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File: 710 KB, 1885x1477, 1694710150358195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15744836 No.15744836 [Reply] [Original]

It's all fake and gay. There are no aliens here. I pushed UFOs pretty hard on /sci/ a few years ago, when all these UFO stories came out with the videos, and I admit I was wrong. It's fake and gay. It's being pushed by grifters. Skeptics were right.

>> No.15744854 [DELETED] 

I pushed so hard I shilled so much, but in the end, it doesn't even matter :^(

>> No.15744879

It's sorta interesting that it took this weird "official" push to cement in the public mind that this was probably always bullshit. Maybe that was the reason behind all of this. Maybe someone said "listen, if we drag these idiots onto the global stage everyone will finally see how fake and gay this is."

Smart move, I've never been more certain that we have never interacted with outside intelligences. I really was on the fence.

>> No.15744897

It's not really an official push. The people who are behind it can be counted with both hands. Some of them work or worked in the government, but this is their personal UFO obsession. They were very successful with the marketing. Without the New York Times article giving them a credibility seal they would not have got this far.

>> No.15744909

That's why official got the quotes. Really this all starts at the door of NYT. I wonder why they did this? Change of division heads, some corporate shakeup that promotes carelessness?

>> No.15744932

>I wonder why they did this?
Ralph Blumenthal has (or had) capital with them as he's been a career NYT journalist. He worked there for like 50 years. Leslie Keane is his friend and came to him with the story. We know that they lied to get the story through. They removed 99% of what AAWSAP/AATIP was actually about. Only 1% of it was about UFOs or aliens, the rest was about Skinwalker Ranch ghost chasing.

That's where all the money went, trying to find ghosts and werewolves at Skinwalker. This was a pet project for Harry Reid and Bigelow, both of whom are paranormal/alien believers. Keane and Blumenthal removed all of that and made it all about UFOs with Elizondo. Elizondo wasn't even the director, it was a guy called Dr James Lacatski. Elizondo got involved when the program already had the plug pulled.

To cut a long story short, they basically lied to the NYT to get it published. I think they have used all their NYT brownie points now because they couldn't get the Grusch story published there and had to go to a UFO outfit Debrief.

>> No.15744969

Hmm, still, they had to be weak to bend to Blumenthal, seniority be damned. The NYT of old would have never done this.

Skinwalker and the like are pushed by insane billionaires to quell their own existential problems. So many of those Art Bell guest types like Lear or Bigelow obviously were just rich fuckers who couldn't deal with reality. Its funny how poor people think the wealthy are particularly wise or "put together." Sometimes they're just myopic morons with too much money. You'll find more pragmatism is the middle class.

>"but muh gotta be smart to be wealthy"
I'll side with the commies on this one. Intergenerational wealth is poison and it takes money to make money.

>> No.15744978

both true and false. we have ufos and have had them for 100 years (vehicles that use antigravity tech). The Germans designed and built them during WWII using Viktor Shaubergers and Tesla's work (among others who foollowed the Vedic sources) and they were called foo fighers. When the Germans lost the war the west confiscated all the tech and has had it ever since. Also we are most certainly visited by interdimensional beings and there is more proof than can be housed at the smithsonian but glow niggers also use it as a distraction on the goldfish brained sheeple for misdirection when they need something in the headlines other than their corruption.

>> No.15744993

Being smart doesn't mean you won't fall for bullshit, especially for existential reasons. Bigelow is obsessed with aliens and the after life.
You are a mentally ill schizo. Go away.

>> No.15745000

you are an ignorant shit eating retard, lick my ass crack

>> No.15745002

I forgot to mention that you're arrogant. But that goes with being a schizo. Schizos are always arrogant because they believe their delusions. Did the voices tell you about the secret space program and breakaway civilization?

>> No.15745732

>Grusch, Graves and Fravor testified under oath to the congress
>People in Peru complained that they were being attacked by aliens
>UAP disclosure act was unveiled
>Mexican grifter showed fake alien bodies in Mexico
>NASA held a live conference and releases report on UAPs

Anons, what's up with this sudden influx of events on UAPs and aliens? Are they preparing us for something? Are they trying to distract us from some other issue?

>> No.15745783 [DELETED] 

spacefags are all low iq

>> No.15745934

More media attention on the topic since 2017. More social media attention since 2017. UFO shills like Elizondo and Mellon are lobbying the government to push it at Congress.

>> No.15746128

Skeptics are also grifters. Everyone on youtube is a grifter.

>> No.15746167

Skeptics are not grifters, what they are doing has genuine educational value. Skeptics don't promote hoaxes, sensationalism, and fake things for money. They do the opposite, they take that stuff apart.

