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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15733382 No.15733382 [Reply] [Original]

As you ply your trying calling, come back to your memories with sustaining power, with pleasant recollection, and with inspiriting influence! Previous: https://boards.4channel.org/sci/thread/15711525#top

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15733862
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>> No.15733990

If me lack dopamine, why can't I just make more? Medically speaking.

>> No.15733993

Any suggestion for a book that introduces you to reading ultrasound images?

>> No.15734908

midlevels are good.

>> No.15735217
File: 2.03 MB, 1420x1500, Screenshot_20230908_173213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on psoriasis? what causes it? how do i fix it?
the consensus according to google seems to be "lol idk" and "suppress your immune system lol" but i'm not buying it, there has to be something. could it be caused by an allergic reaction to normal skin flora? why is it active in some places and not others? is it caused by a foreign body (like a particular kind of microorganism that lives on your skin) or is it the immune system just attacking perfectly healthy normal human tissue? does anybody actually know anything?
please just tell me what to google, my doctor is useless and i'm pretty sure none of them are going to want to spend as much time resolving this as i would like them to spend

>> No.15735262

Good evening I hate cats

>> No.15735271 [DELETED] 

I think you've just seen the doctor mike episode about it sans

>> No.15735359

consider that psoriasis is strongly associated with eczema, allergic rhinitis, asthma, etc. and you can draw the conclusion that stuff like psoriasis really is just a consequence of the immune system being retarded in diverse ways. it's an unfortunate theme with lots of diseases; cytokines can help, but they aren't always used by our bodies to be helpful.

>> No.15735384

>consider that psoriasis is strongly associated with eczema, allergic rhinitis, asthma, etc. and you can draw the conclusion that stuff like psoriasis really is just a consequence of the immune system being retarded in diverse ways.
Of maybe autoimmune disease rates are constantly growing because you're being poisoned and culled and not because your immune system is retarded. Just a thought. Maybe the problem is that people are retarded and society has no immune system.

>> No.15735393
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Alfentanil should be called (because of there being a way to make noralfentanil) alfentazine or something similar

>> No.15735458

Just call them all norhomoanyl
Alfentanil is an azine until the body metabolizes it

>> No.15735471

Am I wrong?

>> No.15735476

O what have i done to deserve this infliction

>> No.15735540

you've misread my post. anyways, it's not a novel idea that environmental factors contribute to autoimmune disease. the hard part is pinpointing the exact etiology. the harder part afterward is actually trying to mitigate the things we've found to be bad. if we just generally say things are worse now to explain why things are worse now, that's not so helpful.

>> No.15735603

Quick summary of field drugs (pharmacology)
First responders or like in war

>> No.15735611

It's 9/11 today
and the queen died today

>> No.15735729

redpill me on anki alternatives

>> No.15735913 [DELETED] 
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I think this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphine page
Should also include (for recreational uses) drinking it as a tea as a botanical route of oral administration, and to make tablet forms more obvious; I also read about a morphine alcohol mixture (morphine 37.5:1 alcohol parts in grains and (1) fluid oz - morphine:alcohol) appropriate for oral administration if you're taking an elixer method/route - it's called Laudunum. It can be administered topically with camphor as a 2:1 mix of morphine:camphor and this is called Paneghoric morphine now

>> No.15735917

I think this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphine page
Should also include (for recreational uses) drinking it as a tea as a botanical route of oral administration, and to make tablet forms more obvious; I also read about a morphine alcohol mixture (morphine 37.5:1 alcohol parts in grains and (1) fluid oz - morphine:alcohol) appropriate for oral administration if you're taking an elixer method/route - it's called Laudunum. It can be administered (for transdermal) topically with camphor as a 2:1 mix of morphine:camphor and this is called Paneghoric morphine now

>> No.15735924

You can also make tar

>> No.15735935

Hydromorphone is just
Fenthydro-noralmorphine (cleaved hydrogen from a morphine without CH), instead of being -one

>> No.15736001
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Molecular Formula

>> No.15736018

And it goes there because it's the space where the hydrogen would go. Also this proves why it isn't nor

>> No.15736021

you're going to make me cry

>> No.15736022

Sorry, I'll stop

>> No.15736495 [DELETED] 

On one hand I think it's bad to have the charity which publishes safety and awareness, prevention, about or from pharma to patients and doctors, be funded by pharma. It does however afford some protection in pharma when it bites- when they try to maximise sales and profits- which, without, becomes very dangerous very quickly for the corpus

>> No.15736496

On one hand I think it's bad to have the charity that publishes safety and awareness, prevention, about (and from) pharma to patients and doctors, be funded by pharma. It does however afford some protection in pharma when it bites- when they try to maximise sales and profits- which, without, becomes very dangerous very quickly for the corpus

>> No.15736515
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From yesterday. I couldn't upload it (image too large)

>> No.15736688

fuck you people

>> No.15736992

I put some fermenting sugar in a cup and trapped about 8 fruit flies in it. Day 2 there was 1 fly became retarded with some the opposite. Day 3 there are 2-3 retarded fruit flies and about 4 with hyper activity. They also laid eggs on it :)

>> No.15737174

is it over for /med/?

>> No.15737420

how do we stop psychiatry

>> No.15737481
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Premiture, but was surely moribound!
Not. My fault. :)

>> No.15737667
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>how do we stop psychiatry
this is a disorder recognized by psychiatrists
you may have it have it
take your Zyprexa (tm)

>> No.15737713

I shall now refuse to elaborate and leave the thread

>> No.15737792

just don't do what they tell you or take any pills they give you

>> No.15737822

Having used it religiously for over a decade I hate to admit that its current popularity leaves me feeling like my little club isn't so special anymore

>> No.15738165

Copy cat

>> No.15738445

onc y/n

>> No.15738517
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>just finished night shift
>have had this patient about a week who came in with severe diverticulitis
>I put him on Ampicillin iv 2g x 4 plus gentamicin iv 5mg/kg x 1 + one dose metronidazol iv/po 1.5g followed by 500mg x 3 split over the week
>this mf is showing basically no signs of improving

What would you anons do?
I might put him on Tazobactam iv 4g x4 for like a week if he doesn't get better

>> No.15738533

>severe diverticulitis
Has CT/MRI been done?

>> No.15738551

sounds like they need surgical management, anon

>> No.15738556
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>every time someone tries to guess what specialty I will do based on my appearance they say orthopaedics

>> No.15738627

ebin :D :-DDD :-D

>> No.15738746


Sorry I was sleeping

Had him in for CT abdomen first night and it was clear we were dealing with a HInchey 3 ie. diffuse peritonitis and so I called the backguard and we agreed it was an indication for surgery which we did that same night.

Problem is this mf is still sick as a dog even after I have been running him on basically a nuke regiment of antibiotics. Crossing fingers tazobactam fixes shit

>> No.15739607

he needs laxatives ASAP, he needs to shit out the infection

>> No.15739640

laxatives are at least equally important if not even more important for diverticulitis than antibiotics is what i've heard
im neurofag btw so idk

>> No.15739795


Thanks for your thoughts bros, if the day watch has not already put him on it I'll do it tonight and have the nurses clean up the poo poo.

Second ever case of severe diverticulitis I've had on my own, last time was Hinchey 4 which is simpler

>> No.15739816

A non-med friend sent me this:

The two examples of sexual harassment seem a bit far fetched to me.

>1. During surgery, "[He] just turned round and buried his head right into my breasts and I realised he was wiping his brow on me".
Let's say this actually happened. Except there are at least 2 other nurses in the operating theatre, who are outside of the surgical hierarchy, therefore not as vulnerable in employment, and would love to take down a surgeon at any opportunity. Doesn't make sense.

