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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15739584 No.15739584 [Reply] [Original]

Does science really say this?

>> No.15739595

Another pile of useless shit. We will never know if we're truly just some Sims in a twisted game. Part of the bigger organism or simply monkeys that somewhat gained too big understanding.

>> No.15739609

Theories like this always give me the impression of some pompous redditor trying to connect themselves with something spiritual and metaphysical without being religious because it has le science attached to it. It's diet Christianity.

>> No.15739616

Everything in society is political struggles for power. The cult of science was created to prior religious leaders and install a new authority on morality and truth by a new regime, just as Henry VIII with protestantism to take English power back from the Italians. The results written in journals of science are no more true than Islam or the Bible. Science is the same, just a different group of people pushing their codes seeking to seize power from historical political entities who put in place the old system.


>> No.15739618

normies unironically eat this shit up.

>> No.15739630

If Gates Foundation said it is science, then it's science. You aren't one of those negationists, right? Then slurp all this science we have for you.

>> No.15739631

the cross is foolish to the wise.

>> No.15739655

what lack of organized religion does to a mf

>> No.15739699

this is precisely a result of the organization of atheism as a faith under these popsci priests.

what lack of individual spirituality does to a mf

>> No.15739704
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he even says it's just an interesting thought exercise based on the conjecture of what a few think is statistically likely based on their (flawed) understanding of the universe

you can read more about the source material here, he even provides a link below


he's alright as far as popsci entertainers go, there are far worse out there

>> No.15739714

>Rampant individualism in everything even his spirituality

>> No.15739763

lmao, they never learn

>> No.15739786
File: 135 KB, 780x684, 0DFB7F06-D192-47E9-B60E-D5F7A445A493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accept the description of the unknowable that guided your ancestors for 2 millennium, using it to help parse the cold and emotionless static that makes up human existence. Whose mythologies and principles inspired beautiful creations such as the above, permeating all culture, and influencing the lives and actions of all the people that shaped your current civilization
>accept the description that inspired the below
which way white man?

>> No.15739802

Of all the vidyagame plots to make real, didn't expect ChronoTrigger.

>> No.15739805

That channel is the fucking worst you Reddit retard. Every episode has dozens of lies/misrepresentations. Half the claims aren’t corroborated anywhere in the ‘sources’. With half the sources being from organizations/studies directly related/owned by Billionaires like bill gates. Bill Gates has given them hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding, even being the main funding source when they were tiny. Coincidentally they have published dozens of videos that either directly give praise to/support Bill Gates. You are literally consuming pure propaganda you fucking idiot.

>> No.15739806

thats still better than believing in a fairy tails.

>> No.15739834

The shit in OP's pic is literally a fairy tale trope

>> No.15739838

All of science is propaganda for the new-elite to displace the old-elite.

>> No.15739884

that mythology also ironically inspired the deaths of millions of innocents and the privation of land and natural resources that sustained indigenous people for thousands of years longer than christianity. tbf I love the christ, but I also love the antichrist. time for the good and evil to bow to the stupid

>> No.15739902

Nah. A lot of the research into Boltzmann brains is about finding reasons why they don't work.

>> No.15739904

>individual spirituality
eat from the fruit, eve. it'll increase your individual spirituality, eve. you will be like God, eve.

>> No.15739957

Holy fuck, no. Meaningless philosophical babbling is not science.
Every time I think Kurzgesagt can't get any worse, he goes and proves me wrong.

>> No.15739984
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>> No.15739994

placeholder stories work until we inevitably figure it out. you can't drag that shit forever.