>> No.15746171 [DELETED] 
File: 532 KB, 1265x1024, Grusch STO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Grusch worked for Special Technical Operations (STO) J-33 (patch in picrel). This fact was omitted in his CV submitted to Congress.

>J-33 is the highest echelon military entity dedicated to offensive INFORMATION WARFARE. It supports the CIA and NSA in their operational missions, such as hacking, concealment, and DECEPTION.
>J-33's operations branch controls the Special Technical Operations Center within the Pentagon. The center is the most secure facility within the U.S. military. Dozens of special access (or "black") programs are monitored at the center. These include the United States's own hacking activities, STRATEGIC PSYCHOLOGICAL, CONCEALMENT AND DECEPTION operations.

However, in his CV ( https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf ) you can see that he's ALSO been a commanding officer of the 318th Cyberoperations Information Warfare Center until just one year ago:

>The squadron conducts training on cyberspace operations, including operational security and DECEPTION at both the initial and advanced level.

These Pentagon Information Warfare programs have been waging meme war through social media and, as you know, 4chan, for years:


QRD: Grusch 100% confirmed psyop disinfo glowie. You've probably called him a glowfag before on this very board

>now behold the glowfag seething ITT

>> No.15746175

They deliver a product to a captive audience. There job is selling views to advertises using the audience that enjoys "debunking". None of them post any other sort of educational material on their channels.

>> No.15746179

Name me a single rich skeptic that made their money from being a skeptic. You can't. Because they don't exist. Skepticism doesn't sell. There's no money in being a party pooper. People like and are naturally attracted to hype, sensationalism, and fantastical claims and stories.
It's been nearly 3 months since and nothing has happened. Meaning he's full of shit. Now fuck off back to /x/.

>> No.15746181

>rich skeptic
Thunderf4g has made literally hundreds of pounds off his youtube grift

>> No.15746182

>Name me a single rich skeptic that made their money from being a skeptic. You can't. Because they don't exist.
Conversely, I could name you a dozen conspiracy theorists and woo promoters that make tons of money from it. I could name you hundreds if I did a few google searches.

>> No.15746183

Thunderfoot is not primarily a skeptic, he's a youtube media personality.

>> No.15746186

Actual skeptics from youtube, people who stick to strict skepticism and don't move into youtube clickbait, like potholer or mick west, make nothing from it.

>> No.15746188

James Randi

>> No.15746190

bullshit sells better, always did, always will.

>> No.15746193
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>> No.15746194

Randi made his money from entertainment.
Dawkins makes his money as a science public speaker and writer.

>> No.15746199

>Dawkins makes his money as a science public speaker and writer.
On skeptical topics

>> No.15746201

Of course it does. Because bullshit is easy. It doesn't take effort and it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. Bullshit is usually designed to make you feel good and people like feeling good.
So there you go, there is no such thing as someone getting rich from pure skepticism. But there is such a thing as rich ufologists and conspiracy theorists.

>> No.15746206

He covers many topics, including mainstream science.

>> No.15746215

>someone getting rich from pure skepticism.
that's a function of how much you sell it. what's the public for it? how many will pay for that? math is pretty simple on this. will never change as long as the number of potential buyers doesn't change. you need genetic engineering of the population if you want to sell more skepticism.

>> No.15746221

People are not interested in the truth because it's usually less interesting than falsities. Believing your sleep paralysis experience was a real alien abduction is much more interesting than knowing it was a sleep paralysis hallucination induced by you reading about alien abduction stories in a UFO book.

>> No.15746236 [DELETED] 

Very much to the contrary. Your worldview is composed on mundane lies specifically designed to train golems to become indifferent to truth.

>> No.15746240

>become indifferent to truth.
truth matters less in comparison with being punished by master/group. simple as.

>> No.15746267 [DELETED] 

Low IQ take that doesn't change the fact that social programmers intentionally construct false truths to make the world sound as mundane and uninteresting as possible to divert curiosity somewhere else.

>> No.15746301

The premise of UFO is too low IQ to contemplate for anyone not a retarded garbage brained maggot worm.

>>Hurry travel interdimensionally near speed of light across universe inside ships
>Oops we crashed into the planet in our ultra fast physics bending mind meld ships
>Oh no our 10 other probe ships also crashed and the best kept secret in human history kept this from the public and thousands who reverse engineered it a secret

Fuck off and make McDonald's for people you utter retards

>> No.15746319

Grifters who took lots of money need something. They can create smoke by getting a grifter to say he saw lots of smoke.