>2. At a medical conference social event, "I trusted him ... so, he walked me back to the place I was staying, I thought he wanted to talk and yet he just suddenly turned on me and he had sex with me."
This just strikes me as post-coital regret. Taking a guy back to your home after a social implies sexual activity. She was probably hoping fucking him would help her career and it didn't so she is seething.

Thoughts lads?

>> No.15739918

both were me (neurofag)
still, good luck, hope he clears up

>> No.15740257

she's a lying whore and wants money

>> No.15740398

Have you ever taken or prescribed lithium

>> No.15740410
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>> No.15740429

>midlevels are good.
Male ones are

>> No.15740434

Agree on both.
Nurses would have complained, they love complaining.
2. Whore who wants to get paid.

>> No.15740459

Says here the Apple watch can check you for abnormal breathing (sort of a weird thing to put on people that work out all the time or drinks Starbucks coffee). Also sez lung cancer. But that's pretty cool. Also it's weird to do it on a watch, which isn't going to be able to track the blood down the arm. That the watch strap can't adjust its tightness as well
Maybe if they had a strap on their arm for an MP3 player connected to then watch. And that more information could be got by having the watch strap listen all the way round with special straps

What do you think? And about getting the fittest people? Bearing in mind that of you could measure someone's blood at home all of the time in say their chair they use to watch television and eat McDonald's they would probably do this already IN the hospital bed

>> No.15740535
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I have a case for you.
I have constant phantosmia since a few days.
It smells like cigarette smoke.

Could it be due to covid?
I already got covid, and it messed with my taste at times, but not much with smell other than shutting it down.

May I have a mouth infection? But that would smell foul instead...

What else could it be, medfags? I hate the smell of smoke.

>> No.15740539 [DELETED] 

You're going to need your tonsils removed ASAP

>> No.15740551

Are you serious? These are way down. And they don't hurt.
But a few dental pieces might be to blame: one old root canal, and one removed impacted third molar a year ago.

>> No.15740561

You need a camera down your throat and some iodoform but not the stuff the public can buy

>> No.15740571

Which state do you live in? Also have you eaten any deep fried foods I wanted to ask you even though I'm not going to or can't give you medical advice I just want to know
Do you drink a lot of tap water? Was your filling silver and did it cost a lot of be "upgraded"?

>> No.15740582
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ok hem/onc y/n

>> No.15740587

Sucrose sugar cures toothache let it be clear

>> No.15740646
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>> No.15740688
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This part about the eyes flickering is chilling
I've been trying to gather everything again since reading this because the eyes flickering and them going blind because you replaced their body with milk - I would think - is the body calmly shutting down to go die - the thought emptying someone out and watching that is frightening, in a bad way
Also (nystgmus)
And that I think it was causing problems but not damage to the optical nerves by inhibiting them because of voltage (calcium or iron-nitrogen) or pressure (nitrogen). Maybe the milk food was acting as a catalyst and more or less nitrogen could be found in the blood or see the bones affected, in today. The only info recovery would be digging up the body and checking the bones and cartilage

>> No.15740696

It would be interesting to see how the body reacts to putting milk into the veins elsewhere on it to the limb but for nectrotic tissue which can't be dyalysised

>> No.15740717
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So weird to realize that Christian priests are traditionally considered to be as, or more, esteemed than physicians. What a fucking joke nowadays I could get ordained by some weirdo orthodox or anglican church this weekend

>> No.15740754
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This would be perfect for people dying from intra-venous milk either as is or in combination drugs
Here's an advertisement: https://youtu.be/fZ04085aoFQ?si=08LZEvudXAkQ_KSl

>> No.15740791

I accidentally threw a tissue with a bit of disinfectant (isopropyl, benzalkonium chloride etc) onto a whole bowl of soaking millet that I left overnight for food prep... I rinsed it couple times, I just want to hear I'm not retarded for still using that food, am poor as shit

>> No.15740804

traditionally physicians were about as useful as psychologists or life coaches today

what is interesting is that nobody like surgeons. I guess without media pumping out constant medical heroism propaganda people noticed they're all sadists or otherwise mentally deranged individuals

>> No.15740833

Wow this: https://youtu.be/nhsF7Csninw?feature=shared says
Women can't take this medication which helps avoid getting hepatitis B and this is interesting I wonder why it's like that. Women's bodies aren't as well understood as males and sometimes they function differently

>> No.15740836

I meant avoid getting HIV

>> No.15740844 [DELETED] 
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https://youtu.be/uN5xKwDYuKc?si=_g93txKI8uq5dzju Hepatitis C
Hep B fixes itself with the help of antibiotics and A fixes itself as well. Chronic hepatitis C has an 80% fatality rate as you are probably aware!

>> No.15740850

237 KB
237 KB PNG
https://youtu.be/uN5xKwDYuKc?si=_g93txKI8uq5dzju [Open] Hepatitis C
Hep B fixes itself with the help of antibiotics and A fixes itself as well. Chronic hepatitis C becomes chronic in 80% of patients as you are probably aware! I can't get that image again

>> No.15740854

A high-school graduate just got arrested after fucking impersonating doctor and WORKING FOR 2 FUCKING YEARS in city hospital. What the fuck seriously I wasted 6 years for this?? WTF

>> No.15740868 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 654x674, IMG_0431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of med sci is reading case study from the medical literature. Why is this so hard for anons to understand? There is no vodoo healing powers. “I have a cure” is probably the oldest scam in the book

>> No.15740872

Also the person salty a week later who posted the same back at me about the word "hollistic" not being real like I said about "cure" not being a medical term you're wrong and MO doctors do it all the time. Hepatitis C is fixed!

>> No.15740874

You can for specific tasks with enough engagement and repetition (this is literally how learning works). But baseline dopamine levels seem to be permenant, with some people severely lacking in it (ala, ADHD).

>> No.15740875 [DELETED] 

You need opioids

>> No.15740892

i love giving care to spics who cant speak a lick of english who are on state medical insurance.

>> No.15740903


>> No.15740964

For my learning can you talk about some of the things? Might be good to get it off your chest

>> No.15741013

Today is trying to be acidosis day

>> No.15741114

The answer is 'no' to all the questions

>> No.15741121

>come in
>state mandates you provide them a state approved translator
>sometimes insurance is a pain in the ass to get it to cover it instead of you being charged for it (and almost costing as much as the exam)
>they have a type2 diabetes, hypertension, and many other diseases out of control
>dont worry, the state insurance will cover all of it free of charge :)
>develop different retinopathies as well
>state will pay for the laser treatments and the injections which cost several thousand dollars each injection and need to be repeated every month or so

>constant community events to give them help out where they need them
>no help given to poor Americans, only poor spics who speak 0 english

>> No.15741152

That's interesting and actually pretty impressive that insurance covers so much. You must wait on hold a lot for all of that. Unless the problem is the language barrier and who's getting it, over Americans
They're apparently getting food with insulin now by the way. I think it's like $30 or so right now?

