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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 92 KB, 800x613, SkinToneRacistMap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15731271 No.15731271 [Reply] [Original]

Why exactly is there such a strong correlation between IQ and skin color? Does UV kill of braincells or something?

>> No.15731275

melanin seems to be involved with immune function, I wonder if it's about partitioning?

>> No.15731282
File: 8 KB, 236x214, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people who discovered and first documented mathematics are low IQ (modern day middle east)
>the people with the least western influence and thus least amount of english speakers have the lowest IQ (africa)
>the countries with the lowest amount of standardized schooling, and the highest amount of people with zero education have the lowest IQ (africa, india, west asia, south america)

some of this is "lol obviously theres an issue with the IQ test itself" and the rest of it is "no fucking shit, theres people who don't even know that getting an education exists"

whens the last time you had a doctor that isn't either a thick accented indian man or a thick accented african man? not saying being a doctor makes you a genius, but are you really going to get through med school and get licensed to practice without having at LEAST a 100IQ?

>> No.15731283

>live in warm climate
>evolve brown skin because sunburns otherwise
>evolve relatively low IQ because survival is easy mode wrt. intelligence

>> No.15731286

The following boards may be more appropriate for individuals with your mental capabilities and behavioral proclivities:
Consider relocation.

>> No.15731287

The fact taht you took such a detour to not really make your argument makes me think youre a low IQ.

>> No.15731289

>first documented mathematics
sorry, didn't mean ALL of mathematics, but algebra, the global earth measurements, and the basics to physics with the study of gravity and momentum

>> No.15731290

>its hot
>big brain = hotter
>have a small cooler brain instead
>skin color is related to environmental hotness

>> No.15731296

>objective truths
>"hey you must be a faggot"

anon, I dont know if you can read, or make assumptions, but the conclusion from what the majority of daily interactions with foreigners has to tell you is one or more of the following
>IQ tests don't work
>only the smart foreigners come to america
>professional fields are achievable even if you're dumb
>the average person in these countries is dumb but the smart people there are as smart as a smart american
>IQ tests are skewed due to lack of english speaking populations in these countries, or lack of proper translations to the native language of the area

which one(s)?

>> No.15731298

>>only the smart foreigners come to america
its called getting a work permit and it requires a degree

>> No.15731306

this only matters if IQ is a robust measure which it isn't

>> No.15731310
File: 79 KB, 731x469, why lie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easily searchable thing
>doesn't search it, just posts what he thinks is true as if its fact

>REQUIRES a degree
no, its one of several possible paths to get a green card, simply the most considered for immigration.

>> No.15731311

coincidentally I was just reading this.

>> No.15731313

>nitpicking even though the nitpick doesnt negate the actual argument


>> No.15731317

by the way, heres the 3rd result on google

>its called getting a work permit and it requires a degree
>a work permit "requires" a degree
>show that, no, it doesnt require a degree
>"stop bullying me you're nitpicking"

>> No.15731320

keep going retard. you are not fooling anyone.

>> No.15731325

with what? if IQ tests are true levels of intelligence, and I'm supposedly a retard, then I'm a 119 IQ retard, according to the WISC IQ test as of the year 2017

make both of the statements true at the same time, I bet your argument will be that 110 to 120 IQ is still retarded in your mind.

>> No.15731336

>hurr durr ancient Mesopotamians are the same as right now
>hurr durr mixinng with Turks and mongols and Arabs and god knows what other conquer Didn’t make any difference
>doctor from an ethnicity proves that they are just as smart
Nope it means that he was cheaper to have here than producing a local doctor and his departure possibly plunged his nation iq level anyway

>> No.15731339

Why is korea so low IQ?

>> No.15731342


>> No.15731368

same iq range as middle east
significantly higher IQ scores
the arabs mixed with the arabs?
>god knows what else
romans/italians, french, greeks, other european ethnicties

you know what they dont have? high english speaking ethnicities, and they do have villaie lanuages with poor translation documentation. think logically, you're on /sci/, or dont, you're on /sci/
>doctor from an ethnicity proves that they are just as smart
its as common to see a doctor who isn't white than it is to see one who is white, with about 55% of doctors, in the usa, being white, and the other 45% being any other race.
heres computer programming
>inb4 medium
it has the stats, deal with it

science as a whole has a significant proportion of workers originating from "low IQ" nations.

