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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15740656 No.15740656 [Reply] [Original]

So, let me get this straight. We don't know how life was created?

>> No.15740672

No one was there. There's speculation. Some people take whichever speculation as word of god, other people try to find actual word of god. Regardless of anything, it's speculative and zero people know for certain. That's why there's science, to pretend to understand answers to unknowable truths.

>> No.15740679

I went back in time and sneezed into the ocean. Sorry.

>> No.15740681

>No one was there
Speak for yourself. I just wasn't looking.

>> No.15740708

lightening striking a pool of pond scum near a volcano created the building blocks. assembling amino acids and RNA was evitable after that.

>> No.15740724
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>Nooo!!!! you can't just infer the past from the present!!!!

>> No.15740725

We won't know for sure until we create some artificial life of our own, but we've gotten close enough that we have a pretty good idea and have for decades. This isn't a big issue.
"Life" is just a bunch of chemical processes. It's not particularly special, it's just really cool to us because that's what we are.

>> No.15740729

>pond scum
how did the pond scum get there to begin with? pond scum is mostly wild yeast feeding on decaying organic matter.
darwinism relies on circular logic to justify itself, just like the big bang theory does

>> No.15740734

I think it’s like lightning assembled proteins into something that would build itself again, in short. Not: pond scum was alive and then evolved w lightning.
Not saying that’s what happened but that’s what he meant I think.

>> No.15740746

has this process been replicated?

>> No.15740765

all over the universe numerous times

>> No.15740766
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Nigger, we don't even know what gravity actually is. We're kinda retarded.

>> No.15740767

This website sucks

>> No.15740769
File: 46 KB, 750x600, MUexperiment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>darwinism relies on circular logic to justify itself
No it doesn't.
Here is the time table:
>early Earth is a stormy volcanic waterworld
>volcanic vents spilling out organic molecules
>literal lightning strike causes these molecules to begin to organize (see Miller-Urey Experiment, which is easily repeatable) and form proto-cell like structures
>non-alive self replicating organic molecules (something that isn't exactly difficult to find or create, see prions) that are precursors of RNA and DNA find refuge in these proto-cells
>through evolutionary processes (which is to say "things that do better continue to do better, things that do worse are out competed or die off"), the DNA which can create more protective cell membranes are selected for
>at this point, evolution proceeds from there
God isn't stupid and He's not a magician either. All of this is not trivial, and just works(TM).

>> No.15740812


>> No.15740815 [DELETED] 
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Bro there is absolutely no proof or evidence to back this up. Your just trolling

>> No.15740820

so where did the initial pond scum come from?

>> No.15740898

go back in time and tell us OP.

>> No.15740912

abiogenesis as a conjecture is more convincing the more familiar a person is with chemistry, biology, geology, planetary formation, etc. which means the average person that posts here will instead try to argue that creationist apologetics is more convincing

>> No.15741522
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>just works(TM)
The thing is, it doesn't work.

>> No.15741582

We have plenty of hypothesis about how life emerged but finding microscopic evidence from 3,8 billion years ago is rather hard even for modern science.

>> No.15741650

If you look at the actual work on origin of life studies it's laughable. They can't even build RNA without resorting to laboratory chemistry using modern day compounds that never existed on early earth, and using techniques that could never have applied like using wildly different temperatures, pH levels, pressure levels etc, at each step.

>> No.15741679

One must conclude God is evil.

>> No.15741727

Science isn't just about dismissing existing models. It's about presenting something better as well. The generally accepted methods for abiogenesis are accepted because people haven't yet come up with anything more palatable.

>> No.15741742

Miller-Urey formed a bunch of racemic amino acids. Let's hope the next lighting strike puts them all together into a functional RNA strand. Then we just need a few more lighting strikes to create a few 1000mer polypeptides that can get the RNA to start copying itself using all the nucleobases that a couple lighting strikes should help produce. With a few extra strikes we might be able to get some transcription machinery to appear, and it can start reading the codons that probably signify nothing but oh well, we'll just cross our fingers for next time.

>> No.15741767

Also it all has to happen within a few days because all of this stuff decomposes.

>> No.15741999

it’s not literal pond scum. it was “primordial soup”, which is just organic molecules (carbon bonded with hydrogen, nitrogen, and/or oxygen) in water. these organic molecules were spewed out by volcanoes that had nothing better to do

>> No.15742065

We don't even know what a life is, so probably not.

>> No.15742184

>actual word of god
is imaginary

>> No.15742193

All they did was make amino acids, ribose, and urea type stuff. These are small molecules and don't decompose so readily.

>> No.15742224

Depends how you define God.

>> No.15742229

Benis in Vagene

>> No.15742235

>early Earth
where does Earth come from?

>> No.15742239

Yes, I define god as imaginary.

>> No.15742244

stuff + gravity

>> No.15742253

Whre do stuff + gravity come from?

>> No.15742258

Stuff came from stars (which came from hydrogen + gravity) and gravity comes from stuff interacting with spacetime. Where spacetime came from, no one knows, not even those who claim to know, not even you.

>> No.15742364

We will never know
We will get a lot of theories and proved lab experiments but we will never know

>> No.15742370 [DELETED] 

you do that because you're too weak willed to give up on your sinful lifestyle of masturbation and dishonesty

>> No.15742458

Go to /his/ or /x/ or whatever. You'll be in a more accommodating echo chamber.

>> No.15742473

>is imaginary
>implies existence
>implies that the concept of existence exists
You literally prove God exists through your denials

>> No.15742495

Is this a serious question, amateur? Yes it has been. Do the research, please.

He asked a legit question and you took it as an opportunity to instead express your sentiments about human nature.

>> No.15743555

>implies existence
Which is immediately negated by the fact that is couples with imaginary rather than really existing as it only defines it as existing in one's imagination.