746112

>So, the vaccine propaganda predominately targeted the highly intelligent?
OP's pic is vaccine propaganda and it targets the lowly intelligent (i.e. you).

>> No.15746114

This. Like I said >>15746110 these people are extremely susceptible to both flattery and the threat of being found out as not legitimate thinkers.

>> No.15746133

>that it was gene therapy.
so the vaxx can't in any way alter your genes, directly or indirectly? legit question

>> No.15746138

Stanine 9 is everyone who is 2+ standard deviations from the mean. Because it's a normal distribution, those on the low border swamp those who are 3+ SD or higher, basically hiding their existence in a sea of midwits.

>> No.15746143

Are you literally retarded or a pro-vaxx shill?

>> No.15746147

No. It was not a reverse transcriptase.
It didn't implant genes into the genome.

>> No.15746150

>Gene therapy is defined as the treatment of disease by transfer of genetic material into cells.

>> No.15746151

>b-b-b-b-but it's not le heckin' gene therapy b-b-because it just isn't, ok??
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qowDwaYx7vI [Embed]
They should've fired Stefan Oelrich on the spot for spreading conspiracy theories.

>> No.15746153

>No. It was not a reverse transcriptase.
I am not interested in technical terms because I don't understand them, hence I'm directly asking also specifically if there's any indirect way that it can alter your genes, do you know for a fact there is no way it can alter your genes, even indirectly?

>> No.15746155

Schizos changed the definition of gene therapy. It used to mean "they changed my genes", now literally every common cold is gene therapy because it makes muh ribosomes do weird stuff.

>> No.15746156

mRNA gene therapy can alter gene expression. The fact that it doesn't literally change your DNA is an irrelevant technicality.

>> No.15746158

As a very rough analogy, you can think of it as someone changing the code interpreter and then claming the program results don't change because the code is still the same (it just does different stuff now).

>> No.15746162

ah interesting, so it does affect your personality in the end. how strange.
well you know, butterfly effect and all that. nobody knows how a single small different thing changed about you very likely reflects in your life.
so motherfuckers changed entire destinies with the vaxx.

>> No.15746172


>> No.15746178

"Gene therapy" used to mean something like rom hacking. GMOs are stuff like Pokemon orange. You take some code, change it and then it does something different. The mRNA vaccine is more similar to gameshark though. It injects some memory (mRNA) which is then executed. Only the mRNA has a pretty short lifetime.

>> No.15746195

Science denier low iq

>> No.15746208

Stop using analogies.
DNA is composed of nucleosides which are composed of a sugar made of 5 carbon atoms and a nitrogenous base. They're attached together on the 3' and 5' carbon atoms by a phosphate bond. The nucleoside with the phosphorus is a nucleotide.
There's an enzyme called RNA polymerase which slides across the DNA in the 3' to 5' direction, and for certain sequences of DNA it starts shitting out an unprocessed RNA molecule. The parts of DNA that arent turned into RNA are the non coding regions, "junk DNA". The RNA goes through processing where introns are cut out and the exons are stitched together to form the complete RNA. The set of all RNA is the transcriptome.
A subset of RNA is called messenger RNA which floats out of the nucleus into the ribosome where it along with transfer RNA get translated into a protein which is a string of amino acids. The proteins then go through 3 or 4 levels of folding where they take on a shape and stick together in some physical 3d structure. This is the final phenotype of the cell or organ or whatever.
So if you don't have DNA to continually make the messenger RNA then the protein (in this case the spike protein) goes away after like a few hours. And then it's never made again because there is no DNA to continue to code for it.

>> No.15746209


Higher IQ often enables faster and deeper acquisition of knowledge. The overall consensus about the average vaccination, that used to be served before covid vaxx, was that it serves to prevent serious complications and the risks of taking it were deemed incredibly low. Talking about scientific consensus obviously

Lets talk about one component of human nature; the need to protect oneself. Everyone who's not affected mentally feels the need to avoid harm. When you have lower IQ you are not able to understand some topics well enough to make a conscious decision. So in this case they will avoid novelty in order to survive on already understood methods. On the other hand when your IQ is in the average range or higher, lets say up to a range of 120-130, you understand ideas and concepts that are written by scientists in a form written for the masses. They are more likely to follow instructions because they understand what is being said to them and can make a more informed decision.

Lets now talk why many people with IQ higher than 130 didn't take the vaxx. This is the range where people prefer to perform their own study or to extrapolate on the data provided to broaden their sight into the matter. There were a lot of inaccuracies, new methods, unproven approaches etc. so they were more likely to wager on avoding it based on their own interpretation of data

All of them make their decisions with that need to prevent possible harm. The IQ here only serves to show the depth their decision-making process has. It isn't actually a good indicator of what the outcome would be. Personalities are a better predictor

>> No.15746211

No matter how you twist it, the only relevant difference between someone fucking with your DNA and someone fucking with gene expression is that the latter isn't permanent. The only problem is that clotshot spike protein has been detected in people's systems months after the injection and it can do all sorts of damage to the body in the meanwhile.