>> No.15741215

Do you have a loose part of bone underneath your chin if you dig your thumb into it and feel around on the outside of the skin at the back of your bone

>> No.15741306
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Wow all of these are literally me

>> No.15741605

poor med student spic here, thanks for paying for my school lunch and education american taxpayers :) i appreciate it :)
i think it's funny that white people want to blame immigrants for their issues when the actual problem is that billionaires don't pay taxes and republicans are evil

>> No.15742051

Is the bone nitrogen positively charged

>> No.15742093

With enough people or mice the milk source would be (self) sustainable as you can milk them, and see if it changes from other/actual milk in any way by the treatment as well as if the IV milk or cum changes those things at all either. You could put their own milk into the IV with dyalysis to take it back out if they are many in number and give them altered valsartan with salt or metal potassium, if it's scaled up after blind trials of two mice (one control) repeated in sets of them to check if there's a difference to see if it does anything

>> No.15742352

a lot of them come in with the state insurance which typically covers it (although is a much bigger pain in the ass to use the state-mandated translation service). some have a different type of insurance but we're still mandated to use a translation service of some kind, and it's harder to get reimbursed with those insurances.

im not on hold too much, the biggest chunks of time is simply typing in the patient information repeatedly due to a poor translator/needing to call again, and having to repeat instructions/information multiple times if the translator isn't great. im also pissed at how much free care they get compared to poor Americans. no idea on the insulin, i just know about the several thousand dollar injections every month or two along with other treatments.

bait harder

>> No.15742552

No, nothing moves.

It might be the new covid variant.

>> No.15742627
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premed here
what kind of clincial experience did you guys accumulate for applications?
thoughts on EMT work?

>> No.15742916

based, me too
sometimes people get visibly confused when i say im interested in neuro

>> No.15743041

I took the LSAT practice test on the LSAc website just for fun without any practice and got a 171. That is Haravard tier. With no practice at all. Why is it so easy, why is the MCAT so much harder than that? I thought pre-law students went through the same struggle as us but there test is just AP english. I'm reconsidering the pre-med path seeing as how easy Law is.

>> No.15743049

>there test
is this a joke?

>> No.15743092

Wow having to do things over and over is the worst. But also, thanks for sharing your experience, which is just in time for what I was doing. I'd heard about American insurance and its monopoly but it was a biased person saying that to me. But (even if it's.more annoying for you) it's sort of right that all of the foreigner Mexicans in America aren't all on the same "plan" right?
Medicare (for poor Americans) is so big even England has heard of it. There's surely a competitor for them still to break up the monopoly? If all Mexicans or poors were grouped together then it might be weaponized.to kill them

Maybe you have to deal with more Mexicans because white people on the state insurance don't visit the ER when they get injured for as many things or low amounts of pain. Also think, the Mexicans need to work all the time to sustain their families and if they can't work because they can't get treated for their injury they will starve

>> No.15743095

When do I go to a GP versus specialist for skin cancer checks?
I have some suspect marks but they don't have the ABCDE features of melanoma
Is a specialist overkill? What do you hear as people working or studying in the field?
Is a specialist happy to take a hypochondriac who probably should have gone to a GP for the profit?

>> No.15743096

Then just self isolate for a week in bed and eat som soups :3
And if it gets worse.enough for you to want to do it, go to the doctors if it doesn't fix itself

>> No.15743100

Btw what is the principle of 'I see something and i don't know what it is but it is likely nothing to worry about' versus 'I see something and I don't know what it is but I'm sending you to a specialist/expert'
The first option seems quite stressful on the part of the GP

>> No.15743102 [DELETED] 

There isn't an opioid epidemic, Doctor

>> No.15743115

No it's not. There's many more mistakes in there. Thankfully 4chan posts are not graded

>> No.15743131

state healthcare ie medicaid not medicare which is federal. dont care what happens to the spics, they shouldnt be on free American insurance.

>> No.15743206

I feel as though the paper saying that black people get less treatment drugs (and opioids) than white people - which by the way they said was because of socioeconomic factors and not race - wasn't looking at the hospitals they said we're worse in that area for if they're privately owned. Like praviate equity

>> No.15743221

I'm not going to remember what the state Medicare is, but I need to learn about Medicare. I can't imagine the health insurance for public sector workers could be very good
Also how does the heart work? Some of the things people run through it is insane unless I'm misunderstood

>> No.15743270

Have you ever seen someone dead or die from a car crash and was it a big thing for you? What percentage of doctors have, before they became doctors

>> No.15743290

Medicine would be so good if it weren't for the patients. Every day I detest more the human trash that comes through the hospital.

>> No.15743486

Have you tried just studying and not practising? But I know you mean well by saying this anyway :)

>> No.15743681

I've had a pretty shit week. Just in time for my birthday too.
Fuck this awful ferocious existence.

>> No.15743859

I'd totally hate to hear about it but if you need to get it off your chest them telling me about what happened could help you

>> No.15743868
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medbros, did you have a study group and schoolfriends or was it a solo thing? I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.15743886

>people on 4chan(nel)
whats wrong?

>> No.15743906

Of 30% of the drug leaves the body renally during chorionic kidney failure then why can't oxycotin and paracetamol cure constipation

>> No.15743915
File: 196 KB, 2024x1631, Refusal+of+Confession-313738143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've been thinking about my childhood and how great it was and all, then I suddenly experience this very ominous feeling - I am inadvertently but steadily approaching a very terrible place. There's mostly popular people around me, so maybe this is all just confusion induced by seeing all those faggots, but nevertheless worrying.

>> No.15743969

>I thought pre-law students went through the same struggle as us

the struggle is getting into a "T14" law school, so you graduate with a decent job

med school is going this way though as more DO schools open up. the top schools will have all the surgery and academic IM matches while the DO schools will be stuck with primary care

>> No.15744305
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Not asking for medical advice, just some medical insight.
I feel nauseous or feel the need to vomit every time I drink coffee. No exception. Doesn't matter whether I'm stressed or relaxed.
Is something wrong with my liver?

>> No.15744437

I think 171 is enough to get into a T-14. On the other hand, on the MCAT practice tests, I average around 510. Which is not nearly enough for the top tier schools in and of itself. Even though I prepped for the MCAT and took the LSAT with no practice.

>> No.15744503

>Is something wrong with my liver?
Well, since you're asking for medical advice, I probably should say that I'm not a doctor, but I have that too, so probably not.

>> No.15744557

If you enjoy spending your foreseable future reading up on 6 gorillion new studies during your spare time it's an easy yes. If not, you should really think about what kind of oncologist you'd want to be

>> No.15744569

You have anxiety

>> No.15744573

>neurotic patient is rapidly and erraticaly blinking
>immediatly thrown off and lose focus on what he's saying
I just can't deal with this particular type of spastic, don't care if they're digusting or retarded, but these fucking blinkers just throw me off my game

>> No.15744594

>Is a specialist happy to take a hypochondriac who probably should have gone to a GP for the profit?
If you've good proper coverage, a dermatologist will always be happy to see your for ten seconds before taking a couple skin biopsies

>> No.15745045

I might have met the criteria for this diagnosis as a child. I have no idea what purpose it would have served other than give people more basis to discriminate against and isolate me. Most of these aren't aren't even symptoms. They are signs. Treating signs as symptoms is an objectification of another person.

>> No.15745101

>a dermatologist will always be happy to see your for ten seconds before taking a couple skin biopsies

replace dermatologist with PA
dermatologists are money hungry fuckers that don't see most of their patients

>> No.15745565


>> No.15745676

Is the entire thing about heart surgery that it's flipped

>> No.15745713

One time a midlevel was talking to me and I accidently burped from my Monster energy drink right in their face.

