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File: 530 KB, 936x765, acne immortality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15732676 No.15732676 [Reply] [Original]

acne is actually... good?

>> No.15732722

>pros: you look younger for longer
>cons: you're buttfuck ugly and covered in scars
Nah, I'll take looking 1% older over looking like a dweeb.

>> No.15732739
File: 954 KB, 568x640, chadsmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. They need to protect themselves from the sun, as a side effect that makes them look younger for longer.

>> No.15732742

sorta like short peepo
>pros: you live longer
>cons: you're a manlet for life

>> No.15732763

kek i now remember seeing a 50 year old covered in disgusting scars but kinda baby faced with white hairs

>> No.15732778

Isn't it related to insulin?

>> No.15732780

I've been picking at my pimples my whole life and I don't see a single scar.

>> No.15732793

its true. I had it bad as a teen and ended up always looking ten years younger than my actual age. Or maybe I just look my actual age and most people age too fast?

>> No.15732796

the acne needs to be severe, picking doesn't do anything

>> No.15732822

Is that an AI generated femoid or a real biohole?

>> No.15732825

Sunlight actually reduces acne

>> No.15732826

Real and her penis is far bigger than yours.
Are you happy now?

>> No.15732830

Oh well I never had severe acne, just the annoying kind that I was self consciousness about in high school.

>> No.15732859

Afaik scars are caused by cystic acne rather than white heads. White heads are superficial, but cysts are deep so popping them means inflicting a lot more damage.

>> No.15732862

is that pewdiepie's wife?

>> No.15732899

That is some low effort trolling.

>> No.15732996

how some faggot with the face full of scars and acne can looks younger?

>> No.15733009

Convincing people that sunlight is bad for them is one of the most wildly successful psyops I've ever seen. People have connected sun expose to health for the entirety of recorded history but in the span of a few generations, they've managed to convince most people that they'll die if they go outside without covering their skin in carcinogenic creams.

>> No.15733016
File: 90 KB, 509x339, istockphoto-539440992-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People have connected sun expose to health for the entirety of recorded history
whatchu lookin at

>> No.15733026

Pimples make people look younger because young people have pimples. If you see someone in their late 20s with acne you might assume they're still a teanager. It doesn't mean signs of aging like wrinkles and receding hair lines don't effect people with acne.

>> No.15733042

I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here. You think that people wearing hats to keep the sun out of their eyes means that they thought sunlight was bad for them?

>> No.15733051
File: 375 KB, 1000x667, 1000_F_246467645_D2GIZEil1768tOasIDUKCQvM0yzJ2gG6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think that people wearing hats to keep the sun out of their eyes means that they thought sunlight was bad for them?
Do you think he acquired that look from staring at a screen while playing Fortnite?

>> No.15733077

Something really terrifying is how they are able to convince people something that is objectively disgusting and revolting is actually delicious, being able to do so for over 100 years. Hershey's chocolate has purposefully high amounts of, butyric acid, which is the primary flavor of vomit. The evolutionary point of vomiting for humans is to expel something toxic from the stomach so it doesn't get absorbed. Your genes have been incentivised to make this taste horrible so you immediately spit out any remainder left in your mouth. If there was an objectively revolting flavor it would be this.
The Hershey's company back in the early 1900s started storing their unrefigerated milk for longer to save costs, causing the milk to be spoiled by the time it was used. People eventually got used to the taste of vomit in their chocolate. Later on, they tried to use non-spoiled milk and the consumers refused to buy it. So, they had to artificially increase the concentration of the chemical that gave it a horrible flavor through an extra processing step that breaks down the fats in the butter and milk. Everywhere else they don't increase it because the local people are physically inable to stomach the American version. This complete rewiring of a evolutionary safety net was done on accident.

>> No.15734004

Ah, so it's "old guy looks old because the sun poisoned him"?

>> No.15734008

Probably correlates with oily skin, which causes acne but also protects the skin from getting all dried out.

>> No.15734033

yes living with acne scars for 80 years is awesome

>> No.15734089

They discovered that water is wet. Slower aging skin means the skin is aging slower.

>> No.15734101

they probably look younger because their puberty never actually finished and they still have neotenous features as a result
t. in that boat with acne at 25

>> No.15734161

You are correct. Sunlight gives you wrinkles and makes you look old which is why the atheistic eternal youth shitters hate it. But sunlight is also a powerful disinfectant which clears up skin infections very quickly, and also gives you vitamin D and makes you feel great.

>> No.15734370


What do you think that has poisoned him? Jokes? He smiles a lot? Sleeps prone?

>> No.15734382
File: 230 KB, 1200x1800, kendall jenner bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of straight guy finds females like this attractive?

>> No.15734386

i have been on accutane for a year and my acne still didn't go away

I am now just waiting to die from it

>> No.15734506

Grew up in Hawaii. The sun absolutely destroys your skin.

>> No.15734520

>0 tits
1/10 unironically

>> No.15734572

Meth users maybe.

>> No.15734731

my mom did hospice work and brought me along on a lot of visits as a kid, so i've talked to a shitload of old people.
one thing they fucking always say is "i wish i wore sunscreen more often".

>> No.15734924

Is it just that both are correlated with high amounts of hormones?

>> No.15734985

I guess it's true. Always had acne, 26, and when I shave people think I'm 15.

I do.

>> No.15734992

>Findings In this randomized clinical trial that included 18353 adults aged 50 years or older without depression or clinically relevant depressive symptoms at baseline, vitamin D3 supplementation compared with placebo did not result in statistically significant differences in the incidence and recurrence of depression or clinically relevant depressive symptoms (hazard ratio, 0.97) or for change in mood scores over a 5-year treatment period.

go be a tree elsewhere

>> No.15735096

The man in that picture is 21

>> No.15735110

I have seborrheic dermatitis. I have tried 6 different shampoos and asked different doctors. The only effective treatment I have found to it is staying out in the sun at the beach and swimming in the seawater.

>> No.15735117

classic symptoms of ageing are caused by skin trying out and losing its elasticity. A greasier face takes longer to dry out.
Makes sense

>> No.15735137

tell me what age are you supposed to look like that for real
no irony this time ok?

>> No.15735467

>I do.
I guess you’re not fully developed yet and must still be going through puberty to think that that is an acceptable body for a woman.

>> No.15735494

i feel like this article is basically prob just saying if u have acne u look more like a teenager or some shit. I get the idea but i dont really understand why you'd want that

>> No.15735502

My brain keeps telling me that that body is not suitable to bear children.

>> No.15735542

I've always hated Hershey's chocolate. What an interesting history! I feel justified.

>> No.15735892

Let's see. Did Hitler have acne? See, acne is amazing.

>> No.15735900

Would be hilarious if acne was sexually selected for as a neotenous trait, persistance of ugly ducklingness into adulthood.

>> No.15735945

oily skin -> acne... but when you're older oily skin is younger looking.

>> No.15736540

the oily skin might have a bit more natural spf

>> No.15736661

Fat / oily skin is generally naturally resistant to wrinkles
However not all oily skin develops acne
This study is mixing up stuff

>> No.15736874

It's a bullshit study, because I never had acne and always looked ten to twenty years younger than my chronological age.

>> No.15736877

table salt could help as well

>> No.15736972

It's like a lot of things in life. All in moderation.