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15734002 No.15734002 [Reply] [Original]

‘There Was Definitely a Thumb on the Scale to Get Boys’
Declining male enrollment has led many colleges to adopt an unofficial policy: affirmative action for men.


>> No.15734017

And I'm willing to bet a whole lot of state-educated golems think this is a good thing. lol

>> No.15734411

Aside from the one quoted midwit and its "patriarchy" line, this was a very decent article, until:
>Because schools have to be careful not to trigger a Title IX violation, one the most popular new varsity sports on college campuses is ostensibly gender neutral: varsity e-sports. E-sports teams compete against other schools in games like Super Smash Bros and Valorant, a “tactical hero shooter”
I can't deal with the Harambe timeline anymore.

>> No.15734436

Lol they’re doing it because they want debt slaves that actually pay their debts back

>> No.15734449

Now, is this declining enrollment a good thing or a bad thing?
Good thing possibilities
>boys are ahead of the curve, see declining value in a degree
Bad thing possibilities
>boys are being left behind by decades of educational institutionalized penalties for being born male
Could be both I suppose. I'm in my 30s, have a B.A., and am back in community college taking some healthcare classes and it's easily 75% female but then again that might always have been the case in this field.

>> No.15734483

Who could blame them. If you work towards a degree that's worth anything you'll be putting a lot of effort for a piece of paper that is considered the bare minimum for jobs in your field. The market is hypercompetitive and you'll be on your hands and knees begging for a job where you have to walk on eggshells to not get castrated by HR so you can maybe get paid 6 figs in 10 years. I've already gotten 3 years deep into an engineering degree myself before I realized this. Now it's too late. My friends who used to work food service with me in highschool went into HVAC and they currently make what my starting wage is projected to be if I ever get a job in my field. All my engineering friends are realizing this as well. I feel so unbelievably crushed.

>> No.15734494

Depending on what you're there for, the field is saturated with people that can't score work. They nickel and dime you for every certification, each needing its own specific CE credits for renewal, and its own accredited program. After graduation, they'll only want people with experience. That's even for positions paying out the same as local fast food joints, and no, I'm not memeing.

>> No.15734500

This. The only people in my field I know who have internships got them through nepotism alone.

>> No.15734523

Not to mention that if you're getting a role that's not remote, and you don't have your own segregated workspace where you're not expected to work directly with people in person, the types of women there are fucking awful. Catty, shit-starting bitches that pretend to have power and terrorize entire offices. I'm looking through reviews on Indeed for local places and seeing talk about in-office bullying and even physical altercations, even in front of patients. So you can do this, but you're probably going to end up spicing someone's drink up with a urine culture and having an existential crisis.

>> No.15734537

I'm taking the prerequisites to get into a DPT or PTA program. I'm not sold on becoming a physical therapist because the debt/income ratio seems stupid and burnout seems to be quite high. It seems most PTs are advising prospective students to go into other healthcare fields but I'm not interested in becoming a nurse/PA/anything like that. We'll see how it goes, I'm enjoying taking the classes I'm in right now, it may just end here.

>> No.15734541

I already see this type of behavior in college. Most stem girls I've met seem to only be in it because they think they are sticking it to men in some way and becoming "girlbosses". My gf switched majors from biology to cybersecurity because of how mean and catty her lab partners and peers were. She was an EMT for experience and used to drop shifts because she would get bullied by her female coworkers.

>> No.15734554

Physical therapy has more men, at least. Get some kind of medical coding cert while you're in school to at least have it on the back burner if the field is too far gone. There's medical scribing roles that are remote too, but the pay is laughably low for what they expect. I've seen as low as $10/hr.

>> No.15734575

They'll eat you alive if you're any level of X that they consider a competition, though I'm surprisedshe caught shit as an EMT. Tell her to just get her sec+ cert and some other specialized certs. A lot of getting into roles with cybersec have a bit of nepo involved, but a 4-year degree isn't necessarily worth it.

>> No.15734580

i thought affirmative action was made illegal?

>> No.15734619

Not in the way you'd. One of the caveats of the SC ruling was that schools could still be more favorable in admitting students based on their application essays about how hard it is being a minority, etc. Schools are 100% still allowed to favor certain students over others.

>> No.15734625

*way you'd think

>> No.15734632

>we need to fight fire with fire!

>> No.15734662

At the beginning of the semester, I was waiting for the class before mine to empty out. When it let it, 30 attractive females streamed out of the class. That told me it was a psychology class.

>> No.15734678

I'm >>15734537 in a psychology 101 class, it is indeed almost entirely girls. My ex gf is in a masters program getting her MFT, there are only two men in her entire cohort (~20).