>> No.15740053

Still not thinking outside-the-box enough

>> No.15740068

>that mythology also ironically inspired the deaths of millions of innocents
The Atheistic ideology of Communism directly killed more people in 50 years than Colonialism, committed by people who just happened to be Christian, directly killed in 1000 years.You know that 95% of the Indian die offs in the Americas was due to disease they had no immunity to, not European murder? What, do you think the Europeans erected Auschwitz style camps for the mass murder of millions in the 1500s? This was going to happen in any scenario where the old world made contact with the new world. Would it have been better if they all died 600 years earlier, if the Chinese actually continued exploration? "After Edward Jenner's 1796 demonstration that the smallpox vaccination worked... Many colonists and natives were vaccinated, although, in some cases, officials tried to vaccinate natives only to discover that the disease was too widespread to stop. In other cases, natives refused vaccination because of suspicion of whites. The Santee Sioux refused vaccination and many died."
That isn't even mentioning the fact that the expeditions to the new world had zero Christian ideological influence. It was done purely to try and find a new trade route to India and China for spices and silk. You are fucking retarded.
>the privation of land and natural resources that sustained indigenous people for thousands of years longer than christianity
Yes, the Indians were really making complete use of two entire continents, despite totaling less people than the HRE. With some estimates claiming a total new world population of only 8 million pre-contact. The natural resources you are claiming 'sustained' the indigenous people were beaver furs, sugarcane, gold, and what else exactly? Why did they need those to survive?

>> No.15740079

What is it we figured out exactly? Did I miss the part in history where we found the "only western Christianity isn't correct" particle? Later finding conclusive evidence for the "Bill Gates funded the universe is a dream" theory?

>> No.15740084

>Does science really say this?
Certainly not. Its low IQ bullshit to entertain the masses.

>> No.15740087

whatever we figure out will be contested to hell and back by zealots. there's no reasoning with them, dunno why these threads keep popping up. they offer nothing useful, waste time and it's just desperate propaganda for church, ultimately. trying to hold on

>> No.15740124

I've been watching the evolution of popsci since I was a kid in the 90s and its gotten so fucking strange.

There used to be two separate camps; One was the Sagan or Feynman types that were trying in earnest to bring complex ideas to the masses, the other were Chopra new agers co-opting sciency sounding terms to justify fortune telling.

At some point they both said "fuck it" and threw in with one another.

>> No.15740224
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Bro is so athiest he horse shoed back to being religious

>> No.15740317

Does the German gov still fund this soja? They once did and pulled the plug when kurz went full Anglo cocksucking, so they had to start making German videos again and got back the funding.

>> No.15740320

How do I wake up?

>> No.15740330

Yet another popsci neoatheist / soulless rationalist / effective altruist goyslop abomination. God I want all of this to fucking stop already. Western civilization is fucking done

>> No.15740346

It isn't science unless they can name the particle that my brain generates when hallucinating this universe.

>> No.15740357

by finding a way for every being in the universe to get along

>> No.15740422

Now it's one unified group trying to not bring complex ideas to the masses to justify the war to bring gay butt sex to Ukraine

>> No.15740423

So nothing lmao. bye retard

>> No.15740435

>pure conjecture
words have no meaning, apparently. i honestly find kurzgesagt fascinating because it so perfectly epitomizes the transformation of science from a methodology reserved for a few specialists into a popular religion.

>> No.15740497

It is sorta fascinating watching a religion emerge in realtime. This must have been what it looked like when the others formed, a bunch of somewhat informed inferences plus guided speculation rolled into an ontological framework.

>> No.15740545
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>> No.15740576

That's the plot of Link's Awakening

>> No.15740591

What are you, fucking retarded? That's a YouTube video. YouTube is about as useless for actual information as you trying to search that in Google.

>> No.15740592

No, that's the plot to the Matrix.
You can call it computer simulation or dream, but the only fundamental difference is if it runs off hardware or wetware.

>> No.15740594

I hate how Kurzgesagt diluded itself into pop culture le references, bait content to shock the normies and "according to science", like it's some entity you can cite singularly.

>> No.15740601

Yeah except religions used to bring together communities and cement societies in a way conductive to the achievement of the highest civilizational standards, like cathedrals and art and elaborate metaphysics. This kind of popsci dissolute garbage will never make anyone a better person.

>> No.15740636
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>> No.15740817

Is it out of the question that a billionaire wants good things for the world?

