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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 720x479, 375465504_1248925095769817_509932867084542855_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15742378 No.15742378 [Reply] [Original]

What are some important concepts in your field that are not famous among normies?

>> No.15742387 [DELETED] 

Metacircularity in the polymorphic λ-calculus.

>> No.15742397

Girth is what matters, not length.

>> No.15743113 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 900x728, nasa-lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work for NASA and the big thing NPCs don't realize about my job is that virtually everything we tell the public is an outright fabrication and total lie. It was already pretty bad when I started here ages ago, but since then its only gotten worse and worse.

>> No.15743146

normies have no concept of scales of distance, especially in space.

>> No.15743149

Please delete this before facing further troubles.

>> No.15744520 [DELETED] 

>censored by jannie

>> No.15745225

Lmao good choice. Even if you're a logician you probably don't know what that is unless you work on type theory or proof theory or something like that where lambda calculus is ubiquitous.

Ill do another logic one: the Muddy Child Problem.

>> No.15745277

Hooke's Law, Cauchy's Stress Tensor

>> No.15745720

I posted this as a bad joke but I guess anon took it seriously

>> No.15745730

We so know how planes fly and have known for almost a century.

>> No.15746281

>anon makes a subtle joke mocking conspiracy theorists
>actual NASA glowie thinks it's a real information containment breach
>shut it down
like pottery

>> No.15746303

Dicklet cope. Girth and length are correlated.

>> No.15746318

Also women cum buckets when their cervix gets pushed up. That fact doesn't get teased out of the data because it's a binary rather than continuous function. You're either long enough to hit a woman's cervix or you're not.

>> No.15746764


>> No.15747789 [DELETED] 

Doctors in regions where abortion is illegal make a fortune tax free doing illegal abortions. The legalization of abortion occurred because boss ZOG want to get his cut of the abortion money, not because of "women's rights".
same reason is why they same people are legalizing marijuana all over the place, because they want a cut of the profits.

>> No.15748977 [DELETED] 

trading in contraband is the last vestige of true free enterprise

>> No.15749339

You either have a genetic propensity to cancer or you don't. People are too stupid to get this.

>> No.15749350

the three posts were made by me and I'm the one who deleted the first, it was just an elaborate ruse

>> No.15749354

nice damage control fedboi

>> No.15749359

I wish

>> No.15749370



>> No.15749400

>triggered homosexual

>> No.15749429

So then if you're not an abortion doc why do you care whether it's legalized or not? Either way that money's not going to you.

>> No.15749540

byzantine generals

>> No.15749563


>> No.15749756
File: 102 KB, 1174x338, sci15743113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this deleted as a damage control measure or for some other reason?

>> No.15749758

Delete your post as damage control. (10 min.)

>> No.15749906

It's pretty famous, but not nearly as relevant to crypto as people think. BGP is completely solved by introducing digital signatures and anyone who's read the paper knows this.

>> No.15750311

Depends on your concept of normie but i would say the existence of infinite different infinities

>> No.15750335

Lawyer here. In my country, people shit over the criminal law being pro-accused. But it's hard to explain because people are emotional about criminal law and arent able to take 20 minutes to try to undersatnd it.

>> No.15750340

Most normies have no idea how poorly computers handle fractional numbers.

>> No.15751155

limitations on optics imposed by diffraction

>> No.15751157

Computers handle integers just fine.

>> No.15751583

Normalfags think AI is way smarter than it actually is.

>> No.15751651

Hitting their cervix can be painful tho

>> No.15751659


>> No.15751947

Gendered language isn't acceptable in a modern progressive society. The favored term is now Significand.

>> No.15753376

for damage control

>> No.15754370

The cosmic background radiation would vaporize anything traveling at relativistic velocities. Most physics students don't learn about relevant concepts like relativistic beaming until their junior year, so its not widely known how strong the background radiation would get in that situation, but run the numbers for yourself if you doubt it.
If you're too much of pseud to do the math you can just ignore this and go back to your sci-fi star trek fantasy life

>> No.15756081

>If you're too much of pseud to do the math you can just ignore this and go back to your sci-fi star trek fantasy life
thats what they always do. dumb kids think star trek is real because they're ignorant of physics

>> No.15756957 [DELETED] 

I wish the Star Trek pedos would fuck off to a different board. /sci/ can't have decent physics discussion with the retarded Star Trek pedos butting in and spewing the "wisdom" they got from watching hollywood goyslop all over the place.