>> No.15745781


>> No.15745812
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>Males are more likely to have this condition than females

Why does the Y chromosome fail us often bros

>> No.15745927
File: 167 KB, 1130x863, 1688989878560623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>general surgery (i.e. literally just hindgut GI + other abdominal stuff) is the worst compensated adult surg specialty
>thoracic is one of the best compensated surg specialty
>thoracic is literally just general surgery but in le heckin thorax instead of the abdomen
When did you realize how fucked general surgery really is as a field? These retards are signing up nowadays to make half or a third of the salary of guys who do the exact same shit but superior to the diaphragm, it's comical

>> No.15745928

Ok midgut + hindgut, I forgot the small intestine was midgut

>> No.15746271

I can imagine you can make mistakes when it comes to the abdomen with no major complication happening compared to the thorax...

>> No.15746669

>When did you realize how fucked general surgery really is as a field?

the boomer general surgeons complain about all the newer grads. less autonomy and hours in training leads to more "fellowships"

>thoracic is literally just general surgery but in le heckin thorax instead of the abdomen

not as true these days. CT surgery is often an integrated residency now instead of a gen surg fellowship
my neighbor is a CT surgeon but he trained the old way, so he was able to do gen surg during COVID when all the CT elective procedures were wiped out

>These retards are signing up nowadays to make half or a third of the salary

yeah you get a lot of people who shit on FM for "low pay", when FM often makes 300k base now. these same retards will go into PM&R (a useless pointless specialty) and make the same amount with a much shittier job market

>> No.15746673

because female is the default gender

>> No.15747078

hola busco trabajo

>> No.15747114

Did you know, babies inside the womb don't breathe. Their lungs and black and they don't have blood sent there at all from the heart-ery which is closed up and they don't breathe before leaving the womb upon which they breathe for the first time s82rgy

>> No.15747118

Babies are sort of like a little poo in there

>> No.15747164
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Alabama (and New Orleans)
Opium eating

PAGE 3: First mention I've seen of them (in the 1800s) trans-dermal fabric patches !!
This is massive. Also I know that yellow bile treatments (like blistering) was to the same effect as patches :)

Insane asylums

>> No.15747302

My medical friends

>> No.15747315

Are hiding. I need my future qualification to have the flashlight and find them moving about in the dark. I will. I shall
My medical friends won't be able to hide from illuminated me and lux

>> No.15747425
File: 32 KB, 720x831, Screenshot_20230908-054503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The paper mentions women. Also menopause
It's about alfentanil and the * 3A4 enzyme - it doesn't include * 3A7, which I think is the one mostly responsible for the metabolism of opioids in pregnancy. Maybe it is related if menopause or the ovaries are, or is about women

>> No.15748329
File: 329 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230916-144325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I guess the mouse/rat fentanyl vzccime article was legit. Also that alfentanil can affect the bones and what it makes its white blood cells produce? This is because of the nitrogens?

>> No.15748759

For all the med students out there, here is a handy flowchart for psych tx:
- If it impacts their life in any way at all, feed them SSRIs and make them come back for CBT until symptoms improve (symptoms rarely improve)
- The end

>> No.15748761

Is this in Dimension C-197? I imagine treating Sonichu and all the other wacky characters of CWCville would justify an increased salary for all that special pathology.

>> No.15748764

I would simply have XXY, it's twice as much of the good stuff per bad stuff

>> No.15749541

I want to know if opioids (any) helped relax constipation in studies where they shut down the liver

>> No.15749807
File: 97 KB, 720x1551, Screenshot_20230917-080717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medical friends , fellows

>> No.15749812

Sit down
Have a cookie

>> No.15749863

Some orange juice or grapefruit juice

>> No.15750028
File: 30 KB, 750x750, HealthHazard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This contains codeine PHOSPHATE, which is interesting. It's also important to see that it contains no sugar. Pic unr

>> No.15750031

Contains sucrose (sugar) and Invert sugar - if it is left rotated sugar attached to the opioid it won't be processed in the body, the same if it's got phos on it. Nevermind though because it contains sugar

>> No.15750290

I push my fingers in to my

>> No.15750604

I'm premed and applying for the first time this Spring. My GPA is like a 3.4 (I'm happy with going to a DO program if I can even get in). However I'm getting second thoughts because I don't know if I'll ever be able to get in and might be too dumb for medschool- I'm considering starting a funeral home business instead. My dad is open to that idea but he still wants me to try to get into medical school first. Any advice please?

>> No.15750626

3.4 is fine for a DO program but that's still not certain because you don't even have a MCAT, you dumb shit.

>> No.15750656

I got a 503 on my first diagnostic without studying

>> No.15750682

Okay, even a 503 is fine for DO programs. With studying you should score decently and be ready to apply.

>> No.15750693

They’re cute but they make me sneeze and itch :(

>> No.15750705

I feel so retarded though, I'm bad at time management and deadlines and stuff. I already screwed myself on some stuff this semester because I forgot to buy my lab manual and the prof is letting me do it late but still I"m just so retarded

>> No.15750736

Do you have ADHD or some shit? You're shooting yourself in the foot if you can't manage your time. Your stats are fine for DO programs provided you apply broadly but that's an issue because you got to be quick in applying.

>> No.15750843

Maybe I do but it's not diagnosed. I saw an online person about it a while ago and I never followed up, I think they thought I just wanted drugs. I will apply to many DO programs and will apply early

>> No.15751760 [DELETED] 

I think I have some 4chan friends :)

>> No.15751765

Sounds like youd make a great radiologist or pathologist

>> No.15751784

Phosphate is what the body uses to store.or transfer(?) energy, such as: sugar - 3 - phosphate (liver), ATP (muscles). Is there anything else phosphate does in OUR bodies I should know about?

>> No.15751824

Didn’t the Arabs love surgeons because allah praised them

>> No.15751844

If surgeons are sadists then so are doctors and dentists

>> No.15751857

>Is this in Dimension C-197?

no, this is the midwest

>> No.15751923

You need some pineapple and milk AKA pineapplk

>> No.15751926

Anyone else want to pursue Psychology but are ashamed of their peers?

>> No.15752151

Would liqour pottas be good for constipation if it's not calcium citrate?

>> No.15752259

Do you think they didn't clean the opium back in the the 1870s?

>> No.15752396

Why don't doctors give people too many vitamins in bulk to collect their pee, measure it, and find which the body takes in enough of to warrant it something the body is short of- or doing it over s few days, for better results- for a big markup?
Then patients can be given preemptive care and doctors have more information about what the individuals body can do on its own to have a good idea about what it lacks the ability to do based on its unique way it was built?

>> No.15752421

Quack doctors do this in "holistic" care clinics. It objectively does nothing but placebo. I want to help my patients by saving them money.

>> No.15752454

But I mean giving them nutrients you know theyll pee out, but finding what they don't. Is this not legit? It could also help to recommend some lifestyle changes which is going to make them mess likely to be sick over time, saving them money
It could help with bone disease/surgery

>> No.15752543

You can do a simple blood test to search for deficiencies and fix them if they are deficient.

>> No.15752548

For all of the vitamins?

>> No.15752669
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>> No.15752696

If you work in a hospital, would you say that blood tests are cheap and quantitive? Do you do them on every patient, as common practise?

>> No.15752710

I just graduated med school in a western-european country.
I matched into IM and want to subspecialize into Cardiology.
Is this the point where I'm supposed to attend cardiology congresses like the ESC?

>> No.15752718
File: 466 KB, 620x773, 294.2.extract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guessed correctly that it was low blood pressure, straight away :)
Without potassium salts then, the heart rate would have continued to drop until it stopped beating. But their medicine working means that it was the heart pumping too strongly due to the low blood pressure and is how I picked.up on the issue. That there wasn't enough blood in there so it best faster - also, because of this, it was probably the RIGHT (left) side, lower chamber of the heart that was the issue in my opinion

>> No.15752726

That it was contracted so strongly as to not allow itself to contain enough blood (so it pumps harder)

>> No.15752762


This post wasn't me so look at it twice if glassed over it the first time :)

>> No.15753049



>> No.15753142


>> No.15753192

It's :)

>> No.15754142

Page 9 sage !