In demographic statistical data for the united states census, middle eastern is lumped in with "white", and indian/west/south asian is lumped in together.

>> No.15731385

>rape map
>russia is green
likely story

>> No.15731396

>skin tone map
>china is white
>IQ map
>china has the highest IQ
>rape map
>china has more rape than any other of the blue countries

also surpising they have low homicide rapes with all the sociopaths and everything

>> No.15731398

>homicide rapes

>> No.15731401
File: 77 KB, 249x406, 1692794624249673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is life happening? Or has it occured?

>> No.15731403

>USA worse than India or Saudi Arabia.

Hahahaha. Murica competes with shitskins.

>> No.15731448

Why are you so hung up in English? IQ tests are not English tests. Chinks dab on the entire world in terms of IQ despite not speaking English. Your entire post is just raw copium.

>> No.15731459

>languages in the middle east, india, and africa often do not have much translation documentation, or general documentation at all
>china is a commonly studied language, with dedicated courses to teaching the language, and most IQ tests are translated to chinese
>the most common language for newer models of the IQ test to first be written in is english


>> No.15731462

my tripcode

well, you'll be continuing this argument without me

>> No.15731505

>uhhhh whites only score high because english but actually chinks score highest because there's like, a little support for their language too but English is actually dominant in everything which is why they score highest but actually they don't and mexicans score low because nobody speaks spanish which is not spoken in spain hence them having higher IQ

>> No.15731518

>cannot understand that popular widely spoken languages have well done translations, but obscure village spoken languages dont, or have no translations
you're embarrassing yourself.

>but muh mexicans, they ONLY speak standard mexican spanish in mexico, no other dialects, village languages, creoles, pidgins, or anything else!!
>averages aren't dragged down by lack of education, 100% of the population definitely goes to school!!

do I need to say the word again? I think its implied now.

>> No.15731519


>> No.15731522

They hate you because you're telling the truth.

Also, they will claim that colonialism has no negative effect on economies today and that there's no correlation between prosperity and intelligence.

>> No.15731539

>China has no dialects or villages
>still hung up on language despite the tests being almost entirely made up of non-linguistic puzzles

>> No.15731548

I bet you once the climate gets too warm
The residents get too indolent

T. Arizona
I hate it here.

>> No.15731552

>china, a communist dictatorship, has not electively forced its citizens, including in villages to learn mandarin/simplified chinese

>almost entirely made up of non-linguistic puzzles
I see you took a few online free IQ tests, no, the standardized IQ test taken in real like is not "almost entirely non-linguistic puzzles", that is the visual-spacial and memory portions of the test. theres also a vocabulary, written, spoken, reasoning, and processing portions, not to mention "please find which pieces rotate to create this shape" can be mistranslated or miss words entirely to give a different set of instructions than intended, and how are you supposed to convey that you want them to rotate the shape at all and not find the closest matching shape without a common language?

>> No.15731554

IQ tests don't have language questions on them.

>> No.15731560

Why is /sci/ being overrun by brainless?
If your IQ isn't at least 2 deviations above the mean you don't belong here.

>> No.15731562

The low score is the first sign of their internal mental condition which would beget all education institutions for their kin from their blood.

The progressive liberal is the most ethnocentric. You are comparing them to Europeans instead of rocks.
Europeans on the rocks of Europe made European institutions.
These peoples stagnated. Their stagnant condition is now quantified and mathematically modeled.

>> No.15731563
File: 118 KB, 683x616, rtaImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: I took an online test

>> No.15731566

>say retarded thing
>get called a retard
>no actually my IQ is 120!

>> No.15731576

>retarded thing
>retarded thing in question: heres the 3rd result on google [link], a greencard does not require a degree, its not nitpicking to say such

>argument is about IQ being accurate defining measures of intelligence that cant possibly be wrong
>get called retard
>IQ test implies I am not retarded
>if I am retarded, IQ tests are not accurate measures of IQ
therefore, I mention the results of the IQ test that I was given while in highschool.

please, for a group of claim-to-be intelligent people like /sci/, you sure severly lack in critical thinking.