>> No.15757125

that's all a theory, bucko

>> No.15757217

Most professionals don't, either. I was given a simulation some years ago that I had to update. The results were completely wrong (some fields with several orders of magnitude) because people don't understand machine precision.

>> No.15757322

Sterility and sterile areas. Even med students don't know how to move around in operating rooms, you have to tell them and then still have someone who pays attention to them to make sure they don't touch something sterile. It happens sometimes that the scrub nurse has to change her instruments because some med student brushes over her table and their piece of clothing touches a prepared rampley or something that's slightly protruding. I don't think I have ever seen a proper depiction of sterility in entertainment.

>> No.15757339

Will we ever conquer the stars? At what fraction of the speed of light the cosmic background radiation becomes death?

>> No.15757378

Had something similar happen with a senior architect. When I alerted him to the problem, he didn't believe me, saying something along the line of "Sun wouldn't ship Java with such a big bug in it" even though I tried to explain why it wasn't a language issue. To his credit, he did go home that night and read up on it, coming in the next day with a plan for dealing with the rounding accumulation. In college he was a business administration major and started off as a requirements analyst, then getting into programming and moving up to architect. As a result, he never became aware of how computers represent numbers until then.

>> No.15757452

>business admin
Well, that explains a lot. Ask Excel IF(0.1+0.1+0.1=0.3) and compare to what actual programming languages output.

>> No.15758844 [DELETED] 

>At what fraction of the speed of light the cosmic background radiation becomes death?
why don't you learn to do the relevant math and physics for yourself if you're so interested in the topic? its very simple math, if you learn it you won't have to rely on trusting strangers on the internet

>> No.15758854

Because I am not interested in math. I don't care how simple it is. The topic is interesting to me but if I can't get the answer from someone who is actually interested in the math, I won't lose my sleep over it.

>> No.15758866

Total nigger death

>> No.15759495 [DELETED] 

you're too much of pseud to do the math so you can just ignore it and go back to your sci-fi star trek fantasy life

>> No.15761134 [DELETED] 

>I can't do math
low iq

>> No.15761643

Women don't mind pain if they're really turned on

>> No.15762058 [DELETED] 

The tremendous and risk free benefits of enriching the atmosphere with moar CO2

>> No.15763594 [DELETED] 

Pharmaceutical companies literally dictate the conclusions of all research

>> No.15764583 [DELETED] 

I can't tell because they're exploitable

>> No.15766094 [DELETED] 

>limitations on optics imposed by diffraction
ignorance of this is what leads people to believe that NASA's ridiculous photoshop are is real images

>> No.15766120

Retard alert.

>> No.15766268

Racial differences

>> No.15766273

Most of the cost of modern aircraft is in avionics i.e. electronics.

>> No.15766321

Yeah everyone knows this.

>> No.15766824

wow, thats censorious af

>> No.15767296

>scizoid/third worlder asking questions that don't make any form of sense
Good to be back /sci/, I missed this shithole

>> No.15767298

Critical thinking.

>> No.15768880

persistent memory is another important one

>> No.15769188


>> No.15769328

Boring as fuck post that retards say every second anyway.
>post that literally says no real information
>deleted for damaged control
You netizens are retarded.

>> No.15769730 [DELETED] 

>everyone else is sooooo dumb!
>I am sooooo smart!!!
you have personality problems, wearing your insecurity on your sleeve like that is kinda cringey

>> No.15769894

its not even that people are dumb but that they don't question very many of their assumptions or really think at all about anything outside of their interests or specialization

effectively people are stupid but only because they are trained to be that way

>> No.15770981 [DELETED] 

/sci/tards do that constantly
>I'm smart because I can recite facts I memorized from a textbook
anyone over 65 IQ can do that

>> No.15771553 [DELETED] 

I will rape your ass with your own femur bones you piece of shit.

>> No.15771931

>but that they don't question very many of their assumptions
they're like that because they are dumb

>> No.15773104

"peer reviewed" means something is a lie

>> No.15773131

>"Sun wouldn't ship Java with such a big bug in it"

>> No.15773793 [DELETED] 

Sun was a great company when they were just focusing on making workstations, their gear was top notch stuff back then. Now they're dead and gone

>> No.15773858

Petroleum engineering
I don’t think an average person knows the difference between pumpjack and a derrick

>> No.15773940


>> No.15774274
File: 136 KB, 1376x1124, explaining the singularity to retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now

>> No.15774286

The average person believes in supply and demand curves or price equilibriums despite the fact that they have been shown to not exist 70 years ago, modern logistics and linear programming has and had to surpass this part of outdated economics decades ago. That's why grand scale central planning without internal price mechanism works like with Amazon and Walmart which are internally centrally planned economies which have higher revenues than entire national economies.