>> No.15754157

>during our mandatory social justice class in school a jew tells the class he has a bias against whites and a gay says he has a bias against straights
The West has fallen. It's over.

>> No.15754181
File: 723 KB, 1200x1200, F7DE6D85-E2AE-4895-B2DC-658636F1B345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were a cell, what would be the harshest environment in the human body?
What would be the most pleasant?
Again, this assumes you are a single human body cell inside a person.

>> No.15754185

EMT work is good if you like picking people up and putting them down. Scribe if you have a decent WPM. If you're on top of your shit go to EMT summer school and then work for a private transport company where you never have an emergency and just deal with dialysis and pt discharges.

>> No.15754214

>If you were a cell, what would be the harshest environment in the human body?

stomach cuz gastric acid

>> No.15754237
File: 3.46 MB, 1646x1368, Screen Shot 2023-05-02 at 7.17.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 18,000 suspended cards left on Anking. Can I finish the deck by february? Is it worth it?

>> No.15754240

bone mineralization

>> No.15754273

Like calcium and what other things?

>> No.15754277

there are 16 year old redditors doing that daily

>> No.15754436 [DELETED] 

If they used lithium or opium for poor GI instead of magnesium, with citrate (which targets the bowels), the calcium channels would be inhibited from the main ingredient and could finally relax once they run out, being agonised for so long

>> No.15754487


>> No.15754531

This is all preclinical education is and you cannot convince me otherwise

>> No.15754538 [DELETED] 

Sketchy should be banned. If you need to use that fucking TRASH because you don't understand biology/physiology you shouldn't be in med school

>> No.15754561 [DELETED] 

nah, I agree with that nigger. Anki cocksuckers are hardly better than sketchy niggers.

>> No.15754667
File: 900 KB, 923x628, interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A female peer said that all women should be put on SSRIs. What does this mean, /med/bros?

>> No.15754701
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https://youtube.com/shorts/l9YqU7b4nas?si=o7GqyhW2CTRo61_R lidocane
Like idoform >.<

>> No.15754728

It means that the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race, especially women, and at the very least women need to return to the kitchen. The rest of man returning to monke should be seriously considered.

>> No.15754730
File: 342 KB, 768x554, patients-768x554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /sci/.

Opinions on big pharma and hygeionomic dictatorship. How many of you view WHO as an instrument of western colonialism?

>> No.15754792

I am the positive milkmaid
My milk is delicious

>> No.15755026
File: 13 KB, 318x307, 1693331474346770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't cut my toenails in a long time because of this/to see what happens so maybe thats it, but is there a reason why my toenails are "shiny" like how they are?
I'm not trying to get diagnosed it's.just I think I read about this symptom at some point and id like to revisit the topic

>> No.15755051
File: 108 KB, 918x664, Screenshot_20230919-123718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INVENTION of the flexible stethoscope and newer improved hyperdermic needle !! https://www.bmj.com/content/2/766/302 (BMJ 1875)
Far less dangerous!

>> No.15755090
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Mens Rea, Doctor!

>> No.15755100

-ia suffix is what's used to name organs, diseases, plants (source Google) ; so why is it "enemia" for the iron deficiency in blood so long even as if it's in he veins - not liver/balbladder plem which would be an -ia in visceria? Wouldn't it be an -is, even for iron deficiency in the blood, like enemic acidosis? Both are a lack of oxygen, both pertaining to the sanguine portion
2hat do /med/s think

>> No.15755206
File: 642 KB, 620x902, 1019.2.full.pdf.extract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is similar to another case of the IV milk ones. The woman was treated with it and died
This woman in picrel had a lot of fat too

>> No.15755210

Maybe it was the gyno who removed another woman's ovaries when she afterwards became insane/manic/paranoid and then died

>> No.15755348
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>> No.15755516

Well the old.timey doctors had opium to give people which might've even contained Thebaine! I proclude and then have run with this for a few days now, that, the opium mania patients/consumers had, and the synergistic effects it would have had if they did infact give them cocaine with morphine would be therefore due to what opium and morphine was just a decade or two before heroin was invented

>> No.15756351

i have a person coming to clinic tomorrow, they ahve conversion disorder
i will try to cure them like jesus

>> No.15756492

Spelling is important in medical terminology.
An=absence of or without
Emia= blood condition

>> No.15756895

I knew that... Also why not all of the same but with this spelling for my question

>> No.15757014

I mean suffix

>> No.15757039 [DELETED] 

INTRA-VENOUS infusion of and into human the pots of BATTERYS from ANCIENT EGYPT to DISPROVE SOCRATES by showing the blood is not sucked due to ELECTROLYTES not conjugating BLOOD

>> No.15757053

Which system is the prostate connected to? Is it rest and digest (parasympathetic system) or connected to the same parts the bowels are connected to or what is it? Is it connected to the CNS instead, because it's near the bowels and spine?
Or is it neither? Is it pressure activated? What supplies the prostate and how does it make cum to squeeze out?

>> No.15757114

What do you do when a baby is born and it's blue? Like when the lungs don't open because a vein in the heart doesn't close? Other than those breathing chambers

>> No.15757139 [DELETED] 

For all the women with fast heartbeat (tachycardia) and a weak pulse, fever, assuming the blood pressure is high for the heartbeat and arteries expanded for the body trying to regulate it'd temperature, would the solution to have been to bleed them? And then because in those times they appreciated nitrogen, giving them nitrogen if the heart is still not fixed? Would that have helped?
Helping the blood with an IV of saline and calcium carbonate would have let the body not lose its nutrients, but would have also supplied the heart with more energy to keep pumping not after it loses it all and slowly loses its beats until death

>> No.15757144

The women with a quiet pulse and ~ 140 BPM, fever, oftentimes mania or depression (fortelling of their own death) - sometimes on opium - had vasoconstriction

>> No.15757163
File: 77 KB, 560x560, chrome_image_20 Sep 2023 09_28_42 BST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's HORSE is Cholangitis
Yesterday's was a ZEBRA, at >>15755348

>> No.15757218

Do pet rabbits (as opposed to the ones which live in the wild) have worse meat because of their tougher muscle if you try to eat them because the opposite of hyperemia, where in wild rabbits they will try to survive by contracting the arteries by expanding the muscle but in pet rabbits they don't have this instinct as they are genetically different? Do the tame rabbits allow themselves to bleed out and/or function differently?
Would a Neanderthal be the same, and is this why the blonde football man can run so much faster - because he (unlike the rest of us) has a body which allows the muscles to expand more while we are tamed in comparison and don't allow it in the same way domesticated rabbits do?

>> No.15757224
File: 84 KB, 1342x671, 2fe6d50_7ad646915d704955a5b147b0c9764766-7ad646915d704955a5b147b0c9764766-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this man run faster because he's got higher blood pressure and muscles which can quicker absorb or expell things from his muscles like oxygen and co2?

>> No.15757226 [DELETED] 

Does he have that notch or nick on is skin because he's got metabolic diabetus

>> No.15757233

Does he have that notch or nick on is skin because he's got metabolic diabetus?

Can his people survive in Sweden and cold countries (like since the ice age and before it) because of his smaller or more constricted arteries, allowing himself to keep heat in more effectively - or having that in the first place because of the cold if you want?

>> No.15757245

What's your medical opinion on him?