>> No.15734743

I had classes and casually chatted with a (gay) guy in psychology in one of my electives back in college. He told me about a study he performed and showed me his statistics and measurements for an independent research project, as I graduated in statistics. His analysis was all completely fucked up. It's like he completely made up ways to calculate statistics from scratch. Needless to say I talked to him a month later and he complained about how the psych profs assessing his project were all saying his research was meaningless.

>> No.15735222

>were all saying his research was meaningless
pot, kettle

>> No.15735229

I teach college physics and my classes this semester are all easily 70-80% female, it's fucking crazy.

I'm crazy envious of young men going to college in this era - they're basically living in a harem anime setting.

>> No.15735285

Don't envy them. They might be out numbered by girls but that's just more of them to accuse him of rape or some misconduct.

>> No.15735402

Lol ratios don’t matter, women just pool around the most attractive men.

>> No.15735420

>be engineering student
>see like 3 girls in all of my classes combined
Fuck you and fuck you op!

>> No.15735422

You're twenty years out of date old man. Real life proximity and interaction means nothing due to dating apps. You could be the only man in an entire college and not be at an advantage.

>> No.15735443

kids these days don't talk to each other in person, in fact anyone who's particularly outgoing will be somewhat shunned. While waiting in the classroom for the professor, it's deathly quiet every day.

t. non-trad student

>> No.15735481

>It's like he completely made up ways to calculate statistics from scratch.
You could have been talking to the next Fred Gauss and not known it.

>> No.15735517

eva was the twink, not freddy

>> No.15735643


It's been known for decades that the major with the most women are psychology, anthropology and nursing

>> No.15735646


In STEM, the major with most women is statistics and biology

>> No.15735668

>science, technology, engineering and math
>statistics and biology
??? <nigga></what> ???

>> No.15735694

I remember taing physics for bio majors and it was mostly girls who were all gorgeous. I would just be walking around the room looking at them. this one was like a perfect dopple ganger of Anne Hathaway. Probably the prettiest girl I've seen in person

>> No.15735699

Another 30-something-year-old boomer here, I also went back to community college last year. I can think of at least three classmates (two female, one male) that were clearly open to hooking up. I'm faithful to my wife so nothing happened, but there was plenty of socializing going on between classes, during group projects, and at events.

>> No.15735713

Unless you were on campus for several classes, I don't even understand how this is possible unless you went out of your way to join clubs or study groups.

>> No.15735725

Do you have any idea what doing that job is like every day? Being in hot dirty dangerous attics, basements, and crawl spaces trying to not injury yourself in places where everything wants to injury you

>> No.15735730

Yeah I'm sure the men are getting tons of attention


>> No.15735765
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I didn't do every single activity but I did the ones I found interesting, because a lot of them.were educational events I where I could bring my kids. This gives a girl plausible deniability for calling you Daddy the next time she sees you in class, but we all know what she's really saying.

I did have multiple classes on campus, one of which is how I ended up doing a project with a partner. The young lady asked if I'd already come up with a project idea, I told her, and she said it was better than her idea and asked if she could partner with me.

And yes, obviously this young lady is only talking to this old fart because she sees an easy A in it, which we did get. But (a) she actually ended up doing the majority of the work, I basically just did project management, (b) she let slip that she daydreams about me, and (c) she agreed to go hiking with me.

If I had wanted to, it would have been shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.15737738

This is not the case for 80% of people at 4 year university in 2023.

>> No.15737748

>80% of zoomers have no game
seems a low estimate

>> No.15737771

It's not about having game, there are just no opportunities to talk to women. I literally haven't spoken to one that was not my professor or mother in over a year.

>> No.15737787

skill issue dumbfuck

>> No.15737788

The reason you don't have those opportunities is because you aren't attractive to them. Not that I'm saying you're ugly. I'm not particularly good looking or anything, but I'm a husband and father and I'm old enough to be their father and that's attractive to a nineteen year old young lady. Basically, the fact that I'm not going to fuck her makes her want me to fuck her so she can one-up my wife. You don't have any of that going for you.

>> No.15737832

Basically you're implying that if a woman found me attractive she would have approached me and talked to me. That makes sense. But most guys I know don't have a gf, even the attractive ones. How do you explain that?

>> No.15737844

NTA, but
1) women don't approach except in very rare circumstances
2) like you, your friends also probably don't know how to engage with women

>> No.15737874

Please tell me anon, how do I engage with women?

>> No.15737901

If i'm being real college is really boring.
I try to talk with people and i'm constantly shut down or laughed at.
The curriculum is boring, and feels useless.
This place feels like it's just a diploma mill to get average and below averagre women into management positions

>> No.15737932

Just bee yourself, you'll create a real buzz.

Seriously though, in my experience it's just a couple of things (as a 5/10 average guy). Have the confidence you would have if they were other guys (being fun, joking around with them, sharing your real opinions instead of trying to say what they want to hear), and make it clear that you are interested because the burden of initiation is 100% on you- if you don't initiate they assume disinterest. It's like fishing, most won't bite, but some will and you can't take it personally, it's just a game. Have fun.