>> No.15731579

Your IQ is only 119. You don't belong in STEM

>> No.15731593

that's why I draw, sculpt, and write. I'm here to learn to make a book I'm writing more realistic, but so far all I'm seeing is pseuds trapped in their field incapable of seeing anything outside of their own boxes

you're midshits like me, larping as stephen hawkings and einsteins, AND very egotistical about it. I sit here studying culture and languages, knowing fully well that I will die in the exact same spot I'm sitting right now, with not a reward to my name, fully knowing that what I have read may be wrong, and my conclusions may be wrong, but at least I'm not an annoying faggot who's stuck in pregrad thinking he knows more than his medical degree on topics he's never studied, specifically held by hatred of anyone darker than the whitest beaches, instead of their individual actions, all without considering a single factor of their upbringings or surroundings, incapable of understanding for a moment that lack of education, lack of linguistic understanding, and lack of knowledge in concepts they have never encountered may, in fact make him an idiot according to a score on a test made by people who have access to unlimited information at their fingertips.

anyway, I'm researching PNA, a xeno neucleic acid, as a possible genetic storage medium for an alien species for a planet more rich in nitrogen and phosphate than hydrogen in the alien species

>> No.15731609

I'm not an antivaxxer nor a /pol/tard.
I just hate it when people reject IQ testing.

>> No.15731616

heres what I'm rejecting
>IQ can give you a general sense of someones intelligence
>this accuracy falls off harshly when you introduce it to populations who have never encountered concepts that the IQ test tests on, and a first encounter with a concept is not an accurate measure of intelligence in that realm
>this falls off sharply even more as the questions asked dont translate well or aren't translated into a language that the test taker speaks or writes in
>therefore, when testing certain populations, the IQ test means as much as testing them on how well they can guess what you're asking of them and how well they can handle new and unknown, to them, concepts

>> No.15731639

don't think, it's not your strong suit

>> No.15731659

My point is that if you say something so dumb you get called a retard for it, no amount of ''akshually'' is going to rectify that. Not even your (source missing) IQ score.

>> No.15731661

>whens the last time you had a doctor that isn't either a thick accented indian man or a thick accented african man?
This is why doctors are so shit these days. I do my best to live healthy life avoid risky activities that would result in an injury. Indian doctors are absolute garbage, african doctors are even worse.

>> No.15731696

>Not even your (source missing) IQ score.
I would have to contact my high school to send me my IEP (tard class special learning privileges) papers, otherwise I have no proof for now besides "trust me" and "what if you listen to a recording of my momma saying it?"
sat here for the last 30 minutes trying to find a digital copy in one of my older emails and couldn't find it
I've had 2 african doctors in my life, at the time I didn't know africans were simply pissed off by american standards, until I sat and talked with an african caretaker or house sitter (dont know what they're called, they take care of disabled people in their own house for 8 hours)
on the other hand, indian doctors are like a grab bag, one of them goes "you have adhd, heres an antidepressant that makes you feel like jumping off a bridge" and the other goes "that doctors a dumbass, you have amnesic migraines making you act irradically, lets get you in for an MRI, take this lidocaine and report back to me"

>> No.15731698

>pissed off by american standards
I mean they act pissed off compared to the average american

>> No.15731771

Euclid was Greek

>> No.15731783

here >>15731289
euclid is the father of geometry,al-kwarizmi is arabic, Ibn al-Haytham is arabic, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi is arabic, Al-razi is arabic

>> No.15732109

The one I had to take in school did, but there are nonverbal tests for spergs and immigrants. Maybe that was the one you took?

>> No.15732147
File: 1.93 MB, 400x300, 1688611980555336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rape map
>unironically ignoring Europeans Borging the entirety of North and South America native populations

History really is written by the victors.

>> No.15732504

Three of those names were Persian, not Arabic, and Muslim contributions to mathematics are vastly overstated. The word algebra is a misnomer at this point.

>> No.15732515

alright, I got the geographical-linguistic area wrong, they're still middle eastern and pioneers of their fields.