It's like asking why ghost hunters always end up recording "experiences". The incentive for people who live off selling books, milking braindead rich people, etc is to create this shit. Then absent 1 iota of evidence retards believe this shit because 1 person out of 6 million is crazy schizo

Same with falling for superconductors or alien mummies. You're all fucking braindead animals barely above worms living off the 0.00000000000001% of humans above animal intelligence who discover everything

Stop thinking
Stop speculating
No aliens didn't crash into earth like ur retarded fuckface brain does because you text and drive

>> No.15746337

Ayyyyliens crash into earth event
The same moment the earth is vaporized
The speed they have to be traveling to explore the universe or galaxy is what?

So they slowed down 99.9% but then didn't notice the big mass of earth and crashed into the crust. Of course at a slow enough speed for a normal crash.

It's like your car going 0.0001 mph and hitting a speedbump. Let's also talk about what tech they have... but can't stop dying and crashing into earth... and they are human like life forms who don't deploy autonomous anything.

Every premise of UFO is for low IQ wastes. This is actually 1000 premise worse than the room temp semiconductor which was actually verifiable false by non rerards.

>> No.15746341
File: 532 KB, 1265x1024, Grusch STO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Grusch worked for Special Technical Operations (STO) J-33 (patch in picrel). This fact was omitted in his CV submitted to Congress.

>J-33 is the highest echelon military entity dedicated to offensive INFORMATION WARFARE. It supports the CIA and NSA in their operational missions, such as hacking, concealment, and DECEPTION.
>J-33's operations branch controls the Special Technical Operations Center within the Pentagon. The center is the most secure facility within the U.S. military. Dozens of special access (or "black") programs are monitored at the center. These include the United States's own hacking activities, STRATEGIC PSYCHOLOGICAL, CONCEALMENT AND DECEPTION operations.

However, in his CV ( https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf ) you can see that he's ALSO been a commanding officer of the 318th Cyberoperations Information Warfare Center until just one year ago:

>The squadron conducts training on cyberspace operations, including operational security and DECEPTION at both the initial and advanced level.

These Pentagon Information Warfare programs have been waging meme war through social media and, as you know, 4chan, for years:


QRD: Grusch 100% confirmed psyop disinfo glowie. You've probably called him a glowfag before on this very board

>now behold the glowfag seething ITT

>> No.15746380

There's glowniggery afoot. Don't be surprised if in some years 3-letters agencies disclose they did some fucked up shit right now.

>> No.15746526
File: 34 KB, 779x189, j randi pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Randi made his money from entertainment.
He made his money telling skeplets like you what you want to hear and spent that buying child prostitutes

>> No.15746562

No he made his money by doing magic tricks and entertainment.
Debunking frauds like you was just a hobby he did for fun. Which one of your charlatan heroes did he debunk? Uri Geller?

>> No.15746627
File: 69 KB, 965x431, 1694796839064456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the guy that has been behind 99% of alien pushing since 2017

>> No.15746695
File: 53 KB, 973x348, UFO shill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15746700

debooonkers are based

>> No.15747150

>Skeptics are not grifters

>> No.15747160

No I am just smarter than you by an extremely large margin therefore talking to a shit eating like you is like pulling teeth because you arent just stupid, you are aggressively stupid with no desire to be anything else

>> No.15747307

>Same with falling for superconductors
Exactly this. I mean seriously "zero electrical resistance": not low, not negligible, actually ZERO with a capital 0. Come the fuck on, things don't work that way.
And the explanation is some schizobabble about electrons forming pairs??? Newsflash idiot, electrons have LIKE charge - they REPEL

>> No.15747887 [DELETED] 

hollywood jew soience fiction movies are all just movies, anyone who thinks the premises they're based on are going to come true is very low IQ.
the measured IQ range for people who are unable to differentiate between movies and IRL is 80-95.
below 80 they have trouble understanding the movie, above 95 they're able to realize that it was just a movie, not a documentary

>> No.15748179

in the Hollywood way yes but if you go into the deep ocean it's a real monster soup. It's like a sci fi movie under the sea.

>> No.15749788

>the measured IQ range for people who are unable to differentiate between movies and IRL is 80-95.

>> No.15749800

what you should wonder about is why all of a sudden the public servants are talking about UFOs.

>> No.15751187
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>> No.15752144

>but if you go into the deep ocean it's a real monster soup.
it isn't, those scary looking fish are all 3cm long

>> No.15752198
File: 552 KB, 806x772, Anime_TiredDisgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UFO situation is an enormous teachable moment wasted on basically everyone because it demonstrates where a lot of conspiracy theorists live and breath:
They didn't stop believing in UFOs because they were presented with a set of compelling facts or logical arguments. They stopped believing in UFOs EXCLUSIVELY because the government said they were real'ish, and without skipping a beat; that must mean UFOs aren't real because the government is always lying. You need to REALLY think about how some of these people had completely immersed themselves in all things UFO for DECADES: grainy footage, interviews, Bob Lazarr, coded Crop Circles, and the exact moment the government said some of it was "kind of real" the speed in which they abandoned a fundamental life-long held belief was unreal.