>> No.15740879
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Since Microsoft tends to be on the shitty-evil spectrum as a company, it's not hard to put all the hate on its creator, Bill.
My conspiracy theory is that if something (at all) is wrong with the stuff that billionaires tend to be involved in, it's not because they want to control the world, but because the people involved in those projects are genuinely clueless, stubborn or both. However, I actually believe that the billionaires don't actually put much effort in understanding the basics of the research they invest in and they just pour money at the scientists/organizations that happened to cross paths with them at some random party. Thus, it's not to crazy to believe that most of this studies could be okay.

>> No.15740917

You just believe in a fairy tale with extra steps.

>> No.15740920

It's not really diet Christianity. Christianity is basically "we live in a fallen creation, your ancestors messed up, you pay for their mistake, but don't worry Christ paid for that mistake and he's a really cool guy with some great advice". This is more diet Platonism. "Reality is an illusion and truth is hidden behind a veil of lies."

>> No.15740929
File: 65 KB, 960x546, jews and servants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Gates is Ghislaine Maxwell's cousin. Bill Gates' mother's maiden name was Mary Maxwell, her grandfather was a director of the Federal Reserve 100 years ago.

>> No.15740990

no kurzgesagt, you're the worst, a paid shill

>> No.15741054
File: 27 KB, 400x386, Kek-199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diet Christianity

>> No.15741061

Eve isn't the one who ate the fruit, that name didn't come along until after the fall of man, the one who ate the fruit was just called adam's wife.

>> No.15741071

"Now the man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all the living."
>she wasn't called Eve until after the fall
split hairs, Eve.

>> No.15741083

You muppet, robert maxwell (ghislaine's evil dad) was a czechoslovak jew and a glowie for mi6 who changed his name from some bullshit jew garbage.

>> No.15741094

oh my SCIENCE!!! another unfalsifiable bullshit theory that literally doesn't mean anything!

>> No.15741109

No one gets to the top by being good and playing nice, for the ones who are quickly get eaten by the ones who can do anything to get ahead, it stands to reason then at everyone at the top are high functioning psychopaths

>> No.15741112

>This must have been what it looked like when the others formed,
You're insane.

>> No.15741119

Hi all. I'm science and I say just do a bunch of dmt lol

>> No.15741127

funded by the bill & malinda gates foundation to trick kids into a paralyzing fear that there's a climate crisis

>> No.15741133

good post, i've nothing to add

>> No.15741139
File: 76 KB, 300x255, 532524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that mythology also ironically inspired the deaths of millions of innocents and the privation of land and natural resources that sustained indigenous people for thousands of years longer than christianity. tbf I love the christ, but I also love the antichrist. time for the good and evil to bow to the stupid
Imagine being this brainwashed.

>> No.15741150

show me the math that states a brain is more likely to pop into existence than a universe other than >brain is smaller therefore more likely!!!
brains are highly organised, the universe arose as just a dense clump that expanded over time.

>> No.15741154

>show me the math that states a brain is more likely to pop into existence than a universe other than >brain is smaller therefore more likely!!!

>> No.15741155


>> No.15741189
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It did according to Mario


>> No.15741209

I actually watched the video and it's just leftfield speculative nonsense based on muh gogolplex years after the universe undergoes heat death and boltzmann brains will appear out of nowhere, because anything becomes possible if you wait enough time for some reason. It's a quantum undergrad fairytale with pretty pictures.

I mean they basically admit at the end of the video that this whole hypothesis is essentially bullshit conjured up to tell a cool story. They have basically ran out of ideas at this point.

>> No.15741210

>Does science really say this?
No - but it's a thought experiment in which you can use physics in the argument which therefore is le epic science saying it

>> No.15741222

No it's not. It's the same thing but without any advantages (e.g. social, artistic, intellectual).

>> No.15741242

>thats still better than believing in a fairy tails.
It's worse because your particular brand of fairy tale has zero spiritual substance.

>> No.15743112


>> No.15743733

>transformation of science from a methodology reserved for a few specialists into a popular religion
I think this is a natural process in keeping with the genetic decline of the population. It's why we're seeing politicians in America openly persecuting each other as if it were a tin pot republic, because that is exactly what the population has become.

>> No.15744066

Term is "secular Christian" but diet christian is funnier