>> No.15737954

Thank you for the advice. This is very helpful, but how do I initiate? And how do I make it clear my intention is romantic and not just a friend? Most people I meet assume I am gay for some reason.

>> No.15737987

>Basically you're implying that if a woman found me attractive she would have approached me and talked to me.
No, if she finds you attractive she will be open to being approached by you.
This may sound dumb but during the first week of classes, try to introduce yourself to as many of your classmates as you can (men and women), tell them your name, offer them your hand for a handshake. That actually takes a certain amount of confidence to do, and doing it displays that confidence. And it's approaching, which makes it so the next time you approach that person it isn't so weird, for either of you. Works pretty good for meeting girls, works even better for meeting bros.

>> No.15738050

In short: invite them do to something with you, go from there. It's context dependent- if you're in school together, you could start with a study group or something, or if she's putting out the signals that she's into you it could be an invite out on a date. Basically, escalate. Get to n+1.

>> No.15738082

In my honest experience, if you are not the type of person who is naturally extroverted, going out of your way to meet people will not get the kind of result you want. Pretending to be someone else isn't going to attract the person you're compatible with, which is why the best connections in life happen naturally. I'm introverted, my wife is extroverted and it works perfectly. My previous relationship was introverted, and I met her while doing pretty much what you're talking about here. It obviously didn't work out well b/c the person she thought she knew wasn't the real me.

>> No.15738091

This is where the "be yourself" meme comes from, because it's true. It's just that some people think it means "don't improve," which is self-defeating. Maybe "be vulnerable" would be more accurate- that is, share your most genuine self.

>> No.15738164

7987 here. There's some truth to what you're saying, but I'm an introvert by nature myself. You don't want to found a relationship on pretending to be someone you're not, but learning to be flexible and operate outside your comfort zone is important. It's "part of being a man," and I used to roll my eyes at that phrase when I was a young man, but now I use it with my sons.
Truth here, too. Keep improving, that's what I mean, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone to improve. It's USEFUL to be able to approach people you don't know. You know that whole "networking" thing that's supposed to be such an important part of college? Can't network if you're all silently fucking with your phones. Be the one who breaks the ice.
>Verification not required.

>> No.15738181

Am i the only one that suspects that admins spend more time playing match maker behind the scenes than building instutions of learning?

>> No.15738202

Like chess and auto racing they are gender neutral which neutralizes the chance of women representation as they are unable to compete.

>> No.15738387

>led many colleges
i doubt it.

>> No.15740549

Here's a better idea:
Get rid of jews.

>> No.15741225

Not seeing any of that in engineering. Like 90% male and it increases after the midwits get filtered in the first semester exams

>> No.15742366

t. midwit

>> No.15742452

If anon was a midwit he wouldn't be anti-jew. Only nit-wits and high-wits are antisemetic.

>> No.15742511

Nah, declining male enrollment is a good thing. The women and the shitskins can do the work they're apparently so capable of doing without us, so let them.
Pay for my neetbux.

>> No.15742572

>high-wits are antisemetic
Yes, cus they know enough to be jealous of the Le vast Ashkenazi intellect which dominates their fields

>> No.15742598

Eventually intellectual inertia will run out and the competency crisis will fuck everyone, including those who aren't responsible for everything turning to shit.

>> No.15742601 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15742960

nope. It's b/c you don't typically run into jewish machinations on a personal basis unless you're relatively high up the food chain, ala Elon Musk. Once you're high enough along any given career pathway you invariably notice who's calling the shots, and not out of any inborn talent, but through connections and manipulation.

>> No.15743243

Not my problem.

>> No.15743532
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>gender neutral: varsity e-sports.
>gender neutral
They are gonna be raped into all 4 holes.

>> No.15743822


>> No.15744003

Gender neutral sports usually require a certain percentage of each gender so you can't win by having just males, though I guess trannies can give one an edge if the rules are enforced as if gender is separate from biological sex.

>> No.15745885

They want more men with big fat cocks, and strong abs, able to power fuck several bitches per day into orgasm. Is simple as that.

>> No.15747326

I worked at a college that had a majority white staff. They got a new chancellor or whatever, head guy who was black. Suddenly they started only hiring black people. After a while as white people left it eventually became majority black staff. Then came the ironic moment when I noticed they hired their first straight white guy. The thought that they had to specifically find a white guy because they had been discriminating before is kinda ironic. They would hire pretty young white girls though cause the guys just wanted them around. It is funny to think of a white man as a diversity hire, but it happened.
They are filled with hatred , jealousy and lack of self awareness, and given the chance will try to get what they feel is revenge, doing the same thing they accused whites of doing. Legitimizing this way of thinking.