>> No.15774459

I don't exclude this possibility, I'm just mildly annoyed by people who don't understand how models like GPT actually work thinking we've almost got human intelligence AIs, when language processing still has fundamental problems (like coreference resolution) that we still have no clue how to solve.

>> No.15774464
File: 767 KB, 602x1163, pov geometry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Degree in Physics and Math minor studies Chemistry and Philosophy, grad ‘00

>> No.15774473

Bernoulli's principle, I'm pretty sure most people who never looked into it (like me before I started studying) think planes fly purely due to angle of attack and the air pushing the wind up when it hits it

>> No.15774503

Computers can handle exact rationals just fine. Don't use floats for it, obviously. Store the numerator and denominator as integers.

What computers can't handle are IRRATIONAL numbers. You can only approximate them.

>> No.15774961 [DELETED] 

You have no idea how airplanes fly, you've never piloted one yourself because you're too cowardly to ride in an aircraft with yourself at the controls. All you have is some memorized textbook dogma.

>> No.15774968
File: 27 KB, 740x310, Superman10-740x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the human body produce lift? If so, how fast must the human move to produce enough lift to keep them from descending? In pic related, Superman is not bound by physics as we know it but Lois Lane should be. How fast does the pair need to fly so Lois doesn't just hang down from Superman's body?

>> No.15774998

How is that related to most people not knowing about Bernoulli's principle?

>> No.15775086

>You're either long enough to hit a woman's cervix or you're not.
So my odds are 50:50 then?

>> No.15775095

How does she breathe inside space

>> No.15775125

What do you mean? Are you saying that there isn't a price equilibrium? Because equilibriums exist in logistics, it's just, generally, we don't care about doing the Pareto optimization. We want to constrain a cost and under this constraint, find the solution that minimizes time.

The supply demand curve and the equilibrium point is just a Pareto point and that's widely used especially when requirements optimizations are being done for designing systems.

>> No.15775188

They're in the clouds not in space. Lift wouldn't be a consideration if they were. Still, it's probably cold even at 5000 feet but none of that is relevant to the question of the human body producing lift.

>> No.15775352

Itll continue being retarded because its taught wrong think. Itll just be a lefty sauce machine

>> No.15775436 [DELETED] 

You will never know because you have no idea how airplanes fly, you've never piloted one yourself because you're too cowardly to ride in an aircraft with yourself at the controls. All you have is some memorized textbook dogma.

>> No.15775780

I have driven a car, yet I'd trust and engineer to know better how it works, even if he never sat in one.
Is this some weird pasta I'm not aware of?

>> No.15775782 [DELETED] 

you think you're an expert in a topic you have no experience at all in, classic dunning kruger effect case

>> No.15775792

>an expert
you don't have to be an expert to know something you learn in your first semester
>a topic you have no experience at all in
I have a degree in it, ESL kun.

>> No.15775821

That we are programmed to die and that we could hack the program to live much longer/eternally.

And this will be possible and accessible in a few years, given the exponential progress in biology.

>> No.15775892

Basic code monkey tools like issue trackers and version control

>> No.15776124

I feel like the word “evidence” is a word most normies should leave out of their vocabulary.

>> No.15777158

One of the hidden facts of science is that all scientists fuck dogs. This fact has started to leak out lately, maybe the NPCs will eventually catch on

>> No.15777537
File: 68 KB, 504x716, soys all do this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15777628

> I'd trust and engineer
You obviously lack experience.

>> No.15777633

in what?

>> No.15778583

life outside your childish little fantasyland

>> No.15779520
File: 300 KB, 1080x1818, 94a3552ee7e3e4b6ecbee62aed2b09af244134d863a4c5b4e2fddab42c2d6b2e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone fucks dogs, nobody understands thermodynamics
t. chemical engineering

>> No.15779642

What nooooooooooo. I joined the party late. What was the joke again?

>> No.15779788

>At what fraction of the speed of light the cosmic background radiation becomes death?
Standing still outside a magnetosphere.

>> No.15780813 [DELETED] 

i read some reviews of his teaching from students and they all said he had no idea what he was doing teaching thermo

>> No.15781351

He was probably too busy thinking about fucking dogs to concentrate on teaching, common problem in academia

>> No.15781355

>your field
my only exposure to science is 4chan. too smart for the schools

>> No.15782236

what was it

>> No.15783005 [DELETED] 

Forbidden knowledge

>> No.15784121

Ok. I'll bite... and asked to my AI friend :) ... and after reviewing the math I got this.