>> No.15746224

>and it can do all sorts of damage to the body in the meanwhile.
not that anon but that is why I specifically asked if it can indirectly affect your code. whatever can go wrong with it, from what is now known, can it affect your code? in any way, indirectly, when shit goes wrong with it

>> No.15746233

>can it affect your code? in any way, indirectly, when shit goes wrong with it
It can cause permanent epigenetic changes.
>inb4 someone links to CDC propaganda literally lying that all epigenetic changes are reversible

>> No.15746237

>can it affect your code?
No. The protein floats around for a while the degrades and is gone forever

>> No.15746242

I have a PhD in maths/compsci. I did not take the vaxx. quite deliberately avoided it. had friend, prob glowie, started working for a fact check org. talked to him early on. put two and two together (he would not tell me directly)

>> No.15746245

many bits of virus DNA get stuck in the cell DNA. entirely reasonable to think u would have spike protein produced for the rest of yr life. auto immune disease. bye bye. no refunds.

>> No.15746250

It's not even fucking with gene expression itself. All your genes are expressed just fine. Just one additional gene is expressed.
>The only problem is that clotshot spike protein has been detected in people's systems months after the injection and it can do all sorts of damage to the body in the meanwhile.
Has it though? Also, if it has, and the spike protein can do all sorts of damage, isn't covid super bad then?

>> No.15746251

>The protein floats around for a while the degrades and is gone forever
You've conceded that it causes epigenetic changes. Prove that none of them can be permanent. (Protip: you can't)

>> No.15746255

>The IQ here only serves to show the depth their decision-making process has. It isn't actually a good indicator of what the outcome would be.
pretty much this. I wouldn't say personalities matter more as I'd say context matters more. some high IQs figured it does jack shit but they get more out of doing it for the group, as in being accepted, so they just did it.

>> No.15746256

You can keep lying all you want, but here's the bottom line: mRNA-based gene therapy can cause fairly arbitrary epigenetic changes. Some epigenetics changes can be permanent.

>> No.15746258

>It can cause permanent epigenetic changes.
[citation needed]

>> No.15746264

>many bits of virus DNA get stuck in the cell DNA
Neither the covid vaccine, nor the virus itself contain DNA.
>entirely reasonable to think u would have spike protein produced for the rest of yr life.
No. It's completely schizo and ignores basic biology.

>> No.15746272

It's the default position. Prove that your special brand of mRNA somehow only causes transient epigenetic changes without troosting the word of Pfizer and the CDC.

>> No.15746275

>Prove that your special brand of mRNA somehow only causes transient epigenetic changes
Prove that it does ANY epigenetic changes. Or if we're proving negatives now, prove that it doesn't make my cock grow by 4 inches.

>> No.15746276

>Prove that it does ANY epigenetic changes
It is mainstream knowledge that mRNA gene therapy can cause epigenetic changes.

>> No.15746283

You're an idiot

>> No.15746288

Imagine being this new. Maybe try reading a history book for once. Specifically about communist countries and revolutions.

>> No.15746290

Well, like most real life problems it includes all aspects of cognition and perception. If we want to understand each decision then the best way to achieve true results is to take into account IQ, personality, circumstances etc. No one wants to do that without some super computer type of data organization and comparison tool. That's why scientific world collects data from different aspects, tries to find a common bridge in each individual aspect and use it as a basic unchangeable constant that further studies base itself on. This approach works well in technical fields like math and physics, not so much in constantly changing psychology related science. What I am going at is the further we dive into the topics we either have to start all over again or work with estimates and keep in mind that the results, as best as they are, are burdened with a margin of error proportional to the 'cut corners' before it

>> No.15746291

>all the absolute mongoloids ITT just assuming something is true because a propagandist drew a picture
The funniest thing is when they shit out entire paragraphs of vague, retard-tier swiss cheese "logic" trying to explain fake data.

>> No.15746296

>a propagandist drew a picture

>> No.15746298

Literally just a picture. Not even an actual source. You are mentally ill.

>> No.15746304

sure but at the same time offering such data for free does no good in the end, as it most likely than not always used against them. of-course you're going to model them, so you can exploit weaknesses, you know...next time.

>> No.15746313

>the real change the vaxx did was to the epigenetics of the society.

>> No.15746333

Well we are going into politics territory here. What you are saying is unavoidable and it will keep on happening for as long as humanity exists in its current form. Not worth discussing this topic here in that format. Just to state something; with innovation there will always come a risk of exploitation, it doesn't however mean we should cease to innovate, teach, learn and grow. The world would fall apart sooner with cessation of progress than with some rotten apples doing the wrongdoing

>> No.15746340

checked. yeah, we constantly have to wing it, can't stop shit, only try to play it to the best of our abilities for the better of the group.

>> No.15746448
File: 244 KB, 2749x1128, IMG_9059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /sci/ where we trust crude pictures drawn by literal propagandists, showing no real data whatsoever.

>> No.15746615

Data is skewed because blacks were the least likely to get the "vaccine"

Still blows my mind how they just changed the definition of vaccine overnight.

>> No.15746632

>No. It's completely schizo and ignores basic biology.
t. still produce spikes after six months

>> No.15746753

Because vacinness are responsible for coginitive decline, and their IQ cannot be any lower.

>> No.15746979

Reminder that in Oregon, blacks were given first access to the injections to "help make up for past policies of racial oppression" but Sunshine Law requests found emails between public health officials in Oregon believed blacks could not be trusted to come back for a second dose, so the state purchased Johnson & Johnson single dose injections and then used "racial oppression" as bait to get blacks to come get the injections.