>> No.15732545
File: 143 KB, 718x926, 321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my source? Richard Lynn
Can't believe a supposedly smart board has been using fake data for years now.

>> No.15732551
File: 66 KB, 713x464, 34213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15732555
File: 36 KB, 717x861, 0312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15732559
File: 136 KB, 718x998, 9031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot more where that came from but I suppose most of you get the point. Goodbye.

>> No.15732627

after extensive back and forth in this thread, practically mentioning the same things this study mentions is issues with the IQ map, yeah, this probably wont convince a single one of the people arguing against the point

>> No.15732638

>anti Lynn schizo

>> No.15732653

Lynn is based and objectively correct because he measured low IQs for niggers. End of story. If your "science" says niggers have human-tier IQs, your "science" is clearly wrong and you don't get to jewish-critique anyone.

>> No.15733675

These screenshots are from Wicherts et al. (2010). They used 12 studies covering 7 countries to estimate IQ of Africa. Of these, 4 had sample size in double digits. Lynn had 144 studies for Africa alone btw
If you think Lynn's work is bad it makes no sense to cite Wicherts

>> No.15733678
File: 639 KB, 1446x1273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the low African IQ go replicated by other researchers

>> No.15733680
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>> No.15733689
File: 27 KB, 402x93, Wicherts 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worth noting that Wicherts himself did a lot of questionable shit

>> No.15733693
File: 194 KB, 416x588, Wicherts 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15733699
File: 106 KB, 413x333, Wicherts 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15733703
File: 56 KB, 394x189, Wicherts 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15733732
File: 59 KB, 566x230, Wicherts 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15734286

There is no reason to accept those claims. See the major problems with sampling, test familiarity etc from Wicherts.

>> No.15734293
File: 29 KB, 720x518, charlatanism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lynn and Vanhanen are charlatans. For reasons like the ones posted in this thread - and many more - anyone pushing for IQ based on their research on newer research that's heavily based on the work of Lynn and Vanhanen as well are charlatans as well.

>> No.15734301
File: 40 KB, 523x175, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before calling others charlatans you could familiarize yourself with their work first.
They published four books on national IQ each with more sources than previous one. You are posting screenshot about the very first one from 2002. The newer editions have direct IQ measurements for 161 countries.

>> No.15734307

He only said that Sudanese kids weren't familiar with using pencils during one test. Nothing about sampling

>> No.15734312

Poorer countries lead to malnutrition which leads to a higher prepotency of violent crime. IQ is a consequence of malnutrition and abject poverty , not a consequence of race.

Don't get me wrong , i think niggers are essentially the human Pitbull - but i do not see anything logical in terms of correlation. We have to be far more convincing

>> No.15734315

malnutrition doesn't lower IQ

>> No.15734351

In reference to their work ; it looks like they had a potentially statistically insignificant sample size of 40 , 20 malnourished with 20 control group, children?
As referenced the the following article;

>Our biggest obstacle was maintaining the stability of the sample of 40 children over 20
years. We improved the nutrition of the undernourished group, but were still ofttimes
challenged by their frustrated and angry parents..."

Where as other studies with larger sample size says the opposite result that intellectual disabilities are about 9x more likely for children that are malnourished. Ending with the following discussion " Moderate to severe malnutrition during infancy is associated with a significantly elevated incidence of impaired IQ in adulthood, even when physical growth is completely rehabilitated. " This study has a sample size of 136.


I think is is far logical that during ones womb and childhood development access to nutrition is required for healthy and normal development , im not sure how one can come to the conclusion that it has no effect on adult intellectual ability ?

>> No.15734443

>let me post more shit that was debunked
Yeah, between that and claiming malnutrition doesn't lower IQ, what' the point. Keep lying I guess.


>> No.15734528

What exactly do you think was debunked?

>> No.15734557 [DELETED] 

>it looks like they had a potentially statistically insignificant sample size of 40 , 20 malnourished with 20 control group, children?
No, sample size seems to be 20K plus another 105K control group

The study population comprises 125,-
000 males born in the selected famine
and control cities in the 3-year pe-
riod 1 January 1944 to 31 December
1946, who were inducted by the mili-
tary at about 19 years of age. Twenty
thousand of these, we inferred from
their date of birth and place of birth,
were exposed to the famine through
maternal starvation.