>> No.15757440

Actually I don't think I knew that. Thanks for catching it
Would have been a good thing I desire anyways

>> No.15757495
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>two tabs of magnesium
>five large bananas
>cup of chamomile
Yep, I'm thinking I'll get at least 1 hour of sleep tonight, but could I optimize it for 2?

>> No.15757510

Also does "nicotinic ACl receptors" mean actual nicotine?
And if those are on the parasympathetic nervous system you might try to target those? Thought this because there's caffeine in tea

>> No.15757514

I prescribe you to drink some opium-calomel this instant! Purge that caffeine and it will give you a quiet nite as well :3

>> No.15757546

-ia is just condition of. Gallbladder is cholecysto. Liver is hepato. Osis is abnormal condition of. Grab a medical terminology workbook and go through it to work out some questions and practice.

>> No.15757553

Wow thanks. I'm working through the statpearls A-Z list on their website - guess I'll ctrl+F "osis" and look through them

>> No.15757596


>> No.15757605

Yippee!!! Bookmarked

>> No.15757612

So thencewhich the gut has a valency of P=1, where P = the amount of acceptors in the gut (no.) / By itself first then times by the valency of P

>> No.15757656 [DELETED] 

There's bubbles in my pee because the body lacks valency. Also it is optically rotated 75 degrees clockwise (new high score) meaning there is 75 parts sugar to one part water etc

>> No.15757661

There's bubbles in my pee because the body lacks valency. Also it is optically rotated 75 degrees clockwise (new high score) meaning there is 75 parts sugar to twenty-five part water etc.

>> No.15757667

Hepatic (pee) acidosis! And hyperglyconemia

>> No.15757677

Don't know why I told you it was pee sorry

>> No.15757759

I gave a bag of 25 oranges to the hospital nearby and the receptionist asked if I was a patient OR PHARA or something! I must have that look at me, that I must go pharma and provide medicine

>> No.15758200



>> No.15758204

reply please.

>> No.15758205


>> No.15758208



>> No.15758214


>> No.15758402

no retinopathy to observe today. good for them, bad for me ;'(

>> No.15758497 [DELETED] 

Isn't it oculopathy?

>> No.15759119
File: 86 KB, 736x736, 1000014095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet how likely is that my sessile serrated lession (polyp in ascending colon) is sign of metastatic small bowel carcinoma. Fyi:
>no family history of ibd
>plenty history of various cancers in family
>month after getting rid of polyp I'm still shitting literal tar/marron stools daily (overal 3 months since bleeding begun)
>occassional pink or coffee ground vomit
>immense bone pains (mainly feet, hands, long bones, ribs and skull) and gut pain slightly below navel
>swollen, sometimes painful lymp nodes around neck and esp under jaw
>sudden development of righ bundle branch block
>slight ascites
>sudden unprovoked fever and hypothermia episodes (latter associated with hypoglycemia and hyponatremia)
>occassionally sudden bouts of sweating, warmth, flushing in face and nausea without change in temperature
>no anorexia, unexplained changes in weight (sudden weight gain accompanied by edema in legs, face and lower abdomen) or steady slight weight loss in spite of non existant activity and eating plenty
>constant exhaustion and night sweats despite seemingly normal labs

>> No.15759248

I heard that men over a certain age (35 o_ 45) should get checked for this anyways and you lose nothing by getting it checked even if it's nothing :)

>> No.15759303

I already had colonoscopy and I'm 21. At this point I can only hope that gastro will give me ct scan of abdomen

>> No.15759315

That sounds cool. I thought they just gave you some liquid and "put their finger in" to check but I guess you have symptoms of the thing they'll find

>> No.15759321

How do you get phosphor out of things like the liver

>> No.15759374

I'm not leaving the conversation by saying that and I still hope you get replies to your post by the way

>> No.15760097
File: 81 KB, 720x770, Screenshot_20230921-135928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(as a substitute for HCl) back in the 1870s, use of bromide, a halogen, with codeine. They did this way back then

>> No.15760223

Anaemia anæmia

>> No.15760260

hey frens can ITP give you petechiae on your palms and soles?

>> No.15760982

Honest to god, what would you guys have done if you came to a point where you realized you were fucked and would never make it? I currently have a C in both organic chemistry and calculus, so I'm thinking about just accepting that I'm a hopeless retard and that I have no business doing this.
Current cope is that I can understand the material just fine, but struggle to actually force myself to study. That's true to me at least, but it's the same end result anyways, so I guess it doesn't matter whether it's cope or not.
My family believed in me and offered so much support. They all think I'm really going to make it. I feel like a piece of shit. I've failed everyone that believed in me and I've failed the younger me that had dreams.
So suicide is pretty much the answer here, right?

>> No.15761016


>> No.15761215

There’s this woman on instagram I follow because she has really nice tits.
All of her content is about “hormone balancing” and how women need to eat certain foods and do certain exercises during their “phases” of the month to be in “sync” with their hormonal cycle.
I’m not a doctor but it all sounds like a crock of quack shit to me. Is my intuition correct?

>> No.15761221
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Today's ZEBRA : AP

>> No.15761222

It's definitely obviously probably

>> No.15761383

yeah go ahead

>> No.15761441

I'm surprised homey isn't shitting nonstop with that aggressive of an abx regimen.

>> No.15761452

ur a little fag who wants people to make him feel better. two Cs isnt going to stop you from getting in medical school at all. But freaking out over shit like this and being so ready to quit will. ur a pussy u would never make it in residency with this attitude

>> No.15761614

either push through and become an MD, accept you won't put in enough effort and go into podiatry/DO school, become a midlevel, or just do something else.

>> No.15761654

>go into podiatry/DO school
Why did you place DO schools on the same level as podiatry schools, lol?

>> No.15761770

This >>15761452.
Dreams are memes. People who love you will love you anyways if you choose to go another path. They will literally become far more accepting if you tell them now you aren't cut for medicine.
And your dream is to become a doctor? Kek.
I'm going to have a bit of faith and you and tell you to man up and let this pass, but truth is you're probably going to be a reason while your class will have to attend a time-waster mental health seminar or meeting or whatever

>> No.15761985

theyre both easier to get into than MD while still being a high-level physician. i would've listed dentist as well but i thought those were decently difficult to get into.

>> No.15762013

>theyre both easier to get into than MD while still being a high-level physician.
That's true but podiatrists can get 495 MCATs to get into podiatry school. DO applicants get in with 505 MCATs. The DO MCAT isn't that great, but it's a lot higher than the standards of podiatry school.

>> No.15762022

Since 4 months I have a howling wind sound in my right ear that appears in midnight and disappears in morning after breakfast. Other than that sometimes after I swallow. I feel pressure in my right ear. After strechting a muscle in nasal passage I hear crackling and popping sounds in right ear and pressure is gone.

Wtf is this an eustachian tube issue? But I don't always feel pressure in right ear. So can it be an issue with middle ear muscles or what else?

>> No.15762061

its true that md > do but in the end they are both attending, fully autonomous physicians. podiatrists? lol
>dentist school is hard to get into
the DAT is literally just another SAT.