>To calculate the energy of a photon from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) that impacts an object moving at 99.999% of the speed of light, we need to use the formula for relativistic energy. The energy of a photon is given by the equation E = hf, where h is Planck's constant and f is the frequency of the photon. The frequency of the CMB photon is about 160 GHz. The relativistic energy of a photon is given by the equation E = γmc^2, where γ is the Lorentz factor, m is the rest mass of the photon (which is zero), and c is the speed of light. The Lorentz factor is given by γ = 1/√(1 - v^2/c^2), where v is the velocity of the object and c is the speed of light. For an object moving at 99.999% of the speed of light, v = 0.99999c. Therefore, γ = 223.60.

>Substituting the values in the equation, we get E = γmc^2 = γhf = 1.33 x 10^20 J. Therefore, a photon from the CMB that impacts an object moving at 99.999% of the speed of light has an energy of 1.33 x 10^20 J.

>How high is that?

>The energy of 1.33 x 10^20J is an extremely high amount of energy. To put this into perspective, the energy released by the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 was estimated to be around 63 terajoules (6.3 x 10^13J) . Therefore, 1.33 x 10^20J is equivalent to the energy released by thousands of atomic bombs.

Is AI correct?

>> No.15784230

I dunno if this is true, most bitches tell me it hurts when I do that. but maybe it take some technique that im too retarded/drunk

>> No.15784540

I have had to debug so many problems at work because pajeets don't understand floating point precision and rounding error

>> No.15784541

She's kinda cooking, the greeks did math that way and they were able to discover a ton of shit before other people

>> No.15784645

this has not been my experience. they kinda jump like they got pinched or something. not pleasurable.

>> No.15784698

6.5 x 4.5” here…… feels bad

>> No.15784765

>but run the numbers for yourself if you doubt it.
>i don't know how to do that so i'll just ask AI
>ok now i have two answers from two different sources and i still don't know if its true or not

i bet you can't even add fractions

>> No.15784800
File: 35 KB, 736x205, 2023-10-02 212629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not physicist neither a mathematician so

>ok now I have two answers from two different sources...
what two answers? It's the same source.

>If you're too much of pseud to do the math you can just ignore this...
I did the math and that's why I'm asking.

Is AI bullshitting me? I'm just curious.

Btw, I'm not any of the another anons in this post.

>> No.15785042

absolutely complete and utter disregard for any and every form of ethics

>> No.15785705

>I bet you can't even add fractions
Math is hegemopatriomasculowhiteoturboracist you cisnonhomoheteronormitiveneurotypicalantiprogress male

>> No.15785733

Afaik most normies believe planes fly because the path over the wing is longer than under and for some magical reason both sides have to match up after going over the wing resulting in lower pressure on top.

>> No.15785803

Uh no? Normies believe that planes go faster than gravity.

>> No.15785829

ok the upper half of normies then

>> No.15785878 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 622x175, 2023-10-03 093927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon,
Yeap, as I said, I'm not mathematician and re-reading my previous answer I realized that is wrong; so, in rel pic I put the correct values an the result with desmos calc.

For anyone interested, I asked AI again what this value means and this is the answer.

>The type of radiation produced by a photon with an energy of 2.37062085x10^-20 J can be determined by using the equation E = hf, where E is the energy of the photon, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the radiation. Rearranging the equation to solve for f, we get f = E/h. Substituting the given energy value and Planck's constant (h = 6.62607015 × 10^-34 J s), we get:
f = (2.37062085x10^-20 J) / (6.62607015 × 10^-34 J s) = 3.578 × 10^13 Hz
The frequency of the radiation is 3.578 × 10^13 Hz. This corresponds to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

>And would such radiation be dangerous for a spacecraft?

>The microwave radiation produced by a photon with an energy of 2.37062085x10^-20 J is not dangerous for a spacecraft. Microwave radiation is a form of non-ionizing radiation, which means it does not have enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules and cause damage to biological or mechanical systems.

So, I missing something, I guess.

>> No.15785885 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 622x175, 2023-10-03 093927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15784800 (You)
Same anon,
Yeap, as I said, I'm not mathematician and re-reading my previous answer I realized that is wrong; so, in rel pic I put the correct values an the result with desmos calc.

For anyone interested, I asked AI again what this value means and this is the answer.