>> No.15734559

>it looks like they had a potentially statistically insignificant sample size of 40 , 20 malnourished with 20 control group, children?
No, sample size seems to be 20K plus another 105K control group

The study population comprises 125,-
000 males born in the selected famine
and control cities in the 3-year pe-
riod 1 January 1944 to 31 December
1946, who were inducted by the mili-
tary at about 19 years of age. Twenty
thousand of these, we inferred from
their date of birth and place of birth,
were exposed to the famine through
maternal starvation.

>> No.15734598
File: 454 KB, 1171x1347, monkey knife gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always figured it was an environmental thing with female sexual selection.
Areas with less resources will have people that keep afloat, hoard resources, and plan ahead (higher IQ games) hoard more female sexual favor out of sheer survival instinct.
Areas with more local natural resources keep lower IQ folk more sated and less likely to play these hoarding games while mating with women in a natural sexual environment.

That's why the Japanese are tiny feminine people with higher IQ's than their genetic associates, native Hawaiians and north native Mexicans (Neo Hawaiian), both being larger and more athletic, one group (Tarahumara) being noticed for being one of the most durable marathon running people.

As for skin color, it's obviously vitamin D related. Darker skin means more UV rays needed to produce the same vitamin D quantity.
Essentially, going somewhere with difficult resource management raises your IQ, these areas tend towards having less UV rays (think colder areas with less resources), and that leads to lighter skin.

The exception are the inuit, except they get their vitamin D from fish, wish isn't that hard to get up north.
Vitamin D, btw, has a correlation with IQ in prenatal formation of African Americans. Meaning, their IQ goes up by 10 ish, if their mother took supplements during pregnancy. So, take that how you will.

>> No.15734765
File: 27 KB, 605x286, implications.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't check the link teehee low how quirky I am
Epic. It's fine. You can keep on pretending. The link is there and anyone can check it. People who want to know will know, people who have an agenda and don't care about the truth will just ignore. As always.

>> No.15734781
File: 145 KB, 1200x776, Global_Distribution_of_Soil_Moisture_Regimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem with your retarded theory is that the areas with scarce resources were actually in Africa, not in Europe. Europe had a tremendous advantage, it always had the best soil quality in the world.

This thread has been nothing but garbage, if some brainlet like me can easily put you in your place imagine what a legitimate biologist could do. This is why nobody takes you seriously, it's not being of muh jews or whatever, it's because you're all retarded.

>> No.15734797

Shut the fuck up you neo-midwit. You stated, contradicted, and somehow rejected your own argument by appealing to racial superiority, in just a single run on sentence. I don't get why it is so hard for you retarded leftists to simply go one day without proclaiming black people to be mindless forces of nature, incapable of self-reflection, forethought, or trivial reasoning.
Literally just state the kids were malnourished or some shit, that is all you have to do to refute it lmao. Don't throw a tantrum and then try and morally grandstand about how, even though you are a retard, at least you care about far more retarded black people. How they need your protection from evil people like us, since they are traumatized and too frail to stand up for themselves, due to bad events in their childhood. You remove their personal responsibility and treat them as if they are nothing more than dumb wild animals. Wandering through their lives aimlessly, like a piece of trash in the wind.
A boomer neocon would at worst call them a slur and tell them to pick themselves up by their bootstraps, maybe get a fucking job/education. You on the other hand will respond for the black person, explaining to the neocon how they fundamentally are incapable of self improvement and lack the upbringing necessary to get a job.

>> No.15734870

You still have to grow the food, dipshit, that's where the agricultural advancement comes from, stop rambling about da Jews and come up with something better.

>> No.15734962

I read the Rebecca Sear paper months ago that's why I asked how that debunks my claim that the more recent books had IQ data for far more nations.
Or are you just posting random anti-Lynn hitpieces that you think of without even considering what this discussion is about?