I'm convinced these people don't possess free will. They're insects: the correct negative input was correctly initiated and now they're completely different.
The UFO drama convinced me NPCs are not only very real, but that brain washing someone is a process of understanding bias and careful management of narrative.

>> No.15752674

Yeah, but no one who has immersed themselves into the subject has 180'd like this. At this point you'd have to be an npc to believe that UFOs aren't real or ET craft.

>> No.15753592

>t. NPC

>> No.15754738 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1109x1863, plants cause global warming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's all fake and gay.
same is true of nearly all of science these days. medicine is all fake too.
nobody on /sci/ can name a scientific discipline that isn't mostly fraudulent

>> No.15755296

>nobody on /sci/ can name a scientific discipline that isn't mostly fraudulent

dicking down your dad

>> No.15756864 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15756887

that has a nice ring to it

>> No.15756991 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 367x267, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aliens exist with a probability of ~1. because that are - at least - 1 trillion-trillion solar systems so any low probability for advanced life on one of them turns the total probability easily to ~1.

only problem is.. it's impossible to meet most of them.

>> No.15757028

Humanoid ayys don't make any sense once you learn about the Fermi Paradox and the Rare Earth Hypothesis.

>> No.15757043
File: 124 KB, 3252x1512, gbbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you are wrong. It is just a coincidence that aliens are now from the oceans and you won't be able to see the UFOs or the aliens but they are totally the one annihilating cities and certainly not hoomans. Just look at the number of alien encounters that the US military has had for proof.

>> No.15757049

>They deliver a product to a captive audience.
how is their audience in captivity? what do you mean by that?

>> No.15757058

you guys are talking like there has been a mass deprogramming of UFOlogists, but if that's the case I haven't seen evidence of it. They seem to be going strong as ever from what I've seen, undeterred by any of the ridiculousness. One of the talking points they're really bandying around now is >>15745732
>Grusch, Graves and Fravor testified under oath to the congress
They think testifying under oath is really impressive and nobody would ever lie under oath. Absurd, but they latch onto anything they can.

>> No.15757113

Brainwashing, the same way any cult leader holds his acolytes in his sway. These unfortunates don't know what to think until their leader tells them. You can see it in their comments
>Thunderf4g you've done it again! I'm so relieved you uploaded to clear up the confusion!!

>> No.15758034

>and the best kept secret in human history kept this from the public and thousands who reverse engineered it a secret
Why do you say this when the concept of UFOs and parts of them being retrieved and studied has been public discussion for several decades?

>> No.15758043

people do talk about a lot of crazy shit. if you ever trust a human you are retarded. like seriously retarded.

>> No.15758837 [DELETED] 

people get the ">muh alienz" idea implanted in their brains by watching hollywood goysop programming which is all fake and gay.

>> No.15759473 [DELETED] 

>nobody on /sci/ can name a scientific discipline that isn't mostly fraudulent
sad state of affairs

>> No.15761084 [DELETED] 

I don't believe you

>> No.15761113

How did the Germans lose is they had alien tech and anti gravity?

>> No.15761145

Look, halloween is coming up, you can put the UFOs and alien toys out. You can even put ayyyyss on your lawn in some places.

>> No.15762174 [DELETED] 

soviet zerg rush

>> No.15764432 [DELETED] 

>soviet zerg rush
financed and equipped by the jews' american servants

>> No.15766008 [DELETED] 

The Cold War was just another one of the jews' divide and conquer schemes

>> No.15766024

The Cold War was fake. The Soviet Union was financed by Wall Street and industrialized with Western help.

>> No.15766277

UFO conspiracy theories are there to just muddy the waters regarding certain black projects.
There are no aliens, no alien reproduction vehicles, no antigravity or other physics breaking devices - just a number of advanced, yet grounded in current science, technologies that are of great importance when it comes to national security.

>> No.15766292

Communism and Capitalism are both false ideologies devised for a grand scale global divide and conquer game

>> No.15766305
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same as the two American political parties or the two conservative vs liberal parties in any other similar two party political system

>> No.15766971
File: 575 KB, 1165x685, rothschild nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by "Wall Street"
Wall Street isn't a person.
Streets don't finance revolutions and wars, people do

>> No.15766975

>skeptics were right
Excuse me? I'm not a skeptic, I'm a deranged conspiracy theorist who just HAPPENED to notice that the government is pushing the whole ayylmaos angle every time some retiree gets a wee bit too close to air force bases with his fancy old man cameras.
Oh, and there's also that confirmed case of the CIA poisoning one such guy until he literally went insane and then died. There's that too, I guess. They also set up fake alien shit for him to spot just to mess with him, which is a hilarious use of taxpayer money.