>The type of radiation produced by a photon with an energy of 2.37062085x10^-20 J can be determined by using the equation E = hf, where E is the energy of the photon, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the radiation. Rearranging the equation to solve for f, we get f = E/h. Substituting the given energy value and Planck's constant (h = 6.62607015 × 10^-34 J s), we get:
>f = (2.37062085x10^-20 J) / (6.62607015 × 10^-34 J s) = 3.578 × 10^13 Hz
The frequency of the radiation is 3.578 × 10^13 Hz. This corresponds to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

>And would such radiation be dangerous for a spacecraft?

>The microwave radiation produced by a photon with an energy of 2.37062085x10^-20 J is not dangerous for a spacecraft. Microwave radiation is a form of non-ionizing radiation, which means it does not have enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules and cause damage to biological or mechanical systems.

So, I missing something, I guess.

>> No.15785889 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 622x175, 2023-10-03 093927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15784800 (You)
Same anon,
Yeap, as I said, I'm not mathematician and re-reading my previous answer I realized that is wrong; so, in rel pic I put the correct values an the result with desmos calc.

For anyone interested, I asked AI again what this value means and this is the answer.

>The type of radiation produced by a photon with an energy of 2.37062085x10^-20 J can be determined by using the equation E = hf, where E is the energy of the photon, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the radiation. Rearranging the equation to solve for f, we get f = E/h. Substituting the given energy value and Planck's constant (h = 6.62607015 × 10^-34 J s), we get:
f = (2.37062085x10^-20 J) / (6.62607015 × 10^-34 J s) = 3.578 × 10^13 Hz
>The frequency of the radiation is 3.578 × 10^13 Hz. This corresponds to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

>And would such radiation be dangerous for a spacecraft?

>The microwave radiation produced by a photon with an energy of 2.37062085x10^-20 J is not dangerous for a spacecraft. Microwave radiation is a form of non-ionizing radiation, which means it does not have enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules and cause damage to biological or mechanical systems.

So, I missing something, I guess.

>> No.15785894
File: 19 KB, 622x175, 2023-10-03 093927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15784800 (You)
Same anon,
Yeap, as I said, I'm not mathematician and re-reading my previous answer I realized that is wrong; so, in rel pic I put the correct values an the result with desmos calc.

For anyone interested, I asked AI again what this value means and this is the answer.

>The type of radiation produced by a photon with an energy of 2.37062085x10^-20 J can be determined by using the equation E = hf, where E is the energy of the photon, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the radiation. Rearranging the equation to solve for f, we get f = E/h. Substituting the given energy value and Planck's constant (h = 6.62607015 × 10^-34 J s), we get:
>f = (2.37062085x10^-20 J) / (6.62607015 × 10^-34 J s) = 3.578 × 10^13 Hz
>The frequency of the radiation is 3.578 × 10^13 Hz. This corresponds to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

>And would such radiation be dangerous for a spacecraft?

>The microwave radiation produced by a photon with an energy of 2.37062085x10^-20 J is not dangerous for a spacecraft. Microwave radiation is a form of non-ionizing radiation, which means it does not have enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules and cause damage to biological or mechanical systems.

So, I missing something, I guess.

>> No.15785947

Reminds me of when I posted a fake video game spoiler and got put in time out even though it was completely fabricated

>> No.15786915

>i'm soooo super special and smart because i memorized the same textbook drivel as a bunch of other loser nerds
you must be suffering from intense psychological insecurity to be that cringey

>> No.15788188

sounds like it was deleted for damage control and no you're trying to do damage control for the fact that it was deleted for damage control.
you are bad at censorship

>> No.15788419

>What are some important concepts in your field that are not famous among normies?
I mean, my field (information security) is black magic to normies. at most they will learn from journalists (who are as retarded as normies) that they shouldn't click on random shit, believe random emails or give sensitive info to random people.

>> No.15788471

Literally none of my field is known among normies...

>> No.15788980

>limitations on optics imposed by diffraction
I wish more people knew about this, they wouldn't be so easily fooled by NASA's fakes if they did

>> No.15789460

The way it's explained in comics is that Superman has some sort of aura that extends outside of his body to objects he touches if he wants to and that's why he can catch falling people with his hands into a sudden stop without splitting them in half. That's what is at play here because the speeds required for lift of a human body would burn her face unless she were in space, but in space the sun would burn her face too.

>> No.15789481

At high enough speed anything becomes deadly. Non-ionizing radiation becomes ionizing just by the virtue of you moving towards it too fast.

>> No.15790474

4chan is srs biz

>> No.15790911

>concepts in your field

>women cum buckets

are you a prostitute?