>> No.15734973

its actually hilarious to see this theory still being kept alive although in a different form as Medieval Muslims believed that olive skin is perfect as coldness (white skin) numbs the brain and heat (black skin) melts the brain

>> No.15735014
File: 192 KB, 850x659, Soil-types-globally-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded redditor uses a retard reddit simplified map
>assume that green means good, yellow means less good, and red means bad
Yes, I also remember how throughout the last 2 thousands years, the agriculturally rich areas of Western and Northern Europe had minimal problems with food security. With especially the Germanic and Nordic countries being notable for their rich soils caused by the massive meandering mountain chains carving up half the country. Along with their often thick black/boreal forests blanketing the entire country side. Both of which have always been conducive to only the most fertile land in the world, land like the great PLAINS in North America and the Ukrainian STEPPE.
Surely food scarcity played an almost non-existent role in European politics, especially over the last 100 years. Infact, I'd say that it definitely didn't have an outstanding influence on Germany's participation in the first or second world wars. There definitely wasn't multiple famines/food crisis in post war Germany, and they definitely didn't directly help Hitler rise to power. Hitler also didn't have securing food as one of his primary motivations for going to war, why would he? I, and most Americans aren't directly descended, on both lineages, from European famine refugees, no sir.
Ok no more, annoying sarcasm. Do you genuinely just not know any European history/geography? It's alright if you don't, but be honest, most people can't even point it out on a map. If you try to lie and say yes, then I am sorry, but you have terminal retardation. Most of Europe has depleted soil from the last ice age glacial recession, with it being so bad for the nordics that they need to put lime into the soil for anything to grow, due to its natural acidity.

>> No.15735104
File: 196 KB, 850x602, Reference-Soil-Groups-in-the-European-Soil-Map-Source-European-Soil-Database-v20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In February 1939, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler told a group of Wehrmacht officers that food was the most important problem facing Germany.[9] The solution proposed to alleviate Germany's dependence on food imports was to create more Lebensraum (living space) for the German people by conquest and colonization." Europe was likely the least productive place for food in the old world, relative to population. The northern soil is unusable, with the English soil being naturally depleted and water logged. The French are some what well off, but it is spread out in tiny patches across the country. With Mediterranean soil being not very useful in northern climates. Italy is also somewhat self-sufficient when it comes to food, but the soil isn't made for high output grains and oats. Every large river is notorious for large seasonal flooding, which turned its otherwise rich river banks and deltas into useless sludge. Russia is a barren waste land with only small pockets available for agriculture, interspersed between regions that turn into multi meter deep mud holes for months every spring. The only area with high quality soil is Ukraine, but check the famine list and see how that turned out for them.
Almost every war fought in mainland Europe had some element involving food. Leading to all modern borders being in someway determined by food. This, and the fact Europe is scarce in almost every other resource, leads to an extremely hostile environment where genetics are favored that prioritize problem solving, long term planning, and memory.
Not only is the soil horrible, you are far enough north were you have to spend months preparing for winter, or you die. You now have to produce twice the amount of food given half the amount of time, with soil, that is more often then not worthless.

>> No.15735128

It does not seem to be primarily based on skin color. An average IQ of 85+ in an underdeveloped country can reasonably be assumed as heading towards 95+ because of the Flynn effect. For example, Sri Lanka is dark brown, yet has an average IQ of 88 according to Lynn. However, you assume that in nature, the average IQ is comparable to the standard British mean, which does not seem to be true and was likely not true in Britain, either, until a recent moment in broader history. IQ likely fluctuates. Today, the average IQ of countries which independently invented agriculture is ~83. It's likely that the Sahel and Ethiopia were among them. However, according to Lynn's studies, these places all have an average IQ <75. That's quite the difference.
The problem is that it's hard to determine the objective factors to help us closely approximate it for a period long past. Preference towards r-selection and earlier sexual maturation seems to be correlated with intelligence among animal species, and sub-Saharan Africans somewhat follow this trend. However, this is not enough to explain the vast discrepancy. Intelligence is a very expensive trait, so a species is as unintelligent as it can be. The critical question is why the entire species does not have an average IQ of ~70 (why it came to be, that is). A commonly given explanation in these circles is a cold climate, but polar aborigines are not the smartest humans on Earth. The temperate climate zones have the highest mean average IQ, but the median is not much better- South African, Argentinian, American, and some Central Asian aborigines all have average IQs <85.