>> No.15762146

As of today, i am not one but TWO exams closer to graduation

>> No.15762157

Need a lumbar puncture

>> No.15762224

^ can't delete that post

>> No.15762277
File: 5 KB, 200x200, marvinjs-output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on giving tourettes syndrome sufferers picrel plus therapy? Switching the O and H I think

>> No.15762307
File: 1.74 MB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230922-104425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dried poppy straw (ovary)
Premature (bottom or left)
After seeds have been produced the two others. Know that opium are made in there before the seeds and then it makes no more latex. The straw can still contain morphine

I kept these pods on the side because most of them have none of these wall linings. Most of them I think have made seeds and have been allowed to dry out. I wanted to show the pictures because they have wall lining and it looks like ovaries (which is what it is), while afterwards they do not, after seeds, as the lining disappears
So, while the poppy is fertile, preparing for seeds to be made and making latex, it has a lining (either to produce seeds or the latex to defeat pests), then it must disappear out when it's job of making seeds is done

Second picture to come of the leftmost poppy to show you the whole thing because it looks like a uterus in that stage while the stages that follow look like arteries
All of the poppies except the premature one on the left had their seed pod tops spreading upwards and could be peeled off easily. They were dried and as straw. Premature was still green/blue. One dried still had white on it

>> No.15762312
File: 1.47 MB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230922-104454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second of the first/left/bottom

>> No.15762315

The total opposite of this could be an endospermic plant

>> No.15762319


Chloracetamide... for Tourette's? Why would you do that?

>Switching the O and H I think

What do you mean? That doesn't make any sense for this structure

>> No.15762323


Mazel tov! May you succeed and receive scores commensurate with the effort you applied.

>> No.15762324

To officially give them hyperreflexia

>> No.15762330


Ah, I see. You have left reality behind.

God speed.

>> No.15762335

It's pretty clear from these images of the plant in stasis and the plants cycle we can observe from the outside, as it's growing (and the poppy seeds market, which avoids morphine/Thebaine contamination),
The early poppy traps sperms in its pores
It produces latex in the cushion/lining around it, for predators
The latex closes up, creating a wall with a tube down the middle
The seeds come in to existence when the latex is dried, the top of the pod opens and it spreads fertilised seeds around
What a stupid thing to say. You may as well have not talked to me at all. I would have preferred that

>> No.15762340


I was naive enough to think there might have been some interesting pharmacology here that I was unaware of, but once again /med/ is... this.

>> No.15762347

And I *really have* - because you're so interesting in me you know so well where I am and my journey here or to where I'm heading. That you were just waiting for it to be confirmed
And that it isn't about anything but that,.where you self validify yourself. You live in your own little bubble
Yeah and I was expecting the minimum amount of substinance to you as a potential challenge or brain-storm where we meet here and you force me to think of a way to put my idea through to you. But you can't do that

>> No.15762353

Make the bodies own hyper active reflexes even worse, so that they aren't half done. Make them all the way firing, or, if you'd like to compare it to ADHD and meth, make it fully stimulated rather than the brain being under stimulated
And I said that treatment would include therapy. As it's more official in the brain by you doing it to them, it becomes more treatable

>> No.15762371

It's your fault I just Reddit moment-ed

>> No.15762465

DON'T >>15762157
Listen to that anon (me) :)
I'm not allowed to give medical advice and you should see someone in person. But if I were.a doctor I'd check the top of your spine for fluid buildup with a scan and if nothing happens send you to an ear doctor

>> No.15762470

And if I were a real doctor in real life.in person seeing you, other tests you would need. Such as listening to your heart and checking your balance. But the cerebellum is partly responsible for that and a scan would be interesting to see how yours works

>> No.15762485

You need to suck on a fentanyl buccal tablet and post how you feel. This might help by affecting your phlem and brown bile, for humors. The fluid about your spine might be too built up and the part of your brain near it is responsible for balance. I would take either a tablet or some fentanyl hydrochloride and see how it affects you personally and by doing so the (opiate) test will help.measure.your sanguine

>> No.15762663
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He's so cute
I love him >.<

>> No.15762679

Stop being gay, it's blasphemy.

>> No.15762705

No. I'm going to get a Qt nurs bf

>> No.15762719
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I got hyperkalæmia from eating too many potassium salts, and about 15 inches of banana. I'm going to have some caffeine, sugar and Thebaine, because my whole system is depressed and I have hypersomnia

>> No.15762756

ok do it and tell us how it went

>> No.15762762
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just found out about glasses with highly aspherical lenslets, if I got it right they're not any better than just wearing plus lenses whenever you need to?

>> No.15762772

I don't have tourettes but can hopefully get a mouse with that too give it it and then atrophine on loop and see what happens
In animal studies
Cya though I won't hold you hostage any longer

>> No.15762817

Does cracking your spine result in permanent damage or can the weak ligaments be fixed with calisthenics?

>> No.15763014

>because my whole system is depressed and I have hypersomnia
God I wish that was me

>> No.15763020 [DELETED] 

Let's feed you bananas and see how many inches of them it takes to get you sleepy. Also no you don't, it leads to headaches and isn't very enjoyable. Iive sleep but too much is what sleep perhaps doesn't want. If you still want to then it would be interesting to try some potassium on you to see how much of it needs to be in your blood for us to see an affect, relative to your metabolism, liver, and kidneys because of the water/sugars/salts going in along with the potassium so they can activate

>> No.15763021
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Let's feed you bananas until you get tired

>> No.15763027 [DELETED] 

Experiment no. 2 : water, teabag and salt @ room temp, infused but re-microwaved monster energy drink and milk (I call it: milk) poured in hot, on the water and teabag removed ; teabag removed before and soajed for 7 + 30 minutes
The purpose of this experiment and it's goals is to make tea with monster energy drink without the milk splitting in two forms

>> No.15763217
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>> No.15763243

So, a couple of weeks ago I had a heart episode so severe that I was hospitalized, my heart rate was measured at 249 at one point, and they had to hit me with adenosine.
Today I saw a cardiologist, and he said I have a "congenital re-entry" and that my episode was an "AVNRT". He basically begged me to get an ablation, so I am next month.
One thing that caught my attention was that he said that my previous anxiety diagnosis could have just been this the entire time.

Idk, any thoughts here? Anything I should know about, this med stuff is a lot for me.

>> No.15763267

Went good thanks for asking. Caffeine benefitted it as well as salt but nicotine (supposedly interacts with the P450 enzymes found in BRAIN) had a reaction/or effect you guys have a name for, begins with C but I don't know what it is. It contravened the effect in the lower part of my body when it was taken with nicotine I mean. The milk and caffeine were positive additions
It wasn't any opioid because I'm hungry and could also poo if I wanted to. With nicotine it stimulates but either way I feel better
Either way the effect was going outwards from myself around the lower back and groin or gentials etc. different to stimulants which are more full bodied or are around the ribcage going forwards from myself

>> No.15763280

I'm shaking a lot and my sweat (there isn't a lot of it) doesn't smell like ammonia, when it does that when I drink a lot of monster energy drink
Nor do I shake because if energy drinks

>> No.15763289

And have general anxiety ; my body is wrapping around itself more often, my arms resting on my arm, crossing my legs. I entered the fetal position about 20 mins in for a while

>> No.15763310

I peed near these two fruit flies two hours ago and they've gone retarded. One of them isn't moving at all, his friend finally moved when I clicked my fingers a third time, let me hit it, flew into a sink and couldn't manage to fly or even move much. This implies the existence of methyl or ethyl in the body that is being ejected! :3

>> No.15763423

Indeed, potassium is the best. My heart hearts and has two different beats (I mean in a weird way) without it right now

Dose.me a banana

>> No.15763442

Yesterday I went to the strip club. Ended up performing a breast exam on the stripper and asking her about her surgeries and experience under general anesthesia. Will prolly turn her my sugar babby as soon as I finish residency.

>> No.15763502

>Go to work
>Feel pressure on left side of head
>Left arm, left, leg, and left side of face get a sensation
>Start shaking, breathing a bit heavy
>Not even a stressful day
>Had an episode a few years ago where all 3 of those body parts seized up and couldn't move. Face felt "stuck" for a few minutes
>Feel like I was about to have happen again
>Pop two melatonin gummies
>It just fucking stops
What the hell was going on, medical students?

