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15740225 No.15740225 [Reply] [Original]

Is Dual N Back a viable method to increase my Intelligence? I stumbled across a bunch of anecdotes claiming that doing dual n back exercises for prolonged periods of time (8-10 months), resulted in massive gains pertaining to intelligence.

Another method purported to increase intelligence, would be tdcs but I'm not sure about its efficacy

Any tips?

>> No.15740296

I'd say it's about this complex

>> No.15740309

You can't increase your intelligence, it's fixed from birth.

>> No.15740310

You can’t increase your intelligence past what is already your phenotypical optimum, which you likely have; while not currently being tired, intoxicated, etc.

Actual intelligence increase would require new growth of neurons above the rate they do normally.

And you can’t exactly swallow a pill that optimizes your individual neural dynamics in auch a way that they are better able to make use of the limited number they have (i.e. without additional neuron growth).
Pills aren’t “smart” like that.

>> No.15740318

Hunt squirrels and surgically graft their extracted brains to you own, like you would add RAM to a motherboard.

>> No.15740894

Cerebrolysin increases neuron growth in the PFC as well as in other parts of the brain

>> No.15740911

The problem of course is useful neuron growth and not causing some weird cancer. Many complex regulatory mechanisms are necessary to have an intelligent neural structure.

>> No.15740935

It would be amazing if there was a way to increase intelligence, but right now science has not discovered any ways to do this. DNB is snake oil.

Go try to increase your work ethic or something, where you actually have a chance of succeeding.

>> No.15741051

So the only way would be through genetic therapy?

>> No.15741313

I am yet again here to explain intelligence does not necessarily correlate with ones ability to learn or perform. Plenty of retarded NEET virgin basement dwellers with exceptionally high IQ. Plenty of room temp IQ's in high tier STEM jobs

>> No.15741412

i don't think you understand what intelligence is if you are asking such a stupid question

>> No.15741431


>> No.15741444

SSRIs such as zoloft increases neuroplasticity

>> No.15741464

The only intelligence that matters in life is the ability to manipulate your way to the top of hierarchies

>> No.15741521


>> No.15741782


>> No.15741805

The only intelligence that matters in life is the intelligence to be born to the right parents.

>> No.15743378

>How can I increase my intelligence?
Gain knowledge. The smartest little cookie that can naturally figure out puzzles really fast is completely fucked over when encountering something new and unknown vs an old hand who knows what's going on and has been to this rodeo before.

Caffeine or meth for a quick boost. There's a crash though and you build up a tolerance.

Adderall for focus. Don't fuck with the dosage.

>Is Dual N Back a viable method to increase my Intelligence?
No, this is more like fighting back against dementia or alzheimers. It's equivlent to going for a little walk to keep your muscles from completely atrophying. It's not weight training and muscle building.

I'd avoid shock therapy if I were you.

>Plenty of retarded NEET virgin basement dwellers with exceptionally high IQ.
Some, but exceptions don't make the rule. Being smart certainly doesn't stop people from being fucked up.
>Plenty of room temp IQ's in high tier STEM jobs
Yeah, don't I know it. And they fucking SUCK at their damn jobs.

IQ really is highly heritable. Between 60-80%. You're kinda born with most of what you got.

>> No.15743386

You can't. Some people will just learn faster than you. The best you can do is learn to study and gain knowledge in the most effective way possible for you. Make the most of what you have. Sure it may take longer than some people but with time you can learn lots if you're dedicated.

>> No.15743476

you need to practice. you need to identify what intelligence is for you. do you regard having an incredible good memory as being highly intelligent? then need to identify the ways that experts in the field commit things to memory, and practice those things. do you think that creativity is an element of intelligent thinking? then you need to have a wide field of knowledge on many things, and how they can best be applied to different situations. improvement takes time and applied practice. limiting factors are the speed at which you acquire knowledge, but never give up on working towards improvement. at one point you had to employ all of your cognitive ability to discern one letter from another. you elevated.

i would even go so far as to say, that if you want a quick fix to expand your intellect, you are misguided, as intelligence a reflection of how you are interacting with the world around you. that can only be gained through your efforts to go out and explore. one man may know things with fewer incidents of exposure to the ideas than you, but you may expose yourselves innumerable times. in doing so eventually you will meet him.

>> No.15743518

Anyone have the e621 version of this picture?

>> No.15743533

Play chess every day
Learn a new language
30 minutes of running
Play a musical instrument
Practice mental math

That's it, that's all you can do.

>> No.15743571

I started taking Alpha Brain supplements.

I don't know if they have made me smarter, but I noticed a specific change that aids in the ability to think.

It made my inner monologue LOUDER.
Like the volume knob on my inner monologue got cranked up 5 notches.

So if you're in a loud distracting environment and need to think through something complex, Alpha Brain may help.

>> No.15743596

Best you can do is to identify and replace the cognitive distortions holding you back, maximising your health and fostering conscientious habits.

>> No.15744043

Watch Justin Sung to learn how to learn

>> No.15744052
File: 558 KB, 949x1246, A62F6135-DF19-4A49-BE56-5AA8E9C0D4D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a fucking grifter who produces videos spanning 40 minutes while providing almost little to no insight on learning tips other than to promote his course. A huge chunk of his content, is based on the idea of using cognitive load as a means to consolidate knowledge which is basically blatantly ripped from Bloom's Taxonomy.

>> No.15744413

What a great grift idea to target retards by promising a solution to their retardedness. Basically free money