Low IQ groups have historically notable individuals, because IQ is a normal distribution- it's about the total sum. The ancient Middle East was crucial, but it stagnated. The only civilisation in history that has never stagnated is the West- not at its peak anymore, but technological progress has been constant for around 800 years.

>> No.15735246
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Sub-Saharan Africa is dominated by an extremely dense and bountiful rainforest stretching almost 5000 miles form Gambia to Ethiopia, all they way down to Angola, Zambia and Tanzania. Rainforests are the easiest biomes to subsist in, with little need for group interaction beyond immediate family. Are you hungry? You go walk 10 feet into the forest and grab whatever nutritious fruit/animal you can find. Agriculture and husbandry is never needed. We know a system similar to this occurred for most of Africa's history, with only a handful of civilizations forming, all for short periods of time.
South of this great rainforest is primarily steppes which are decent for farming, and especially good for livestock grazing. To the south east you have fertile land dominated by cambisols and luvisols soil. And to the north of this you have what most people think of when they imagine Africa, the Serengeti. Which is easily the most animal nutrient rich area on the planet. With the remaining Sub-Saharan land being more rain-forest, savannas, or small patches of desert. It is debatable whether Africia is the the most fertile continent.
Africa is the most naturally interconnected continent. It contains multiple extremely long rivers that are continuously navigable for hundreds to thousands of miles. It also has hundreds of smaller rivers and tributaries that effectively make the the inner Sub-Sahara as navigable by water as the United States (the most connected). There is only one catch to this, the entire continent below the Sahara is effectively blocked off from navigation between it's rivers and Oceans, with most river mouths ending in massive waterfalls or intense rapids. This acts mainly as a geographic defense against outsiders.
The African continent is, and has for centuries, been considered the most resource abundant area in the world. It contains an estimated 30% of the world's remaining minerals. Africa is by far the easiest land to naturally survive in.

>> No.15735414

>The critical question is why the entire species does not have an average IQ of ~70 (why it came to be, that is)
I suspect the thousands of years of relatively contained local European warfare, ensuring no dominant hegemony on the continent, until the Romans, is the intelligence crucible responsible. Hegemony always leads to cultural, genetic, and economic stagnation with an inevitable millennium lasting collapse. This also correlates with the weakness of the Chinese relative to the Japanese, come around the 1900s.
Genuine tribe/clan/nation sized conflicts, selects for whole group increases in intelligence. You can't just have your commanders have higher IQ, as IQ increases combat effectiveness down to the grunt. The US military ran a number of tests measuring effects of IQ in deployed soldiers during Vietnam. They found that anyone with an IQ lower than 80 was not capable of completing mundane day to day operations, and had causality rates several times higher than people closer to the mean. To this day they refuse to allow anyone with an IQ below 80 and have tailored their enlisted entrance exam to correlate higher with IQ than any other test that isn't itself an IQ test (with it being used as a standard for conversion). They do this so they can refuse entry for anyone in the bottom 20% of the population, without running into the legal troubles associated with using IQ tests for selection.
If you think about it, their findings on low IQ enlistees implies that a traditional opposing force with an average at least a standard deviation lower then yours, will be decimated. While one with a standard deviation higher than yours, being nearly impossible to beat, at least in a standard fight. One could use this to explain the insanely disproportionate effectiveness of various forces throughout history. I think the best example of this would be the gulf war and most of Israel's week long wars with several middle east countries.

>> No.15735451

Congrats on the 20KT mini nuke anon

>> No.15735469

I agree, and more broadly, complex social systems create positive selection pressure for intelligence. It becomes self-reinforcing. However, this still leaves open the question of their initial emergence and the difference in their effects. In western Africa/the Sahel, there were large-scale conflicts and imperialistic expansion, and no hegemony that united the entire region. Yet, according to Lynn's studies, this region is not noticeably more intelligent than its neighbors.

>> No.15736130

Your brown arent you?

>> No.15736140
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East asian countries in general have higher soil quality. You're reasoning falls apart when u consider that harsher environments encourage more hunter-gatherer lifestyles which favour brawn over brain, combined with the hotter climates and brain development and evolution are severely stunted. Asians are just the natural result of abundant resources and good climate.