>> No.15763526

Did you see her titties? And feel them a bit
Seems like a good way to make them get naked

>> No.15763672

In my shithole country strippers get offended if you do not touch them. Not having an erection also hurts their egos.
I did not have the initiative to touch her and did not get an erection (whiskey dick lol). I later got offered a quickie for a double fee but did not take it because could not get hard. Asked her to have a drink with me while sitting in my lap. Chatted a bit, she insisted me in grabbing her spine and hips and then asked her for her number.
Will prolly buy her a Tom Ford fragance. Hoes love them Tom Ford perfumes.

>> No.15763688

So you saw them or its rude for her not to do that but she didn't do it anyway? But you grabbed them right

>> No.15763705

if youre talking about DIMS and HALT lenses, they provide clear central vision while providing a myopic image shell to the peripheral retina to signal it to stop growing. it's for myopia control for people under 20. if you're over 20, it's not going to do jack shit.

>> No.15763713

Yes I did see and grab her titties. Doe on the smaller side she had nice breasts actually, she was slender and got a lipo to accentuate her hips and ass. They complimented her figure quite nice, hope she don't get retarded implants. For what she told me, she earns way, WAY more than me rn.

>> No.15763729


>> No.15763820

>it's for myopia control for people under 20. if you're over 20, it's not going to do jack shit.
so there's no way to control myopia in adulthood?

>> No.15763927

all the growth has already happened, and you cant reverse it. if youre a high myope (-6.00D or worse), you will still have risks for many different conditions even if you wear glasses or get LASIK/PRK.

>> No.15763979

>all the growth has already happened
but if it keeps getting worse it means it can keep growing, no?

>> No.15763986

you'll only have slight changes after you're an adult due to the thickening/change in index of refraction of the lens(which is normal), corneal problems, or lens problems (not normal).
there's also natural variation in your prescription each time you go to the optometrist/ophthalmologist due to the subjectivity of the patient's responses.

>> No.15764606
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Good morning I've finally found a science daily article that isn't "science is stinky poppy...litchureully"
(Wikipedia referenced the article) GMO E.COLI which makes the morphine precursor THEBAINE
Maybe it's good, maybe worth the read. Maybe you read it

>> No.15764614

I hate the antichrist

>> No.15764643

This is sort of crazy but
Insulin treatment can be used for hyperkalæmia. So I got it right on accident "Hyperkalemia"
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK553094/#:~:text=the%20critically%20ill-,Hyperkalemia,-Go%20to%3A :)

>> No.15764654

E. Coli opioids are supposed to be for a different place my bad

>> No.15764785

How do old bones leave our body when we make new bones

>> No.15764827
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Me after giving a patient with breathing problems because of adrenaline norephedrine, watching them climb on the ceiling

>> No.15764844
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The crazy anime girl is so cute >.<
I bet the nurse has seen some.shit
I like nurses. That one looks like a charge nurse

>> No.15764861
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Bump limit so I have the full page of this o think somewhere among these MURDEROUS LUNATICS

>> No.15764862
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>> No.15764864
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Dext = right for Latin
Levo (sinistra) = left [^]
But dextrose isn't definitely just left (or in DEXT more "clockwise") rotated. I just mean the Latin

>> No.15764872
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>> No.15764875
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The eye operation screenshot is missing again

>> No.15764876
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Finally... sugar

>> No.15764879

Homoosmosis sucrose

>> No.15764882

If insulin, released to help sugar in the body, is a way to treat hyperkalemia - it's interesting, for the pharma chemistry about it, that morphine inhibits insulin too isn't it?

>> No.15764884

I have anxieties about using phosphate to balance the pH of milk to add monster energy drink (TM) along with the morphine/opium, if it would be used to treat intentional high potassium
None of it would be stored, and I wouldn't want to miss something about insulin with milk, sugar, opiates, and anything I missed. I wouldn't want there to be free valency if afterwards (enabled by the flood of potassium) liquor pottas was given intra-venously, enabling the lungs. So to counter there being other cells to take in with phosphor, the pH could be balanced with the chemical KOH

>> No.15764887

I meant to say Thebaine (not morphine or opium). It would act as the stimulant
But insulin and sugars as opposed to salts are the main focus which must be taken as if the opiate was one which is going to affect it

>> No.15764891

The milk would be less throw-up ish if there weren't bits of fat floating around in it broken down but I don't want to filter it because there might be something in that. A sample of it was taken on a tray and the fat and water slowly separated, things crystallised out. The fat is sweet. The water is also sweet despite having no more crystals or water in it
So by keeping the fat the left rotated sugar attached, making them sweet, the water is glucose syrup. It's s good thing I kept the fat - which I could taste in my throat like phlem - because it did stick to the throat, the purpose of cough syrups
The water portion probably went to my upper GI tract as I got STUMMY ACHE when drinking a monster energy drink alongside the milk (monster energy + milk), which made me feel a lot better :)

>> No.15764896

I made that entire post because I wanted to say that, after microwaving the monster energy drink, it bubbled/boiled, implying releasing hydrogen and being the de oxygenation of it
I understand that everything except this is placebo and that I don't think there was any nefarious akaloids in there (much as my brain tries to make connections) - maybe next time I do more
But what I wanted to say, was, the energy drink didn't fizz afterwards. The part that is interesting is that when I added salt it did fizz again

And that's important before adding silicon dioxide to the mixture, because the milk is breaking down anyway. It can be sourced from angel delight as the anti caking
This will also break down the codeine and morphine on the top layer to sink it to the bottom as diamorphine or unreacted dicodeine. The water layer will then have the opioids. Do NOT make opioid angel delight it is like milk fat broken up but with the taste of literally soil

>> No.15764898

Black tar is cope and it should go in to the mix as fat. Flooding angel delight with water with milk in it will maybe making nice creamy cream angel delight :) fentanyl would be best with angel delight

>> No.15764899

While milk fat heroin is proper superior and is closer to free base than a slug

>> No.15764900
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I don't know what this is

>> No.15764905

It's not funny that if you don't get vaccinated against polio you die. People laughing at anti vaxers except COVID are just as bad. If we were better than that the virus (like any other non human) could be eradicated. We've done it to animals - we are advanced

>> No.15764907
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>> No.15764910
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>> No.15764912

Diabetus millitus

>> No.15764916
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>> No.15764919
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>> No.15764920
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>> No.15764921


+1 (now 2 to 3 (+1)) to the citations of those 4chz
An posts

>> No.15764922
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>My medical friends >

>> No.15764923
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>> No.15764926

Papaver papaver :)

>> No.15766676
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How accurate?

>> No.15766836

what is it without women doctors?

>> No.15767286

>the more competitive and smarter applicants are Republicans
It really makes you think. I would have expected EM physicians to lean more Republican just because of the shit they see though.

>> No.15767297

Can an old retired person with a healthy liver become an alcoholic without consequences since they will be dead before liver damage kills them early?

>> No.15767461

I think that liver metabolism changes a lot from 25 years onwards (at least it does with fentanyl) and you would also have to think about how old people don't have good kidneys
Or that old people might fall over more if they start doing this. Or their blood pressure or medications

>> No.15767703

Molecular biology as a subject sucks so bad. How can you people even stay motivated to learn this shit? It's so boring. I enjoy biophysics so much more.

>> No.15767923

My oven is full of evaporated alcohol that had become fumes but is now condensation :)